Ferromagnetic resonance study of eightfold artificial ferromagnetic quasicrystals


We have performed broadband (10 MHz–18 GHz) and narrowband (9.7 GHz) ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) measurements on permalloy thin films patterned with quasiperiodic Ammann tilings having eightfold rotational symmetry. We observed highly reproducible mode structures in the low-frequency, hysteretic regime in which domain walls and unsaturated magnetization textures exist. A minimum of 10 robust modes were observed in patterned samples, compared to the single uniform mode observed in unpatterned permalloy films. The field dependence and approximate eightfold rotational symmetry of the FMR spectra are in good agreement with micromagnetic simulations that confirm the importance of patterning for controlling static and dynamic magnetic response

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