2,054 research outputs found

    TopCom: Index for Shortest Distance Query in Directed Graph

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    Finding shortest distance between two vertices in a graph is an important problem due to its numerous applications in diverse domains, including geo-spatial databases, social network analysis, and information retrieval. Classical algorithms (such as, Dijkstra) solve this problem in polynomial time, but these algorithms cannot provide real-time response for a large number of bursty queries on a large graph. So, indexing based solutions that pre-process the graph for efficiently answering (exactly or approximately) a large number of distance queries in real-time is becoming increasingly popular. Existing solutions have varying performance in terms of index size, index building time, query time, and accuracy. In this work, we propose T OP C OM , a novel indexing-based solution for exactly answering distance queries. Our experiments with two of the existing state-of-the-art methods (IS-Label and TreeMap) show the superiority of T OP C OM over these two methods considering scalability and query time. Besides, indexing of T OP C OM exploits the DAG (directed acyclic graph) structure in the graph, which makes it significantly faster than the existing methods if the SCCs (strongly connected component) of the input graph are relatively small

    Neural‑Brane: Neural Bayesian Personalized Ranking for Attributed Network Embedding

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    Network embedding methodologies, which learn a distributed vector representation for each vertex in a network, have attracted considerable interest in recent years. Existing works have demonstrated that vertex representation learned through an embedding method provides superior performance in many real-world applications, such as node classification, link prediction, and community detection. However, most of the existing methods for network embedding only utilize topological information of a vertex, ignoring a rich set of nodal attributes (such as user profiles of an online social network, or textual contents of a citation network), which is abundant in all real-life networks. A joint network embedding that takes into account both attributional and relational information entails a complete network information and could further enrich the learned vector representations. In this work, we present Neural-Brane, a novel Neural Bayesian Personalized Ranking based Attributed Network Embedding. For a given network, Neural-Brane extracts latent feature representation of its vertices using a designed neural network model that unifies network topological information and nodal attributes. Besides, it utilizes Bayesian personalized ranking objective, which exploits the proximity ordering between a similar node pair and a dissimilar node pair. We evaluate the quality of vertex embedding produced by Neural-Brane by solving the node classification and clustering tasks on four real-world datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over the state-of-the-art existing methods

    Forecasting the Daily Dynamic Hedge Ratios in Emerging European Stock Futures Markets: Evidence from GARCH models

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    This paper empirically estimates and forecasts the hedge ratios of three emerging European and one developed stock futures markets by means of seven different versions of GARCH model. The seven GARCH models applied are bivariate GARCH, GARCH-ECM, BEKK GARCH, GARCH-DCC, GARCH-X, GARCH-GJR and GARCH-JUMP. Daily data during January 2000-July 2014 from Greece, Hungary, Poland and the UK are applied. Forecast errors based on these four stock futures portfolio return forecasts (based on forecasted hedge ratios) are employed to evaluate out-of-sample forecasting ability of the seven GARCH models. The comparison is done by means of Model Confidence Set (MCS) and modified Diebold-Mariano tests. Forecasts are conducted over two nonoverlapping out-of-sample periods, a two-year period and a one-year period. MCS results indicate that the GARCH model provides the most accurate forecasts in five cases, while each of the GARCH-ECM, GARCH-X and GARCH-GJR models constitutes model confidence set in four cases at a reasonable confidence level. Models selection based on modified Diebold-Mariano tests further corroborate results of the MCS tests. Differences between the portfolio returns also indicate the high forecasting ability of GARCH-BEKK and GARCH-GJR models

    E-CLoG: Counting edge-centric local graphlets

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    In recent years, graphlet counting has emerged as an important task in topological graph analysis. However, the existing works on graphlet counting obtain the graphlet counts for the entire network as a whole. These works capture the key graphical patterns that prevail in a given network but they fail to meet the demand of the majority of real-life graph related prediction tasks such as link prediction, edge/node classification, etc., which require to build features for an edge (or a vertex) of a network. To meet the demand for such applications, efficient algorithms are needed for counting local graphlets within the context of an edge (or a vertex). In this work, we propose an efficient method, titled E-CLOG, for counting all 3,4 and 5 size local graphlets with the context of a given edge for its all different edge orbits. We also provide a shared-memory, multi-core implementation of E-CLOG, which makes it even more scalable for very large real-world networks. In particular, We obtain strong scaling on a variety of graphs (14x-20x on 36 cores). We provide extensive experimental results to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method. For instance, we show that E-CLOG is faster than existing work by multiple order of magnitudes; for the Wordnet graph E-CLOG counts all 3,4 and 5-size local graphlets in 1.5 hours using a single thread and in only a few minutes using the parallel implementation, whereas the baseline method does not finish in more than 4 days. We also show that local graphlet counts around an edge are much better features for link prediction than well-known topological features; our experiments show that the former enjoys between 10% to 45% of improvement in the AUC value for predicting future links in three real-life social and collaboration networks

