15 research outputs found

    Pedological and geochemical investigations at the „Red Outcrop“ of Langenlois (Lower Austria)

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    In einem Aufschluss von Löss-PalĂ€oboden-Sequenzen ĂŒber Rehberger Amphibolit NW von Langenlois wurden sechs Bodenprofile (Lois 1 bis Lois 6) beprobt und pedologisch, mineralogisch und geochemisch analysiert. Am Profil Lois 7 wurden bodenmikromorphologische Untersuchungen durchgefĂŒhrt. Zwei Bodenprofile (Lois 1 und 2) haben sich ĂŒber Amphibolit entwickelt, zwei ĂŒber einer Amphibolit/Marmor-Wechsellagerung (Lois 5 und 6) und drei Bodenprofile sind Sequenzen von polyzyklischen PalĂ€oböden mit fossilen Bodenhorizonten ohne unterlagerndes kristallines Gestein (Lois 3, 4 und 7). In den Profilen Lois 1–4 und Lois 7 konnten intensive Karbonatanreicherungen beobachtet werden. Diese hohen Mengen an Karbonat können nicht Produkt einer rezenten Bodenbildung sein, sondern sprechen fĂŒr eine Infiltration von ursprĂŒnglich das Profil ĂŒberlagernden kalzitreichen Sedimenten (Löss), die erodiert wurden. Zudem wurde in Profil Lois 2 ein Kalksinter angetroffen. Dieser Kalksinter könnte aus der Verwitterung der im Profil Lois 6 aufgeschlossenen Marmorlagen stammen. Die Kalksinter-Schicht scheint die StoffflĂŒsse zwischen unterliegendem Gestein und Solum in den Profilen Lois 1 und 2 mehr oder weniger zu unterbinden, was auch durch die Ergebnisse der geochemischen Analytik unterstrichen wird. In den fossilen Horizonten wurden auch Ă€ltere Anzeichen von Tonverlagerung in Form von Tonkutanen ĂŒber den Aggregaten und darĂŒber hinaus leichte Pseudovergleyungserscheinungen angetroffen. Die mĂ€chtigen Profile ohne aufgeschlossenes Grundgebirge (Lois 3, 4 und 7) weisen mehrere polyzyklische Sedimentationsphasen und dadurch mehrere Generationen von fossilen Horizonten auf. Aufgrund der bodenmikromorphologischen Analyse können die Böden vom „Roten Aufschluss“ altersmĂ€ĂŸig im unteren bis mittleren PleistozĂ€n oder Ă€lter angesiedelt werden.researc

    Thermophysical Properties of a Subsoil Drill Core for Geothermal Energy Applications

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    Urban heat islands (UHI) occur especially in inner-city areas due to small green areas, an excess of high solar heat, and low air circulation. One solution is the “harvesting” of excess solar urban heat through shallow absorber ducts, which are then used in borehole heat exchanger (BHE) fields for later use for heat or cold storage. Knowing the thermophysical properties of the subsurface as accurately as possible is of great importance in the design and configuring of a borehole heat exchanger field as a thermal energy storage system. In this study, a subsoil drill core from a BHE, with a depth of 80 m, was used to determine temperature dependent effective thermal conductivity based on the heat flow meter method, the specific heat capacity based on differential scanning calorimetry, and thermal expansion based on dilatometry in moist and dry states. The results have shown that the actual moisture content of the subsoil sample has a strong impact on the thermal conductivity, as well as on the heat capacity. Thermal expansion measurements have shown the influence of the drying process on the shrinkage of drill core samples and the low thermal expansion of the dry subsoil itself

    Article Design Framework and Laboratory Experiments for Helix and Slinky Type Ground Source Heat Exchangers for Retrofitting Projects

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    The focus of the experimental work was on shallow spiral geothermal heat exchanger configurations. Real-scale experiments were carried out for vertically oriented spiral collectors (helix) in sand and soil. One objective was to develop a measurement concept in laboratory environment to create a framework for a validated database. This database serves as the basis for further and new development of engineering design tools. To achieve the highest possible data-point density in the observed environment, temperature sensors and a fiber-optic temperature measurement system (DTS) were used. Soil probes were taken in situ before and after the measurements and analyzed at a thermophysical laboratory to determine material properties. The heat flow was controlled by an electric heating cable, which was installed in the form of a spiral-shaped heat exchanger in a 1 m3 container. To guarantee constant boundary conditions, the measurements were carried out in a climate chamber at a defined ambient temperature. The evaluation of the transient response behavior is spatially resolved. The results are coordinate-based temperature points, which describe temperature gradients in all axes of the container over time, which are combined with known soil properties. The collected data was used to develop computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models, which are used to extend the variety of geometry and soil configurations for developing new design tools. Raw data available for download here

    Scale-fragment formation impairing geothermal energy production: interacting H2S corrosion and CaCO3 crystal growth

