13 research outputs found
Analysis of Teaching Strategies by Teachers in Cultivating Reading Interest of Grade V Students at SDN Panongan 1
This study aims to analyze teachers' teaching strategies in fostering reading interest among fifth-grade students at SDN Panongan 1. Teachers' strategies in cultivating reading interest are crucial as it significantly impacts students' literacy and academic development. The method employed was descriptive qualitative with data collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Findings indicate that teaching strategies involving varied learning approaches, positive teacher-student interactions, and supportive learning environments significantly enhance students' reading interest. Additional supportive factors such as school support and parental involvement also play pivotal roles in the success of these strategies
Pengaruh Antara Feedback Monitoring dan Knowledge Sharing Among Peers terhadap Employee Service Performance yang Dimediasi oleh Employee Creativity
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis peran feedback monitoring, knowledge sharing among peers, dan employee creativity terhadap employee service performance serta peran mediasi dari variabel employee creativity yang memediasi pengaruh antara feedback monitoring dan knowledge sharing among peers terhadap employee creativity pada karyawan logistik di Cipayung, Jakarta Timur. Sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 150 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah purposive sampling. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode Structural Equation Model (SEM). Hasil penelitian ini adalah: (1) feedback monitoring tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap employee creativity, (2) knowledge sharing among peers berpengaruh positif terhadap employee creativity, (3) employee creativity berpengaruh positif terhadap employee service performance, (4) feedback monitoring tidak berpengaruh positif terhadap employee service performance, (5) knowledge sharing among peers berpengaruh positif terhadap employee service performance, (6) employee creativity tidak memediasi pengaruh positif feedback monitoring terhadap employee service performance, dan (7) employee creativity memediasi pengaruh positif knowledge sharing among peers terhadap employee service performance
Hasan, Dea Aprilia Salsabila. 2022. Analisis Kanal YouTube Easy German sebagai Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Jerman untuk Tingkat A1. Bandung. Skripsi pada Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Jerman. Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.
Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jerman terdapat empat keterampilan berbahasa, yaitu menyimak (Hörverstehen), berbicara (Sprechfertigkeit), membaca (Leseverstehen), dan menulis (Schreibfertigkeit). Keempat keterampilan tersebut dapat dikuasai jika pemelajar memiliki penguasaan kosakata dan tata bahasa yang baik. Media pembelajaran selain buku ajar sangat dibutuhkan pada era serba digital masa kini, contohnya kanal YouTube. Kanal YouTube Easy German merupakan kanal pembelajaran yang menyediakan materi bahasa Jerman dari tingkat A1 sampai dengan C2. Video yang terdapat dalam kanal ini disertai dengan closed caption dalam bahasa Jerman dan subtitle dalam bahasa Inggris. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui: 1) kesesuaian materi dalam kanal Easy German dengan materi dalam buku Netzwerk neu A1, dan 2) kesesuaian video pembelajaran pada kanal Easy German dengan kriteria video pembelajaran. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif yang terdiri dari pengumpulan data, penyusunan data, pengolahan data, dan pendeskripsian data yang digunakan sebagai landasan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: 1) terdapat 45 video pembelajaran dan 22 tema materi yang dalam kanal YouTube Easy German untuk tingkat A1 yang terbagi ke dalam beberapa materi yaitu, kosakata, tata bahasa, dan Sprachhandlungen. Terdapat 42 video dengan 19 tema yang sesuai dengan materi pada buku ajar Netzwerk neu A1, dan 2) Video pembelajaran pada kanal Easy German memenuhi lima dari enam kriteria didaktis dari Dorgerloh dan Wolf, dan seluruh kriteria audio visual dari Schön dan Ebner. Kanal ini dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran tambahan di samping buku ajar Netzwerk neu A1, khususnya untuk materi kosakata, tata bahasa, dan Sprachhandlungen.
Hasan, Dea Aprilia Salsabila. 2022. Analysis of the Easy German YouTube Channel as a German Learning Media for Level A1. Bandung. A Bachelor Thesis at the German Departement. Educational Faculty of Languages and Literature. Indonesia University of Education.
In learning German there are four language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. These four skills can be mastered if students have good vocabulary and grammar mastery. Learning media other than textbooks are very much needed in today's digital era, for example YouTube channels. Easy German YouTube channel is a learning channel that provides German language material from level A1 to C2. The videos on this channel are accompanied by closed captions in German and subtitles in English. The purpose of this study was to determine: 1) the suitability of the material in the Easy German channel with the material in the textbook Netzwerk neu A1; and 2) the suitability of the learning video on the Easy German channel with the criteria of the learning video. This research is qualitative research using descriptive analysis method which consists of data collection, data compilation, data processing, and data description which is used as the basis for answering the research problem. The results showed that: 1) there are 45 learning videos and 22 material themes on the Easy German YouTube channel for level A1 which were divided into several materials, namely, vocabulary, grammar, and Sprachhandlung. There are 42 videos with 19 themes that match the material in the textbook Netzwerk neu A1; and 2) the learning videos on the Easy German channel meet five of the six didactic criteria of Dorgerloh and Wolf, and all audio visuals criteria from Schön and Ebner. This channel can be used as learning medium in addition to the textbook Netzwerk neu A1, especially for vocabulary, grammar, and Sprachhandlung materials
Systematic Literature Review: Family Economics Education as an Effort to Enhance Family Economic Resilience Based on Local Culture
This research aims to examine the importance of economic education in a family environment based on local culture in an effort to increase family economic resilience. In the context of globalization and social change, families need to understand and adapt to economic principles that are relevant to everyday life. Local culture provides a strong foundation for shaping family economic thinking and behavior. One of the key aspects of family economic education is the development of economic literacy and good economic behavior. This research uses the PRISMA 2020 systematic literature review method, utilizing Scopus and Google Scholar as research databases, with search results obtaining 239 articles (Scopus = 39 articles with a time period of 2018–2022, and Google Scholar = 200 articles with a time period of 2018–2022). Then, selection and evaluation are carried out to obtain relevant articles. Meanwhile, data collection uses a systematic review by analyzing research manuscripts obtained from Google Scholar that have been indexed nationally and internationally in the last five years, which aims to answer research questions by summarizing various research results. In facing modern challenges, the existence of the traditions of the Kajang Tribe applies the principles of Tallasa Kamase-masea and Pasang as a strong foundation in all aspects of human life. Apart from that, these traditions also become the pride and identity of the Kajang Ammatoa indigenous people, strengthening the continuity of their culture in an environment that continues to develop. Based on the research results, it was found that economic education in the family acts as a catalyst to increase the family's economic resilience.
Geopolitic Reconstruction of Religion (Learning from Hurgronje in Religion versus Government Conflict Management)
Political expression of religion can be dangerous for good governance system. And this has really happened in Indonesian history, both during the Dutch occupation and when Indonesia became independent. Religion has become a political vehicle in various forms of political parties and non-parties. Religion also caused military wars which resulted in heavy casualties. The research questions are: What are the factors that turn religion against the government? How did Hurgronje resolve the religious versus government conflict? The approach is carried out with the Sociology of Religion. This paper uses the IMRAD style. Materials obtained through documents and internet news media. The method used is qualitative. The Results: religion as a political doctrine will lead to conflict religion and government and through three groupings of the role of religion in the right portion, ala Hurgronje, will enable the government to reduce conflic
Clinical and Functional Outcomes of COVID-19 Survivors After Hospitalization
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) causes various clinical manifestations during acute infection and at the post-acute phase with persistent symptoms called long COVID. It occurs in mild and moderate to severe cases which require hospitalization. In patients needing hospitalization, especially intensive care unit admission, the risk of long COVID increases. Many hospitalized patients exhibited more symptoms in 60 days after the illness than non-hospitalized patients. This review aimed to identify the clinical and functional outcomes in COVID-19 survivors after hospitalization. The articles in the PubMed database published in 2019-2021 were reviewed and found 20 be eligible. The clinical outcomes were the appearance or persistence of general and multi-organ symptoms, nutritional disorders, and decreased lung function. The functional outcomes found were decreased muscle strength, physical, psychological, and cognitive functions, increased disability and dependencies, as well as decreased vocational status and quality of life. The incidence of each outcome could not be determined due to the variety of methods used to examine and present outcomes. To conclude, COVID-19 causes long-term clinical and functional outcomes that need to be identified to prevent and manage long-term physical and functional disorders
Upaya Pemerintah dalam Menjamin Hak Pendidikan untuk Seluruh Masyarakat di Indonesia: Sebuah Fakta yang Signifikan
Pendidikan memiliki peran penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia dan mengangkat kemajuan sebuah negara. Namun, masih banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang mengalami kesulitan ekonomi dan tidak mampu memenuhi biaya pendidikan yang semakin meningkat. Kondisi ini dapat menghambat akses pendidikan yang setara bagi semua warga negara, sehingga menjadi penghambat kemajuan Indonesia sebagai negara yang berdaulat dan sejahtera. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah Indonesia meluncurkan program "Indonesia Pintar" sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan akses pendidikan dan mengurangi kesenjangan pendidikan. Program ini ditujukan kepada masyarakat yang mengalami kendala ekonomi dalam memenuhi biaya pendidikan, dengan memberikan bantuan biaya dan fasilitas pendidikan gratis untuk siswa-siswa yang memenuhi syarat. Dalam program ini, pemerintah juga menyediakan berbagai jenis bantuan, seperti beasiswa pendidikan, bantuan seragam, bantuan alat tulis, dan bantuan transportasi bagi siswa yang berasal dari keluarga kurang mampu. Selain itu, pemerintah juga mengembangkan program pembangunan infrastruktur pendidikan, seperti pembangunan sekolah dan renovasi gedung sekolah yang sudah ada. Program "Indonesia Pintar" diharapkan dapat meningkatkan akses pendidikan bagi masyarakat yang mengalami kesulitan ekonomi dan membantu mereka untuk menggapai mimpi dan cita-cita. Dalam jangka panjang, program ini diharapkan juga dapat menghasilkan sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas, yang pada akhirnya dapat memperkuat kemajuan Indonesia sebagai negara yang berdaulat dan sejahtera. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi sejauh mana dedikasi pemerintah dalam memberikan fasilitas pendidikan. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif systematic literature review, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa pemerintah telah mengimplementasikan berbagai bantuan dan fasilitas yang berarti bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Ditemukan bahwa pemerintah telah melaksanakan langkah-langkah yang signifikan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pendidikan masyaraka
Biochar : A review of its history, characteristics, factors that influence its yield, methods of production, application in wastewater treatment and recent development
Biochar can alleviate several issues, and it should also be inexpensive to produce. Most biochars have a high pore structure and diverse functional groups that assist in the adsorption process. Due to the attributed properties of biochar, several studies have demonstrated that biochar is getting more attention for its efficiency in facilitating wastewater treatment. However, to ensure the feasibility of biochar in wastewater treatment, the factors involved in the preparation of biochar that influences its characteristics and adsorption capacity must be understood. This study reviews the history, characteristics, factors that influence its yield, production methods, application, and recent development of biochar in wastewater treatment
Plastic bottle waste is a serious problem in many countries, including Indonesia. Plastic bottles that are difficult to decompose make the need for various efforts to reuse plastic bottle waste such as recycling. However, in practice in the community, not all plastic bottle waste sells for recycling, in fact a lot of plastic bottle waste does not sell and then accumulates as happened in Sukunan Village, Banyuraden, Gamping, Sleman, Yogyakarta. This encourages the need for creative and innovative efforts in the utilization of plastic bottle waste, one of which is by utilizing plastic bottle waste into pipe glue. The training on the use of plastic bottle waste in this program was carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic with restrictions on community activities so that the implementation was carried out online through online groups, video calls, video conferences, video delivery, modules, and independent experiments by the community. The community feels the benefits and supports this program. However, the results of this online training are not optimal, so further offline training is needed
Modeling of Axially Loaded Reinforced Concrete Columns Using the Finite Element Method
The use of numerical methods in solving engineering problems can save both time and costs compared to experiments. In this study, the finite element analysis software ATENA Science was employed to model reinforced concrete columns subjected to axial compressive loads. The columns modeled in this study had previously undergone experimental compression tests. The primary objective of this modeling was to assess the compatibility of ATENA Science simulations with the experimental results. Based on a comparison between the ATENA analysis and experimental data, the ATENA analysis produced results that closely matched the experimental outcomes. In this case, the study specifically focused on the L-D relationship and crack patterns. The alignment of these results is important as it serves as validation, allowing for future modifications to the test specimens as required