6 research outputs found
Pemerihalan Tautan Dalam Wacana Mantera
Kajian ini dijalankan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisis tautan dalam wacana mantera
etnik Kedayan Sarawak. Fokus kajian ialah 253 wacana mantera yang diperoleh
daripada 23 informan di 8 buah kampung Kedayan. Teknik persampelan tak probaliti
dan persampelan bertujuan digunakan untuk memilih 23 informan tersebut. Strategi
yang digunakan ialah persampelan rantai, iaitu seseorang unforman dikenal pasti dapat
menghasilkan mantera dilakukan secara berantai dengan cara maklumat informan
selanjutnya diketahui melalui maklumat informan yang terdahulu. Dalam kajian ini,
kerangka analisis model Halliday dan Hasan (1976) telah digunakan sebagai dasar
analisis, dm telah diterapkan dalam analisis Model Tautan Pindaan (2002) untuk
membincangkan tautan dalanl wacana mantera etnik Kedayan Sarawak.
Hasil kajian mendapati 3 jenis tautan utama, iaitu tautan perulangan, tautan kolokasi,
dan tautan penghubung ayat yang menjadi tonggak analisis model tautan, didapati
benvibawa dan berkesan mengenal pasti tautan dalam wacana mantera. Tautan
perulangan paling banyak diperoleh, diikuti tautan kolokasi, dan tautan penghubung
Tautan perulangan terbahagi kepada 7 subjenis tautan dm dikenal pasti memang
mempunyai kekerapan ikatan tautan, iaitu paling banyak dalam tzutan perulangan
leksikal, diikuti rujukan, struktur dan makna sama, elipsis, parafrasa, paralelisme, dan
penggantian. Dalam tautan perulangan rujukan, bentuk rujukan dapat dikelompokkan
kepada rujukan ganti nama, tunjuk, dan bandingan. Tautan perulangan penggantian dan
elipsis dikelompokkan pula kepada namaan, kerjaan, dan klausaan. Tautan perulangan
parafrasa, paralelisme, dan struktur dan makna sama didapati memperlihatkan unsur
yang bertaut bertaraf frasa atau klausa, manakala tautan perulangan leksikal mempunyai
10 golongan struktur leksikal, iaitu leksikal bentuk dan makna sempurna, kata umum,
kata sinonim, kata akar, kata kerja, leksikal nama bas, leksikal adjektif, kata majmuk,
leksikal gandaan dengan bukan gandaan, dm leksikal gandaan. Sejumlah 820 mantera
terlibat dalam tautan perulangan yang juga merupakan yang tertinggi.
Bagi tautan kolokasi, penelitian tautan berjaya dilaksanakan melalui 4 subjenis tautan,
iaitu tautan kolokasi antoniman, tautan kolokasi kohipo~imant,a utan kolokasi hasil, dan
tautan kolokasi sifat. Antara 4 tautan kolokasi itu, paling banyak ikatan tautan beriaku
dalarn tautan kolokasi kohiponiman, diikuti kolokasi sifat, tautan kolokasi antoniman,
dan tautan kolokasi hasil. Keempat-empatnya mempunyai kontruk ikatan tautan yang
terdiri daripada unsur lingusitik di peringkat kata, frasa, dan klausa. Walau
bagaimanapun tautan kolokasi antoniman, kohiponiman dan sifat sangat produktif di
peringkat kata, manakala tautan kolokasi hasil produktif di peringkat klausa. Sejumlah
665 mantera terlibat dalam tautan kolokasi yang juga merupakan kedua tertinggi.
Usaha menganalisis tautan dalam wacana mantera juga dapat dilaksanakan dengan
berkesan menggunakan tautan penghubung ayat, melalui 5 subjenis tautannya. Antara 5
subjenis tautan penghubung ayat, tautan penghubung ayat tambahan paling banyak
ikatan tautan, diikuti tautan penghubung ayat sebab-musabab, waktu, tentangan, dan
tidak ada ikatan dalam tautan penghubung ayat terusan. Tautan penghubung ayat
tarnbahan didapati mendukung isyarat makna khusus penegasan, penerangan, tambahan
sebenar, persamaan, dan pilihan. Tautan penghubung ayat tentangan dengan makna
khusuc tentangan sebenar 'walaupun', manakala penghubung sebab-musabab dengan
makna khusus sebab-akibat dan sebab-bersyarat. Tautan penghubung ayat waktu pula
mendukung makna khusus urutan, perhinggaan waktu, syarat-waktu, dan waktu batasdahulu.
Ternyata penghubung bentuk kata adalah yang paling produktif dalam 4
subjenis tautan penghubung ayat tersebut.
Dapatan kajian tentang pendokumentasian menunjukkan kebanyakan mantera dikuasai
oleh golongan tua. Dari segi jenis mantera, paling banyak ialah jenis mantera
perboy-lohan dan perbidanan, diikuti jenis mantera pakaian diri, pembantu peker-jaan,
dan kegunaan dalam upacara.
