889 research outputs found

    The Causality Relationship between Hnx Index and Stock Trading Volume in Hanoi Stock Exchange

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    This paper examines the casual relations between the market return and trading volume for the Ha Noi Stock Exchange during the period from May 3th , 2013 to March 2rd, 2016. This paper uses Granger test and the results showed that the change of the volume of transactions that affect the change of HNX-Index. On the basis of this conclusion, we shall determine the degree of influence of the change in trading volume with HNX-Index by means of regression analysis

    N-fold Supersymmetry in Quantum Mechanical Matrix Models

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    We formulate N-fold supersymmetry in quantum mechanical matrix models. As an example, we construct general two-by-two Hermitian matrix 2-fold supersymmetric quantum mechanical systems. We find that there are two inequivalent such systems, both of which are characterized by two arbitrary scalar functions, and one of which does not reduce to the scalar system. The obtained systems are all weakly quasi-solvable.Comment: 9 pages, no figures; minor revisio

    An Observational Limit on the Dwarf Galaxy Population of the Local Group

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    We present the results of an all-sky, deep optical survey for faint Local Group dwarf galaxies. Candidate objects were selected from the second Palomar survey (POSS-II) and ESO/SRC survey plates and follow-up observations performed to determine whether they were indeed overlooked members of the Local Group. Only two galaxies (Antlia and Cetus) were discovered this way out of 206 candidates. Based on internal and external comparisons, we estimate that our visual survey is more than 77% complete for objects larger than one arc minute in size and with a surface brightness greater than an extremely faint limit over the 72% of the sky not obstructed by the Milky Way. Our limit of sensitivity cannot be calculated exactly, but is certainly fainter than 25 magnitudes per square arc second in R, probably 25.5 and possibly approaching 26. We conclude that there are at most one or two Local Group dwarf galaxies fitting our observational criteria still undiscovered in the clear part of the sky, and a roughly a dozen hidden behind the Milky Way. Our work places the "missing satellite problem" on a firm quantitative observational basis. We present detailed data on all our candidates, including surface brightness measurements.Comment: 58 pages in AJ manuscript format; some figures at slightly reduced quality; accepted by the Astronomical Journa

    Stability of Bose-Einstein Condensates Confined in Traps

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    Bose-Einstein condensation has been realized in dilute atomic vapors. This achievement has generated immerse interest in this field. Presented is a review of recent theoretical research into the properties of trapped dilute-gas Bose-Einstein condensates. Among them, stability of Bose-Einstein condensates confined in traps is mainly discussed. Static properties of the ground state are investigated by use of the variational method. The anlysis is extended to the stability of two-component condensates. Time-development of the condensate is well-described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation which is known in nonlinear physics as the nonlinear Schr\"odinger equation. For the case that the inter-atomic potential is effectively attractive, a singularity of the solution emerges in a finite time. This phenomenon which we call collapse explains the upper bound for the number of atoms in such condensates under traps.Comment: 74 pages with 12 figures, submitted to the review section of International Journal of Modern Physics

    Biomolecular imaging and electronic damage using X-ray free-electron lasers

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    Proposals to determine biomolecular structures from diffraction experiments using femtosecond X-ray free-electron laser (XFEL) pulses involve a conflict between the incident brightness required to achieve diffraction-limited atomic resolution and the electronic and structural damage induced by the illumination. Here we show that previous estimates of the conditions under which biomolecular structures may be obtained in this manner are unduly restrictive, because they are based on a coherent diffraction model that is not appropriate to the proposed interaction conditions. A more detailed imaging model derived from optical coherence theory and quantum electrodynamics is shown to be far more tolerant of electronic damage. The nuclear density is employed as the principal descriptor of molecular structure. The foundations of the approach may also be used to characterize electrodynamical processes by performing scattering experiments on complex molecules of known structure.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figure

    Light propagation through closed-loop atomic media beyond the multiphoton resonance condition

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    The light propagation of a probe field pulse in a four-level double-lambda type system driven by laser fields that form a closed interaction loop is studied. Due to the finite frequency width of the probe pulse, a time-independent analysis relying on the multiphoton resonance assumption is insufficient. Thus we apply a Floquet decomposition of the equations of motion to solve the time-dependent problem beyond the multiphoton resonance condition. We find that the various Floquet components can be interpreted in terms of different scattering processes, and that the medium response oscillating in phase with the probe field in general is not phase-dependent. The phase dependence arises from a scattering of the coupling fields into the probe field mode at a frequency which in general differs from the probe field frequency. We thus conclude that in particular for short pulses with a large frequency width, inducing a closed loop interaction contour may not be advantageous, since otherwise the phase-dependent medium response may lead to a distortion of the pulse shape. Finally, using our time-dependent analysis, we demonstrate that both the closed-loop and the non-closed loop configuration allow for sub- and superluminal light propagation with small absorption or even gain. Further, we identify one of the coupling field Rabi frequencies as a control parameter that allows to conveniently switch between sub- and superluminal light propagation.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure

    Relativistic Effects of Light in Moving Media with Extremely Low Group Velocity

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    A moving dielectric medium acts as an effective gravitational field on light. One can use media with extremely low group velocities [Lene Vestergaard Hau et al., Nature 397, 594 (1999)] to create dielectric analogs of astronomical effects on Earth. In particular, a vortex flow imprints a long-ranging topological effect on incident light and can behave like an optical black hole.Comment: Physical Review Letters (accepted

    Enhancing capacity of coherent optical information storage and transfer in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Coherent optical information storage capacity of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate is examined. Theory of slow light propagation in atomic clouds is generalized to short pulse regime by taking into account group velocity dispersion. It is shown that the number of stored pulses in the condensate can be optimized for a particular coupling laser power, temperature and interatomic interaction strength. Analytical results are derived for semi-ideal model of the condensate using effective uniform density zone approximation. Detailed numerical simulations are also performed. It is found that axial density profile of the condensate protects the pulse against the group velocity dispersion. Furthermore, taking into account finite radial size of the condensate, multi-mode light propagation in atomic Bose-Einstein condensate is investigated. The number of modes that can be supported by a condensate is found. Single mode condition is determined as a function of experimentally accessible parameters including trap size, temperature, condensate number density and scattering length. Quantum coherent atom-light interaction schemes are proposed for enhancing multi-mode light propagation effects.Comment: 12pages. Laser Physics, in pres

    Slow group velocity and Cherenkov radiation

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    We theoretically study the effect of ultraslow group velocities on the emission of Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation in a coherently driven medium. We show that in this case the aperture of the group cone on which the intensity of the radiation peaks is much smaller than that of the usual wave cone associated with the Cherenkov coherence condition. We show that such a singular behaviour may be observed in a coherently driven ultracold atomic gas.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure