384 research outputs found

    Pharyngeal Lavage Lymphocytosis in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Preliminary Observation

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    Background: Upper airway inflammation has been previously demonstrated in obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). However, investigation has been hampered by the necessity of invasive tissue biopsies. Objective: To evaluate the pharyngeal lavage (PHAL) as a new tool to analyze mucosal inflammation in the pharynx of patients with sleep-related disordered breathing. Patients and Methods: 36 patients with a diagnosis of OSA, 14 patients with heavy snorer syndrome (HS) or body position dependent OSA (bd-OSA), and 14 healthy volunteers underwent PHAL. Inflammatory cell counts were compared. Results: Neutrophils were the predominant cells in PHAL in all groups (94.3%60.7%, 98.5%60.6%, 94.3%60.7%, and 96.2%61.4%). OSA patients had significantly increased numbers of lymphocytes (3.2%60.4%) compared to bd-OSA/HS and controls group (0.5%60.1 % and 0.6%60.2%, respectively; P,0.05). Patients with moderate to severe OSA had significantly higher numbers of lymphocytes compared to patients with mild OSA (P,0.05). Conclusions: Data from this study suggest that PHAL is a feasible tool to investigate upper airway inflammation in OSA. In addition, PHAL demonstrates lymphocytic inflammation of the pharynx in OSA patients. Future studies are warranted to evaluate whether PHAL can be used to monitor disease and whether lymphocytic inflammation is affected by OSA treatment

    The evolution of nest site use and nest architecture in modern birds and their ancestors

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    The evolution of nest site use and nest architecture in the non-avian ancestors of birds remains poorly understood because nest structures do not preserve well as fossils. Nevertheless, the evidence suggests that the earliest dinosaurs probably buried eggs below ground and covered them with soil so that heat from the substrate fuelled embryo development, while some later dinosaurs laid partially exposed clutches where adults incubated them and protected them from predators and parasites. The nests of euornithine birds—the precursors to modern birds—were probably partially open and the neornithine birds—or modern birds—were probably the first to build fully exposed nests. The shift towards smaller, open cup nests has been accompanied by shifts in reproductive traits, with female birds having one functioning ovary in contrast to the two ovaries of crocodilians and many non-avian dinosaurs. The evolutionary trend among extant birds and their ancestors has been toward the evolution of greater cognitive abilities to construct in a wider diversity of sites and providing more care for significantly fewer, increasingly altricial, offspring. The highly derived passerines reflect this pattern with many species building small, architecturally complex nests in open sites and investing significant care into altricial young. This article is part of the theme issue ‘The evolutionary ecology of nests: a cross-taxon approach’

    The cuticle modulates ultraviolet reflectance of avian eggshells

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    ABSTRACT Avian eggshells are variedly coloured, yet only two pigments, biliverdin and protoporphyrin IX, are known to contribute to the dramatic diversity of their colours. By contrast, the contributions of structural or other chemical components of the eggshell are poorly understood. For example, unpigmented eggshells, which appear white to the human eye, vary in their ultraviolet (UV) reflectance, which may be detectable by birds. We investigated the proximate mechanisms for the variation in UV-reflectance of unpigmented bird eggshells using spectrophotometry, electron microscopy, chemical analyses, and experimental manipulations. We specifically tested how UV-reflectance is affected by the eggshell cuticle, the outermost layer of most avian eggshells. The chemical dissolution of the outer eggshell layers, including the cuticle, increased UV-reflectance for only eggshells that contained a cuticle. Our findings demonstrate that the outer eggshell layers, including the cuticle, absorb UV-light, probably because they contain higher levels of organic components and other chemicals, such as calcium phosphates, compared to the predominantly calcite-based eggshell matrix. These data highlight the need to examine factors other than the known pigments in studies of avian eggshell colour

    An Extremely Elongated Cloud over Arsia Mons Volcano on Mars: I. Life Cycle

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    We report a previously unnoticed annually repeating phenomenon consisting of the daily formation of an extremely elongated cloud extending as far as 1800 km westward from Arsia Mons. It takes place in the Solar Longitude (Ls) range of ~220-320, around the Southern solstice. We study this Arsia Mons Elongated Cloud (AMEC) using images from different orbiters, including ESA Mars Express, NASA MAVEN, Viking 2, MRO, and ISRO Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM). We study the AMEC in detail in Martian Year (MY) 34 in terms of Local Time and Ls and find that it exhibits a very rapid daily cycle: the cloud growth starts before sunrise on the western slope of the volcano, followed by a westward expansion that lasts 2.5 hours with a velocity of around 170 m/s in the mesosphere (~45 km over the areoid). The cloud formation then ceases, it detaches from its formation point, and continues moving westward until it evaporates before the afternoon, when most sun-synchronous orbiters observe. Moreover we comparatively study observations from different years (i.e. MYs 29-34) in search of interannual variations and find that in MY33 the cloud exhibits lower activity, whilst in MY34 the beginning of its formation was delayed compared to other years, most likely due to the Global Dust Storm. This phenomenon takes place in a season known for the general lack of clouds on Mars. In this paper we focus on observations, and a theoretical interpretation will be the subject of a separate paper

    The green tea polyphenol (-)-epigallocatechin gallate prevents the aggregation of tau protein into toxic oligomers at substoichiometric ratios

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    The accumulation of amyloid-beta (Abeta) and tau aggregates is a pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease. Both polypeptides form fibrillar deposits, but several lines of evidence indicate that Abeta and tau form toxic oligomeric aggregation intermediates. Depleting such structures could thus be a powerful therapeutic strategy. We generated a fragment of tau (His-K18DeltaK280) that forms stable, toxic, oligomeric tau aggregates in vitro. We show that (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a green tea polyphenol that was previously found to reduce Abeta aggregation, inhibits the aggregation of tau K18DeltaK280 into toxic oligomers at ten- to hundred-fold substoichiometric concentrations, thereby rescuing toxicity in neuronal model cells

