460 research outputs found

    Decolonization Through Decolonial Reforming

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    Exploring the Potential of Aging Network Services to Improve Depression Care

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    Depression is a prevalent, debilitating yet treatable psychiatric disorder affecting older adults. Older adults underutilize specialty mental health care, persistently receive poor quality care in primary care settings, and have high rates of non-adherence to pharmacotherapy. Aging network services, such as adult day services, homecare services, senior centers, and supportive housing may be able to improve the quality of depression care. However, it is unknown how current models of empirically supported depression care are used within or could be adopted by aging network services. Thus, this study described the organizational factors, staff factors, and current agency practices regarding depression among aging network services to examine their potential to adopt new depression practices. Using mixed methods, data were gathered on the organizational culture, climate, and structure, current depression practices, and staff attitudes through interviews with program managers: n =20) and surveys with staff: n = 142) for 17 agencies. The judgment sample consisted of agencies that have ongoing contact with community-based older adults and was stratified by agency type: i.e., adult day services, homecare services, senior centers, supportive housing). Multilevel modeling and constant comparative analysis was completed. Although agencies did significantly vary according to agency type by organizational context: i.e., funding; the proficiency, rigidity, and resistance of organizational culture; and the engagement, functionality, and stress of organizational climate), these factors were not related to empirically supported depression practices or staff attitudes about depression care. Most barriers to implementing new depression practices were universal. These findings applied to organizational factors: i.e., lack of resources, limited funding) and staff factors: i.e., limited knowledge and interest, concern for client acceptance of depression care). As facilitators, agencies frequently offered psychoeducation, collaborated with health providers, and provided holistic services to promote socialization, independence and health. The distinctions between agency types involved their current depression practices: i.e., supportive housing staff rarely screened for depression due to privacy mandates for housing facilities, competition among homecare agencies prompted delivery of in-home psychotherapy and case management). Findings inform multilevel implementation strategies for translating research into acceptable and sustainable practices for aging network services, and they highlight the broader needs for increased funding, training, and awareness to improve the quality of depression care across agencies

    A Comparison of The Physical Fitness Levels Attained by Participants in Interscholastic Athletes and in the Required Physical Education Program

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    The purpose of this study was to show the improvements in physical fitness levels between two experimental groups. Experimental Group I consisted of twenty-one athletes and Experimental Group II consisted of twenty-six students in the required physical education program. Intra and inter group comparisons were made from the data collected from a special eight-item physical fitness test. The null hypothesis was assumed with respect to the difference between the means of both groups. The hypothesis was tested with the t technique for checking significance of difference between means, and the F technique for determining the significance of the difference among means. The conclusions indicated by this study were: 1. Participation in programs of interscholastic athletics or required physical education may improve physical fitness. The Interscholastic Athletic Group showed significant improvement in six of the eight test items at the .01 level. The Physical Education Group showed significant improvements in two of the eight test items. 2. Participation in interscholastic athletic programs may have a tendency to produce superior levels of physical fitness when within group improvements made during the experimental period were compared on a between group basis. The athletes had made significantly greater improvement than had the physical education group in four of the eight items tested. The interscholastic athletic group showed a more significant improvement in two of the eight items than the physical education group when comparing means by a one way analysis of covariance

    Szenarien der Moderne

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    Wenige Begriffe vermögen so viel Faszination und Unbehagen gleichzeitig auszulösen wie die Moderne. Der Begriff birgt so viele Unschärfen, dass man eigentlich gut daran tun würde, ihn zu vermeiden. Allein die Frage, was modern sei, oder wann die Moderne begann, lässt sich nicht eindeutig beantworten. Vielleicht am meisten Kontur besitzt die Moderne als Epochenbegriff der Geschichtswissenschaften, wobei auch dort zwischen ökonomischen, politischen und weiteren Modernen unterschieden wird. Geradezu inflationär ist die Verwendung in der Kunsthistoriografie: Über weite Strecken des 20. Jahrhunderts wurde die Moderne als hauptsächlich ästhetisches Phänomen verstanden und tradiert, bis zur Konstruktion des längst relativierten Mythos der Begründung der Moderne allein durch das Neue Bauen oder gar das Bauhaus. Spätestens die Postmoderne hat den Begriff endgültig diversifiziert und dazu beigetragen, dass lange „als antimoderne Rückfälle" (G. Weckerlin) beschriebene Strömungen in einer erweiterten Sichtweise als Phänomene modernen Kunstschaffens wahrgenommen werden, wie etwa die Heimatschutzarchitektur oder die Monumentalbaukunst im Nationalsozialismus. Angesichts des entstandenen Spektrums ist heute von einem pluralistischen Begriff der Moderne auszugehen. Für die zweite Jahrhunderthälfte spricht man von Nachkriegsmoderne, Spätmoderne und Postmoderne. Stilistisch decken diese Varianten ein breites Feld ab – vom Funktionalismus über Strukturalismus, Brutalismus bis zum postmodernen „anything goes“. Dass diese Strömungen in ihrer Begriffsdefinition sowie in der Abgrenzung zueinander teils große Ungenauigkeiten aufweisen, verdeutlicht der Begriff der Nachkriegsmoderne, der sich auf das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges bezieht und dabei andere Konflikte außer Acht lässt. In manchen osteuropäischen Ländern spricht man daher eher von Ostmoderne oder Sozmoderne. Unabhängig von der Wirkungsweise der Begriffe ragt die Moderne in verschiedensten Szenarien in unser alltägliches Leben hinein. Dieses Heft zeigt die Vielfalt solcher Situationen an verschiedenen Orten: bei der Betrachtung von Fassaden im Straßenraum, im Museum für Gegenwartskunst, an der Bushaltestelle oder beim Stadtlauf. Die Moderne ist so allgegenwärtig, dass ihre Werte, aber auch ihre Verletzlichkeit gerade deshalb oft nicht erkannt und erfasst werden. Mit dem Problem einer voreingenommenen Wahrnehmung und fehlenden Auseinandersetzung kämpfen zurzeit viele Denkmalämter und bürgerschaftliche Initiativen, die sich zunehmend mit den Baubeständen der Moderne beschäftigen. Das vorliegende Heft bildet eine Spurensuche nach verschiedenen Szenarien der Moderne ab, die ganz bewusst abseits der breiten Pfade verläuft. Dabei versucht das Heft, die schillernden Facetten und die trotz allem große Bindekraft des Moderne-Begriffes aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu beleuchten und zu ergründen

