10 research outputs found


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengobservasi sistem aliran Pendidikan di Indonesia yaitu Esensialisme dan Perenialisme dan untuk melihat dampak yang terjadi jika keduanya digabungkan. Tujuan dibuat artikel ini untuk melihat hasil jika kedua aliran Pendidikan tersebut digabungkan dan digunakan dalam kegiatan belajar mengajar. Metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan tinjauan literatur dan evaluasi konseptual. Hasil yang didapat yaitu dengan menggabungkan yang terbaik dari kedua filosofi tersebut memberikan pendidikan holistik kepada siswa yang menekankan pada pengetahuan akademis dan dapat membantu siswa mengembangkan pondasi yang kuat dalam mata pelajaran akademis inti sementara pada saat yang sama mengembangkan kemampuan mereka untuk menganalisis, mengevaluasi, dan menghargai kebenaran dan ide yang tak lekang oleh waktu


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    Based on the curriculum of high school education in Indonesia, all senior high school students must be able to acquire all standard competences and basic competences. Unfortunately, most senior high school students in Serang districts, Banten Province, were not able to acquire all standard competences and basic competences operationally. Based on the result of national examination from 2007 to 2013, there were still ten standard competences and basic competences in Physics subject that the students still found difficulties in acquiring the learning materials. It was shown that there were teaching materials which cannot be taught to students due to some teachers’ weaknesses in delivering the teaching materials well. To overcome those problems, the researcher developed some teaching materials of Physics subject to be implemented by Physics teachers in Serang districts and city, Banten Province.The researcher used Diffusion Adaptation Strategy (DAS) in order to gather all Physics teachers from Serang districts-Banten Province, Indonesia. The result of the study showed that the teaching materials development with DAS had feedback mechanism towards several level of improvement with the three positive loops. Through Diffusion Adaptation Strategy (DAS), the teachers can acquire the teaching materials very well in 72.6% of improvement, the teachers can also improve their academic and knowledge of Physics teaching materials in 68.3% of improvement, and finally the teachers can improve the learning process of Physics subject in 74.8% of improvement. The teaching materials development through DAS can produce the teachers who can acquire the teaching materials very well, able to use the teaching media, and able to implement various kinds of teaching methods while they are teaching Physics subject in the classroom. Based on the curriculum of high school education in Indonesia, all senior high school students must be able to acquire all standard competences and basic competences. Unfortunately, most senior high school students in Serang districts, Banten Province, were not able to acquire all standard competences and basic competences operationally. Based on the result of national examination from 2007 to 2013, there were still ten standard competences and basic competences in Physics subject that the students still found difficulties in acquiring the learning materials. It was shown that there were teaching materials which cannot be taught to students due to some teachers’ weaknesses in delivering the teaching materials well. To overcome those problems, the researcher developed some teaching materials of Physics subject to be implemented by Physics teachers in Serang districts and city, Banten Province. The researcher used Diffusion Adaptation Strategy (DAS) in order to gather all Physics teachers from Serang districts-Banten Province, Indonesia. The result of the study showed that the teaching materials development with DAS had feedback mechanism towards several level of improvement with the three positive loops. Through Diffusion Adaptation Strategy (DAS), the teachers can acquire the teaching materials very well in 72.6% of improvement, the teachers can also improve their academic and knowledge of Physics teaching materials in 68.3% of improvement, and finally the teachers can improve the learning process of Physics subject in 74.8% of improvement. The teaching materials development through DAS can produce the teachers who can acquire the teaching materials very well, able to use the teaching media, and able to implement various kinds of teaching methods while they are teaching Physics subject in the classroom

    Ihwal menulis

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    Jarcalis = Belajar membaca dan menulis : remedial pandual guru