Oleh yang demikian, analisis model tautan didapati benvibawa dalam meneliti wacana
mantera. Analisis model tautan telah menghasilkan dapatan kajian yang jitu tentang
tautan dalam wacana mantera yang bercirikan jenis pengucapan bentuk puisi bebas
The gradient flexible plate structure has been widely used in engineering industries. However, the gradient flexible plate is susceptible to vibrational disturbances and affecting its durability and performance over time. Hence, the unwanted vibration needs to be controlled and can be accomplished by developing an accurate model. Despite that, the accurate model is hard to be obtained especially in estimating the model parameters. Thus, the research presents the development of dynamic modelling for gradient flexible plate structure (GFPS). A slanted GFPS with orientation angle of 30° and all edges clamped was developed and fabricated to represent the actual dynamics of the system. Then, data acquisition and instrumentation system were integrated to the rig to collect the input-output vibration data. The research utilised parametric system identification based on autoregressive with exogenous input (ARX) model structure. First, evolutionary algorithms, namely particle swarm optimisation (PSO) and grey wolf optimisation (GWO) were used in developing GFPS dynamic model and their performances were compared. It was discovered that GWO model outperformed PSO model. However, the computational time of GWO is slower compared to PSO. Thus, a hybrid of grey wolf and particle swarm optimisation (GWO-PSO) were proposed to further improve the system modelling. It was found out that the hybrid GWO-PSO model outperformed PSO and GWO models by achieving the lowest mean squared error, correlation up to 95 % confidence level, and good stability. The obtained GWO-PSO models which is model order 2 and model order 4 were verified by using proportional-integral-derivative (PID) based controller. Their performances were measured in terms of model robustness based on vibration suppression. The final result confirmed that model order 2 of GWO-PSO is the optimum model to represent GFPS system modelling with 71.08% vibration attenuation
Implementation of Evolutionary Algorithms to Parametric Identification of Gradient Flexible Plate Structure
This paper focused on modelling of a gradient flexible plate system utilizing an evolutionary algorithm, namely particle swarm optimization (PSO) and cuckoo search (CS) algorithm. A square aluminium plate experimental rig with a gradient of 30° and all edges clamped were designed and fabricated to acquire input-output vibration data experimentally. This input-output data was then applied in a system identification method, which used an evolutionary algorithm with a linear autoregressive with exogenous (ARX) model structure to generate a dynamic model of the system. The obtained results were then compared with the conventional method that is recursive least square (RLS). The developed models were evaluated based on the lowest mean square error (MSE), within the 95% confidence level of both auto and cross-correlation tests as well as high stability in the pole-zero diagram. Investigation of results indicates that both evolutionary algorithms provide lower MSE than RLS. It is demonstrated that intelligence algorithms, PSO and CS outperformed the conventional algorithm by 85% and 89%, respectively. However, in terms of the overall assessment, model order 4 by the CS algorithm was selected to be the ideal model in representing the dynamic modelling of the system since it had the lowest MSE value, which fell inside the 95% confidence threshold, indicating unbiasedness and stability
Implementation of Evolutionary Algorithms to Parametric Identification of Gradient Flexible Plate Structure
This paper focused on modelling of a gradient flexible plate system utilizing an evolutionary algorithm, namely particle swarm optimization (PSO) and cuckoo search (CS) algorithm. A square aluminium plate experimental rig with a gradient of 30° and all edges clamped were designed and fabricated to acquire input-output vibration data experimentally. This input-output data was then applied in a system identification method, which used an evolutionary algorithm with a linear autoregressive with exogenous (ARX) model structure to generate a dynamic model of the system. The obtained results were then compared with the conventional method that is recursive least square (RLS). The developed models were evaluated based on the lowest mean square error (MSE), within the 95% confidence level of both auto and cross-correlation tests as well as high stability in the pole-zero diagram. Investigation of results indicates that both evolutionary algorithms provide lower MSE than RLS. It is demonstrated that intelligence algorithms, PSO and CS outperformed the conventional algorithm by 85% and 89%, respectively. However, in terms of the overall assessment, model order 4 by the CS algorithm was selected to be the ideal model in representing the dynamic modelling of the system since it had the lowest MSE value, which fell inside the 95% confidence threshold, indicating unbiasedness and stabilit
Assessment of ultimate bearing capacity of the pile for jacking & rotary piling method
Techniques of pile installation such as jacking, dropping weight, vibration, and explosion were applied but these
methods were discovered to have weaknesses, such as high friction resistance and high settlements. To overcome
these problems, this study introduces new method of pile installation which is Jacking and Rotary method (J&R).
The objective of this study is to determine pile behaviour for static load test using common method namely
jacking (J), and a new method, J&R through the ultimate pile capacity achieved by both methods. A stainless
steel 25 mm circular pile, a 50 mm circular pile and a screw pile were used as test piles for this investigation. To
achieve the objectives, this study employed graphical methods such as Brinch Hansen 80% and Tangent method
to determine the ultimate pile capacity for both piling installation methods. Results revealed that for jacking
method, the highest ultimate pile capacity value for the 50 mm circular pile was 1.186 kN, whereas the 25 mm
circular pile had the lowest pile capacity reading of 0.539 kN. Screw pile shows the reading of 1.068 kN for its
pile capacity. While for J&R, the highest average for both graphical methods are screw pile with 0.683 kN, while
the 50 mm circular pile produced the lowest pile capacity which was 0.491 kN. For 25 mm, pile capacity using
J&R is 0.543 kN. Result shows the acceptable for J&R methods to be introduced with further investigation such
as the response of pile under axial loading and others