7 research outputs found


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    A person of human resources has important meaning for a company. Therefore the company must be able to maintain the level of satisfaction. A human resource who is satisfied with his work will show a positive attitude in working. Thus, the company needs to maintain employee satisfaction by providing optimal support. Human resources are satisfied with work which is the beginning of a very important success for the company (Robbins, 2016). Human resources in an organization have a function in every execution of tasks that must be done, one of which is the function of service, where in government agencies it is one thing that must be filled by human resources to anyone who needs government services. If the services provided are not satisfactory, it will get a bad impression in the eyes of the people. This is what makes good human resource performance is needed in government agencies

    Pengaruh Perdarahan Antepartum terhadap Kejadian Berat Badan Lahir Rendah (BBLR) di RSUD Wonosari, Gunung Kidul Tahun 2015

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    Berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian neonatal di Indonesia. Gunung Kidul merupakan kabupaten di Provinsi DIY dengan angka kejadian BBLR tertinggi sebesar 7,33%. Jumlah kasus BBLR di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul terjadi peningkatan dari 503 kasus pada tahun 2014 meningkat menjadi 568 kasus di tahun 2015. Perdarahan antepartum merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab kelahiran bayi BBLR. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh perdarahan antepartum terhadap kejadian berat badan lahir rendah (BBLR) di RSUD Wonosari, Gunung Kidul tahun 2015. Jenis penelitian survei analitik, dengan desain case contol. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari kelompok kasus yaitu bayi baru lahir dengan BBLR dan kelompok kontrol yaitu bayi baru lahir yang BBLN dari bulan Januari–Desember 2015. Jumlah sampel 104 responden terdiri dari 52 kelompok kasus dan 52 kelompok kontrol. Pengumpulan data lapangan diambil dari data sekunder yaitu register ibu bersalin dan rekam medis dari Januari–Desember 2015. Analisis data menggunakan chi-square dan odd ratio. Proporsi ibu bersalin yang perdarahan antepartum melahirkan bayi BBLR sebesar 46,2%, sedangkan melahirkan bayi BBLN sebesar 23,1%. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan bahwa ibu bersalin dengan perdarahan antepartum berpeluang 2,857 kali lebih besar melahirkan bayi dengan BBLR (p=0,013; 95% CI: 1,228-6,649). Perdarahan antepartum berpengaruh meningkatkan kejadian BBLR

    Contribution of Agroforestry Systems to Farmer Income in State Forest Areas: A Case Study of Parungpanjang, Indonesia

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    Agroforestry activities in Forest Areas with Special Purpose (FASP) have been implemented since 2000 in Parungpanjang, West Java, which was subsequently reinforced by the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry concerning the Recognition and Protection of Forest Partnerships (Kulin KK) for the Harapan Sejahtera and Guna Bakti Forest Farmer Groups in 2019. This study investigates the contribution of agroforestry systems to farmer income using a household survey in the Parungpanjang Research Forest. The study aims to analyze: 1) the contribution of agroforestry to farmer income from a household structured income analysis; 2) factors of agroforestry that influence total farmer household income using multiple regression analysis. The results show that agroforestry systems contributed 15.8% to farmer household income. The highest agroforestry productivity occurs in the age group of 41-45 years with an average of ​​managed land area of 0.65 hectares and average annual income of IDR 16,780,000 (USD 1,198.6)/farmer/year. The statistical model showed that agroforestry income does not have a significant influence on total farmer household income due to differences in the types of commercial crops, motivation, and skill, as well as age related to physical abilities.  There are only two agroforestry factors, namely age and land area, that have a significant influence on total farmer income, whereby the direction of the age variable has a negative influence


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    Libraries, museums and archives hold valuable collections in a variety of media, presenting a vast body of knowledge rooted in the history of human civilisation. These form the repository of the wisdom of great works by thinkers of past and the present. The holdings of these institutions are priceless heritage of the mankind as they preserve documents, ideas, and the oral and written records. To value the cultural heritage and to care for it as a treasure bequeathed to us by our ancestors is the major responsibility of libraries. The past records constitute a natural resource and are indispensable to the present generation as well as to the generations to come. Libraries preserve the documentary heritage resources for which they are primarily responsible. Any loss of such materials is simply irreplaceable. Therefore, preserving this intellectual, cultural heritage becomes not only the academic commitment but also the moral responsibility of the librarians/information scientists, who are in charge of these repositories. The high quality of the papers and the discussion represent the thinking and experience of experts in their particular fields. The contributed papers also relate to the methodology used in libraries in Asia to provide access to manuscripts and cultural heritage. The volume discusses best practices in Knowledge preservation and how to collaborate and preserve the culture. The book also deals with manuscript and archives issues in the digital era. The approach of this book is concise, comprehensively, covering all major aspects of preservation and conservation through libraries. The readership of the book is not just limited to library and information science professionals, but also for those involved in conservation, preservation, restoration or other related disciplines. The book will be useful for librarians, archivists and conservators. We thank the Sunan Kalijaga University, Special Libraries Association- Asian Chapter for their trust and their constant support, all the contributors for their submissions, the members of the Local and International Committee for their reviewing effort for making this publication possible


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    This research is titled Personality Types of Main Characters in Novelof Two Sides of Sayfullan's Literature Psychology Study. The purpose of this research is to find out the personality type of the main character in Sayfullan's Two Sides novel. The subject of this research is Sayfullan's Two-Side Novel. The object of research study is the type of personality and main character. The research data collection method is reading notes. The research instrument is the data card. The research data analysis technique is descriptive qualitative. The results showed a dominant personality type, Melancholis. This research can be used as an alternative teaching material for Indonesian subjects in class XII high school based on curriculum 3013, revised 2018 through KD 3.8 and 4.8, namely interpreting the author's view of life in the novel that is read and analyzing the contents and presenting the results of the author's view interpretation. Keywords: Personality type, Sigmund Freud's psychoanalysis, Sayfullan's Two-Side Nove