479 research outputs found

    Bayesian Inference For Exponential Distribution Based On Upper Record Range

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    This paper deals with Bayesian estimations of scale parameter of the exponential distribution based on upper record range (Rn). This has been done in two steps; point and interval. In the first step the quadratic, squared error and absolute error, loss functions have been considered to obtain Bayesian-point estimations. Also in the next step the shortest Bayes interval (Hight Posterior Density interval) and Bayes interval with equal tails based on upper record range have been found. Therefore, the Homotopy Perturbation Method(HPM) has been applied to obtain the limits of Hight Posterior Density intervals. Moreover, efforts have been made to meet the admissibility conditions for linear estimators based on upper record range of the form mRn+d by obtained Bayesian point estimations. So regarding the consideration of loss functions, the prior distribution between the conjunction family has been chosen to be able to produce the linear estimations from upper record range statistics. Finally, some numerical examples and simulations have been presented

    Nasionalisme Ajengan Ruhiat (Gagasan Dan Praksis Nasionalisme Seorang Ulama)

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    Nationalism is the main issue before independence. Therefore, the nationalismactivators of Indonesia emerged from the various area in West Java, especially Tasikmalaya, one of them was Ajengan Ruhiat who an Ulama nationalism activator. That his name is not as popular as Kiai Haji Zaenal Mustafa, a national hero form the same area. The goal of this article is to how the idea and the nationalism praxis before independence and how the response of Ajengan Ruhiat to the socio-politics condition. As a result, Ajengan Ruhiat had a moderat nationalism view. Ajengan Ruhiat more concerned to the islamification of the public than the islamification of the country. According his actions in establishing Pesantren Cipasung (Cipasung Islamic Boarding School), in the time context, can be showed how the nationalism progressive of Ajengan Ruhiat, because Pesantren Cipasung is included as a pioneer of public school establishment in West Java

    On the sum of the L1 influences of bounded functions

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    Let f ⁣:{1,1}n[1,1]f\colon \{-1,1\}^n \to [-1,1] have degree dd as a multilinear polynomial. It is well-known that the total influence of ff is at most dd. Aaronson and Ambainis asked whether the total L1L_1 influence of ff can also be bounded as a function of dd. Ba\v{c}kurs and Bavarian answered this question in the affirmative, providing a bound of O(d3)O(d^3) for general functions and O(d2)O(d^2) for homogeneous functions. We improve on their results by providing a bound of d2d^2 for general functions and O(dlogd)O(d\log d) for homogeneous functions. In addition, we prove a bound of d/(2π)+o(d)d/(2 \pi)+o(d) for monotone functions, and provide a matching example.Comment: 16 pages; accepted for publication in the Israel Journal of Mathematic

    The study of nano technology utilization in upgrading the quality of construction industry with fire-engineering approach

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    Today, the first requirement for increasing quality and strength in construction industry is utilization of appropriate and high quality materials so that usage of these materials, in addition to reducing maintenance costs and also upgrading the structure's longevity, in engineering respect through change on weight reduction and increasing strength in used materials, can cause general strength of the structure against earthquakes and probable runs due to natural disasters. This requirement is very significant in passive defense scope and this task will be considered in used material in main structure of a building and also in used materials in its frontage and in terminology elaborate work. Given that one of the effects of fire on the building part and parcel of passive defense, so, this look from the perspective of fire engineering is also of particular significance. Wide studies have been performed in this ground and various factories are trying to increase their produced materials quality in today competitive world with utilization of various technologies. One of technologies considered today is Nano technology which in fact by changing the molecular structure of a material causes creating special properties in it and utilization of these properties can answer needs of producers and users for increasing quality, longevity, strength and weight reduction. In this study, it is tried to introduce materials produced by Nano technology which have special properties like resistance against fire, settlement and weight reduction and increasing resistance in tolerance of strike and injected loads to the structure in defensive point of view in civil engineering scope. Keywords: Nano technology; passive defense; building material

