351 research outputs found

    Conceptions of Learning by Adult Students at The Institute of Education Development Universiti Teknologi MARA, Shah Alam

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    This is a qualitative study on the conceptions of learning held by adult students enrolled in the distance education program the Institute of Education Development (InED), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Shah Alam. Conceptions of learning can be defined as the beliefs and ideas people have about what learning actually means. Specifically the objectives of this study are to describe the meaning of learning as perceived by students in the distance education program at InED, UiTM and to identify the relationships between their conceptions of learning and the learning approaches and whether these conceptions were in congruence with those established in previous studies. In line with the objectives above, this study takes on the qualitative research method that is deemed appropriate when the intent of the researcher is to understand a phenomenon. For this purpose, this study adopted the qualitative research approach known as phenomenology. The purpose of this approach is to determine what an experience means for the person who have had the experience and are able to provide a comprehensive description of it. The sample for this study consisted of 15 students involved in the distance education program at UiTM and the individual interview become the predominant method to gather data. A micro cassette and a guide interview list were used to aid in capturing the conversation during the interview sessions. The interviews were then transcribed verbatim and translated. From the data analysis, themes were developed which described the phenomena. Findings showed that four themes were identified among the students. These conceptions of learning consisted of as 1) acquiring knowledge, 2) applying the acquired knowledge, 3) constructing meanings and new understandings and 4) changing as a person. This study also revealed that from the themes uncovered the students were more closely bound to the deep approach to learning while the surface approach was not evident. Basically this study concluded that four different themes of conceptions of learning were identified with all of the themes linked to the deep approach. This study also concluded that the results concurred with previous research in the same area. Finally it is recommended that a follow up study be conducted to explore the relationship between these conceptions and approaches to learning with the outcome of learning and with lecturers' conceptions of teaching with the hope that educators would be able to better facilitate and help students gain maximum benefits from the process of learning

    Multi-criteria approach for selecting the best solid waste management technologies

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    The growth in urbanization and industrial activities has caused solid waste management problems. As a solution the integrated approach has been chosen to manage the solid waste. Developing and implementing integrated solid waste management involve combined technologies and alternatives which are suitable with local laws condition. This research showed that Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) has the potential as a decision making tool that can be used in selecting process of solid waste management technology. Three levels hierarchy was developed with the goal at the top level, followed by criteria and alternatives. By using this technique, the priority of each considered technology will be determined where technology with the highest priority is more suitable to be developed. Sensitivity analysis was carried out to test the sensitivity of final decision towards inconsistency of judgement. Application of AHP to determine priority in selecting solid waste management technology was explained in this research based on a case study in the Port Dickson Municipal Council. Analysis of result showed that the combination of recycling technology and composting are suitable to be applied in the Port Dickson district

    Using electronic information resources: a study of end-user training needs and methods in selected public university libraries in Malaysia

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    This research investigated the library end-users' perceptions of their training needs in relation to using the electronic information resources in selected public universities in Malaysia. It also investigated the training methods preferred by end-users in learning how to use electronic information resources. The subjects of the study were university students and academic staff from three selected public universities in Malaysia. They comprised 433 students and 223 academic staff. This study employed both quantitative and qualitative methods. The main data was gathered through self-administered questionnaires, while the supplementary data was gathered through face-to-face semi-structured interviews. Opinions from the librarians responsible for end-user training at the three university libraries were also sought through face-to-face semi-structured interviews. Comparisons were made between the two groups of end-users, namely, students and academic staff in areas related to the problems of the study. Appropriate non-parametric statistical techniques such as cross-tabulation, chisquare test, Mann-Whitney U test and Spearman correlation test were applied in analysing the data measured at both nominal and ordinal scales. Among the major findings were: (1) a statistically significant differences were found between students and academic staff in terms of knowledge and ability in using electronic information resources. Many academic staff were more knowledgable and able to use electronic information resources than students. However, concerning knowledge in using certain IT facilities, many more students than academic staff knew how to use them; and (2) both students and academic staff preferred one-to-one training methods as their first choice. With regard to the second choice of training method, students preferred computerassisted instruction (CAI), while academic staff preferred library workshops with hands-on training. Recommendations based on the research findings were made

