145 research outputs found

    Metropolitan Portland Looks at Governmental Reorganization: A Public Opinion Study

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    This is the report of a study of public attitudes toward local government and governmental reorganization in the Portland Metropolitan area. The survey was conducted and compiled by Bardsley & Haslacher, an independent and impartial research organization, with offices in Portland, Oregon and Stanford, California

    Pathological Delta Oscillations in Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder: A Case Report

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    Background: Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) is characterized by spontaneous recurrence of visual hallucinations or disturbances after previous consumption of hallucinogens, such as lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD). The underlying physiological mechanisms are unknown and there is no standardized treatment strategy available. Case Presentation: A 33-year-old male patient presented with persistent visual distortions (halos around objects, intensified colors, positive after images, and trails following moving objects) that developed after repeated use of hallucinogenic drugs at the age of 18. Symptoms developed gradually and worsened several months later, resulting in various pharmacological and psychosocial treatment attempts that remained unsuccessful, however. At presentation, 32-channel electroencephalography (EEG) showed increased delta activity over the occipital brain regions, reminiscent of occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity (OIRDA) usually seen in children. Two sessions of cathodal (inhibitory) transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) over 30 min attenuated visual hallucinations and occipital delta activity by approximately 60%. The response persisted for over four weeks. Conclusion: Pathological delta activity over occipital brain regions may play an important role in the development and perpetuation of HPPD and can be attenuated by non-invasive brain stimulation

    Divergent attentional effects of nondeceptive placebo treatment and cognitive reappraisal during visually induced emotional distress: an eye-tracking study

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    Background: Emotion regulation often involves shifting attentional focus. This eye-tracking study with a divided attention task compared nondeceptive placebo treatment and cognitive reappraisal for reducing emotional distress. It was investigated whether the two types of interventions would differ in attentional processes (directing attention toward the external environment vs. one’s body). Method: A total of 116 participants (mean age = 26.5 years; 50% female) were randomly allocated to one of three groups that were each exposed to images depicting body parts with or without injuries. One group received a placebo pill to reduce emotional distress, while another group engaged in cognitive reappraisal. The third group passively viewed the images. Half of the images were coupled with an electrocutaneous stimulus (at the perceptual threshold level) that was administered to participants’ forearms. The task was to view these images with eye-tracking glasses while also responding as quickly as possible to the tactile sensation evoked by the electrocutaneous stimulus (pressing a response button). Results: Cognitive reappraisal provoked a relative increase in total gaze time for injuries as predicted. The majority of participants in this group responded accurately to the electrocutaneous stimuli administered during injury images (no omissions). In contrast, the maximal number of omission errors was most prevalent in the placebo group. Limitations: Participants reported a low level of fear concerning injuries, which could indicate a self-selection bias. Conclusion: Both regulation strategies exerted a protective effect against emotional distress. However, cognitive reappraisal heightened attention, while a reverse pattern was found for placebo treatment. To assess the clinical implications of these findings, future studies should target patients with blood-injury phobia

    Testing lupus anticoagulants in a real-life scenario - a retrospective cohort study

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    Introduction: Lupus anticoagulant (LAC) testing is challenging. Most data are derived from a well-controlled study environment with potential alterations to daily routines. The aim of this retrospective cohort study was to assess the capacity of various LAC screening tests and derived mixing tests to predict a positive result in subsequent confirmation tests in a large cohort of patients. Materials and methods: In 5832 individuals, we retrospectively evaluated the accuracy of the aPTT-A, aPTT-LAscreen, aPTT-FS and dRVVTscreen and of their derived mixing tests in detecting a positive confirmation test result within the same blood specimen. The group differences, degree of correlation and the predictive accuracy of LAC coagulation tests were analysed using the Mann-Whitney U test, the Spearman-rank-correlation and by area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC-AUC) analysis. ROC-AUCs were compared with the Venkatraman´s permutation test. Results: The pre-test probability of patients with clinically suspected LAC was 36% in patients without factor deficiency or anticoagulation therapy. The aPTT-LAscreen showed the best diagnostic accuracy with a ROC-AUC of 0.84 (95% CI: 0.82 – 0.86). No clear advantage of the dRVVT-derived mixing test was detectable when compared to the dRVVTscreen (P = 0.829). Usage of the index of circulating anticoagulant (ICA) did not improve the diagnostic power of respective mixing tests. Conclusions: Among the parameters evaluated, aPTT-LAscreen and derived mixing test parameters were the most accurate tests. In our study cohort, neither other mixing test nor the ICA presented any further advantage in LAC diagnostics

    Seven day pre-analytical stability of serum and plasma neurofilament light chain.

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    Neurofilament light chain (NfL) has emerged as a biomarker of neuroaxonal damage in several neurologic conditions. With increasing availability of fourth-generation immunoassays detecting NfL in blood, aspects of pre-analytical stability of this biomarker remain unanswered. This study investigated NfL concentrations in serum and plasma samples of 32 patients with neurological diagnoses using state of the art Simoa technology. We tested the effect of delayed freezing of up to 7 days and statistically determined stability and validity of measured concentrations. We found concentrations of NfL in serum and plasma to remain stable at room temperature when processing of samples is delayed up to 7 days (serum: mean absolute difference 0.9 pg/mL, intraindividual variation 1.2%; plasma: mean absolute difference 0.5 pg/mL, intraindividual variation 1.3%). Consistency of these results was nearly perfect for serum and excellent for plasma (intraclass correlation coefficients 0.99 and 0.94, respectively). In conclusion, the soluble serum and plasma NfL concentration remains stable when unprocessed blood samples are stored up to 7 days at room temperature. This information is essential for ensuring reliable study protocols, for example, when shipment of fresh samples is needed

    The diagnostic and prognostic value of IgG and IgA anti-citrullinated protein antibodies in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis

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    ObjectivesAnti-citrullinated peptide antibodies (ACPA) are specific markers for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and typically measured by assays employing a cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) as antigen. This study was aimed at investigating the diagnostic performance of anti-CCP2 and anti-CCP3 IgG and IgA assays in patients with early RA with a particular focus on the potential prognostic value of IgA ACPA.MethodsThe anti-CCP3.1 assay (Inova Diagnostics) measuring IgG and IgA antibodies simultaneously was compared to anti-CCP2 IgG and IgA assays (Thermo Fisher Scientific) employing sera of 184 early RA patients, 360 disease controls and 98 healthy subjects.ResultsAnti-CCP2 IgG and IgA assays showed high specificity versus disease controls (98.9%; 99.4%). Sensitivity was 52.2% (IgG) and 28.8% (IgA), resulting in positive likelihood ratios (LR+) of 47.5 (IgG) and 48.0 (IgA). The anti-CCP3.1 assay proved slightly more sensitive than the anti-CCP2 IgG assay (56%) but specificity was markedly lower (90.8% versus disease controls). However, when using a threefold higher cut-off specificity of the anti-CCP3.1 assay increased (97.5%) while sensitivity (52.7%) became comparable to the anti-CCP2 IgG assay resulting in a LR+ of 21.5. Anti-CCP2 IgA antibodies did not increase the diagnostic sensitivity of ACPA testing, but IgA positive patients showed diminished responses to treatment with anti-TNF biologicals compared to patients who had only IgG antibodies.ConclusionSpecificity of ACPA assays should be adjusted to reduce the risk of misclassification and a false positive diagnosis. Determination of ACPA IgA might provide important prognostic information concerning therapeutic responses

    Thrombomodulin in patients with mild to moderate bleeding tendency.

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    INTRODUCTION: A massive increase of soluble thrombomodulin (sTM) due to variants in the thrombomodulin gene (THBD) has recently been identified as a novel bleeding disorder. AIM: To investigate sTM levels and underlying genetic variants as a cause for haemostatic impairment and bleeding in a large number of patients with a mild to moderate bleeding disorder (MBD), including patients with bleeding of unknown cause (BUC). PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 507 MBD patients, sTM levels, thrombin generation and plasma clot formation were measured and compared to 90 age- and sex-matched healthy controls. In patients, genetic analysis of the THBD gene was performed. RESULTS: No difference in sTM levels between patients and controls was found overall (median ([IQR] 5.0 [3.8-6.3] vs. 5.1 [3.7-6.4] ng/ml, p = .762), and according to specific diagnoses of MBD or BUC, and high sTM levels (≥95th percentile of healthy controls) were not overrepresented in patients. Soluble TM levels had no impact on bleeding severity or global tests of haemostasis, including thrombin generation or plasma clot formation. In the THBD gene, no known pathogenic or novel disease-causing variants affecting sTM plasma levels were identified in our patient cohort. CONCLUSION: TM-associated coagulopathy appears to be rare, as it was not identified in our large cohort of patients with MBD. Soluble TM did not arise as a risk factor for bleeding or altered haemostasis in these patients

    Assessment of mental workload across cognitive tasks using a passive brain-computer interface based on mean negative theta-band amplitudes

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    Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) can provide real-time and continuous assessments of mental workload in different scenarios, which can subsequently be used to optimize human-computer interaction. However, assessment of mental workload is complicated by the task-dependent nature of the underlying neural signals. Thus, classifiers trained on data from one task do not generalize well to other tasks. Previous attempts at classifying mental workload across different cognitive tasks have therefore only been partially successful. Here we introduce a novel algorithm to extract frontal theta oscillations from electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings of brain activity and show that it can be used to detect mental workload across different cognitive tasks. We use a published data set that investigated subject dependent task transfer, based on Filter Bank Common Spatial Patterns. After testing, our approach enables a binary classification of mental workload with performances of 92.00 and 92.35%, respectively for either low or high workload vs. an initial no workload condition, with significantly better results than those of the previous approach. It, nevertheless, does not perform beyond chance level when comparing high vs. low workload conditions. Also, when an independent component analysis was done first with the data (and before any additional preprocessing procedure), even though we achieved more stable classification results above chance level across all tasks, it did not perform better than the previous approach. These mixed results illustrate that while the proposed algorithm cannot replace previous general-purpose classification methods, it may outperform state-of-the-art algorithms in specific (workload) comparisons

    E-procurement in Public Organization

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    Tampereen kaupungin kokonaishankinnoista vain kaksi prosenttia tehtiin toiminnanohjausjärjestelmällä vuonna 2013. Järjestelmän matalasta käyttöasteesta johtuen hankintatiedot puuttuvat järjestelmästä, mikä hankaloittaa hankintojen strategista johtamista. Työn taustalla on tarve tehostaa toimintoja ja saada aikaan kustannussäästöjä sekä saada hankinnoista enemmän tietoa niiden tehokkaammaksi johtamiseksi. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tunnistaa keinoja, joiden avulla Tampereen kaupungin ostamista voidaan kehittää sähköisellä ostojärjestelmällä. Päätavoitteena oli kaupungin ostamisen nykytilan selvittäminen ja siihen soveltuvan sähköisen ratkaisun vaatimusten määrittely. Tässä työssä keskityttiin työn toimeksiantajan Tampereen Logistiikan valitsemien Tampereen kaupungin yksiköiden Infran, Kotihoidon ja Tilakeskuksen ostamisen kehittämiseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena monimenetelmäisenä tapaustutkimuksena. Aineistona käytettiin kirjallisuutta, vanhoja Tampereen kaupungin selvityksiä sekä kohdeyksiköiden ja muiden kaupunkien hankinnoista vastaavien henkilöiden haastatteluja. Aikaisempi kirjallisuus on käsitellyt ostamisen suhdetta hankintoihin ja toimitusketjuun sekä tarkastellut sähköistä ostamista keinona tehostaa hankintoja. Tutkimuksen empiriaosuus esittelee ensin havaintoja aikaisemmista tutkimuksista sekä muiden kaupunkien benchmark-analyysistä. Toisessa osassa käsitellään ostotoimintaa ja sen kehitysmahdollisuuksia kohdeorganisaation valikoiduissa yksiköissä. Aineistoanalyysin tuloksena tunnistettiin ostamisen ongelmaksi kirjavat ostoprosessit sekä niistä aiheutuvat prosessikustannukset. Tuloksina saatiin ostamisen asettamia vaatimuksia ostojärjestelmälle, joita ovat noutojen kirjaus ja mobiilikäyttömahdollisuus. Ratkaisuehdotuksena annettiin malli uudesta prosessista, johon sitoutuu vähemmän työaikaa aikaisempaan verrattuna sekä ehdotettiin katalogien käyttöönottamista kaupungin omassa järjestelmässä