66 research outputs found

    Closed string Ramond-Ramond proposed higher derivative interactions on fermionic amplitudes in IIB

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    The complete form of the amplitude of one closed string Ramond-Ramond (RR), two fermionic strings and one scalar field in IIB superstring theory has been computed in detail. Deriving by using suitable gauge fixing, we discover some new vertices and their higher derivative corrections. We investigate both infinite gauge and scalar u−u-channel poles of this amplitude. In particular, by using the fact that the kinetic term of fermion fields has no correction, employing Born-Infeld action, the Wess-Zumino terms and their higher derivative corrections, we discover all infinite t,s−t,s-channel fermion poles. The couplings between one RR and two fermions and all their infinite higher derivative corrections have been explored. In order to look for all infinite (s+t+u)−(s+t+u)- channel scalar/gauge poles for p+2=n,p=np+2=n,p=n cases, we obtain the couplings between two fermions-two scalars and two fermions, one scalar and one gauge field as well as all their infinite higher derivative corrections in type IIB. Specifically we make various comments based on arXiv:1205.5079 in favor of universality conjecture for all order higher derivative corrections (with or without low energy expansion) and the relation of open/closed string that is responsible for all superstring scattering amplitudes in IIA,IIB.Comment: 29 pages, figures are removed. Sections 3,4, and 5 are shortened. To appear in NP

    Shedding light on new Wess-Zumino couplings with their corrections to all orders in alpha-prime

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    Motivated by arXiv:1203.5553, we continue to match super string amplitudes with their own effective field theory. We carry out within full details the computations of the complete form of the amplitude of one closed string Ramond-Ramond field and three SYM vertex operators, namely one gauge field and two scalar fields in type IIB(A) super string theories. Making use of the recent two gauge and two scalar couplings to all orders of α′\alpha', we produce all the infinite gauge poles for p=np=n case (with nn as RR field strength's rank and pp as the dimension of a Dp_p-brane). Proceeding with direct and full S-Matrix calculations, we are able to produce even all the infinite gauge poles in u-channel for p−2=np-2=n case in field theory as well. New couplings for p−2=np-2=n case with their all order α′\alpha' corrections are discovered. In addition, we explain how to find out all the infinite scalar poles of this amplitude in s,ts,t-channels and produce them for p+2=np+2=n case. By comparing all of the contact terms of this amplitude, we obtain several new couplings with their higher derivative corrections for p+2=n,p=np+2=n,p=n cases. These new couplings are neither inside Myers'terms nor within pull-back/Taylor expansions. Finally we comment on some related issues.Comment: 38 pages, No figure, the version that appears in JHEP and a minor correction, CERN-PH-TH/2012-34

    On D-brane anti D-brane effective actions and their corrections to all orders in alpha-prime

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    Based on a four point function, the S-matrix elements at disk level of the scattering amplitude of one closed string Ramond-Ramond field (CC), two tachyons and one scalar field, we find out new couplings in brane anti brane effective actions for p=n,p+2=np=n,p+2=n cases. Using the infinite corrections of the vertex of one RR, one gauge and one scalar field and applying the correct expansion, it is investigated in detail how we produce the infinite gauge poles of the amplitude for p=np = n case. By discovering new higher derivative corrections of two tachyon-two scalar couplings in brane anti brane systems to all orders in α′\alpha', we also obtain the infinite scalar poles in t′+s′+ut'+s'+u-channel in field theory. Working with the complete form of the amplitude with the closed form of the expansion and comparing all the infinite contact terms of this amplitude, we derive several new Wess-Zumino couplings with all their infinite higher derivative corrections in the world volume of brane anti brane systems. In particular, in producing all the infinite scalar poles of , one has to consider the fact that scalar 's vertex operator in (−1)(-1)-picture must carry the internal σ3\sigma_3 Chan-Paton matrix. The symmetric trace effective action has a non-zero coupling between Dϕ(1)iD\phi^{(1)i} and Dϕi(2)D\phi^{(2)}_i while this coupling does not exist in ordinary trace effective action.Comment: 32 pages, no figure, CERN-PH-TH/2012-341,V3. Acknowledgments, refs and some comments in the conclusion section are added. The version that has been accepted in JCA

    On RR Couplings and Bulk Singularity Structures of Non-BPS Branes

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    We compute the five point world sheet scattering amplitude of a symmetric closed string Ramond-Ramond , a transverse scalar field, a world volume gauge field and a real tachyon in both world volume and transverse directions of brane in type IIA and IIB superstring theory. We provide the complete analysis of S-matrix and show that both u′=u+14u'=u+\frac{1}{4} and tt channel bulk singularity structures can also be examined by this S-matrix. Various remarks about new restricted Bianchi identities on world volume for the other pictures have also been made.Comment: 21 pages, no figure, Latex file, v3: clarifications added. Published version in PL

    On RR Couplings, Singularity Structures and all order α′\alpha' contact interactions to BPS String Amplitudes

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    We evaluate five point world-sheet string theory amplitudes of one transverse scalar field, two world volume gauge fields ( and two transverse scalars, a gauge field) in the presence of a closed string Ramond-Ramond vertex operator in its symmetric picture. We carry out all the entire S-matrix elements of five point mixed RR-scalars/gauge fields ,, , and and in detail and start comparing all order α′\alpha' contact interactions and singularities in both transverse and world volume directions. We explore the presence of various new couplings in string theory effective actions and find out their all order α′\alpha' higher derivative corrections in both type IIA and IIB. Ultimately we make various remarks for the singularities and contact terms whose RR momenta are embedded in transverse directions. α′\alpha' corrections to some of Myers terms are also addressed.Comment: V2:39 pages,no figure, Latex file. The style has been improved, explanations and clarifications are given. The accepted version in JHE

    Remarks on Non-BPS String Amplitudes and Their All Order α′\alpha' Contact Interactions in IIB, IIA

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    We explore the entire form of S-Matrix elements of a potential Cn−1C_{n-1} Ramond-Ramond (RR) form field, a tachyon and two transverse scalar fields on both world volume and transverse directions of type IIB and IIA superstring theories. Apart from the other scattering amplitude, namely <VC−1Vϕ−1Vϕ0VT0><V_{C^{-1}}V_{\phi^{-1}}V_{\phi ^{0}}V_{T ^{0}}> is also revealed. We then start to compare all singularity structures of symmetric and asymmetric analysis, generating all infinite singularity structures as well as all order α′\alpha' contact interactions on the whole directions. This leads to deriving various new contact terms and several new restricted Bianchi identities in both type IIB and IIA. It is also shown that just some of the new couplings of type IIB (IIA) string theory can be re-verified in an Effective Field Theory (EFT) by pull-back of branes. To construct the rest of S-matrix elements one needs to first derive restricted world volume (or bulk) Bianchi identities and then discover new EFT couplings in both type IIB and IIA. Finally the presence of commutator of scalar fields inside the exponential of Wess-Zumino action for non-BPS branes has been confirmed as well.Comment: 17 pages, no figure, Latex files. v2 : CP factors are explained , clarifications added and typos are removed. To appear in JHE

    On Bulk Singularity Structures and all order α′\alpha' Contact Terms of BPS String Amplitudes

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    The entire form of the amplitude of three SYM ( involving two transverse scalar fields, a gauge field) and a potential Cn−1C_{n-1} Ramond-Ramond (RR) form field is found out. We first derive <VC−2VA0Vϕ0Vϕ0><V_{C^{-2}} V_{A^{0}} V_{\phi ^{0}} V_{\phi ^{0}}> and then start constructing an infinite number of t,st,s channel bulk singularity structures by means of all order α′\alpha' corrections to pull-back of brane in an Effective Field Theory (EFT). Due to presence of the complete form of S-matrix, several new contact interactions as well as new couplings are explored. It is also shown that these couplings can be verified at the level of EFT by either the combinations of Myers terms, pull-back, Taylor expanded of scalar fields or the mixed combination of the couplings of this paper as well as employed Bianchi identities. For the first time, we also derive the algebraic and the complete form of the integrations for some arbitrary combinations of Mandelstam variables and for the most general case ∫d2z∣1−z∣a∣z∣b(z−zˉ)c(z+zˉ)3\int d^2z |1-z|^{a} |z|^{b} (z - \bar{z})^{c} (z + \bar{z})^{3} on upper half plane as well.Comment: 21 pages, Latex file, no figure, Published version in PL
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