7 research outputs found

    Designs for Teaching and Learning in Technology-Rich Learning Environments

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    In this paper we argue that the notion of design is conducive to analyzing and developing learning and teaching in technology rich environments. Our argument is inspired by Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). From a CHAT perspective we briefly discuss the term design, especially in connection with the advent of digital networks, increased complexity of learning environments, and Web 2.0 applications. We also draw on the German/Nordic concept of didactics as well as the Russian/Vygotskyan concept of obuchenie, often understood to possess the dialectical relationship between learning and teaching, in order to refine our notion of design. Finally, we discuss two empirical cases from our design perspective

    Technology in Use – Some Lessons About Change in Schools and Teacher Professional Development

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    Pre-service teachers’ experiences with a digital examination design: The inter-relation between continuity and change in an institutional context

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    AbstractThis article reports a study of a full-scale digital examination in a five-year master program of teacher education in Norway. The innovative design involves observing a video case based on an authentic classroom situation and analysing the case in light of educational theory and subject content knowledge. All parts of this format are to be solved on a computer with Internet access. The study is centred on the pre-service teachers’ experiences of this open-ended and unfamiliar testing format. More specifically, the intention has been to analyse (a) what kinds of preparations they engaged in; (b) how they solved tasks during the examination; (c) their reflections on this mode of examination. Interviews with 11 informants have been conducted, and the content is summarized in three selected cases, and finally across the interview sample. The results indicate that innovations like this are interpreted and approached against the background of pre-service teachers’ expectations, and the open format engaged the pre-service teachers to draw upon a wide range of resources both when preparing and solving the tasks. It is, however, timely to question whether the introduction of the examination format, based on faculty interest and intentions, will have the intended impact on evaluation procedures in an established learning culture. Keywords: digital examinations, Higher education, teacher education, video, Lærerstudenters erfaringer med et digitalisert eksaminasjons-design: Den gjensidige relasjonen mellom kontinuitet og forandring i en institusjonell kontekst SammendragI denne artikkelen rapporteres en studie av en fullskala digital eksamen som har blitt benyttet i et femårig masterprogram i norsk lærerutdanning. Det innovative designet er en firetimers nettbasert og digital eksamen basert på observasjon av en video case fra en autentisk klasseromssituasjon, og en analyse på bakgrunn av pedagogisk og fagdidaktisk teori. Hele eksamenen besvares via en datamaskin med nettilgang. Studien er rettet mot studentenes erfaringer med denne åpne og ukjente eksamensformen. Mer spesifikt er intensjonen å analysere a) hva slags forberedelser de gjorde, b) hvordan de løste eksamensoppgavene under selve eksamen, og c) refleksjonene de hadde etter en slik eksamensform. Intervjuer med elleve informanter ble gjennomført, og innholdet oppsummert i tre case-studier samt en tematisk studie på tvers av utvalget. Resultatene tyder på at slike innovasjoner blir tolket og bearbeidet på bakgrunn av studentenes forventninger, og at de benyttet en rekke ulike ressurser for forberedelsene til og gjennomføringen av eksamen. Det er imidlertid betimelig å stille spørsmål om innføringen av et slikt eksamensformat, basert på fakultetets interesser og intensjoner, vil ha den ønskede påvirkningen på vurderingsprosedyrer i en etablert læringskultur Nøkkelord: eksamen, høyere utdanning, lærerutdanning, video, digital eksame

    Uptake and use of digital technologies in primary and secondary schools : a thematic review of research

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    This article is a review of international research on the uptake and use of digital technologies in primary and secondary schools. The aim was to provide a credible and clear picture of current research, together with some wellinformed suggestions as to how future research could develop. Two strategies were used: (1) identify themes within current research that indicate important lessons to be learned in relation to the uptake and use of digital technologies in primary and secondary schools, and (2) based on these lessons, identify which knowledge-gaps need to be closed and in the light of this suggest directions for further research. It is concluded that a rather complex and fragmented picture of the uptake and use of digital technologies emerges from the literature review. Three specific suggestions for research on the uptake and use of digital technologies in primary and secondary school are provided: (1) the outcomes of technology use in relation to different levels in the educational system, e.g. arenas of implementation and realization, (2) digital practices that are longitudinal and information-rich and that go beyond existing knowledge, and (3) initiatives for a renewal of theoretical and mmethodological approaches when designing and analyzing studies within the field.Special Issue 2006–2016lic