15 research outputs found

    Otomatisasi Perangkat Jaringan Komputer Menggunakan Ansible Pada Laboratorium Komputer

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    Network automation is a solution in implementing some complicated or repetitive work. The standard configuration method on network devices performs by entering a network device. That looks easy to configure one or two network devices. that will look not very easy if one must configure many network devices such as routers and servers. Ansible served as a network automation tool on a large and small scale on a computer network, and Ansible served to simplify configuring network devices


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    ABSTRAK   Uji kompetensi keahlian merupakan ujian berbasis praktik yang digunakan sebagai tolak ukur kelulusan di jenjang SMK jurusan TKJ. Untuk mempersiapkan ujian tersebut, sering digunakan media pembelajaran berupa aplikasi simulator jaringan komputer. Namun penggunaan simulator pada pembelajaran uji kompetensi keahlian tidak benar-benar memberikan pengalaman kerja secara nyata karena tidak adanya interaksi langsung dengan perangkatnya jaringan secara riil. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, maka dikembangkan sebuah media pembelajaran berbasis trainer yang bernama trainer WallNet. Desain trainer WallNet dibuat dalam bentuk rangkaian perangkat jaringan yang membentuk topologi jaringan beserta dengan gambar logo perangkat jaringan yang biasa digunakan pada simulator. Trainer WallNet dirancang agar siswa dapat mempelajari berbagai jenis topologi jaringan seperti topologi LAN, MAN, dan WAN. Tujuannya memberikan pengalaman interaksi lebih nyata secara langsung dengan perangkat jaringan sebernarnya. Penelitian ini dikembangan untuk mengetahui uji kelayakan dari trainer WallNet dalam mempersiapkan uji kompetensi keahlian jurusan TKJ. Berdasarkan hasil dari pengujian dapat disimpulkan bahwa (1) trainer WallNet berhasil dikembangkan sebagai sebuah media pembelajaran yang memberikan pengalaman belajar secara praktik dengan spesifikasi yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan dalam mempersiapkan uji kompetensi keahlian jurusan TKJ di SMK Negeri 1 Sawit, (2) trainer WallNet masuk kategori Sangat Layak dengan presentase aspek kelayakan materi sebesar 86.7%, presentase aspek kelayakan media sebesar 82.7% dan presentasi aspek kepuasan pengguna sebesar 84.4%.   Keywords: media pembelajaran, trainer, uji kompetensi keahlian, jaringan komputer.  ABSTRAC The expertise competency test is a practice-based test that is used as a benchmark for graduation at the TKJ Vocational School level. To prepare for the exam, learning media are often used in the form of computer network simulator applications. However, the use of simulators in learning competency test expertise does not really provide real work experience because there is no direct interaction with the network device in real terms. Based on these problems, a trainer-based learning media was developed called the WallNet trainer. The design of the WallNet trainer is made in the form of a series of network devices that form a network topology along with the logo image of a network device commonly used in simulators. WallNet trainers are designed so that students can learn various types of network topologies such as LAN, MAN, and WAN topologies. The goal is to provide a more tangible interaction experience directly with the actual network device. This research was developed to find out the feasibility test of WallNet trainers in preparing competency tests in the TKJ majors. Based on the results of the test it can be concluded that (1) WallNet trainers have been successfully developed as a learning media that provides practical learning experience with specifications that can meet the needs in preparing competency tests of TKJ majors in SMK Negeri 1 Palm Oil, (2) WallNet trainers are in the category of Very Eligible with a percentage of aspects of material eligibility of 86.7%, percentage of aspects of media eligibility of 82.7% and presentation of aspects of user satisfaction of 84.4%.   Keywords: learning media, trainer, expertise competency test, computer netw

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pengolah Nilai Sekolah Dasar untuk Kurikulum 2013

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    Implementasi perubahan Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) ke Kurikulum 2013 berdampak pada sistem penilaian siswa. Penilaian pada Kurikulum 2013 terdiri dari beberapa komponen, yaitu komponen sikap, pengetahuan dan ketrampilan. Pada saat penelitian dilakukan, pencetakan laporan studi atau rapor di Sekolah Dasar dilakukan dengan cara manual, sehingga membutuhkan waktu yang lama dan tidak efisien. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat Sistem Informasi Pengolah Nilai untuk Kurikulum 2013 yang diimplementasikan untuk Sekolah Dasar. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Model Research and Development (R&D). Sedangkan model pengembangan aplikasi menggunakan Model Waterfall. Kelayakan sistem diuji berdasarkan standar ISO 9126. Aspek yang digunakan yaitu antara lain functionality, usability, maintainability, dan portability. Pengujian tingkat kelayakan sistem informasi dilakukan oleh ahli sistem, ahli substansi, dan pengguna sistem. Pengguna dari sistem ini adalah Guru Mata Pelajaran, Guru Kelas dan Wakil Kepala Sekolah bidang Kurikulum. Hasil pengujian aspek functionality menghasilkan nilai 89,22%, aspek usability menghasilkan nilai 88,75%, aspek maintainability menghasilkan nilai 90%, dan untuk aspek portability menghasilkan nilai 81,66%

    Exploration of Critical Thinking Skills in Digital Citizenship Course Through Online Learning

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    Low critical thinking skills cause students difficulty in solving problem, especially in learning. This study aims to find out the effectiveness of google classroom on critical thinking skills in Simulation dan Digital Communication. A total of 62 students participated in this research who were divided into two randomized treatments, namely 31 students in the experimental class and 31 students in the control class. In its implementation, it would compare using LMS google classroom by applying discussion groups to experimental class and control class that use google classroom, not in discussion groups. This research used a quasi experimental design with a pretest-posttest using a quantitative method. The data were collected through a critical thinking test. Before using multiple-choice pretest and posttest multiple-choice tests, instruments were tested first using validity tests and reliability tests. Google classroom as an independent variable and the dependent variable was critical thinking. Implementing learning with the help of google classroom through discussion and question features was an effort to effectively improve critical thinking skills in class. According to the result of the study, google classroom has effectiveness on critical thinking skills from the result in the experimental class of 45.609 Increased critical thinking skills in students cause students to analyze and solve problems

    Pengembangan Laboratorium Virtual untuk Simulasi Uji Penetrasi Sistem Keamanan Jaringan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan sebuah laboratorium berbasis virtualisasi untuk simulasi uji penetrasi dan membandingkan tingkat performa antara server fisik dan server virtual. Tipe Pengembangan laboratorium virtual menggunakan hypervisor Vmware Wokstation. Pengujian simulasi Penetrasi menggunakan pedoman Information System Security Assessment Framework (ISSAF) sedangkan Tools yang digunakan untuk pengujian simulasi penetrasi menggunakan tools yang disediakan pada Kali Linux. Penelitian ini menunjukan jika tahapan-tahapan pengujian penetrasi dapat dilakukan pada lingkungan virtual. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian tingkat performa menunjukkan perbandingan tingkat respon time kedua server cukup signifikan sedangkan untuk throughput server fisik 10 kali lebih cepat dibandingkan server virtual. Perbandingan peningkatan CPU pada kedua server juga cukup signifikan berbanding terbalik dengan Perbandingan penggunaan memory pada server virtual 2 kali lebih besar dari server fisik

    Workshop And Motivation For Improving Student Skills Through The Information And Communications Technology

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    In the digital age, the role of information technology is needed to face competition in the community. Information and communication technology is an important element in contributing to changes that are fundamental to the structure of operations and management of organizations, education, transportation, health, and research. The internet is like two sides of a coin, the content offered is positive and negative, both are very dependent on the behavior of its users. The ease of access to the internet is increasingly being felt by the public with increasingly cheap hardware such as tablets and laptops as well as wider connection support. Various efforts to stem negative information continue to be pursued by various elements of society, but it is not effective if the user behavior is not changed. Teenagers are among the most vulnerable in the misuse of advances in internet technology, so it needs serious efforts to provide the right knowledge and skills in utilizing these advancements. By conducting workshops and motivation to improve the abilities and skills of Girimarto 1 High School students, it is hoped that school students can face the development of the digital era more readily. The results of this training gained a high level of satisfaction with the material that had been carried out