    The effect of radiotherapy and chemotherapy on osmotic fragility of red blood cells and plasma levels of malondialdehyde in patients with breast cancer

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    Background: Gamma radiation effects on the erythrocyte membrane from three different functional parts, lipid bilayer, cytoskeleton and protein components. When the red cell membrane is exposed to radiation, it loses its integrity and hemoglobin leaks out. In addition, irradiation leads to lipid peroxidation and the products of this process, leading to hemolysis. The aim of the present study was to measure osmotic fragility (OF) of red blood cells and malondialdehyde (MDA) levels as a marker of oxidative injury in breast cancer patients treated with radiation and chemotherapy. Materials and Methods: The OF test was performed using different concentrations of a salt solution. The measurement of MDA was done with chemical methods.11 The sampling was taken during three stages of treatment: first sample was taken before starting chemotherapy, the second sample was taken before radiation therapy and the third sample was taken after radiotherapy. Results: No statistically significant differences between levels of MDA in these three stages of treatment were observed. However, the comparison of mean levels of MDA showed an increase after radiotherapy. The OF rate did not show significant difference (P > 0.05) during the stages of treatment. Conclusion: In a standard treatment program of radiotherapy and chemotherapy lipid peroxidation level and OF do not significantly increase. © 2014 Greater Poland Cancer Centre

    A scalable approach for continuous time Markov models with covariates

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    Existing methods for fitting continuous time Markov models (CTMM) in the presence of covariates suffer from scalability issues due to high computational cost of matrix exponentials calculated for each observation. In this article, we propose an optimization technique for CTMM which uses a stochastic gradient descent algorithm combined with differentiation of the matrix exponential using a Padé approximation. This approach makes fitting large scale data feasible. We present two methods for computing standard errors, one novel approach using the Padé expansion and the other using power series expansion of the matrix exponential. Through simulations, we find improved performance relative to existing CTMM methods, and we demonstrate the method on the large-scale multiple sclerosis NO.MS data set

    Surface InP Quantum Dots: Effect of Morphology on the Photoluminescence Sensitivity

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    Abstract An investigation of the photoluminescence sensitivity of epitaxial surface InP quantum dots grown on In 0.48 Ga 0.52 P buffer layer lattice matched to GaAs substrate is presented. The emission wavelength of such quantum dots can be defined through the quantum dot dimensions in the range 750 – 865 nm. Quantum dot exposure to polar solvent vapour (methanol and ethanol) determines in any investigated case a luminescence intensity enhancement. The response to alcohol vapours affects only the luminescence intensity while peak position and shape remain unchanged. Optimization of the sensor response by tailoring quantum dots size and coverage has been demonstrated

    Expression of efflux pumps and fatty acid activator one genes in azole resistant Candida glabrata isolated from immunocompromised patients

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    Acquired azole resistance in opportunistic fungi causes severe clinical problems in immunosuppressed individuals. This study investigated the molecular mechanisms of azole resistance in clinical isolates of Candida glabrata. Six unmatched strains were obtained from an epidemiological survey of candidiasis in immunocompromised hosts that included azole and amphotericin B susceptible and azole resistant clinical isolates. Candida glabrata CBS 138 was used as reference strain. Antifungal susceptibility testing of clinical isolates was evaluated using Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) methods. Complementary DNA-Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (cDNA-AFLP) technology, semiquantitative RT-PCR, and sequencing were employed for identification of potential genes involved in azole resistance. Candida glabrata Candida drug resistance 1 (CgCDR1) and Candida glabrata Candida drug resistance 2 (CgCDR2) genes, which encode for multidrug transporters, were found to be upregulated in azole-resistant isolates (�2-fold). Fatty acid activator 1 (FAA1) gene, belonging to Acyl-CoA synthetases, showed expression in resistant isolates �2-fold that of the susceptible isolates and the reference strain. This study revealed overexpression of the CgCDR1, CgCDR2, and FAA1 genes affecting biological pathways, small hydrophobic compounds transport, and lipid metabolism in the resistant clinical C.glabrata isolates. © 2016 Tehran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved