41 research outputs found

    Epidemiologic Features of Cholera Epidemic ‎In Al Hilla City-Babylon Province-Iraq 2015‎

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    خلفية البحث: مرض الهيضة هو مرض معدي يصيب الأنسان بالإسهال، اذا لم تتم معالجته بصورة صحيحة وبسرعة يؤدي إلى الموت وله تبعات اقتصاديه واجتماعيه . فوعات وبائية للمرض حصلت في العراق في السنوات الأخيرة. هدف الدراسة: وصف وباء  الكوليرا باستخدام الثالوث الوبائي الشخص, الزمان المكان. طرائق البحث: دراسة وصفية مقطعية  باستخدام الثالوث الوبائي (الشخص، المكان، الزمان). هذه البيانات جمعت من سجلات المرضى الراقدين في مستشفى مرجان التعليمي ومستشفيات الأطفال في مدينة الحلة تم تاكيد الحالات اعتمادا على نتائج الزرع الجرثومي من مختبر الصحة العمة المركزي في بغداد. استمرت هذه الدراسة من الأول من شهر شباط 2016 الى الثلاثين من شهر أيار من نفس السنة. وتم خلالها اختيار عينه منهجيه عشوائية شملت  150 حالة مؤكدة من المصابين بمرض الهيضة  . واخذ عناوين وارقام هواتف المصابين لاستكمال البيانات عبر الهاتف الجوال  بعد اخذ الموافقات المهنية والأخلاقية. النتائج:  اعلى معدل انتشار  للإصابات كانت في منطقة التاجية  وأظهرت هذه الدراسة  ان اعلى نسبة من الإصابات سجلت في شهر أيلول وقعت اعلى  للإصابات في الفئة العمرية (5-20) سنة , لا يوجد فرق إحصائي معنوي  للإصابات بين الإناث والذكور p>0.05)). بينت الدراسة ان الأميين هم الأكثر تعرضا لخطر هذا المرض وبشكل إحصائي يعتد به p<0.05 وقد اثبت في هذه الدراسة ان الازدحام في المنزل مرتبط بانتشار  المرض حيث كان الساكنون في البيوت المزدحمة والقليلة الغرف اكثر عرضه للإصابة ,.وبينت هذه الدراسة ان   المهجرين هم الأكثر استعدادا للإصابة بالمرض و شرب ماء النهر والإبار هو احد  عوامل  تفشي الوباء . الاستنتاج:  ان حالات الكوليرا كانت الأكثر في شهر أيلول  في منطقة التاجية .وان الأميه والازدحام في المساكن  والتهجير وشرب الماء من النهر والإبار هي   عوامل مرتبطة بحدوث المرض بين سكان مدينة الحلة خلال الوباء الأخيرBackground: Cholera is a diarrheal disease, if untreated, leads to high morbidity and mortality. It has economic and social impact, several epidemics occurred in Iraq during the last years. Objective:  To describe the cholera epidemic  in  a person place,and time epidemiologic   model Methodology:  This is a descriptive  cross sectional study (describe the occurrence of disease  in person , place ,and time   descriptive epidemiologic approach) . Data were collected using records of patients admitted to merjan  and pediatric teaching  hospitals in Hilla city who were diagnosed and confirmed by stool culture(according to the central public health laboratory results) during the period of the last epidemic (from the first of August through November 2015). The duration of this study started from the beginning of February to the end of May 2016. A  sample of150 confirmed cholera cases  were selected in a systematic random sample technique ,the missed data of these cases  were completed by phone after getting the verbal consents of patients or their  families .  Results: This study revealed that the peak frequency incidental cholera cases was on September, and most of cholera cases occured in Al-Tajea  district.  The most affected age group was (5-20), no significant difference  was reported according to gender. p>0.05 most of the cases were illiterate , lived in overcrowded houses , The disease is more common in internally displaced persons and those who drink water from wells and rivers.               Conclusion:  Cholera cases were at highest incidental rate in September and  in Al-Tajea  district, the most  affected age group was(5-20years) , the disease was more common among Illiterate people, living in overcrowded houses . Internally displace and those who use river and well wate

    Abuse Practice of Power in Orwell’s Animal Farm

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    It occurs very often to observe the exploitation of common people by the politicians owing to leader’s bad use of his absolute power and the silence of the people. It appears that knowledge and education will lead to absolute power which culminates in suffering and oppression of simple and naïve people in the Soviet Union.The language used in Animal Farm was not known by the majority and this leads to threat through different principles and laws. This enabled the leaders to exploit the others for their greedy desires and to do abnormal actions. As a result of the use of a vague language and the implementation of fear tactics then creating laws to help them to manipulate others, they could convince them and then they invented lies at the interest of leaders. Yet the others due to their simplicities were easily convinced, while power could be used to serve the entire population of the Soviet Union

    MESI protocol for multicore processors based on FPGA

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    In modern techniques of building processors, manufactures using more than one processor in the integrated circuit (chip) and each processor called a core. The new chips of processors called a multi-core processor. This new design makes the processors to work simultaneously for more than one task or all the cores working in parallel for the same task. All cores are similar in their design, and each core has its own cache memory, while all cores shares the same main memory. So, if one core requests a block of data from main memory to its cache, there should be a protocol to declare the situation of this block in the main memory and other cores. This is called the cache coherency or cache consistency of multi-core. In this paper a special circuit is designed using VHDL coding and implemented using ISE Xilinx software, one protocol was used in this design, the MESI (Modify, Exclusive, Shared and Invalid) protocol. Test results were taken by using test bench, and showed all the states of the protocols are working correctly

    Weak Convergence of Two Iteration Schemes in Banach Spaces

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    In this paper, we established weak convergence theorems by using appropriate conditions for approximating common fixed points and equivalence between the convergence of the Picard-Mann iteration scheme and Liu et al iteration scheme in Banach spaces. As well as, numerical examples are given to show that Picard-Mann is faster than Liu et al iteration schemes

    Assessment of Thyroid Function in Infertile Iraqi Females

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    Infertility is one of the medical, social and psychological burdens in Iraqi society. Thyroid dysfunction can lead to menstrual disturbance, anovulatory cycle and decreased fertility. The study was designed to evaluate the role of thyroid disorders in infertility with emphasis on autoimmunity by Measuring T3, T4, TSH, & anti Thyroid peroxidase antibody in infertile females comparing the results with matching fertile controls. The study was conducted during the period from March 2015 to September 2015 at Karbala Maternity Hospital, infertility unit, and some private clinics. This study included a total number of 143 women in the reproductive age; ranging between (15- 43) years; divided into: The patients group included 92 infertile females; while controls were 51fertile females. The following parameters were measured for all study groups: T3, T4, TSH, &anti-TPO using ELISA device. The results showed that there were 60.8% of patients with primary infertility (n =56) while 38.2% were with secondary infertility (n= 36). There was a significant difference in T3, and Anti-TPO between patients and controls being higher in patients; (p-value <0.05). In addition; Anti-TPO level was significantly higher in secondary infertile patients compared to primary infertile patients. In conclusion; Thyroid disorders are closely related to infertility in Iraqi females; and Anti-TPO may be used as a biochemical indicator of subclinical thyroid disorders and may help in assessment of thyroid function as a cause of infertility whether primary or secondary. Keywords: Infertility, Thyroid disease, T3, T4, Anti-TP

    An evaluation of the use of caries risk/susceptibility assessment in an undergraduate dental curriculum

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    There has been a paradigm shift in patient care with regards to delivering better oral health, towards a team-delivered, person-focused, risk-related model that is minimum intervention oral care (MIOC). Student skills should be developed within the undergraduate dental curricula to ensure graduating dentists and other oral healthcare team members are able to provide phased personalised care plans alongside behavioural management support to patients/caregivers to prevent and manage oral disease in the long term.The purpose of this study was to establish that using an adjunctive Caries Risk/Susceptibility Assessment (CRSA) technology (PreViser), had an impact on the behaviour, perception and knowledge of dental undergraduate students and their clinical teachers, regarding the benefits of such an oral health assessment in the management of patients. Four cohorts of students who did not have exposure to the Caries Risk Susceptibility software were compared with those who did. This study was conducted using a mixed methods approach using a convergent parallel design consisting of collecting quantitative data through questionnaires presented to 4 cohorts of year 4 dental students (n=150 per cohort) and their clinical teachers (n=10) and qualitative data from structured interviews with students (n=5) and teachers (n=7) with suitable statistical analysis and interpretation. Results: Generally, the items which were statistically significant, when reviewed, showed better behaviour, perception and knowledge toward CRSA of Group C (BDS4-22T1) cohort in comparison to Group A (BDS3-20T2) cohort. Group D (BDS4-22T2) students felt more confident using the PreViser as a CRSA tool. When comparing Group C and Group D data, we note that Group C cohort were more likely to carry out a diet analysis for their patients and were less likely to be negatively impacted by time constraints than Group D. Both cohorts were equally confident in using PreViser for CRSA. From a qualitative perspective, although competence and confidence appeared high, students and teachers acknowledged they would need more support to use it chairside. The main barrier listed to using PreViser rested in the fact that clinical teachers either preferred their own ways of assessing or did not know how to use the tool and therefore did not encourage using it.Those who did use PreViser highlighted that it was straightforward to use and was a systematic approach, enabling communication with the patients as there is ‘evidence’ to back up clinical recommendations. ConclusionThe cumulative benefit of training and use (even limited) had an impact on the students’ knowledge, competence, confidence about CRSA and made teaching and helping them deliver CRSA easier. The importance of CRSA was felt to be more evident right after training. Further research is suggested to understand factors influencing student behaviour, perception and knowledge in CRSA with the aim to make recommendations on a preferred approach and tool to help streamline CRSA education.<br/

