1,802 research outputs found

    Ultrafast dephasing of coherent optical phonons in atomically controlled GeTe/Sb2_{2}Te3_{3} superlattices

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    Femtosecond dynamics of coherent optical phonons in GeTe/Sb2_{2}Te3_{3} superlattices (SLs), a new class of semiconductor SLs with three different states, have been investigated by using a reflection-type pump-probe technique at various lattice temperatures. The time-resolved transient reflectivity (TR) obtained in as-grown SLs exhibits the coherent A1_{1} optical modes at 5.10 THz and 3.78 THz, while only the single A1_{1} mode at 3.68 THz is observed in annealed SLs. The decay rate of the A1_{1} mode in annealed SLs is strongly temperature dependent, while that in as-grown SLs is not temperature dependent. This result indicates that the damping of the coherent A1_{1} phonons in amorphous SLs is governed by the phonon-defect (vacancy) scattering rather than the anharmonic phonon-phonon coupling.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Spin-Peierls and Antiferromagnetic Phases in Cu{1-x}Zn{x}GeO{3}: A Neutron Scattering Study

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    Comprehensive neutron scattering studies were carried out on a series of high-quality single crystals of Cu_{1-x}Zn_xGeO_3. The Zn concentration, x, was determined for each sample using Electron Probe Micro-Analysis. The measured Zn concentrations were found to be 40-80% lower than the nominal values. Nevertheless the measured concentrations cover a wide range which enables a systematic study of the effects due to Zn-doping. We have confirmed the coexistence of spin-Peierls (SP) and antiferromagnetic (AF) orderings at low temperatures and the measured phase diagram is presented. Most surprisingly, long-range AF ordering occurs even in the lowest available Zn concentration, x=0.42%, which places important constraints on theoretical models of the AF-SP coexistence. Magnetic excitations are also examined in detail. The AF excitations are sharp at low energies and show no considerable broadening as x increases indicating that the AF ordering remains long ranged for x up to 4.7%. On the other hand, the SP phase exhibits increasing disorder as x increases, as shown from the broadening of the SP excitations as well as the dimer reflection peaks.Comment: 17 preprint style pages, 9 postscript files included. Submitted to Phys. Rev. B. Also available from http://insti.physics.sunysb.edu/~mmartin/pubs.htm

    The first-order phase transition between dimerized-antiferromagnetic and uniform-antiferromagnetic phases in Cu_(1-x)M_xGeO_3

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    We have performed detailed magnetic susceptibility measurements as well as synchrotron x-ray diffraction studies to determine the temperature vs concentration (TT - xx) phase diagram of Cu1−x{}_{1-x}Mgx{}_xGeO3{}_3. We observe clear double peaks in the magnetic susceptibility implying two antiferromagnetic (AF) transition temperatures in samples with Mg concentrations in the range 0.0237 ≤x≤\le x \le 0.0271. We also observe a drastic change in the inverse correlation length in this concentration range by x-ray diffraction. The drastic change of the AF transition temperature as well as the disappearance of the spin-Peierls (SP) phase have been clarified; these results are consistent with a first-order phase transition between dimerized AF (D-AF) and uniform AF (U-AF) phases as reported by T. Masuda {\it et al.} \lbrack Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 80}, 4566 (1998)\rbrack. The TT - xx phase diagram of Cu1−x{}_{1-x}Znx{}_xGeO3{}_3 is similar to that of Cu1−x{}_{1-x}Mgx{}_xGeO3{}_3, which suggests that the present phase transition is universal for Cu1−xMx{}_{1-x}M_{x}GeO3{}_3.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. submitted to PR

    Reentrant Spin-Peierls Transition in Mg-Doped CuGeO_3

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    We report a synchrotron x-ray scattering study of the diluted spin-Peierls (SP) material Cu_{1-x}Mg_xGeO_3. In a recent paper we have shown that the SP dimerization attains long-range order only for x < x_c = 0.022(0.001). Here we report that the SP transition is reentrant in the vicinity of the critical concentration x_c. This is manifested by broadening of the SP dimerization superlattice peaks below the reentrance temperature, T_r, which may mean either the complete loss of the long-range SP order or the development of a short-range ordered component within the long-range ordered SP state. Marked hysteresis and very large relaxation times are found in the samples with Mg concentrations in the vicinity of x_c. The reentrant transition is likely related to the competing Neel transition which occurs at a temperature similar to T_r. We argue that impurity-induced competing interchain interactions play an essential role in these phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, 4 embedded eps figure

    Lifetime Adherence to Physical Activity Recommendations and Fall Occurrence in Community-dwelling Older Adults: a Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Falling is a major health concern for community-dwelling older adults. Regular physical activity has been proposed to prevent falls. The aim of this study was to assess whether the achievement of the 2004 UK Department of Health physical activity recommendations over a lifetime had a protective effect against falling in older people. 313 community-dwelling older adults completed a questionnaire about lifetime physical activity and fall occurrence. There were significantly fewer falls in those who had led an active lifestyle compared to those who had not (χ2Yates=4.568, p=0.033), with a lower relative risk of fall occurrence for the active respondents (RR=0.671) compared to the inactive (RR=1.210). Of those who were sufficiently active in their early adulthood, the decade where there was the biggest decrease in remaining active enough was in the 60s. It is concluded that an active lifestyle may have decreased the likelihood of having a fall in older ag

    Conformational And Electronic Interaction Studies Of á-substituted Carbonyl Compounds. Part 9. ω-hetero-substituted Acetophenones

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    νCO frequencies and intensities, n→π* CO transition energies and α-methylene carbon chemical shifts were measured for some ω-hetero-substituted acetophenones (φCOCH 2X: X = F, OMe, NMe2, NEt2, Cl, Br, SEt, and I), and their conformations were estimated with the help of molecular-mechanics calculations. The stability of the gauche rotamers is discussed in terms of hyperconjugative interactions between σCX and π*CO orbitals. The carbonyl frequency shifts of the cis rotamers are interpreted as due to the substituent field effect, while the corresponding shifts for the gauche rotamers have been ascribed to an interplay of the inductive and hyperconjugative effects. The abnormal negative νCO gauche shifts and the n→π*CO band bathochromic shifts of the ω-fluoro- and ω-methoxy-acetophenones, and the observed shielding effect on the α-methylene carbon atom of the studied acetophenones, are discussed in terms of π*CO/ σCX and π*CO/X1p orbital overlapping. The higher stabilization of the ω-ethylthioacetophenone gauche rotamer, the largest negative νCO gauche shift, and the lower shielding effect for its methylene carbon have been interpreted as due to the simultaneous occurrence of π*CO/πCS and πCO/σ*CS orbital interactions.346547

    Spin Defects in Spin-Peierls Systems

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    We examine spin-Peierls systems in the presence of spin defects which are introduced by replacing magnetic ions Cu2+Cu^{2+} with non-magnetic ones Zn2+Zn^{2+} in CuGeO3CuGeO_3. By using the action for the bosonized Hamiltonian, it is shown directly that the antiferromagnetic state induced by the spin defects coexists with the spin-Peierls states. Further the doping dependences of both transition temperature of spin-Peierls state and the spin gap have been calculated. The transition temperature of the present estimation shows good agreement quantitatively with that observed in Cu_{1-\de} Zn_\de O_3 for the region of the doping rate, \de<0.02.Comment: jpsj style, 11 pages, 2 figure
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