    User Engagement with Social Media, Implication on the Library Usage: A Case of Selected Public and Academic Libraries in Malaysia

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    The mainstream use of social media has impacted the library as it has been identified to be an efficient platform for libraries to foster networking and enhance engagement with their user community. The unique characteristics of social media with ‘high tech’, ‘interactive’ blend with the ‘human touch’ give a valuable means for libraries to provide information resources and services beyond their physical walls. However, despite its widespread usage, an engagement rate on social media is still low among library users and evaluation of social media use is still elusive and scarce in the library literature. Prior studies have yet to reveal to what extent the presence of social media triggers users’ awareness and influence their engagement. Subsequently, how it further impacts the actual library usage among end-users. Therefore, the present study attempts to investigate the factors that drive users’ engagement with social media and further examine the relationship of users’ engagement with social media and actual library use from both users and librarians’ perspectives. A mixed method approach was employed, and the study population consists of selected State Public and Academic Libraries in Malaysia. The integration of DeLone and McLean’s Information Systems Success Model (ISSM), Perceived Interactivity (PI) and Consumer Online Engagement (COE) models were adapted to establish the direction of the research. A total of 334 respondents which consisted of library users; and 11 interview participants comprise of professional librarians. The statistical data was analysed usingSPSSand SmartPLS, while thematic analysis was employed for the qualitative approach. The findings indicated that Information Quality, Perceived Interactivity, and Perceived Net Benefit have empirically proven to be significant predictors of users’ engagement with social media. The study also revealed that two dimensions of online engagement (affective and behavioural) have a positive and statistically significant effect on actual library use; while cognitive engagement proves to be insignificant. The study is significant in providing libraries a holistic overview about determinants of social media engagement and offers guidelines on evaluation of library social media. It also explored the potential and gauges the prospective areas of improvement for harnessing the use of library resources and services in meeting users’ ever-changing needs. Finally, the study proposed a framework for social media engagement evaluation for libraries which act as a benchmark to determine the best social media platforms to be adopted by libraries. Furthermore, the proposed criteria can be applied to increase users’ awareness and greater users’ engagement of library services

    Analysis on loan procedures between Islamic banking and conventional banking at Koperasi Permodalan Felda Berhad (KPF) / Nur Fadillah Hassan Basri

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    The Shariah compliance with principles is an integral feature in the Islamic banking and finance. Shariah deliberation and interpretation process is imperative in assuring such compliance. Harmonisation of Shariah interpretations will underpin a comprehensive and wholesome development of this sector. It will strengthen the regulatory and supervisory oversight of the industry and will also foster and nurture a pool of competent Shariah ad-visers. Among initiative to achieve the above objectives, Bank Negara Malaysia has amended the Central Bank of Malaysia Act 1958 to enhance the role and functions of its Shariah Advisory Council of Bank Negara Malaysia (SAC). This amendment has accorded the SAC as the sole Shariah authority in Islamic finance. The common Shariah concepts adopted in Islamic finance is Wadiah, Qardh, Mudhara-bah and others. However, since there is a need to address the contemporary issues and subscribe to the majority opinion of Shariah scholars, the Tawarruq concept is now intro-duced. Most cooperatives in Malaysia are using the Islamic concept as the basis of guid-ance in their business. Even though the concept has long been discussed by the Shariah scholars, only recently such concept was being practically implemented. This concept is regarded as an alternative to Bai’Inah concept and is used in product financing, deposits and financial liquidity management

    Composition of Solid Waste in a University Campus and its Potential for Composting

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    The aim of this research is to study the solid waste generation at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). The study areas were divided to four categories; offices, dormitories, faculties, and student affairs. This study is to quantify waste generation and composition, which was separated into organics, papers, plastics, glass, metals, e-waste and others. Waste characteristics studies were done to estimate the moisture content, density, pH and carbon/nitrogen ratio (C/N ratio). The average solid waste generation (on monthly basis) at UKM is 137.57 ton. The compositions of solid waste generated are paper (15.9%), glass (0.7%), plastic (12.2%), metal (1.2%), organic (54.8%), e-waste (0.2%) and others waste (15.0%). From the laboratory results, the average moisture content, density, pH and C/N ratio values from the solid waste generated are  43.16%, 273.5 kg/m3, 5.76, and 7:1 respectively. Composting methods would be one most sustainable method to convert organic waste into valuable compounds and reduce the waste  to be disposed into landfills