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    ii, 19 p.; 22c


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan unsur intrinsik pada novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata, kalimat, dan paragraf. Sumber data penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah novel terjemahan Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein. Metoode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, maka unsur intrinsik yang terdapat dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein yaitu (1) tema dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein menceritakan tentang kisah cinta yang terbentur dengan status sosial antara seorang anak raja dengan gadis desa miskin, (2) tokoh utama dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein adalah raja Rauf, tuan Naim, dan penyair Ragib, sedangkan tokoh tambahannya yaitu Usman, Khadijah, Mahbubah, Ahmad, Mahmud Al Iskafi, dan Ali, (3) latar yang ditemukan dalam cerita novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein yaitu latar tempat di perpustakaan, latar waktu pada siang hari, dan latar suasana hati dengan rasa kesal dan emosi, (4) alur dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein adalah alur campuran, (5) sudut pandang dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein adalah sudut pandang orang pertama, (6) Amanat dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein adalah sebaiknya kita tidak memandang seseorang hanya dari status sosial saja, namun lihatlah kebaikan dan kesucian dari hati orang tersebutPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan unsur intrinsik pada novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein. Data dalam penelitian ini berupa kata, kalimat, dan paragraf. Sumber data penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah novel terjemahan Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein. Metoode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, maka unsur intrinsik yang terdapat dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein yaitu (1) tema dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein menceritakan tentang kisah cinta yang terbentur dengan status sosial antara seorang anak raja dengan gadis desa miskin, (2) tokoh utama dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein adalah raja Rauf, tuan Naim, dan penyair Ragib, sedangkan tokoh tambahannya yaitu Usman, Khadijah, Mahbubah, Ahmad, Mahmud Al Iskafi, dan Ali, (3) latar yang ditemukan dalam cerita novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein yaitu latar tempat di perpustakaan, latar waktu pada siang hari, dan latar suasana hati dengan rasa kesal dan emosi, (4) alur dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein adalah alur campuran, (5) sudut pandang dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein adalah sudut pandang orang pertama, (6) Amanat dalam novel Kesaksian Sang Penyair karya Taha Hussein adalah sebaiknya kita tidak memandang seseorang hanya dari status sosial saja, namun lihatlah kebaikan dan kesucian dari hati orang tersebut

    Panduan guru Jarcalis (belajar membaca dan menulis) : untuk MI kelas 1 dan 2

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    iv, 34 p. : il.; 30 c

    Increasing the Activity and Skills of Writing Hots Negotiating Text Through Audio-Visual Media

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    The author conducted this Classroom Action Research aiming to find the right media as a means of improvement the writing skills of HOTS negotiating texts for SMKN 8 students Tangerang Regency. The data used are qualitative data and quantitative data obtained from preliminary study results, period I, and period II through the learning process St Class X TKJ 4 SMKN 8 Tangerang Regency. The results of the study in the first cycle in the form of HOTS writing texts that described the ability of class X TKJ 4 students in understanding writing negotiating texts. The results in cycle I showed an average value of 77 with an increase of 0.2compared to the results in the pre-cycle. To achieve maximum results, the author conducts a research cycle. The results of research in cycle II were in the form of HOTS writing texts that described students' abilitiesclass X TKJ 4 students in understanding writing negotiating texts. The results in cycle II showed an average value of 93, an increase of 1.6 compared to the results in the pre-cycle.Keywords: Hots writing activeness and skills, negotiation text, audio-visual medi

    Optimalisasi Kinerja Guru Dalam Mengembangkan Keterampilan Literasi Sains Kelas IV SDN Karang Tengah 07

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    Teachers have an important role in creating quality learning that involves aspects of knowledge, attitudes and skills. one of the skills that support is science literacy skills. However, this skill is rarely possessed by students, so the author tries to analyze how optimizing teacher performance can develop this literacy skill. The method used is descriptive qualitative, where the instruments used are observation and interviews conducted at SDN Karang Tengah 07. The results obtained in this data collection are optimizing teacher performance in three processes, namely in planning by preparing teacher knowledge related to science literacy skills and paying attention to the needs of students and learning objectives, implementation by inserting science literacy in reading time activities and the learning process, and finally evaluation by providing positive affirmations

    Conceptual Frameworks on How to Teach STEM Concepts in Bahasa Indonesia Subject as Integrated Learning in Grades 1–3 at Elementary School in the Curriculum 2013 to Contribute to Sustainability Education

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    This study aimed to develop conceptual frameworks on how to teach STEM concepts in a Bahasa Indonesia subject as integrated learning. This study used a mixed-methods research design that consisted of a document analysis, a survey, and a systematic review. To address the aims of this study, we first determined the STEM concepts on basic competencies of a Bahasa Indonesia subject of Grades 1–3 at elementary school level in the curriculum 2013; the recommended teaching and learning strategies in learning STEM concepts integrated into a Bahasa Indonesia subject of Grades 1–3 at elementary school in the curriculum 2013; and the first proposed conceptual frameworks on how to teach STEM concepts in a Bahasa Indonesia subject as an integrated learning in Grades 1–3 at elementary school level in the curriculum 2013 based on systematic review. The results showed that the conceptual frameworks on how to teach science concepts in a Bahasa Indonesia subject as integrated learning in Grades 1–3 at elementary school level in the curriculum 2013 consisted of Bahasa Indonesia as the main goal and science concepts as an approach to address goals, and recommends it be taught using reading. The conceptual framework on how to teach technology concepts in a Bahasa Indonesia subject as an integrated learning in Grades 1–3 at elementary school level in the curriculum 2013 consisted of Bahasa Indonesia as the main goal and technology concepts as an approach to address goals, and recommends that it be taught using reading. These findings will be useful to Indonesian teachers and teachers in other countries that have integrated science or STEM concepts in the language subject in their curricula as integrated learning or will use integrated learning in their future curricula to contribute to sustainability education