    Active Learning Strategies in Synchronous Online Learning for Elementary School Students

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    The Covid-19 pandemic gives an impact on education field. The face-to-face learning pattern in schools has shifted to distance learning which is carried out online. The implementation of online learning during the pandemic forces a digital transformation in education, causing several problems, two of which are technology and human resources. This article discusses the appropriate online learning strategies to use during a pandemic, especially for synchronous interaction models. Qualitative research with a narrative approach was used to explore teachers' experiences in learning, especially those related to the form of interaction between teachers and students during the Covid-19 pandemic. Active learning was chosen based on the results of observations and literature review through journal articles and proceedings that discuss interactive distance learning methods. Active learning strategies assisted by video conferencing applications that can be applied in online learning in elementary schools include: the use of Student Response Systems; Think Pair Share; One Minute Paper; Small Group Discussion; and Short Student Presentations

    Total Cost of Ownership Formulation Analysis for Virtualization Data Center in University

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    Aspects of information technology has influenced the business processes of all types of organizations, including the educational institutions. Educational institutions have implemented a digital campus technology trends. At present many digital campus infrastructure technology brings cloud computing. With cloud computing as part of the IT strategy, an organization can increase their capacity to concentrate on running the business process without thinking of investing in large-scale IT as IT investment before the era of cloud computing.The implementation of cloud computing, based on virtualization technology. Previous research has established that the application of virtualization technology offers ease in data center management and reduce problems may arise when technology brings physical servers in the data center. This paper will discuss the application of virtualization technology in the data center an educational institution. It will calculate and discuss about total cost of ownership through application of virtualization technology on data cente


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    Faculty of Teaching and Education Science ( FKIP ) UNS , as one unit at the Universitas Sebelas Maret, have some information systems for electric data proccesing. This information system was entrusted to their ICT Center whose have responsible under the FKIP bureaucracy. The needs for information systems applications is increasing, but the growth of the information system is not proportional to the availability of existing server hardware. We need a solution to overcome the limitations of hardware resources in FKIP UNS. In this research, we use hypervisor virtualization to overcome limitations of server hardware, hypervisor virtualization choosen because it has a lower overhead and better performance than other types of virtualization. While the hypervisor software is using Proxmox VE. In this research, we tested the performance of the web server, then we compare its with other environment (eg: physical web server and virtualized web server). In order to deliver the same configuration and fair result, before the performance comparison we replicate the web servers from physical servers to virtual servers. The results of performance measurements on this web server interpreted that web server that runs in a virtualized environment is still able to serve users as well as web server running on the physical environment. Some statistics show a decrease in performance, but the performance degradation is still acceptable because the average performance degradation is only 7.8 % than web server running on physical environment. In addition, the ICT Center FKIP UNS financing will save server and network devices by as much as 48.11% and 35.134% when using virtualization in the data center infrastructure

    Design and Development of Smart Basnet Applications as a Basic Network Learning Media for First Grade Student of Vocational High School

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    The lack of adequate learning resources has an impact on the low level of student interest in the subject matter, resulting in disruption of the process to achieve the expected learning objectives. The development of technology, can be used to design an application that can be used as a source of learning or learning media. The purpose of this research is to produce application product learning that can be used as learning media for basic network subjects. The development model used is the development model of ADDIE, which is analisys, design, develop, implementation, and evaluation. Data collection techniques used were observation, literature, documentation, and questionnaires. Applications tested up to 35 students of class X TKJ. The results of the validation learning application obtained a percentage of 93.4% of media experts, 88.8% of materials experts and 81.2% of users or students. Indicates that learning applications that have been developed can be used as learning resources or learning media for basic network subjects. Keywords: Learning Application, Basic Network, Computer and Network Engineerin