288 research outputs found

    Organisering av politiets innsatspersonell i det nye totalforsvaret. Hvordan møte hybride hendelser.

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    Denne oppgaven tar for seg organiseringen av politiets innsatspersonell, slik at politietmed sine ressurser og i rammen av totalforsvaret kan møte hybride trusler. Oppgaven begrenses til å belyse samhandlingen med Forsvaret og bilateralt med Sverige. Hovedfokuset i oppgaven er organiseringen av politiets innsatspersonell. For å vurdere organiseringen er det nødvendig å vite hvilke bistandsmuligheter politiet har, både internt i politiet og eksternt med samvirkeaktører når hybride hendelser oppstår. Dette er en erfaringsbasert masteroppgave. Den er gjennomført som en kvalitativ undersøkelse, basert på dokumentanalyser og intervjuer med sentrale aktører innenfor beredskap og krisehåndtering i Norge og Sverige. Alle informantene er sentrale ledere på taktisk eller operasjonelt nivå. Målet med oppgaven har vært å belyse politiets rolle i totalforsvaret og hvordan organiseringen av politiets innsatspersonell kan møte fremtidige trusler. Ved hybride trusler vil grensen mellom samfunn-og statssikkerhet være mer uklar. Dagens organisering av politiets innsatspersonell tar utgangspunkt i en desentralisert modell hvor alt innsatspersonell er allokert i politidistriktene. Politimesterne har ansvar for å løse alle oppdrag innenfor sitt distrikt. Et av målene med nærpolitireformen var at politidistriktene skulle kunne håndtere større og mer komplekse hendelser på egen hånd. Når hendelsen blir av en viss størrelse vil politidistriktene ha behov for bistand. Denne oppgaven indikerer at når hendelsene blir mer alvorlige, blir muligheten for bistand fra Forsvaret og Sverige mindre. Dette kan betegnes som et beredskapsmessig paradoks. Politiet må være forberedt på å utnytte sine egne ressurser for å håndtere hybride hendelser, men oppgaven viser at politiet har svakt utviklede konsepter for å utnytte samtrent innsatspersonell over distriktsgrensene. I denne sammenheng er det gjort en sammenlikning av organiseringen av svensk innsatspersonell hvor sentraliserte og desentraliserte løsninger er kombinert. Dette gir muligheter for mer helhetlig utnyttelse av innsatspersonellet ved større hendelser. This thesis discusses the structuring of the police’s response personnel, to enable the police, with its resources and in the frame of totaldefence, to meet future hybrid threats. The thesis is narrowed to highlight the cooperation with the Norwegian Armed Forces and bilaterally with Sweden. The main focus of the thesis is the structuring of the police’s response personnel. In order to assess the structuring, it is necessary to know of the current aid opportunities the police has, both internally in the police and externally with key collaborators, when hybrid incidents occur. This is an experience-based master thesis. It is conducted as a qualitative study, based on an analysis of documents and interviews with key players within emergency preparedness and crisis management in Norway and Sweden. All informants are central leaders at either the tactical or operational level. The aim of this thesis is to shed light on the police’s role in totaldefenceand how the current structuring of the police’s response personnel can meet future threats. The boundary between society-and state-security becomes more unclear with hybrid threats. Today's structuring of the police’s response personnel is based on a decentralizedmodel where all response personnel are allocated in the police districts. The police chiefs are responsible for solving all assignments within their districts. One of the goals of “Nærpolitireformen”was to enable the police districts to handle larger and more complex incidents on their own. When an incident becomes of a certain magnitude, the police districts will be in need of assistance. This thesis indicates that as incidents become more severe, the possibility of assistance from the Norwegian Armed Forces and Sweden lessens. This can be described as an emergency preparedness paradox. The police must be prepared to use their own resources to deal with hybrid incidents, but this thesis shows that the police have poorly developed concepts for utilising jointly trained response personnel across district borders. In this context, a comparison has been made to the structuring of the Swedish response personnel where centralized and decentralized solutionsare combined. This provides opportunities for a more comprehensive utilisation of response personnel formore severe incidents

    Predicting NOx emissions from wood stoves using detailed chemistry and computational fluid dynamics

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    -The present paper addresses NOx emissions from wood stoves through a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling approach. The most significant route for NOx formation in traditional biomass combustion applications is the fuel NOx mechanism. The formation of fuel NOx is very complex and sensitive to fuel composition and combustion conditions. Thus, accurate predictions of fuel NOx formation in wood stoves, which constitute a wide range of compositions and states, rely heavily on the use of chemical kinetics with sufficient level of details. In the present work we use CFD together with three gas phase reaction mechanisms; one detailed mechanism consisting of 81 species and 1401 reactions, and two skeletal mechanisms with 49 and 36 species respectively to predict NOx emissions from wood stoves. The results show that; using the detailed mechanism as reference the 49-specie reaction mechanism predict similar results whilst the 36-specie mechanism overpredicts the total amount of fixed nitrogen emissions (NO, NO2, N2O, HCN, NH3) whilst underpredicting NOx emissions. Furthermore, the results indicate that even in these small-scale applications, air staging can be used to reduce the NOx emissions

    Maternal cell phone use in early pregnancy and child's language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years: the Norwegian mother and child cohort study (MoBa)

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    BACKGROUND: Cell phone use during pregnancy is a public health concern. We investigated the association between maternal cell phone use in pregnancy and child's language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years. METHODS: This prospective study includes 45,389 mother-child pairs, participants of the MoBa, recruited at mid-pregnancy from 1999 to 2008. Maternal frequency of cell phone use in early pregnancy and child language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years, were assessed by questionnaires. Logistic regression was used to estimate the associations. RESULTS: No cell phone use in early pregnancy was reported by 9.8% of women, while 39%, 46.9% and 4.3% of the women were categorized as low, medium and high cell phone users. Children of cell phone user mothers had 17% (OR = 0.83, 95% CI: 0.77, 0.89) lower adjusted risk of having low sentence complexity at 3 years, compared to children of non-users. The risk was 13%, 22% and 29% lower by low, medium and high maternal cell phone use. Additionally, children of cell phone users had lower risk of low motor skills score at 3 years, compared to children of non-users, but this association was not found at 5 years. We found no association between maternal cell phone use and low communication skills. CONCLUSIONS: We reported a decreased risk of low language and motor skills at three years in relation to prenatal cell phone use, which might be explained by enhanced maternal-child interaction among cell phone users. No evidence of adverse neurodevelopmental effects of prenatal cell phone use was reported

    Vegetasjon og beite i Akka-Målsnes beiteområde. Rapport fra vegetasjonskartlegging

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    I Akka - Målsnes beiteområde er det vegetasjonskartlagt et areal på 66 km². Kartlegginga er utført etter NIJOS sitt system for vegetasjonskartlegging i M 1:20 000 - 50 000. Det er framstilt vegetasjonskart og et avleda temakart omkring beiteforhold for sau. Rapporten beskriver metode for arbeidet og gir en nærmere omtale av registrerte vegetasjonstyper og hvordan disse fordeler seg i området. Det er gitt spesiell omtale av beiteforhold for sau, med vurdering av beitekvalitet og beitekapasitet for området.publishedVersio

    The "zeroth law" of turbulence: Isotropic turbulence simulations revisited

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    The dimensionless kinetic energy dissipation rate C_epsilon is estimated from numerical simulations of statistically stationary isotropic box turbulence that is slightly compressible. The Taylor microscale Reynolds number Re_lambda range is 20 < Re_lambda < 220 and the statistical stationarity is achieved with a random phase forcing method. The strong Re_lambda dependence of C_epsilon abates when Re_lambda approx. 100 after which C_epsilon slowly approaches approx 0.5 a value slightly different to previously reported simulations but in good agreement with experimental results. If C_epsilon is estimated at a specific time step from the time series of the quantities involved it is necessary to account for the time lag between energy injection and energy dissipation. Also, the resulting value can differ from the ensemble averaged value by up to +-30%. This may explain the spread in results from previously published estimates of C_epsilon.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Associations of pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain with pregnancy outcome and postpartum weight retention: a prospective observational cohort study

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    BACKGROUND: Excessive gestational weight gain (GWG) is associated with pregnancy complications, and Norwegian Health Authorities have adopted the GWG recommendations of the US Institute of Medicine and National Research Council (IOM). The aim of this study was to evaluate if a GWG outside the IOM recommendation in a Norwegian population is associated with increased risk of pregnancy complications like hypertension, low and high birth weight, preeclampsia, emergency caesarean delivery, and maternal post-partum weight retention (PPWR) at 6 and 18 months. METHODS: This study was performed in 56 101 pregnant women included in the prospective national Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa) in the years 1999 to 2008. Women who delivered a singleton live born child during gestational week 37 to 42 were included. Maternal prepregnant and postpartum weight was collected from questionnaires at 17(th) week of gestation and 6 and 18 months postpartum. RESULTS: A weight gain less than the IOM recommendations (GWG < IOM rec.) increased the risk for giving birth to a low weight baby among normal weight nulliparous women. A weight gain higher than the IOM recommendations (GWG > IOM rec.) significantly increased the risk of pregnancy hypertension, a high birth weight baby, preeclampsia and emergency cesarean delivery in both nulliparous and parous normal weight women. Similar results were found for overweight women except for no increased risk for gestational hypertension in parous women with GWG > IOM rec. Seventy-four percent of the overweight nulliparous women and 66% of the obese women had a GWG > IOM rec. A GWG > IOM rec. resulted in increased risk of PPWR > 2 kg in all weight classes, but most women attained their prepregnant weight class by 18 months post-partum. CONCLUSIONS: For prepregnant normal weight and overweight women a GWG > IOM rec. increased the risk for unfavorable birth outcomes in both nulliparous and parous women. A GWG > IOM rec. increased the risk of a PPWR > 2 kg at 18 months in all weight classes. This large study supports the Norwegian Health authorities’ recommendations for normal weight and overweight women to comply with the IOM rec