16 research outputs found

    Contribution for the teaching of natural sciences: Mapuche and school knowledge

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    Within the context of Mapuche families and communities, this paper focuses on the relationship between knowledge and educational methods in teaching the natural sciences. It aims to identify educational methods that have been forged and re-forged in connection with the social, cultural, political, economical and spiritual development experienced by Mapuche communities. Our educational research methodology is based on a qualitative approach in order to unveil the subjective and inter-subjective dimensions that characterize the subjects' educational knowledge in their life context. Our fieldwork has been carried out from a sample of interviews conducted with Mapuche wise men (sabios) living in the AraucanĂ­a. The results of the study are divided in four categories: 1) Relationship towards the natural environment; 2) Knowledge regarding living beings; 3) KĂŒyen cycle (phases of the Moon); and finally, 4) Healthy lifestyle. The collected data have allowed us to link different contents (conceptual, practical and attitudinal) underlying the proper Mapuche educational methods to underline their rationalities with reference to core knowledge. Thus, we want to make a case for an epistemological basis substantiating the teaching of natural sciences in relation to Mapuche knowledge. This will allow us to contextualize natural science teaching within the framework of an intercultural educational approach. By doing so, we aim to establish an intellectual dialogue in a context of interethnic and intercultural relationships

    Description and outcomes of Afro-Caribbean children treated for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in the French West Indies

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    Introduction: Several studies have reported a higher frequency and greater morbidity and mortality of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) of black African descent. Objectives: We aimed to describe the clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic characteristics as well as outcomes of children with MIS-C requiring admission to a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) in the French West Indies (FWI), where the majority of the population is Afro-Caribbean. Methods: Ambidirectional observational cohort study between April 1, 2020 and August 31, 2022. Children (age ≀18 years) with MIS-C and organ failure were included. Every patient was monitored and treated following the same protocol, with repeated biological tests, echocardiography, intravenous steroids and polyvalent immunoglobulins. The primary outcomes were clinical, laboratory and echocardiography characteristics. Results: Forty children (median age 7 years, range: 5–11) were included. The majority (77 %) were included prospectively. Thirty-five (87 %) had gastrointestinal symptoms, 30 (75 %) presented initial heart failure (with persisting diastolic dysfunction at day 7) and 18 (45 %) had pericarditis. Sixteen (40 %) were in cardiogenic shock and required inotropic support. Median duration of inotropic support and hospitalization in PICU were respectively 4 and 5 days. The evolution curves of the inflammatory variables matched after treatment. The clinical outcomes were favorable. The Delta variant was associated with the highest incidence of MIS-C. Conclusion: This is the first description of MIS-C course among children of Afro-Caribbean descent. The outcomes were good, without any death or cardiac sequelae. Our work does not support an ethnic susceptibility for severity of MIS-C in Afro-Caribbean population


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    Du savoir faire technique dont il relĂšve, par Ă©tymologie, Ă  la nĂ©gativitĂ© du concept d’artificialitĂ© qui lui est contigu, l’artifice a bien du mal Ă  Ă©viter de se penser comme, au mieux, une valeur Ă©thique, au pire un jugement de valeur. L’artificiel, c’est le fabriquĂ©, le factice, l’art, certes, mais dans la tromperie. Le terme d’artifice, dans les domaines littĂ©raires et artistiques, renvoie Ă  une notion ambivalente : si l’artifice transforme la nature, c’est soit pour l’orner, pour l’embellir, soit pour en masquer une rĂ©alitĂ©. Mais on sait aussi, depuis Baudelaire, que «  l’artifice n’embelli(t) pas la laideur et ne (peut) servir que la beautĂ© ». Il ressortit Ă  ce qu’on appellera avec Yeats « l’anti-nature » et permet Ă  l’homme d’échapper Ă  la dĂ©chĂ©ance de la chair. Plus encore qu’une philosophie paradoxale, l’artifice devient, sous la plume de certains dont Oscar Wilde par exemple, et aprĂšs Baudelaire et son « Eloge du Maquillage », une vĂ©ritable mĂ©taphysique : l’ĂȘtre est dans l’artifice et l’opposition entre naturel et artificiel, entre ĂȘtre et paraĂźtre, se trouve en un instant rĂ©sorbĂ©e

    La Théorie de la Régulation au fil du temps

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    Le prĂ©sent ouvrage propose au lecteur un aperçu sur la trajectoire intellectuelle d’un groupe de chercheurs qui se sont attachĂ©s Ă  Ă©clairer certaines questions liĂ©es Ă  la recherche sur l’économie et la sociĂ©tĂ© selon les approches dĂ©veloppĂ©es par la ThĂ©orie de la RĂ©gulation, ceci Ă  travers un permanent aller-retour entre les enseignements et prĂ©dictions du cadre conceptuel Ă©laborĂ© pour rendre compte de la rupture des Trente glorieuses et de la rĂ©alitĂ© des Ă©volutions observĂ©es depuis lors. La particularitĂ© du prĂ©sent ouvrage est de donner Ă  voir l’ajustement de ce paradigme d’annĂ©e en annĂ©e jusqu’à la pĂ©riode contemporaine. En quelque sorte, il propose de visiter le laboratoire d’oĂč sont sorties les nombreuses publications dĂ©rivĂ©es de la ThĂ©orie de la RĂ©gulation