55 research outputs found

    Internet of Things (IoTs): Applications in Home Automation

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    Over the last decade in the field of science & technology, the internet has made significant impact in our economies & societies by bringing in remarkable communication & networking infrastructure. In continuation with this pattern, it is ready to develop as a "Web of Things (IoTs)" where the web will give a medium to physical world articles to take an interest in cooperation. Along these lines the computerized data innovation can incorporate the physical world to the online world, to give a typical cooperation stage. The Internet of Things (IoTs) portrays an overall system of intercommunicating gadgets.   It coordinates the worldwide correspondences, general figuring, and likewise the surrounding knowledge. Now, (IoTs) must be viewed as a dream where "things", particularly regular items, for example, almost all home machines additionally furniture, garments, vehicles, streets and shrewd materials, and more, are intelligible, conspicuous, locatable, addressable or controllable through the Internet. This will provide the basis for many new applications, such as energy monitoring, transport safety systems or building security. This vision will surely change with the passage of time, especially as collaborations between Identification Technologies, Wireless Sensor Networks, Intelligent Devices & Nano-technology will enable a number of advanced applications.   The innovative use of technologies is contributing to create a value proposition for Internet of Things stakeholders.We have successfully developed an IoTs system section of home automation applications for automating the AC appliances to be used at domestic level. This type of automation uses wireless communication between user & as well as devices to be used. The main back-end principle behind the communication established between all the devices is of serial type. Here we have also adjusted the developed system in such a way to operate manually the similar appliances, connected with it. It is advantageous in system’s faulty situations & also for new users/guests

    Mobile Ad hoc networks in the Global system of Interconnected Computer Networks

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    Computers capable of attaching to the Internet from many places are likely to grow in popularity until they dominate the population of the Internet. Consequently, protocol research has shifted into high gear to develop appropriate network protocols for supporting mobility. This introductory article attempts to outline some of the many promising and interesting research directions. The papers in this special issue indicate the diversity of viewpoints within the research community, and it is part of the purpose of this introduction to frame their place within the overall research area

    Efficacy evaluation of neurofeedback applied for treatment of central neuropathic pain using machine learning

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    Brain-computer interface (BCI) is believed to be the translator of brain signals into actions based on the model, built on the machine learning (ML) algorithms, incorporated in it. This study reports on the performance of various ML algorithms in evaluating efficacy of neurofeedback applied for treatment of central neuropathic pain (CNP). In the first phase of this study, we applied different ML algorithms for classification of electroencephalography (EEG) patterns, associated with CNP, obtained from three groups of participants, during imagined movement of their limbs, named as able-bodied (AB), paraplegic patients with (PWP) and without (PNP) neuropathic pain. In the second phase, we tested the accuracy of BCI-classifier by applying new EEG data obtained from PWP participants who have completed neurofeedback training provided for the management of pain. Support vector Machine (SVM) algorithm gained higher accuracy, with all groups, than the other classifiers. However, the highest classification accuracy of 99 ± 0.49% was obtained with the right hand motor imagery of (AB vs PWP) group and 61 electrodes. In Conclusion, SVM based BCI-classifier achieved high accuracy in evaluating efficacy of neurofeedback applied for treatment of CNP. Results of this study show that the accuracy of BCI changes with ML algorithm, electrodes combinations, and training data set

    Friction and wear performance evaluation of bio-lubricants and DLC coatings on cam/tappet interface of internal combustion engines

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    The environmental concerns associated with artificially formulated engine oils have forced a shift towards bio-based lubricants. The deposition of hard coatings on engine components and migrating to environmentally friendly green lubricants can help in this regard. Chemically modified forms of vegetable oils, with better low-temperature characteristics and enhanced thermo-oxidative stability, are suitable substitutes to conventional lubricant base oils. The research presented in this manuscript was undertaken to experimentally investigate the wear and friction performance of a possible future generation of an environmentally friendly bio-based lubricant as a potential replacement for conventional engine lubricants. In order to quantify the tribological benefits which can be gained by the deposition of DLC coatings, (an (a-C:H) hydrogenated DLC coating and an (a-C:H:W) tungsten-doped DLC coating) were applied on the cam/tappet interface of a direct acting valve train assembly of an internal combustion engine. The tribological correlation between DLC-coated engine components, lubricant base oils and lubricant additives have been thoroughly investigated in this study using actual engine operating conditions. Two additive-free base oils (polyalphaolefines (PAO) and chemically-modified palm oil (TMP)) and two multi-additive-containing lubricants were used in this investigation. Real-time drive torque was measured to determine the friction force, detailed post-test analysis was performed, which involved the use of a specialized jig to measure camlobe wear. An optical profilometer was used to measure the wear on the tappet, high-resolution scanning electron microscopy was employed to study the wear mechanism and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was performed on the tested samples to qualitatively access the degradation of the coating. When using additive-free TMP, a low friction coefficient was observed for the cam/tappet interface. The presence of additives further improved the friction characteristics of TMP, resulting in reduced average friction torque values. A tremendous enhancement in wear performance was recorded with a-C:H-coated parts and the coating was able to withstand the test conditions with little or no delamination

