9 research outputs found

    Segitiga Kekuasaan Demokrasi Terpimpin Tahun 1959-1965: Sukarno, TNI-AD dan Partai Komunis Indonesia

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kekuasaan politik yang dimiliki oleh presiden Soekarno, TNI-AD dan Partai Komunis Indonesia pada masa demokrasi terpimpin tahun 1959-1965. Demokrasi terpimpin adalah era kekuasaan presiden Soekarno dan terjadinya peristiwa Gerakan 30 September 1965 yang juga melengserkan Soekarno dari kekuasaanya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian historis dengan tahapan heuristik, verifikasi, interpretasi dan historiografi. Sumber data digunakan berupa data primer dan sekunder seperti majalah sezaman, arsip, buku, dan artikel jurnal. Teori relasi-politik dan kondisi politik internasional di masa perang dingin digunakan dalam menganalisis relasi politik di antara Soekarno, TNI-AD dan Partai Komunis Indonesia. Diharapkan penelitian ini berkontribusi menambah khazanah pengetahuan sejarah mengenai sejarah 1965 di sekolah. Selain itu, sejarah kritis dan kesadaran sejarah dapat diajarkan kepada peserta didik melalui materi sejarah 1965 agar terbentuknya generasi yang melek sejarah dan terhindar dari berita bohong

    The Maritime Historical Background Of Bogak Port (8-20 Century), Tanjung Tiram District, Batubara Regency, North Sumatera Province

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    On January 2008 in the bank of the Bogak Beach, in the front of Fisherman Housing, Dusun XII Bogak Village, Tanjung Tiram District, Batubara Regency, North Sumatera Province found a boat. It was already researched that it was a heritage and related to that area in 18 century, and in that era was trade lines witches’ traders and fishermen from foreign countries sailed to Sumatera. Not only boat but also found Chinese ceramic and coins in 1734, 1752, 1760, 1780, 1781, 1788 and 1790 years.  This paper tries to describe the role of Pantai Bogak Port at 18th Century until 20th Century in the east coast maritime, and to research the archaeological and historical resources in Tanjung Tiram Regency; to look for the authenticity from Batubara Regency, North Sumatera Province. It could be proud Indonesia, and give a horizon about the activities and the cultural human history in 18th century until 20th century.The data was from collecting data observation in the field, and to analysis data then to give recommendation. The information process is from collecting data about historical data and the archaeological data, and the collecting data was also used from the primer data through observation. The secondary data was from rapport, inventories register, study result, and from libraries

    The Exploitation of Women's Body and Sensuality: The Attraction of Newspaper Movie Advertisements in The Local Daily Newspapers (Waspada, Sinar Indonesia Baru, and Analisa) in Medan in the 1970s

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    Newspaper advertising experienced a significant increase in the 1970s. During that period, three local daily newspapers were established in Medan: Waspada, Sinar Indonesia Baru, and Analisa. These newspapers displayed various advertisements in their publications, one of which was the advertisement to promote the film that would be shown in theaters at that time. In promoting films through these advertisements, many producers use women as a means of promotion. Women have their magnet to attract the audience's interest. This journal explains how women’s representation in the local daily newspaper advertisements in Medan in the 1970s and how the exploitation of women’s bodies and sexual attractiveness in the advertisements for the film's promotion was related to global discourse, especially in terms of women's appearance. The four stages of historical methods are applied to conduct the research: heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The research results show that advertising producers often showcased pictures of beautiful and sexy women and even displayed vulgar words to attract the audience's interest which didn't represent the storyline of the film itself

    The Exploitation of Women's Body and Sensuality: The Attraction of Newspaper Movie Advertisements in Local Daily Newspapers

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    Newspaper advertising experienced a significant increase in the 1970s. During that period, three local daily newspapers were established in Medan, namely: Waspada, Sinar Indonesia Baru, and dan Analisa. These newspapers displayed various advertisements in their publications; one of which was the advertisement to promote the film that would be shown in theaters at that time. In promoting films through these advertisements, many producers women as a means of promotion. Women seemed to have their magnet to attract the audience's interest. This journal explains how the women’s representation in the local daily newspaper advertisements in Medan in the 1970s, and how the exploitation of women’s bodies and sexual attractiveness in the advertisements for the promotion of the film was related to global discourse, especially in terms of women's appearance. The four stages of historical methods are applied to conduct the research, namely heuristics, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The results of the research show that advertising producers often showcased pictures of beautiful and sexy women and even displayed vulgar words to attract the audience's interest which didn’t represent the storyline of the film itself


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    Rendahnya budaya literasi pada masyarakat Indonesia masih menjadi masalah serius yang sedang dihadapi pemerintah. Sejalan dengan visi presiden pada 2019-2024 untuk menciptakan SDM Unggul, Indonesia Maju, maka seharusnya pula pemangku kebijakan di sektor pendidikan diharapkan menghasilkan inovasi peningkatan literasi dan minat baca masyarakat, terutama di era disrupsi sekarang ini. Namun, strategi pengembangan minat baca yang dilakukan, khususnya pada para siswa di sekolah belum memperlihatkan hasil yang maksimal, khususnya pada pelajaran sejarah di mana para siswa menganggap bahwa sejarah sebagai suatu pelajaran yang membosankan, hal inilah yang membuat siswa jarang sekali untuk membaca buku-buku sejarah. Maka pada pengabdian masyarakat ini, bersama-sama dengan Komunitas Binjai Kota Cerdas (KBKC) berupaya melakukan Pembinaan Dan Peningkatan Minat Baca Buku Sejarah Terhadap Siswa Sekolah di Binjai di mana dengan memaksimalkan edukasi, sosialisasi, bedah buku hingga kegiatan baca bareng untuk mengenalkan buku-buku sejarah kepada para siswa

    Islamic Holy Days: The Contention of Rukyatul Hillal and Hisab Hakiki Wujudul Hilal Disputes for Muslims in Indonesia

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    This article analyses the dispute between Rukyatul Hilal and Hisab Hakiki Wujudul Hilal in determining Islamic holidays in Indonesia. However, in its determination, there is often a dispute between the Rukyatul Hilal and Hisab Hakiki methods. This research aims to resolve the dispute between the two methods. The methodology in this research is qualitative, with a literature review. Primary data is sourced from Naqli's arguments, and secondary data from the books of Tafsir. The results show that Islamic holidays have been established in the Qur'an in Surah Yunus and Surah Al-Rahman. Hadith shows the story of the prophet Muhammad in the Rukyatul Hilal method, which contains historical and philosophical values. Hisab Hakiki Wujudul Hilal is found in Surah Yasin. Applying the two methods of determining Islamic holidays has a significant difference where Rukyatul Hilal is through direct observation while Hisab Hakiki uses astronomical mathematical calculations. To mediate the existing controversy, the Indonesian Ulema Council issued a circular letter that both methods have the same position, which is valid. The Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has also found a solution between the two that is elaborated on with Ikmanur Rukyat through a national Itsbat session

    Using Karuta Game to Enhance Vocabulary Mastery of Elementary School Students in Sidomulyo of Sibiru Biru Sub-District

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    Vocabulary learning plays an important role in learning English, especially in elementary schools which emphasize English learning on vocabulary mastery. However, vocabulary learning often makes elementary school students feel bored because they are assigned to memorize as many English words as possible while they sometimes do not understand the meaning of the words. Therefore, teachers should find several possible techniques that can attract students’ attention and bring out their motivation, one of which is using games, such as the karuta game. This paper aims at describing how the karuta game is implemented in teaching vocabulary and how it enhances the elementary school students’ vocabulary mastery. This is a descriptive study taking the elementary school students living in Sidomulyo of Sibiru Biru Sub-District, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, as the participants. The data were collected using observations and interviews and were analyzed qualitatively. The results show that (i) the karuta game is easy to use because it does not have a complicated rule; furthermore, it is flexible because it can be modified in several ways following the vocabulary intended to introduce; (ii) the karuta game benefits the students in bringing up their motivation in learning English vocabulary, providing them a comprehensive conceptual meaning of each vocabulary, and improving their pronunciation. It is concluded that the karuta game is a good technique in enhancing elementary school students’ vocabulary mastery


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    The fuel price policy during the 2004-2014 administration of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has become a major concern in the social and economic context of society. The policy has undergone several price adjustments during his 10-year administration, which significantly affected the price of basic necessities and the consumptive lifestyle of the community. This study aims to analyze the implications of the fuel price policy on consumption patterns and socio-economic welfare of slum communities in Lingkungan 3, Kelurahan Aur, Medan Maimun, in the 2004-2014 period. The research method used is qualitative with a case study approach. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and analysis of related documents. The results showed that the fuel price increase policy during SBY's administration had a significant impact, especially on low-income communities. Despite the increase in fuel prices, the level of community consumption focused on basic needs, but also included electronic goods such as televisions, refrigerators, and cellphones. In addition, the consumption pattern of electronic goods in slum communities in Neighborhood 3, Kelurahan Aur, Medan Maimun, for the period 2004-2014 shows the existence of luxuries in household appliances despite low income. This indicates that the consumptive culture of the community in Neighborhood 3 tends to be high, but the spirit for a better life is not evident from efforts to save or divert expenditure to long-term investment. In conclusion, the SBY administration's fuel price policy has complex implications for the level of community consumption, especially in relation to electronic goods. This shows the need for special attention in managing fuel price policy so that it does not only have an impact on the state's fiscal aspects, but also pays attention to social impacts, especially for low-income peopl