116 research outputs found

    Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition of Copper with High Resolution and Purity from Aqueous Solutions

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    Electron-beam induced deposition of high-purity copper nanostructures is desirable for nanoscale rapid prototyping, interconnection of chemically synthesized structures, and integrated circuit editing. However, metalorganic, gas-phase precursors for copper introduce high levels of carbon contamination. Here we demonstrate electron beam induced deposition of high-purity copper nanostructures from aqueous solutions of copper sulfate. The addition of sulfuric acid eliminates oxygen contamination from the deposit and produces a deposit with ~95 at% copper. The addition of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), Triton X-100, or polyethylene glycole (PEG) improves pattern resolution and controls deposit morphology but leads to slightly reduced purity. High resolution nested lines with a 100 nm pitch are obtained from CuSO4–H2SO4–SDS–H2O. Higher aspect ratios (~1:1) with reduced line edge roughness and unintended deposition are obtained from CuSO4–H2SO4–PEG–H2O. Evidence for radiation-chemical deposition mechanisms was observed, including deposition efficiency as high as 1.4 primary electrons/Cu atom

    Compact Low-Cost Fiberless Diffuse Speckle Contrast Flow-Oximeter

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    A low-cost compact fiberless diffuse speckle contrast flow-meter includes a small laser diode and a 2-dimensional imaging device such as a charge coupled device (CCD) or complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) for directly contacting the tissue and measuring a parameter such as blood flow in a deep/thick volume of tissue (up to 10 mm depth). The small laser diode is fixed at a certain distance (0 to 20 mm) from the imaging device and directly contacts the tissue. Light emitted from the laser diode penetrates through the tissue and reflects back to the imaging device without passing through any lenses or fibers. One or more additional laser diodes may be added for producing light at different wavelengths, and the combination of measurements taken by the imaging device at the different wavelengths allows for measuring additional parameters, such as both blood flow and blood oxygenation

    A Hybrid Achromatic Metalens

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    Metalenses, ultra-thin optical elements that focus light using subwavelength structures, have been the subject of a number of recent investigations. Compared to their refractive counterparts, metalenses offer reduced size and weight, and new functionality such as polarization control. However, metalenses that correct chromatic aberration also suffer from markedly reduced focusing efficiency. Here we introduce a Hybrid Achromatic Metalens (HAML) that overcomes this trade-off and offers improved focusing efficiency over a broad wavelength range from 1000-1800 nm. HAMLs can be designed by combining recursive ray-tracing and simulated phase libraries rather than computationally intensive global search algorithms. Moreover, HAMLs can be fabricated in low-refractive index materials using multi-photon lithography for customization or using molding for mass production. HAMLs demonstrated diffraction limited performance for numerical apertures of 0.27, 0.11, and 0.06, with average focusing efficiencies greater than 60% and maximum efficiencies up to 80%. A more complex design, the air-spaced HAML, introduces a gap between elements to enable even larger diameters and numerical apertures

    Deep interactive evolution

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    This paper describes an approach that combines generative adversarial networks (GANs) with interactive evolutionary computation (IEC). While GANs can be trained to produce lifelike images, they are normally sampled randomly from the learned distribution, providing limited control over the resulting output. On the other hand, interactive evolution has shown promise in creating various artifacts such as images, music and 3D objects, but traditionally relies on a hand-designed evolvable representation of the target domain. The main insight in this paper is that a GAN trained on a specific target domain can act as a compact and robust genotype-to-phenotype mapping (i.e. most produced phenotypes do resemble valid domain artifacts). Once such a GAN is trained, the latent vector given as input to the GAN's generator network can be put under evolutionary control, allowing controllable and high-quality image generation. In this paper, we demonstrate the advantage of this novel approach through a user study in which participants were able to evolve images that strongly resemble specific target images.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figures, Published at EvoMUSART EvoStar 201

    Magnetic Response of Aperiodic Wire Networks Based on Fibonacci Distortions of Square Antidot Lattices

