53 research outputs found

    Middle landscape in portraying the Malay national identity / Kamarul Bahrain Shuib …[et al.]

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    Colonization often shaped the minds of the population they settled for generations. Studies have shown that people of colonized countries tended to follow the colonization perceptions of the country like valuing the natural landscapes, biodiversity, urban historical past or the wild forests. In Malaysia, one area that was left out and not valued is the middle landscape; the common ordinary land called the Malay heartland. The purpose of this research was to explore the value of middle landscape as perceived by the community. There is a lack of attention given in conserving our national landscape especially the middle landscapes. Literature in landscape research has shown that national identities are formed by the culture that had shaped the landscape over time. Middle landscapes are rural landscapes of villages, agriculture and pastoral lands inhabited by the Malays. Thus, conserving the cultural landscape is significant to ensure that it is not taken up by rapid development, climate change and also other threats. To achieve the goal of research, three objectives had been developed namely to identify important elements in a landscape, to find the value of landscape and to recommend fundamental ways to improve public understanding in landscape conservation. Methods used to gather data are visual observation, survey questionnaires and interviews. Observation includes inventory of landscape properties as guided by a set of criteria and photographs of landscape as surrogates of the middle landscape. Selected photographs will be used in the questionnaires which will consist of demographic profile and Likert-scale questions. Interviews will also be conducted to support data needed. The expected outcome shall be landscape values as highlighted by the communities and these in turn help to strengthen the landscape conservation strategies

    Relationship between life-time noise exposure and experience of tinnitus among young adults in IIUM Kuantan

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    Introduction: Since the clinical studies have shown that people suffering from tinnitus are at a high risk of developing serious psychological disturbances or serious psychological distress (Hiller and Goebel, 1998), the purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between lifetime noise exposure and tinnitus experience among young adults in IIUM Kuantan. Methods: Cross sectional study was used to determine whether there is any association between tinnitus experience, life-time noise exposure and hearing threshold among 11 young adults in IIUM Kuantan from age of 18 to 35 years old who are exposed to the noise. Hearing assessment was done using otoscopy, tympanometry and pure tone audiometry. Participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire on tinnitus experience and were fitted with a noise dosimeter that measured their noise exposure during waking hours. Values collected from dosimeter were then converted into cumulated life-time noise exposure which refers to the equivalent noise exposure per year (Jokitulppo, Tolvenen & Bjork, 2005). Results: Average cumulative life-time noise exposure of the participants is 72.54 dBA ± 6.9459. Fifty five percent reported of sometimes having tinnitus. No correlation was found between cumulative life-time noise exposure and tinnitus experience, and between pure tone hearing threshold and tinnitus experience. Conclusion: The cumulative life-time noise exposure among young adults in IIUM Kuantan was found to be lower than the level considered as hazardous. Despite reports of tinnitus experience, there was no evidence that the tinnitus was due to noise exposure. There was also no evidence on the association between tinnitus and hearing levels

    Konsep keaslian dalam undang-undang hakcipta

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    Artikel ini akan membincangkan satu prinsip utama dalam Undang-undang Hakcipta . Perlindungan hakcipta hanya diberikan kepada karya asli (original). Perbincangan dimulakan dengan merujuk kepada sejarah perkembangan pemakaian undang-undang hakcipta di Malaysia. Menurut Akta Hakcipta 1987, sesuatu karya sastera, muzik atau seni layak mendapat hakcipta jika terdapat usaha yang mencukupi dilakukan menjadikan karya itu bersifat asli dan karya itu telah ditulis, direkod atau dijadikan dalam bentuk bahan. Prinsip keaslian akan diperjelas melalui kes-kes yang telah diputuskan oleh mahkamah. Perbandingan akan diberikan kepada perbezaan diantara idea dengan pernyataan idea itu sendiri. Seterusnya, penekanan akan dijuruskan kepada kedudukan konsep keaslian dalam dikotomi di atas

    Undang-undang tort: liabiliti bagi perbuatan rebakkan HIV secara seksual

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    Tort law is a mechanism used to obtain damages for injuries suffered by a person. HIV-related tort litigation's at the beginning of this epidemic have focused on the defendants who are insured or have the financial capacity to pay compensation to the injured plaintiffs.Now, there are many types of legal action in tort for HIV infection, such as negligence, battery,fraud, misrepresentation and emotional distress.A thorough discussion on each type of claim is beyond the scope of this article.However, the focus of discussion of this article is the cause of action that can be taken under the law of tort by a person who was sexually infected with HIV in order to seek damages

    Hukuman jenayah dan preventasi HIV/AIDS: Satu tinjauan

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    HIV/AIDS merupakan satu pandemik yang dilaporkan di seluruh dunia dan ianya boleh merebak melalui pelbagai cara. HIV/AIDS juga penyebab utama kematian lelaki dan wanita yang berumur di antara 15 sehingga 59 tahun; iaitu peringkat umur di mana hubungan seksual paling aktif.Peningkatan jumlah mereka yang dijangkiti HIV/AIDS secara seksual telah menimbulkan kebimbangan.Oleh yang demikian, undang-undang jenayah telah diguna pakai bagi mengatasi isu jangkitan HIV/AIDS secara seksual yang dilakukan dengan niat atau gopoh dan cuai. Tindakan ini telah menimbulkan reaksi yang pelbagai.Oleh itu, objektif utama kertas kerja ini ialah untuk membincangkan tujuan penggunaan undang-undang jenayah dalam preventasi kelakuan yang merebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual.Kaedah kajian perpustakaan telah digunakan bagi penulisan kertas kerja berbentuk konsepsual ini.Dapatan menunjukkan, walaupun mendapat tentangan dari pelbagai pihak, namun undang-undang jenayah telah digunapakai di beberapa negara untuk menghukum mereka yang menjangkiti HIV/AIDS secara seksual

    Identification of Hemodynamic Challenge Changes in Post-Cardiac Operation Patients with Early Mobilization in National Heart Institute

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    Early mobilization should begin 24 to 48 hours after ICU admission. Early mobilization is a progressive process determined by the patient's functional abilities and endurance. The study aims to identify the hemodynamic challenge changes in post-cardiac operation at the National Heart Institute (NIH) Malaysia. Results show a significant association of hemodynamic challenge changes in Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP), Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP), Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP), and Saturation of Peripheral Oxygenation (SPO2) with early mobilization post-cardiac. In conclusion, early mobilization is a safe practice for post-operative cardiac surgery. Further study is required for implementation in other various cases in Malaysia

    The right of compensation to the HIV victim in Malaysia: an analysis from the case of Abd Rahim bin Abd Rahman v public prosecutor

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    In a criminal trial, the stature of the victim is only limited to being a witness or purveyor of evidence. Issues concerning the victim of a crime normally concern the punishment of criminals. Inevitably, the victim’s interest as the aggrieved party has not been properly taken care of. For instance, the court in seeking justice would award the appropriate punishments or sentences to the accused whilst neglecting or overlooking the aspect of ‘curing’ or ‘relieving’ the victim’s pain and suffering from the criminal act. In relation to HIV transmission in sexual offences, one may suffer a lifetime ‘pain’ mentally, physically and emotionally. In addition, economically one would further have to bear medical costs and expenses. Thus, the court in carrying out justice may both compensate the victim and punish the offender simultaneously. In line with the above scenario, this paper seeks to analyse the case of Abd Rahim Bin Abd Rahaman v Public Prosecutor with regard to the Court’s effort in affirming the seriousness of the HIV transmission in sexual offences. The finding shows that section 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code allows the court to make an order for the payment of compensation to the victims subject to the application made by the Public Prosecutor. The case of Abd Rahim however did not discuss the issue of compensation in depth. As a concluding suggestion, the Public Prosecutor in assisting the Court to delivering justice should also address the issue of compensating the victim by invoking section 426 of the Criminal Procedure Code (Act 593)

    Penggunaan undang-undang jenayah dalam jangkitan HIV/AIDS secara seksual di United Kingdom: suatu cabaran [The use of criminal law in sexually transmitted HIV/AIDS in United Kingdom: a challenge]

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    United Kingdom telah menggunapakai undang-undang jenayah bagi menangani isu jangkitan HIV/AIDS secara seksual yang dilakukan dengan niat dan gopoh. Penggunaan undang-undang jenayah ini telah mengundang beberapa isu dari segi pembuktian. Justeru itu, objektif utama artikel ini ialah untuk membincangkan latar belakang penggunaan undangundang jenayah dalam preventasi kelakuan yang merebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual dan juga cabaran dari segi pembuktian bahawa telah berlakunya jangkitan HIV/AIDS. Bagi penulisan artikel yang berbentuk konsepsual ini kajian perpustakaan telah digunakan. Hasil dapatan menunjukkan, bagi menangani isu rebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual di United Kingdom, Offences Against Person Act (OAPA) 1861 telah digunapakai. Justeru itu, tidak wujud satu akta yang spesifik bagi rebakkan HIV/AIDS secara seksual. Bagi membuktikan telah berlaku jangkitan HIV terdapat beberapa cabaran yang dihadapi oleh pihak pendakwaan. Antara cabaran yang timbul ialah dari segi pembuktian mens rea, kecederaan, jangkitan atau penyebab, kematian mana-mana pihak sebelum kes selesai dan kerelaan

    Glycolipids from Natural Sources : Dry Liquid Crystal Properties, Hydrogen Bonding and Molecular Mobility of Palm Kernel Oil Mannosides

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    Acknowledgement This work was supported by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia [600-RMI/RAGS 5/3 (140/2014), 2014]; University Malaya [RP038B-17AFR, 2017]; Royal Academy of Engineering, U.K., and Academy of Science, Malaysia [NRCP1516/4/61, 2016] and the University of Aberdeen [SF10192, 2018]. AMF and TS would like to acknowledge the financial support provided by University Malaya for the Visiting Lecturer fellowshipPeer reviewedPostprin

    Inhibition of Non Canonical HIV-1 Tat Secretion Through the Cellular Na+,K+-ATPase Blocks HIV-1 Infection

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    Besides its essential role in the activation of HIV-1 gene expression, the viral Tat protein has the unusual property of trafficking in and out of cells. In contrast to Tat internalization, the mechanism involved in extracellular Tat release has so far remained elusive. Here we show that Tat secretion occurs through a Golgi-independent pathway requiring binding of Tat with three short, non-consecutive intracytoplasmic loops at the C-terminus of the cellular Na+,K+-ATPase pump alpha subunit. Ouabain, a pump inhibitor, blocked this interaction and prevented Tat secretion; virions produced in the presence of this drug were less infectious, consistent the capacity of virion-associated Tat to increase HIV-1 infectivity. Treatment of CD4+ T-cells with short peptides corresponding to the Tat-binding regions of the pump alpha subunit impaired extracellular Tat release and blocked HIV-1 replication. Thus, non canonical, extracellular Tat secretion is essential for viral infectivity