96 research outputs found

    TÜtungsdelikte an 6- bis 13-jährigen Kindern in Deutschland. Eine kriminologische Untersuchung anhand von Strafverfahrensakten (1997 bis 2012)

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    Overestimation of Drinking Norms and its Association with Alcohol Consumption in Apprentices

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    Aims: To investigate associations of normative misperceptions and drinking behaviors in apprentices, complementing the previous literature on university students. Methods: A survey in a defined region of northern Germany was carried out among 1124 apprentices attending vocational schools. Using items from the short form of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C), drinking behaviors and normative perceptions of drinking in the reference group of same-gender apprentices were assessed. Demographic, smoking- and drinking-related predictors for normative misperceptions were explored. Results: Personal drinking behavior was positively correlated with perceived norms, both for drinking frequency (males: Kendall's τ=0.33, P<0.01; females: τ=0.22, P<0.01) and drinking quantity (males: Kendall's τ=0.39, P<0.01; females: τ=0.25, P<0.01). Alcohol use disorders according to AUDIT-C cut-offs were more prevalent in subjects who overestimated drinking quantity in their reference group than in those who correctly estimated or underestimated drinking quantity (male: P<0.01; relative risk (RR) 1.78; female: P<0.01; RR 1.65). Concerning drinking frequency, this difference was only found in males (P<0.01; RR 1.49). Male gender and higher alcohol use were positively associated with normative misperceptions of both drinking quantity and frequency. Conclusion: Interventions correcting alcohol use misperceptions might be effective in reducing problem drinking in adolescents with heterogeneous educational level

    Fangschreckenkrebse – Superlative in der Tierwelt: Präparation eines Gliederfüßers zur Erarbeitung von Struktur-Funktionszusammenhängen

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    Superlative begeistern Kinder und Jugendliche. Fangschreckenkrebse (Stomatopoden) zeigen einige Merkmale, die man als „Superlative“ bezeichnen könnte. Zunächst fallen dabei die Fangmechanismen der Stomatopoden auf. Man unterscheidet gemein gebräuchlich sogenannte “Speerer” und “Boxer”. Die “Speerer” erreichen mit ihrem großen Raubbein eine Geschwindigkeit von über 100 km/h beim Beutefang, eine der schnellsten muskelvermittelten Bewegungen in der Tierwelt. Die “Boxer“ erzeugen eine Krafteinwirkung ähnlich einem Wolfsbiss oder einer Kleinkaliberkugel mit darauffolgender Druckwelle zum Zertrümmern der Schalen von Beutetieren. Außerdem ist der Besitz eines der besonderen optischen Apparate mit den meisten Fotorezeptortypen im gesamten Tierreich beeindruckend (Cronin et al. 2017).&nbsp; Doch nicht nur diese Superlative machen die Fangschreckenkrebse für den Unterricht interessant. Fangschreckenkrebse sind leicht und kostengünstig zu besorgen und&nbsp; mit einer Verkaufsgröße von bis zu ca. 25 cm sind die Extremitäten gut und anschaulich zu präparieren.&nbsp; Die Extremitäten weisen eine morphologische Vielfalt auf, die als Angepasstheiten an die unterschiedlichen Funktionen zu verstehen sind.&nbsp;&nbsp; So lassen sich die vielfältigen Variationen einer grundlegenden Körperorganisation am Original zeigen

    Development of genetic models to breed for mixed cropping systems

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    Introduction Mixed cropping, i.e. mixing different crops in the same field, provides agronomic advantages as increased productivity under low inputs conditions (e.g. for organic farming: Bedoussac et al. 2015) and higher yield stability (Raseduzzaman and Jensen 2017). In mixed cropping, choosing the right cultivars is critical for the performance of the mixture, as shown for pea-barley mixtures (Hauggaard-Nielsen and Jensen 2001) and maize-bean mixtures (Hoppe 2016). As performance in pure stand can strongly diverge from performance in mixture, estimating the ability of a cultivar to be mixed with another crop is therefore of utmost importance. For this purpose, concepts of General and Specific Combining Ability in hybrid breeding (Griffing 1956) have been adapted to cultivar and crop mixtures. Thus, these effects are called General Mixing Ability (GMA) and Specific Mixing Ability (SMA) (Federer 1993). In contrast to intraspecific mixtures, interspecific mixed cropping experiments often provide additional information, since harvested lots can be separated into their different grain fractions. Until now, statistical developments mobilizing the additional information provided by separated harvest lots to estimate mixing abilities in intercropping experiments have been neglected. The concept of Producer- and Associate-effects (abbreviated Pr and As, respectively) describes interactions between varieties sown in alternate row trials (Forst 2018). The producer effect Pr is the average performance of a cultivar grown in mixture with other crop-species, whereas the associate effect As is the average effect of a cultivar on the performance of the mixing partner. We used the fraction yields of a spring-pea (Pisum sativum L.) and spring-barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mixed cropping experiment to determine Pr and As effects of different pea genotypes. The additional information provided by this approach is biologically more informative than GMA/SMA estimates, since it better reflects competition and facilitation occurring between different cultivars of the two crop-species

    New breeding strategies for mixed cropping in a barley (H. vulgare L.) pea (P. sativum L.) model system