    Egg Eviction Imposes a Recoverable Cost of Virulence in Chicks of a Brood Parasite

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    Background: Chicks of virulent brood parasitic birds eliminate their nestmates and avoid costly competition for foster parental care. Yet, efforts to evict nest contents by the blind and naked common cuckoo Cuculus canorus hatchling are counterintuitive as both adult parasites and large older cuckoo chicks appear to be better suited to tossing the eggs and young of the foster parents. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we show experimentally that egg tossing imposed a recoverable growth cost of mass gain in common cuckoo chicks during the nestling period in nests of great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus hosts. Growth rates of skeletal traits and morphological variables involved in the solicitation of foster parental care remained similar between evictor and non-evictor chicks throughout development. We also detected no increase in predation rates for evicting nests, suggesting that egg tossing behavior by common cuckoo hatchlings does not increase the conspicuousness of nests. Conclusion: The temporary growth cost of egg eviction by common cuckoo hatchlings is the result of constraints imposed by rejecter host adults and competitive nestmates on the timing and mechanism of parasite virulence.Michael G. Anderson, Csaba Moskát, Miklós Bán, Tomáš Grim, Phillip Cassey and Mark E. Haube

    Evolution and genetic architecture of sex-limited polymorphism in cuckoos

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    Sex-limited polymorphism has evolved in many species including our own. Yet, we lack a detailed understanding of the underlying genetic variation and evolutionary processes at work. The brood parasitic common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) is a prime example of female-limited color polymorphism, where adult males are monochromatic gray and females exhibit either gray or rufous plumage. This polymorphism has been hypothesized to be governed by negative frequency-dependent selection whereby the rarer female morph is protected against harassment by males or from mobbing by parasitized host species. Here, we show that female plumage dichromatism maps to the female-restricted genome. We further demonstrate that, consistent with balancing selection, ancestry of the rufous phenotype is shared with the likewise female dichromatic sister species, the oriental cuckoo (Cuculus optatus). This study shows that sex-specific polymorphism in trait variation can be resolved by genetic variation residing on a sex-limited chromosome and be maintained across species boundaries

    Cellular patterns and dry convection in textured dust storms at the edge of Mars North Polar Cap

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    We present a study of textured local dust storms that develop at the northern polar cap boundary on Mars springtime. We have used images obtained with VMC and HRSC cameras onboard Mars Express and MARCI on MRO to analyze dust storms captured from March to July 2019 (Ls = 350° in MY 34–Ls = 54° in MY 35). The textured storms grow in the longitude sector 150°E-210°E centered at latitude ~60°N and exhibit spiral, filamentary and compact shapes that change and evolve rapidly in a daily basis. The storms translate by prevailing east and southeast winds with speeds 15–45 ms−1. In some areas of their interiors they show organized clusters of cells formed typically by 100 elements with sizes ~5–30 km with a length/width ratio ~ 1.2–3 in the wind direction. The cells have elongated downwind tails with lengths 4–8 times the cell size. The cells top altitudes are ~6–11 km above their surroundings. We propose that the spirals grow as baroclinic vortices within a vertically sheared eastward jet present at this epoch in Mars due to the intense meridional temperature gradient at the polar cap edge. We show using a simple one-dimensional model that the cells can be produced by shallow dry convection with dust acting as the heating source to generate the updrafts. These patterns resemble those seen in laboratory experiments and on clouds in Earth's atmosphere and can serve to comparatively elucidate and discern the different mechanisms at work in each case

    Cyclin T1-Dependent Genes in Activated CD4+ T and Macrophage Cell Lines Appear Enriched in HIV-1 Co-Factors

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    HIV-1 is dependent upon cellular co-factors to mediate its replication cycle in CD4+ T cells and macrophages, the two major cell types infected by the virus in vivo. One critical co-factor is Cyclin T1, a subunit of a general RNA polymerase II elongation factor known as P-TEFb. Cyclin T1 is targeted directly by the viral Tat protein to activate proviral transcription. Cyclin T1 is up-regulated when resting CD4+ T cells are activated and during macrophage differentiation or activation, conditions that are also necessary for high levels of HIV-1 replication. Because Cyclin T1 is a subunit of a transcription factor, the up-regulation of Cyclin T1 in these cells results in the induction of cellular genes, some of which might be HIV-1 co-factors. Using shRNA depletions of Cyclin T1 and transcriptional profiling, we identified 54 cellular mRNAs that appear to be Cyclin T1-dependent for their induction in activated CD4+ T Jurkat T cells and during differentiation and activation of MM6 cells, a human monocytic cell line. The promoters for these Cyclin T1-dependent genes (CTDGs) are over-represented in two transcription factor binding sites, SREBP1 and ARP1. Notably, 10 of these CTDGs have been reported to be involved in HIV-1 replication, a significant over-representation of such genes when compared to randomly generated lists of 54 genes (p value<0.00021). The results of siRNA depletion and dominant-negative protein experiments with two CTDGs identified here, CDK11 and Casein kinase 1 gamma 1, suggest that these genes are involved either directly or indirectly in HIV-1 replication. It is likely that the 54 CTDGs identified here include novel HIV-1 co-factors. The presence of CTDGs in the protein space that was available for HIV-1 to sample during its evolution and acquisition of Tat function may provide an explanation for why CTDGs are enriched in viral co-factors