1,613 research outputs found

    Cashless transactions through ecommerce platform in the Post-Covid-19

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    COVID-19 pandemic becomes one of the critical challenges that occur around the world that is impressed by the social environment of society. This paper is based on a literature review of the conceptual framework of cashless transactions based on attitude customized in e-commerce usage in post-COVID-19. The main purpose of this study paper is to formulate elements that are suitable for the proposed cashless transactions model based on attitude tailored to the use of e-commerce in post-COVID-19 to enhance trustworthiness value and best practices among consumers. The conceptual framework of cashless transactions based on attitude through e-commerce focuses on the influence of e-commerce usage features, perceived behavioural control (consumer abilities), and subjective norms related to motivational values influenced by the social environment. This research paper was also carried out based on previous studies and the use of Theory Of Planned Behaviour tailored to the conceptual framework of the study to be produced. This study proposes a cashless transactions model based on attitude primarily among consumers of higher education institutions. Based on the studies, focuses on the culture of using cashless transactions specializing in e-commerce platforms that will guide further studies in the future

    Spinal manipulation or mobilization for lumbar disc herniation with radiculopathy : a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Introduction: The purpose of this study is to conduct a systematic review and meta-analysis into the effects of spinal manipulation or mobilization for Lumbar Disc Herniation with Radiculopathy (LDHR). Methods: An electronic database search of titles and abstracts of articles published in English will be conducted in the following databases: PEDro (Physiotherapy Evidence Database), CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and The Cochrane Library. The specific search strategies will be dependent on the particular database being searched and hand searches of the reference lists of the included articles will also be performed. Studies will be included if they reported an acceptable comparison group, and also reported at least one of the main clinically relevant outcome measures for LDHR. Two independent reviewers will screen the identified records, and all disagreements will be resolved. The internal and external validities of the included studies will be assessed using the PEDro scale and the External Validity Assessment Tool (EVAT) respectively. The clinical relevance and risk of bias of the studies will be determined using the 5-Criteria developed by the Cochrane Back Review Group and the Cochrane Risk of Bias Assessment Tool respectively. Studies will be pooled into meta-analysis where appropriate using RevMan software and the outcomes will be reported using the PRISMA guidelines. Discussion: This review will summarize the current evidence about the effects of spinal manipulation or mobilization compared with other interventions in the management of individuals with Lumbar Disc Herniation with Radiculopathy (LDHR). A meta-analysis will also be conducted where appropriate in this review to compare the effects of spinal manipulation or mobilization with other interventions with a view to finding out which technique is better in the management of individuals with LDHR. Review Registration: This review has been registered with the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO; registration number: CRD42019131292). Keywords: Spinal manipulation; spinal mobilization; lumbar disc herniation; systematic review; meta-analysi

    Maqamat kesufian dalam syair Hamzah Fansuri

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    Al-Qusyayri dalam bukunya yang berjudul al-Risalah al-Qusyayriyyah telah menjelaskan sebanyak empat puluh sembilan (49) Maqamat kesufian secara terperinci. Antaranya ialah, taubat, mujahadah, zuhud, takut, tawakkal, muraqabah, ‘ubudiyyah, istiqamah, zikir, doa, tauhid, mahabbah, sawq. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sejauhmana konsep kedudukan (maqamat) kesufian telah diterapkan oleh Hamzah Fansuri dalam syair kesufiannya. Hamzah Fansuri yang dianggap penyair sufi yang tersohor di Nusantara abad ke-16 ini telah menggunakan syair sebagai salah satu kaedah untuk menyampai ajaran agama Islam dan maqamat kesufian. Teks syair Hamzah Fansuri yang digunakan dalam kajian ini ialah Lampiran (I) Syair-Syair Syeikh Hamzah Fansuri Dalam Naskhah Jakarta MS Jak. Mal. No. 83, dan Lampiran (II) Bait-Bait Hamzah Fansuri dalam buku” Tasawuf Yang Tertindas” tulisan Abdul Hadi Wiji Muthari, terbitan Paramadina, Jakarta, 2001. Hasil kajian mendapati bahawa syair-syair Hamzah penuh dengan maqamat kesufian seperti taubat, zuhud, meninggalkan syahwat tawakal, murah hati, takut, khusuk dan tawaduk, cinta dan sebagainya. Kesemua maqamatyang diterapkan itu merupakan ajaran syariat Islam dan Sunnah Nabi (S.A.W) yang diperlukan dalam ajaran kesufian