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    Crop mixtures consisting of cereals and legumes have proven as a well-adapted arrangement due to their complementarity towards important resources, especially nitrogen. Crop mixtures combine high yield performance and yield stability. They can contribute to a diversified cropping landscape and adaptation to climate change. The search for alternatives to protein imports from overseas and investments in post-harvest separation technologies are currently fostering their adoption by farmers in Western-Europe, especially under organic and lowinput farming conditions. However, screening and breeding for mixed cropping has hardly been explored for arable crops. Thus, the objective was to develop novel breeding strategies and tools specifically for mixed cropping systems. We tested mixtures and pure stands of a morphologically diverse panel of 32 spring pea (Pisum sativum L.) and eight spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cultivars in replicated field trials at two locations in Switzerland over two years with pea as the focal species. In an incomplete factorial design (Fig. 1) we determined general and specific mixing ability (GMA and SMA, respectively) of pea and barley in analogy to GCA and SCA (general and specific combining ability) in hybrid breeding. Key traits, such as early vigour, canopy height and leaf morphology parameters were measured, due to their potential use as covariates or indirect selection criteria for mixing ability. Our results show that total yield of mixtures can only partly be explained by pea pure stand yields (R² = 0.35), making the latter a weak predictor for mixture yield. Pea GMA variance was predominant over SMA variance which underlines the potential for breeding for mixing ability using a tester. Key traits, such as pea stipule area were correlated (R² = 0.56) with total mixture yield and merit further investigation as indirect selection criteria. The separated yield fractions of pea and barley in mixtures allow to decompose GMA of pea into the producer effect of pea cultivar on pea fraction yield and the associate effect of pea on barley fraction yield. This novel concept allows to elucidate key trait effects on fraction yields of pea and barley which might otherwise be masked when solely using a GMA approach

    Die Erbsensorte entscheidet Ăźber den Erfolg der Mischung

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    Sommer-Eiweisserbsen und zweizeilige Gerste sind gute Mischungspartner. Doch gewisse Sortenkombinationen sind besser als andere. Das hat das FiBL in einem zweijährigen Versuch gezeigt

    Kinder in den ersten drei Lebensjahren in altersgemischten Gruppen. Anforderungen an frßhpädagogische Fachkräfte. Eine Expertise der Weiterbildungsinitiative Frßhpädagogische Fachkräfte (WiFF)

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    Worauf mßssen sich frßhpädagogische Fachkräfte vorbereiten, wenn sie ein- und zweijährige Kinder in altersgemischte Gruppen aufnehmen? In dieser [...] Expertise wird dieser Frage ausfßhrlich nachgegangen. Neben Hinweisen auf das entwicklungspsychologische Grundlagenwissen, werden die unterschiedlichen Modelle der Altersmischung beschrieben und ihre Konsequenzen fßr die Praxis diskutiert. Mit Empfehlungen fßr die Gestaltung eines altersgemischten Alltags in der Kindertageseinrichtung und mit einer Checkliste fßr eine pädagogisch fundierte Altersmischung trägt diese Expertise zur Orientierung von Weiterbildnerinnen und Weiterbildnern, Fachkräften und Trägern bei. (DIPF/Orig.

    PflanzenzĂźchtung fĂźr biologischen Pflanzenschutz von Anfang an

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    • Bedeutung der Pflanzenzüchtung für den Bio-Pflanzenschutz • Innovative Konzepte der Biopflanzenzüchtung • Beispiele: • Samenbürtige Krankheiten: Lupine – Anthraknose • Bodenbürtige Krankheiten: Erbse - Bodenmüdigkeit • Unkraut: Soja - Unkrauttoleranz & Erbse - Mischkultureignun

    New insights towards breeding for mixed cropping of spring pea and barley to increase yield and yield stability

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    Mixed cropping (MC) is a key strategy to harness agriculture for climate-change. Breeding adapted genotypes can unleash the full potential of MC, both in terms of yield potential and yield stability. To achieve this goal, concepts from both breeding and ecology have to be fused in order to develop a suitable methodology for breeding for MC. In order to advance the field of breeding for MC, we evaluated yield and trait data of pure stands (PS) and mixed stands (MS) of pea (P. sativum L.) and barley (H. vulgare L.) as a legume-cereal model system. Twenty-eight pea and seven barley lines, representing European breeding material, were grown in an incomplete factorial design at two organically managed sites across two years. The general mixing ability (GMA) of pea for total mixture yield was predominant as specific mixing ability (SMA) was absent, facilitating future breeding and seed marketing efforts. The most promising pea cultivar ‘Volt’ resulted in an average total mixture yield increase of 11% (+0.43 t/ha) in MC compared to the average, while the cultivar ’Florida’ led to a yield decrease of − 31% (−1.23 t/ha), highlighting the importance of the choice of the genotype in MS. The analysis of separated MS yields allowed to investigate the underlying mechanistic principles in genotypes’ contribution to MS yields and we revealed the major role of producer (Pr) effects in this context. The correlation between Pr effects and GMA revealed that GMA can be maximized by selecting for high Pr effects. Early vigor, onset of flowering, shoot biomass and stipule length were identified as key traits for indirect selection for high GMA in pea accounting for up to 17% of the identified variation in total mixture yield. PS yields were moderately correlated with mixture yields (r = 0.52, P = 0.013) and can serve as an additional selection criterion. Discrepancies between correlations with PS and MS yields can be exploited to identify unique MS traits that confer niche complementarity in MS. By this method we identified stipule size as such a key trait for increasing GMA of pea. Pea genotype mixtures have a stabilizing effect also in MC systems and exhibited considerably less genotype × year and genotype × location interaction than single genotypes. Our findings close existing knowledge gaps towards breeding for MC and pave the way to develop improved genotypes for diversified cropping systems as a strategy for sustainable intensification and climate change adaptation
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