    Current Status of Municipal Solid Waste Generation in Malaysia

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    Recent investigations in 2010 resulted information that population of Kuala Lumpur City Area has reached 1.66 million people (JPM, 2009). With the population growth rate of 6.1 percent, then the population in the year 2010 can be estimated at least to 1.69 million people. The number of municipal solid waste generated from Kuala Lumpur State Territory and delivered to TBTS was recorded of 2,000 tonnes per day. Accordingly, the solid waste generation average for any person is 1.2 kilograms a day. From the survey found that almost total respondents, has already knew about the zero waste program and other government's waste management program. But this has to be mentioned if there was about 14% of the total respondents that have already recycled on their solid waste. Several of them have no convinced reason about why did they want to do a recycle thing. Though recycling activity in Malaysia is rising up, the recycling industry still needs to be enhanced. The price of solid waste (plastic) collected from plastic used market at several places on Kuala Lumpur City area is about RM 0.45 per kilogram, due to data taken on May 2010. If the population in 2009 is about 1.66 millions, then the plastic value per day will be RM 179,280. The potential gross value calculation for one year period can be reached  about RM 43,027,200. This potential value should be an additional income if the Government can build and develop an integrated plastic recycling market. At present, Taman Beringin Transfer Station has been taking care of the average of solid waste at 2,100 tonnes per day. The capacity of this waste generation has been increasing in numbers, from 1,700 tonnes, since initial operation in 2002. In estimation, TBTS budget is around of RM 30,000,000 in the period of one year only for the purposes of simple operational cost. Government Board of Kuala Lumpur City should reconsider a better solution for funding that operating cost

    Strategies for Developing an e-Learning Curriculum for Library and Information Sciences (LIS) Schools in the Muslim World: Meeting the Expectations in the Digital Age

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    The emergence of information and communication technologies (ICTs), particularly,the Internet and other related technologies have brought about a fundamental and dramatic shift in the global educational system,which is changing by the day. This shift has manifested in the form of e- learning where ICT software and hardware are used as tools for teaching and learning. Thus, e-learning has become an integral part of the 21st century education and training which is adopted by different institutions. The paper discusses the concepts of e-learning and curriculum development. It also addresses the critical needs for developing an e-learning curriculum for LIS schools in the Muslim World. The discussion is rooted within the perspectives of the benefits of developing an e-learning curriculum that will provide accessibility to LIS education in the Muslim world; enhancing the quality of those programmes provided; as well as cost effectiveness of the e-learning programmes. Additionally, it presented the strategies for developing an appropriate e-learning curriculum for the LIS schools in the Muslim World. The paper equally discusses the challenges that could likely serve as stumbling block to such curriculum development strategy. It also suggested the potential solutions to such challenges. The paper concludes that e-learning has come to stay, and th at all efforts should be made by LIS schools in the Muslim world to ensure its full acceptance and adoption, if they are to become key players in the 21 st century LIS education aren

    Alternative Power Generation for Subsea Production System

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    This project is intended to propose a concept system of an alternative power generation for subsea power generation system. The main reasoning for the concept to be proposed is to eliminate the need of powering SPS from long distance or from the topside since this will cause power loss and high cost in long umbilical. This project will utilize the ocean current as the alternative energy source of the power generation because it will be placed on the seabed, near the SPS facilities. Therefore ocean current is suitable to be exploited for this task. Using morphological approach, several concepts will be produced based on the extractor types, and it will be evaluated. The chosen concept design will be the proposed concept design for alternative power generation, which is the output of this project. It will be evaluated for suitability in powering the SPS and also the assembly drawing of the proposed concept design is presented in the results and discussion section