    Perbandingan kata kerja sokong dalam bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Perancis

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    Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan penggunaan kata kerja sokong dalam bahasa Melayu seperti yang telah ditemui dalam penggunaan verbe support bahasa Perancis di samping ingin melihat peranan yang dimainkan oleh kata kerja sokong dalam ayat serta meninjau persamaan dan perbezaan yang wujud bagi binaan ayat yang menggunakan kata kerja sokong "memberi" dalam bahasa Melayu dan donner dalam bahasa Perancis. Kajian ini berdasarkan teori Leksikon-Tatabahasa (Lexique-Grammaire) oleh Maurice Gross dan menggunakan korpus kajian yang dikumpul dalam bahasa Melayu dan diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Perancis untuk tujuan perbandingan. Hasil kajian ini mendapati kewujudan kata kerja sokong dapat ditentukan berdasarkan fungsinya sebagai perealisasi kepada kata nama predikatif atau nom prédicatif dalam ayat. Terdapat persamaan yang amat ketara dari segi makna bagi kebanyakan ayat yang mengandungi kata kerja sokong dan juga ayat yang diterbitkan dengan penggunaan kata kerja distribusi sama ada dalam bahasa Melayu atau bahasa Perancis

    Retroperitoneal intramuscular haemangioma: Imaging features.

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    Retroperitoneal intramuscular haemangiomas are quite rare. Interruption of the muscle layer by intramuscular cavernous haemangioma raised the suspicion of a soft tissue sarcoma. We discuss the radiological characteristics of a haemangioma compared to soft tissue sarcoma

    The impact of slope engineering as a green technology towards the environment

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    Human intervention on the environment affects the change of landforms all over the world. As the population keeps on growing, more land will be required for different uses and activities, whether it is for lodging, cultivating or industrial uses. Another human activity that influences slope destruction is the construction of buildings.However, in demanding area of land for the necessities of human, land is regularly being manhandled and changed drastically due to overuse. The massive alteration on the slope area has caused the soil erosion issues. The current research has shown that the biotechnical erosion or bioengineering technique is the green approach to prevent the soil erosion .This paper presents the application of bioengineering techniques on slope engineering that would give positive impact towards the environment. The data for this study was collected using primary and secondary data by doing site survey and observation on checklists that extracted from the literature review.The finding of the study inspired to find the best technique in mitigating the issues of soil erosion by the application of bioengineering techniques on slope engineering. In conclusion, the bioengineering techniques are regarded as green technology that would give positive impact as it can increase the safety factors on the slopes as well as act as soil erosion control

    Statistical Malay Dependency Parser for Knowledge Acquisition Based on Word Dependency Relation

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    AbstractOne of the common problems faced when processing information gathered from any natural language is the “semantic gap” where the “meaning” of the sentences is not exactly extracted. In Malay Natural Language Processing (NLP), as our knowledge, there is no existing Malay Parser that can be used to develop a knowledge acquisition feature to extract “meaning” from Malay articles based-on syntactic relations. This relation is basically the relation between a word and its dependents. This paper will examine the Dependency Grammar (DG) for developing Malay Grammar Parser and discuss the possibilities of developing probabilistic dependency Malay parser using the projected syntactic relation from annotated English corpus. The English side of a parallel corpus, project the analysis to the second language (Malay). Thus, the rules for adaptation from English DG to Malay DG will be defined. The projected tree structure in Malay will be used in training a stochastic analyzer. The training will produce a set of tree lattices which contains chunks of dependency trees for Malay attached with their probability value. A decoder will be developed to test the lattices. A DG for a new Malay sentence is built by combining the pre-determined lattices according to their plausible highest probability of combination