    Feature Selection for Classification under Anonymity Constraint

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    Over the last decade, proliferation of various online platforms and their increasing adoption by billions of users have heightened the privacy risk of a user enormously. In fact, security researchers have shown that sparse microdata containing information about online activities of a user although anonymous, can still be used to disclose the identity of the user by cross-referencing the data with other data sources. To preserve the privacy of a user, in existing works several methods (k-anonymity, l-diversity, differential privacy) are proposed that ensure a dataset which is meant to share or publish bears small identity disclosure risk. However, the majority of these methods modify the data in isolation, without considering their utility in subsequent knowledge discovery tasks, which makes these datasets less informative. In this work, we consider labeled data that are generally used for classification, and propose two methods for feature selection considering two goals: first, on the reduced feature set the data has small disclosure risk, and second, the utility of the data is preserved for performing a classification task. Experimental results on various real-world datasets show that the method is effective and useful in practice

    An assessment of the contribution of consumer confidence towards household spending decisions using UK data

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    The European Commission’s consumer confidence indicator (CCI) is assembled from responses to four questions about individual and general economic prospects which form part of the EU’s Consumer Survey. However, concerns may be raised about whether the four components should be constrained to exerting the same influence in a forecasting model of household consumption. Also, in this context, it would seem to be appropriate to permit a role to other information that is obtained from the EU survey. Consequently, in this article, different regression functions are specified in order to assess whether there is any gain to be achieved in predictive accuracy from adopting a more flexible approach towards using the data from the EU questionnaire. With an emphasis upon parsimony, an econometric analysis is performed in conjunction with UK quarterly data on household consumption expenditure. For two categories of spending, it is discovered that the quality of forecasts benefits from having undertaken disaggregation involving survey data beyond those which contribute towards the calculation of the CCI. Indeed, the respective consumption variables (relating to non-durable goods and durable goods excluding vehicles) are seen to be associated with relatively volatile behaviour over the forecast interval, 2008–2013

    A matched comparison of revision rates of cemented Oxford Unicompartmental Knee Replacements with Single and Twin Peg femoral components, based on data from the National Joint Registry for England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man

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    Background and purpose — Registries report high revision rates after unicompartmental knee replacement (UKR) due, in part, to aseptic loosing. In an attempt to improve Oxford UKR femoral component fixation a new design was introduced with a Twin rather than a Single peg. We used the National Joint Registry (NJR) to compare the 5-year outcomes of the Single and Twin Peg cemented Oxford UKRs. Patients and methods — We performed a retrospective observational study using NJR data on propensity score matched Single and Twin Peg UKRs (matched for patient, implant and surgical factors). Data on 2,834 Single Peg and 2,834 Twin Peg were analyzed. Cumulative implant survival was calculated using the Kaplan–Meier method and comparisons between groups performed using Cox regression models. Results — In the matched cohort, the mean follow up for both Single and Twin Peg UKRs was 3.3 (SD 2) and 3.4 years (SD 2) respectively. The 5-year cumulative implant survival rates for Single Peg and Twin Peg were 94.8% (95% CI 93.6–95.8) and 96.2% (CI 95.1–97.1) respectively. Implant revision rates were statistically significantly lower in the Twin Peg (hazard ratio [HR)] = 0.74; p = 0.04). The revision rate for femoral component aseptic loosening decreased significantly (p = 0.03) from 0.4% (n = 11) with the Single Peg to 0.1% (n = 3) with the Twin Peg. The revision rate for pain decreased significantly (p = 0.01) from 0.8% (n = 23) with the Single Peg to 0.3% (n = 9) with the Twin Peg. No other reasons for revision had significant differences in revision rates. Interpretation — The revision rate for the cemented Twin Peg Oxford UKR was 26% less than the Single Peg Oxford UKR. This was mainly because the revision rates for femoral loosening and pain more than halved. This suggests that the Twin Peg component should be used in preference to the Single Peg design.</p
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