    Design a framework for IoT- Identification, Authentication and Anomaly detection using Deep Learning: A Review

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) connects billions of smart gadgets so that they may communicate with one another without the need for human intervention. With an expected 50 billion devices by the end of 2020, it is one of the fastest-growing industries in computer history. On the one hand, IoT technologies are critical in increasing a variety of real-world smart applications that can help people live better lives. The cross-cutting nature of IoT systems, on the other hand, has presented new security concerns due to the diverse components involved in their deployment. For IoT devices and their inherent weaknesses, security techniques such as encryption, authentication, permissions, network monitoring, \& application security are ineffective. To properly protect the IoT ecosystem, existing security solutions need to be strengthened. Machine learning and deep learning (ML/DL) have come a long way in recent years, and machine intelligence has gone from being a laboratory curiosity to being used in a variety of significant applications. The ability to intelligently monitor IoT devices is an important defense against new or negligible assaults. ML/DL are effective data exploration techniques for learning about 'normal' and 'bad' behavior in IoT devices and systems. Following a comprehensive literature analysis on Machine Learning methods as well as the importance of IoT security within the framework of different sorts of potential attacks, multiple DL algorithms have been evaluated in terms of detecting attacks as well as anomaly detection in this work. We propose a taxonomy of authorization and authentication systems in the Internet of Things based on the review, with a focus on DL-based schemes. The authentication security threats and problems for IoT are thoroughly examined using the taxonomy supplied. This article provides an overview of projects that involve the use of deep learning to efficiently and automatically provide IoT applications

    [Muhammad Ibn Abi ‘Amir’s Political Involvement According to The Chronicle Of Ibn Hayyan Al-Qurtubi] Penglibatan Politik Muhammad Ibn Abi ‘Amir Menurut Catatan Ibn Hayyan Al-Qurtubi

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    Abstract Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir was a de facto leader of al-Andalus during the Umayyad rule based in Cordoba. Caliph al-Hakam II had appointed him to hold some political positions to strengthen Umayyad rule in Cordoba (al-Andalus) and al-Maghrib (North Africa). Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir’s political appointment was seen as a special position in Cordoba administration. This analysis is seen through the readings of the authoritative primary source written by Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi. Hence, the purpose of this article is to scrutinize Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi’s biography as an al-Andalus historian in the 5H/11AD Century in his work, al-Muqtabas fi Akhbar Balad al-Andalus. In addition, this research also describes the involvement of Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir in the Umayyad administration in Cordoba during the reign of Caliph al-Hakam II based on the chronicle of Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi. On the whole, this article is a qualitative research using historical study and content analysis in gathering and analyzing data from relevant primary and secondary sources. Based on Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi’s description in al-Muqtabas, this research argues that Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir was an authoritative political figure in 4H/10AD Century of the Umayyad rule in Cordoba. His political appointments were held in the fields, of administration, judiciary, military, security, international relations and finance. This research also concludes that Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi was a preeminent historian in al-Andalus through his work, al-Muqtabas fi Akhbar Balad al-Andalus, which is seen as his biggest contribution in the corpus of knowledge on Islamic history and civilization in al-Andalus. Keywords: Political history, al-Andalus, Cordoba, Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir, Umayyad Caliphate, Caliph al-Hakam II, Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi   Abstrak Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir ialah seorang pemimpin de facto al-Andalus pada zaman pemerintahan Kerajaan Umawiyyah di Cordoba. Pihak Khalifah al-Hakam II telah melantik beliau untuk menjawat beberapa jawatan politik utama bagi memperkukuh pengaruh Kerajaan Umawiyyah di Cordoba (al-Andalus) dan di al-Maghrib (Afrika Utara). Pelantikan politik Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir ini turut memperlihatkan kedudukan istimewa yang diterima beliau dalam pemerintahan di Cordoba. Pencerakinan tersebut dilihat menerusi penelaahan terhadap sumber primer berwewenang yang ditulis oleh Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi. Oleh itu, penulisan ini bertujuan untuk meneliti biografi Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi sebagai tokoh sejarawan al-Andalus pada abad ke-5H/11M melalui karyanya, al-Muqtabas fi Akhbar Balad al-Andalus. Di samping itu, kajian ini turut memerihalkan penglibatan Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir dalam Kerajaan Umawiyyah di Cordoba pada era pemerintahan Khalifah al-Hakam II berdasarkan catatan Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi. Secara keseluruhannya, artikel ini merupakan kajian kualitatif dengan menggunakan reka bentuk kajian sejarah dan analisis kandungan dalam mengumpul serta menganalisis maklumat daripada sumber primer dan sekunder yang relevan. Berasaskan pemerian Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi dalam al-Muqtabas, kajian ini menghujahkan bahawa Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir ialah seorang tokoh politik berwibawa abad ke-4H/10M era Kerajaan Umawiyyah di Cordoba. Antara penglibatan politik yang disandang oleh Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir adalah meliputi bidang pentadbiran, kehakiman, ketenteraan, keselamatan, hubungan antarabangsa dan juga kewangan. Kajian ini turut menatijahkan Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi sebagai seorang tokoh sejarawan terulung di al-Andalus menerusi hasil karyanya, al-Muqtabas fi Akhbar Balad al-Andalus yang dilihat sebagai sumbangan terbesar beliau dalam korpus kelimuan sejarah dan tamadun Islam di al-Andalus. Kata kunci: Sejarah politik, al-Andalus, Cordoba, Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir, Kerajaan Umawiyyah, Khalifah al-Hakam II, Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtub

    Friction and Wear Performance Evaluation of Bio-Lubricants and DLC Coatings on Cam/Tappet Interface of Internal Combustion Engines

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    The environmental concerns associated with artificially formulated engine oils have forced a shift towards bio-based lubricants. The deposition of hard coatings on engine components and migrating to environmentally friendly green lubricants can help in this regard. Chemically modified forms of vegetable oils, with better low-temperature characteristics and enhanced thermo-oxidative stability, are suitable substitutes to conventional lubricant base oils. The research presented in this manuscript was undertaken to experimentally investigate the wear and friction performance of a possible future generation of an environmentally friendly bio-based lubricant as a potential replacement for conventional engine lubricants. In order to quantify the tribological benefits which can be gained by the deposition of DLC coatings, (an (a-C:H) hydrogenated DLC coating and an (a-C:H:W) tungsten-doped DLC coating) were applied on the cam/tappet interface of a direct acting valve train assembly of an internal combustion engine. The tribological correlation between DLC-coated engine components, lubricant base oils and lubricant additives have been thoroughly investigated in this study using actual engine operating conditions. Two additive-free base oils (polyalphaolefines (PAO) and chemically-modified palm oil (TMP)) and two multi-additive-containing lubricants were used in this investigation. Real-time drive torque was measured to determine the friction force, detailed post-test analysis was performed, which involved the use of a specialized jig to measure camlobe wear. An optical profilometer was used to measure the wear on the tappet, high-resolution scanning electron microscopy was employed to study the wear mechanism and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy was performed on the tested samples to qualitatively access the degradation of the coating. When using additive-free TMP, a low friction coefficient was observed for the cam/tappet interface. The presence of additives further improved the friction characteristics of TMP, resulting in reduced average friction torque values. A tremendous enhancement in wear performance was recorded with a-C:H-coated parts and the coating was able to withstand the test conditions with little or no delamination

    Secure and efficient data storage operations by using intelligent classification technique and RSA algorithm in IoT-based cloud computing

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    In mobile cloud services, smartphones may depend on IoT-based cloud infrastructure and information storage tools to conduct technical errands, such as quest, information processing, and combined networks. In addition to traditional finding institutions, the smart IoT-cloud often upgrades the normal impromptu structure by treating mobile devices as corporate hubs, e.g., by identifying institutions. This has many benefits from the start, with several significant problems to be overcome in order to enhance the unwavering consistency of the cloud environment while Internet of things connects and improves decision support system of the entire network. In fact, similar issues apply to monitor loading, resistance, and other security risks in the cloud state. Right now, we are looking at changed arrangement procedures in MATLAB utilizing cardiovascular failure information and afterward protecting that information with the assistance of RSA calculation in mobile cloud. The calculations tried are SVM, RF, DT, NB, and KNN. In the outcome, the order strategies that have the best exactness result to test respiratory failure information will be recommended for use for enormous scope information. Instead, the collected data will be transferred to the mobile cloud for preservation using the RSA encryption algorithm


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    ABSTRACT This paper presents experimental results carried out to develop co-relation and comparison between vehicle and stationary dynamometer-engine emissions with same engines specifications and brands. The dynamometer-engine has been setup with same load and speed as the vehicle's engine which is carried on the road. The vehicle's road load power carried by engine has been calculated and used in this investigation. The stationary engine's rotational speed has been converted to linear distance to compare specific fuel consumptions (SFC) with real specific fuel consumption (SFC) of the vehicle on the road. The vehicle has been run on road test at 70km/h, 90 km/h and 100 km/h for 100 km each time to measure fuel consumption. Beside this, both the engine and vehicle have been operated in idling condition to measure fuel consumption, CO and HC emissions. Proton vehicle with magma engine (4 cylinders) has been used in this investigation. Both the engine and vehicle have been retrofitted for two fuels namely gasoline fuel and compressed natural gas (CNG). An eddy current dynamometer model Froude Consine (model AG150) is used to test the engine. All the electronic equipment, together with its manipulative controls and indicators such as thermocouples are mounted on 'CP Cadet10 (UK)' engine control unit. The engine control unit can control any speed and load applied to the dynamometer-engine. An autocheck model (974/5) and Bacharach model CA300NSX analyzers (standard version, ktype probe) have been used to measure the concentration CO and HC emissions. The results of this investigation will be used to predict the emissions and fuel consumption for road vehicles from stationary dynamometer -engine test