    Proses pendidikan muzium : satu kajian awal

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    Ini merupakan kajian awalan tentang proses pendidikan muzium. Persoalan yang ditinjau ialah bagaimana proses pendidikan muzium itu berlaku dan apakah manfaatnya daripada pendidikan tersebut. Kajian ini diasaskan kepada kajian lapangan selama empat bulan (dari September hingga Disember 2009) di Muzium Negara, Kuala Lumpur. Didapati pendidikan muzium dapat melengkapkan pendidikan secara-formal di sekolah. Pada asasnya, kebanyakan mata pelajaran di sekolah sama ada dalam bidang sains sosial (seperti sejarah, geografi, kesusasteraan, kebudayaan dan kesenian) mahupun sains tulen adalah sesuai dengan pendidikan muzium kerana muzium mempunyai banyak jenis, tidak terbatas pada pameran artifak sejarah, warisan dan purbakala. Sesebuah muzium itu dicirikan oleh tema bahan-bahan yang dipamerkan seperti flora, fauna, sejarah, dokumen (arkib), arkeologi, geologi, sains, teknologi dan angkasa lepas. Kajian ini mendapati pendidikan muzium bukan sahaja bukan sahaja menyeronokkan tetapi juga dapat meninggalkan kesan berkekalan. Ini kerana, dari satu sisi, lazimnya muzium mempamerkan objek-objek yang unik atau bahanbahan yang tidak ditemui dalam kehidupan biasa. Objek-objek begini dengan sendirinya menanam minat terhadap pelajar untuk belajar. Dari sisi yang lain,pendidikan muzium mendorong pengunjungnya mendalam penghayatan terhadap apa yang dipelajari, lebih-lebih lagi sekiranya muzium itu membenarkan berlaku proses secara interaktif. Makalah ini menggalurkan beberapa langkah bagaimana pendidikan muzium boleh dijalankan dengan berkesan

    Define colony number of subterranean termites coptotermes gstroi (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) in selected infested structures

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    Termites are one of the social insects living in large colonies that can cause economic loss. The objective of this study was to estimate foraging territory of infested subterranean termites on building structure. A mark-recapture study was conducted on eight Coptotermes gestroi colonies located at selected infested building structures in Penang, Malaysia. From the foraging study, the population of C. gestroi was estimated to be within the range of 106,592±6,968 to 4,185,000±2,127,328. Additionally, the foraging territory was from 13 to 300 m2 of the infested building structures. Meanwhile the maximum foraging distance was from 4 to 30 m of the infested structures. The results indicated that each of the building structures was infested by a single colony. This study also showed that the triple mark recapture technique used to estimate the population size of the termite colony was capable of providing rough estimates of foraging population of C. gestroi

    Investigation of biological condition of fish species in lower Ogun River wetlands, Lagos, Nigeria

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    The study was carried out to investigate the biological condition of fish species in lower Ogun River wetlands. A total of 175 individual fish belonging to 10 species were collected from artisanal fishermen usingdifferent types of fishing gears. Two biological indices; condition factor “K” and growth exponent “b” obtained from length-weight relationship were used to determine the biological condition of the fishes. The conditionfactor (K) recorded during the study ranged between 0.55 in Liza  grandisquamis and 5.61 in Oreochromis niloticus. The growth exponent (b) ranged from 1.48 in Penaus notialis to 5.67 in Gymnarchus niloticus. Theregression coefficient of determination was significant for some of the fish with highest value of R2=0.98 for Sardinella madarensis. The study showed that most of the fish species in the study area are in poor biologicalcondition and exhibit allometric growth.Keywords: Allometric growth, condition factor, growth exponent, length-weight relationship