    The Effect of Rubber Crumbs on Marshall Properties for Warm Mix Asphalt

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    A new pavement technology has been developed in Highway engineering: asphalt pavement production is less susceptible to oxidation and the consequent damages. The warm mix asphalt (WMA) is produced at a temperature of about (10-40) oC lower than the hot asphalt paving. This is done using one of the methods of producing a WMA. Although WMA's performance is rather good, according to previous studies, as it is less susceptible to oxidation, it is possible to modify some of its properties using different materials, including polymers. Waste tires of vehicles are one of the types of polymers because of their flexible properties. The production of HMA, WMA, and WMA modified with proportions of (1, 1.5, and 2%) of rubber crumbs by the dry method are accomplished in this work. Marshall Test and volumetric properties determination are performed to evaluate its performance. The results showed that using 1% of rubber crumbs as a replacement for fine aggregate in the warm asphalt mixture produced the best properties of the WMA compared to the conventional WMA

    Histological Study of Wing Limb in Chick Embryos at Ten Days Age

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    أجريت الدراسة النسجية في مختبري التحضيرات النسجية&nbsp; في المعهد الفني/ الطبي/ كوفة ومستشفى الصدر التعليمي في النجف، تم استخدام 10 بيوض بعمر عشرة أيام المحضن في مفقس النجف الحديث (أبو صخير)، ثم أخرجت الأجنة لإخضاعها للإجراءات المخبرية، ثم لونت المقاطع النسجية لوحظ&nbsp;&nbsp; في اليوم العاشر من العمر الجنيني أن عناصر هيكل الطرف البدائي قد استكملت ظهورها، وكانت أول هذه العناصر ظهوراً هو&nbsp; العضد Humerus ثم الزند Ulna والكعبرة Radius والمشط الرسغي Carpo-metacarpus &nbsp;والأصابع (الثاني، الثالث، الرابع). ظهرت منطقة التعظم Ossification zone الغنية بالأوعية الدموية وكانت&nbsp; الصفائح العظمية &nbsp;Bone lamellae &nbsp;مسطحة تحجز داخلها فجوات &nbsp;Lacunaeتحوي الخلايا العظمية &nbsp;Osteocytes ولوحظ ان التعظم يبدأ في منطقة الغلاف الغضروفي Perichonderium، اصطفت الأنابيب العضلية Myotubes حول الغضروف الجنيني تعلوها الخلايا المولدة للعضلات&nbsp; كما لوحظ زيادة سمك الجلد وانتشار البراعم النامية باتجاه أمامي– خلفي Anterior-Posterior بشكل واسع في المنطقة الظهرية منه وقد انغمدت البشرة في معظمها عند قواعد البراعم مكونةً خندق دائري يعرف بالجريبات الريشية Feather follicles &nbsp;والتي تبدأ بشرتها بالتفلج مكونةً مَا يسمى بحيود الاسلات Barb ridges.This study was investigated in the lab of histological preparations of technical institute / Kufa laboratory medical dept. and Al-Sadr hospital in Najaf., ten eggs of chicken were collected, from Al Najaf Alhadeeth hathchery (Abu Sakhir). Ten eggs were hatched for &nbsp;10 days . Samples of embryos limbs were&nbsp; removed and subjected to histological procedures and used three different stains: The results of current histological study showed that the embryonic limb at the age of the tenth days embryonic stage,&nbsp; that elements of rudiment skeletal in the limb has&nbsp; completed its appearance, and was the first of these is the Humerus then Ulna , Radius , Carpo-metacarpus and fingers (II, III, IV), ossification zone is rich in blood vessels and bone lamellae flat&nbsp; contains osteocytes within lacunae, it was noted that the ossified begins in perichondrium, and lined&nbsp; Myotubes&nbsp; surrounded the embryonic cartilage topped by myogenic cells, the skin&nbsp; &nbsp;increased of thickening in addition to distribution of large number of anterior- posterior orientation long feather buds where their bases begin to sink creating a circular moat. “Moat” becomes feather follicles. Epidermis of which forms ingrowing thickenings where barb ridges start to form