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    The static and dynamic magnetic responses of patterned ferromagnetic thin films are uniquely altered in the case of aperiodic patterns that retain long-range order (e.g., quasicrystals). We have fabricated permalloy wire networks based on periodic square antidot lattices (ADLs) distorted according to an aperiodic Fibonacci sequence applied to two lattice translations, d1  = 1618 nm and d2  = 1000 nm. The wire segment thickness is fixed at t = 25 nm, and the width W varies from 80 to 510 nm. We measured the DC magnetization between room temperature and 5 K. Room-temperature, narrow-band (9.7 GHz) ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) spectra were acquired for various directions of applied magnetic field. The DC magnetization curves exhibited pronounced step anomalies and plateaus that signal flux closure states. Although the Fibonacci distortion breaks the fourfold symmetry of a finite periodic square ADL, the FMR data exhibit fourfold rotational symmetry with respect to the applied DC magnetic field direction

    Ferromagnetic resonance study of eightfold artificial ferromagnetic quasicrystals

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    We have performed broadband (10 MHz–18 GHz) and narrowband (9.7 GHz) ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements on permalloy thin films patterned with quasiperiodic Ammann tilings having eightfold rotational symmetry. We observed highly reproducible mode structures in the low-frequency, hysteretic regime in which domain walls and unsaturated magnetization textures exist. A minimum of 10 robust modes were observed in patterned samples, compared to the single uniform mode observed in unpatterned permalloy films. The field dependence and approximate eightfold rotational symmetry of the FMR spectra are in good agreement with micromagnetic simulations that confirm the importance of patterning for controlling static and dynamic magnetic response

    Controlled Magnetic Reversal in Permalloy Films Patterned into Artificial Quasicrystals

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    We have patterned novel Permalloy thin films with quasicrystalline Penrose P2 tilings and measured their dc magnetization and ferromagnetic resonance absorption. Reproducible anomalies in the hysteretic, low-field data signal a series of abrupt transitions between ordered magnetization textures, culminating in a smooth evolution into a saturated state. Micromagnetic simulations compare well to experimental dc hysteresis loops and ferromagnetic resonance spectra and indicate that systematic control of magnetic reversal and domain wall motion can be achieved via tiling design, offering a new paradigm of magnonic quasicrystals

    Transit times and mean ages for nonautonomous and autonomous compartmental systems

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    We develop a theory for transit times and mean ages for nonautonomous compartmental systems. Using the McKendrick-von F\"orster equation, we show that the mean ages of mass in a compartmental system satisfy a linear nonautonomous ordinary differential equation that is exponentially stable. We then define a nonautonomous version of transit time as the mean age of mass leaving the compartmental system at a particular time and show that our nonautonomous theory generalises the autonomous case. We apply these results to study a nine-dimensional nonautonomous compartmental system modeling the terrestrial carbon cycle, which is a modification of the Carnegie-Ames-Stanford approach (CASA) model, and we demonstrate that the nonautonomous versions of transit time and mean age differ significantly from the autonomous quantities when calculated for that model

    Statistical independence of the colocalized association signals for type 1 diabetes and RPS26 gene expression on chromosome 12q13

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    Following the recent success of genome-wide association studies in uncovering disease-associated genetic variants, the next challenge is to understand how these variants affect downstream pathways. The most proximal trait to a disease-associated variant, most commonly a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), is differential gene expression due to the cis effect of SNP alleles on transcription, translation, and/or splicing gene expression quantitative trait loci (eQTL). Several genome-wide SNP–gene expression association studies have already provided convincing evidence of widespread association of eQTLs. As a consequence, some eQTL associations are found in the same genomic region as a disease variant, either as a coincidence or a causal relationship. Cis-regulation of RPS26 gene expression and a type 1 diabetes (T1D) susceptibility locus have been colocalized to the 12q13 genomic region. A recent study has also suggested RPS26 as the most likely susceptibility gene for T1D in this genomic region. However, it is still not clear whether this colocalization is the result of chance alone or if RPS26 expression is directly correlated with T1D susceptibility, and therefore, potentially causal. Here, we derive and apply a statistical test of this hypothesis. We conclude that RPS26 expression is unlikely to be the molecular trait responsible for T1D susceptibility at this locus, at least not in a direct, linear connection

    Smart Focal Plane Technologies for VLT Instruments

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    As we move towards the era of ELTs, it is timely to think about the future role of the 8-m class telescopes. Under the OPTICON programme, novel technologies have been developed that are intended for use in multi-object and integral-field spectrographs. To date, these have been targeted at instrument concepts for the European ELT, but there are also significant possibilities for their inclusion in new VLT instruments, ensuring the continued success and productivity of these unique telescopes.Comment: 5 pages, to appear in the proceedings of the ESO Workshop "Science with the VLT in the ELT era