    Schwefelhaltige Pincerkomplexe später Übergangsmetalle – Koordinationschemie und Anwendungen in der Katalyse

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    Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Synthese und Charakterisierung von Nickel- und Rhodiumkomplexen basierend auf PE1CE2P-Pincerliganden (E = O, S). Im besonderen Fokus stand dabei, welchen Einfluss die Substitution der Sauerstoffatome durch Schwefelatome in den Seitenarmen der Pincerliganden auf Darstellung, Eigenschaften und katalytische Aktivität der erhaltenen Komplexe hat.The present work deals with the synthesis and characterization of nickel and rhodium complexes based on the PE1CE2P pincer ligand (E = O, S). A special emphasis was placed on the influence of the substitution of the oxygen atoms by sulfur atoms on complex preparation, properties and catalytic activity

    Quo vadis, politischer Islam? AKP, al-Qaida und Muslimbruderschaft in systemtheoretischer Perspektive

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    Sowohl der "Arabische Frühling" als auch das Erstarken der dschihadistischen Kampfgruppe "Islamischer Staat" haben die diversen islamistischen Bewegungen in den Fokus der medialen und publizistischen Aufmerksamkeit rücken lassen. Auf der Basis der Gesellschaftstheorie der Politik Niklas Luhmanns untersucht der Autor mit der AKP, der al-Qaida und der Muslimbruderschaft drei zentrale Bewegungen des sunnitischen Islamismus. Historisch und vergleichend nimmt er dabei ihre Vordenker, ihre politischen Ideologien und ihre Strukturen in den Blick. Es wird deutlich: Der sunnitische politische Islam wird auch mittelfristig ein wirkmächtiger Bestandteil des weltpolitischen Systems bleiben.Both the "Arab Spring" and the strengthening of the Jihadist brigade "Islamic State" have brought diverse Islamist movements under the spotlight of the media and journalism. Based on Niklas Luhmann's social theory of politics, the author investigates three central movements of Sunnite Islamism in the AKP, al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood. Historically and comparatively, he considers their thought leaders, their political ideologies and their structures. It becomes clear that Sunnite political Islam will remain a powerful presence in global political systems, at least in the medium term

    Cutaneous Papillomaviruses and Non-melanoma Skin Cancer: Causal Agents or Innocent Bystanders?

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    There is still controversy in the scientific field about whether certain types of cutaneous human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are causally involved in the development of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Deciphering the etiological role of cutaneous HPVs requires - besides tissue culture systems - appropriate preclinical models to match the obtained results with clinical data from affected patients. Clear scientific evidence about the etiology and underlying mechanisms involved in NMSC development is fundamental to provide reasonable arguments for public health institutions to classify at least certain cutaneous HPVs as group 1 carcinogens. This in turn would have implications on fundraising institutions and health care decision makers to force - similarly as for anogenital cancer - the implementation of a broad vaccination program against "high-risk" cutaneous HPVs to prevent NMSC as the most frequent cancer worldwide. Precise knowledge of the multi-step progression from normal cells to cancer is a prerequisite to understand the functional and clinical impact of cofactors that affect the individual outcome and the personalized treatment of a disease. This overview summarizes not only recent arguments that favor the acceptance of a viral etiology in NMSC development but also reflects aspects of causality in medicine, the use of empirically meaningful model systems and strategies for prevention.Fil: Hasche, Daniel. German Cancer Research Center; AlemaniaFil: Vinzon, Sabrina Eugenia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires. Fundación Instituto Leloir. Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Rösl, Frank. German Cancer Research Center; Alemani

    Vibronic excitations of large molecules in solution studied by two-color pump–probe experiments on the 20 fs time scale

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    The ultrafast vibronic response of organic dye molecules in solution is studied in pump–probe experiments with 30 fs excitation pulses resonant to S0–Sn transitions. The molecular dynamics is probed either by pulses at the same spectral position or by 20 fs pulses overlapping with both the S0–S1 absorption and emission bands. Three contributions on distinctly different time scales are observed in the temporally and spectrally resolved two-color measurements. In the regime below 50 fs, a strong coherent coupling of the S0–Sn and the S0–S1 transitions occurs that is due to coherent vibrational motions in the electronic ground state. This signal is superimposed on the fast bleaching of the electronic ground state, resulting in a steplike increase of transmission. In the range of the S0–S1 emission band, one finds a subsequent picosecond rise of transmission that is due to stimulated emission from vibronic S1 states. The data demonstrate that the relaxation of Sn states directly populated by the pump pulses is much faster than the buildup of stimulated emission. This gives insight into different steps of intramolecular vibronic redistribution and is compared to the Sn–S1 relaxation in other molecules

    Erläuterung der Hamburgischen Falliten-Ordnung

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