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    Abstract Background Mineral precipitates (scaling) from deep saline thermal waters often constitute a major problem during geothermal energy production. The occurrence of scale-fragments accumulating and clogging pipes, filters, and heat exchangers is of particular concern regarding an efficient energy extraction. Methods Carbonate scale-fragments from different sections of two geothermal power plants were collected and studied in a high-resolution scaling forensic approach comprising of microstructural characterization, elemental mapping, and stable carbon and oxygen isotope transects. The solid-phase analyses were evaluated in the context of natural environmental and technical (man-made) production conditions. Results and discussion Our results indicate an interaction of metal sulfide mineral layers mainly from H2S corrosion of the steel pipes and CaCO3 nucleation and crystal growth. A conceptual model of scale-fragment development addresses the relevance of two key interfaces: 1) the corrosion layer between the steel substrate and calcite scale and 2) the scale surface versus thermal fluid flow. The corrosion products constitute an attractive crystallization substrate of brittle and mechanically weak consistency. A rough carbonate scale surface tends to induce (micro) turbulences and increased flow resistance (frictional forces). These factors promote partial exfoliation, scale-fragment mobilization, and rapid clogging. This investigation highlights the potential of detailed petrographic and geochemical analyses of mineral precipitates for evaluating favorable versus unfavorable processes in geotechnical environmental settings

    Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2014

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    During 2014, 817 earthquakes and 180 quarry blasts were detected and located in the region under consideration. An additional 160 earthquakes with ML≀1.0 were located using supplementary analysis techniques. The number of located earthquakes in 2014 was the largest since the installation of a seismic network in Switzerland in 1975. This unusually large number is mainly due to the occurrence of two vigorous earthquake sequences, and the local reduction of the earthquake detection thresholds of the Swiss seismic network. With a total of 22 earthquakes of ML≄2.5, the seismic activity of larger and potentially felt events was close to the average of 23 earthquakes over the previous 39years. The most noteworthy seismicity was the earthquake sequence near Diemtigen, west of Lake Thun, where more than 270 events were located between April and December. High-precision hypocenter relocation was applied to image the spatio-temporal evolution of this seismicity. The sequence culminated in an M L 3.2 event in October, which was felt in the region of Lake Thun and Bern. Other cases of earthquakes felt by the public include earthquakes in the region of Biel (ML 3.2), in Vallorcine (ML 3.2), and in Stalden (ML 3.0). Finally, a small but unusually deep earthquake was recorded beneath the Jura Mountains. Focal depth, apparent velocities, as well as waveform characteristics of this earthquake are consistent with a source in the uppermost mantle. This earthquake is the first reliable record of a sub-Moho event ever observed in Switzerland. Zusammenfassung: Dieser Bericht des Schweizerischen Erdbebendienstes stellt eine Zusammenfassung der im Vorjahr in der Schweiz und Umgebung aufgetretenen Erdbeben dar. Im Jahr 2014 wurden im erwĂ€hnten Gebiet 817 Erdbeben sowie 180 Sprengungen erfasst und lokalisiert. Weitere 160 Beben mit Magnituden ML≀1.0 wurden mit Hilfe von zusĂ€tzlichen Auswertungsmethoden lokalisiert. Die Zahl der in 2014 lokalisierten Erdbeben ist die höchste seit der Installation eines seismischen Messnetzes in der Schweiz im Jahre 1975. Diese außergewöhnlich hohe Zahl erklĂ€rt sich vor allem durch das Auftreten zweier Ă€ußerst aktiver Erdbebensequenzen und der lokalen Absenkung der Detektionsschwelle fĂŒr Erdbeben durch die Verbesserung des seismischen Messnetzes der Schweiz. Mit 22 Beben der Magnitude ML≄2.5 lag die seismische AktivitĂ€t von stĂ€rkeren und potentiell spĂŒrbaren Ereignissen im Jahr 2014 nahe am Durchschnitt von 23 Beben pro Jahr der vergangenen 39 Jahren. Bemerkenswert war die Erdbebensequenz von Diemtigen, westlich vom Thunersee bei der mehr als 270 Ereignisse zwischen April und Dezember lokalisiert wurden. Hochauflösende Erdbebenlokalisierung wurde verwendet, um die rĂ€umliche und zeitliche Entwicklung dieser Erdbebenserie abzubilden. Ein Beben der Magnitude ML 3.2 bildete den Höhepunkt der Sequenz im Oktober. Dieses wurde in der Region des Thunersees und Bern deutlich verspĂŒrt. Weitere Erdbeben, die von der Bevölkerung verspĂŒrt wurden, waren unter anderem die Beben in der Region Biel (ML 3.2), in Vallorcine (ML 3.2) und in Stalden (ML 3.0). DarĂŒberhinaus wurde ein schwaches, aber ungewöhnlich tiefes Erdbeben unterhalb des Juras registriert. Sowohl Herdtiefe, Scheingeschwindigkeiten und Charakter der Wellenformen weisen auf einen Erdbebenherd im obersten Mantel hin. Damit ist dieses Ereignis die erste verlĂ€ssliche Beobachtung eines Erdbebens unterhalb der Moho in der Schweiz. ResumĂ©: Ce rapport du Service Sismologique Suisse rĂ©sume l'activitĂ© sismique en Suisse et dans ses rĂ©gions environnantes au cours de l'annĂ©e 2014. Pendant cette pĂ©riode, 817 tremblements de terre et 180 tirs de carriĂšre ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©tectĂ©s et localisĂ©s dans la rĂ©gion. 160sĂ©ismes additionnels de magnitude ML≀1.0 ont Ă©tĂ© localisĂ©s Ă  l'aide de moyens supplĂ©mentaires d'analyse. Le nombre des Ă©vĂšnements localisĂ©s en 2014 constitue un record depuis 1975, date de l'installation du rĂ©seau sismologique en Suisse. Ce grand nombre inhabituel peut ĂȘtre principalement expliquĂ© par l'occurrence de deux sĂ©quences sismiques importantes et par la diminution locale des niveaux de dĂ©tection rĂ©sultant des amĂ©liorations apportĂ©es au rĂ©seau sismologique suisse. Avec un total de 22sĂ©ismes de magnitude ML≄2.5, le nombre des Ă©vĂšnements les plus forts et potentiellement ressentis est proche de la moyenne annuelle de 23 tremblements de terre enregistrĂ©e pendant les 39 derniĂšres annĂ©es. La sismicitĂ© la plus notable est la sĂ©quence sismique qui a eu lieu prĂšs de Diemtigen, Ă  l'ouest du lac de Thoune, oĂč plus de 270 Ă©vĂšnements ont Ă©tĂ© localisĂ©s entre avril et dĂ©cembre. La relocalisation de grande prĂ©cision des hypocentres a permis d'imager l'Ă©volution spatio-temporelle de cette sismicitĂ©. La sĂ©quence est dominĂ©e par un sĂ©isme de magnitude ML 3.2 en octobre qui a Ă©tĂ© ressenti dans la rĂ©gion du lac de Thoune et Ă  Berne. D'autres tremblements de terre ont Ă©tĂ© ressentis par la population, tels que ceux de la rĂ©gion de Bienne (ML 3.2), de Vallorcine (ML 3.2) et de Stalden (ML 3.0). Enfin, un faible mais inhabituel sĂ©isme profond a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© dans le Jura. Sa profondeur focale, les vitesses apparentes enregistrĂ©es ainsi que les caractĂ©ristiques des formes d'ondes de ce tremblement de terre sont en accord avec une source dans le manteau supĂ©rieur. Par consĂ©quence, ce tremblement de terre est le premier enregistrement fiable d'un Ă©vĂšnement ayant eu lieu sous le Moho en Suisse

    Earthquakes in Switzerland and surrounding regions during 2014

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    During 2014, 817 earthquakes and 180 quarry blasts were detected and located in the region under consideration. An additional 160 earthquakes with ML ≀ 1.0 were located using supplementary analysis techniques. The number of located earthquakes in 2014 was the largest since the installation of a seismic network in Switzerland in 1975. This unusually large number is mainly due to the occurrence of two vigorous earthquake sequences, and the local reduction of the earthquake detection thresholds of the Swiss seismic network. With a total of 22 earthquakes of ML ≄ 2.5, the seismic activity of larger and potentially felt events was close to the average of 23 earthquakes over the previous 39 years. The most noteworthy seismicity was the earthquake sequence near Diemtigen, west of Lake Thun, where more than 270 events were located between April and December. High-precision hypocenter relocation was applied to image the spatio-temporal evolution of this seismicity. The sequence culminated in an M L 3.2 event in October, which was felt in the region of Lake Thun and Bern. Other cases of earthquakes felt by the public include earthquakes in the region of Biel (ML 3.2), in Vallorcine (ML 3.2), and in Stalden (ML 3.0). Finally, a small but unusually deep earthquake was recorded beneath the Jura Mountains. Focal depth, apparent velocities, as well as waveform characteristics of this earthquake are consistent with a source in the uppermost mantle. This earthquake is the first reliable record of a sub-Moho event ever observed in Switzerland.ISSN:1661-8734ISSN:1661-872


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    In Europe, ca. 1900 "mineral water" brands are officially registered and bottled for drinking. Bottled waters is groundwater and is in large parts of the continent rapidly developing into the main supply of drinking water for the general population. This book is the first state of the art overview of the chemistry of groundwaters from 40 European countries from Portugal to Russia, measured on 1785 bottled water samples, equivalent to 1189 distinct bottled water brands from 1247 wells in 884 locations plus an additional 500 tap water samples acquired in 2008 by the network of EuroGeoSurveys experts all across Europe. In contrast to previously available compilations, all chemical data (contained on the enclosed CD) were measured in a single laboratory, under strict quality control with high internal and external reproducibility, affording a single high quality, internally consistent dataset. More than 70 parameters were determined on every sample using state of the art analytical ..

    The EuroGeoSurveys GEochemical Mapping of Agricultural and grazing land Soils project (GEMAS) - Evaluation of quality control results of total C and S, total organic carbon (TOC), cation exchange capacity (CEC), XRF, pH, and particle size distribution (PSD) analysis

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