391 research outputs found

    Effect of noise on explosive synchronization

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    In this paper we explore the emergence of explosive synchronization (ES) in a star network by considering the dynamics of coupled phase oscillators in the presence of noise. While ES has been the subject of many recent studies, in most cases deterministic dynamics was considered to explore the first-order phase transition. This raises the issue of how robust ES is in situations where fluctuations cannot be suppressed. Thus, to address this issue, we consider a situation where the natural frequency is considered to be correlated with their degrees. We observe that noise plays a crucial role when it is present in the hub. By considering the model examples of Kuramoto and Stuart Landau oscillators on each node, we examine the effect of noise strength in the hub.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    The plight of the Bangladeshi silk industry: An empirical investigation

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    In spite of having a glorious history in the sericulture industry Bangladesh still is not a bright name in silk production and export. Although the agro-climatic situation in Bangladesh greatly favors the development of silk industry, Bangladesh produces very little amount of silk products every year, whereas India, situated beside Bangladesh, is the second largest producer of sericulture. To investigate the reason behind this, a questionnaire survey has been undertaken in which only the owners or managers have been considered as representatives of the industry. A total of 21 silk enterprises was randomly sampled. Data analyses show that almost 57% of the silk enterprises have less than 40 decimal of land while only 19% have more than 100 decimal of land. These enterprises provided very limited facilities for their workers and mostly depended on imported raw materials. Owners pointed out several constraints to the development of silk industry in Bangladesh including insufficient government patronization and recommended several remedial measures including that the Bangladesh Silk Board (BSB) gives out production credit without too much conditions, adoption of modern technology, and information dissemination . It is evident that government, through BSB and BSRTI (Bangladesh Silk Research and Training Institute) has to play a crucial role to pull this industry up from the brink of destruction

    Facts about ovarian cancer in Maysanian women

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    Background: Ovarian cancer is one of the commonest gynecologic malignancy. It is the most common cause of death due to gynecologic tumors, and accounts for 50% of deaths due to all gynecologic cancer types. Objectives: The aim was to discuss and assess ovarian cancer in Misan province and to underline its impact for increased awareness and interest in screening and early diagnosis by the determination of the prevalence rates among Maysanian women. Methods: The study lasted six months. During this period, we obtained a lot of data from records of the Al-Shifaa Oncology Center in Misan province, Iraq. Between September 2016 and February 2017, 50 cases of ovarian cancer from 282 gynecologic cancers were recorded. Complete history was obtained for every case. Results: The study showed that ovarian cancer constituted 17.73% of all types of cancer. It usually occurred in patients aged 60–70 years (30%). Women lived in urban areas 1.5 times more frequently than in rural areas. The most common histopathological type of ovarian cancer was ovarian serous carcinoma (46%). The most common stages were stage III and IV, accounting for 76%. Conclusion: Ovarian cancer is the third most common gynecologic cancer type. It was more common in women aged 60–70 years. Regarding the family history, the results were insignificant. The most common histopathological type of ovarian cancer in this study was ovarian serous carcinoma. The most common stages of the disease were advanced stages III and IV

    The influence of the addition of titanium oxide nanotubes on the properties of 3D printed denture base materials

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    Introduction: In this study, the effects of adding titanium dioxide nanotubes (TiO2) to 3D-printed denture base resin on the mechanical and physical properties of denture bases were examined for the first time. Methods: The specimens were digitally created using 3D builder software from Microsoft Corporation through computer-aided design. In accordance with the test specifications for transverse strength, impact strength, hardness, surface roughness, and color stability, specimens were designed and printed with certain dimensions following relevant standards. TiO2 nanotubes (diameter: 15–30 nm and length: 2–3 μm) were added to the 3D-printed denture base resin (DentaBase, Asiga, Australia) at 1.0% and 1.5% by weight. Flexural strength, impact strength (Charpy impact), hardness, surface roughness, and color stability were evaluated, and the collected data were analyzed with ANOVA followed by Tukey's post hoc test (α = 0.05). Field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDX) mapping were used to evaluate the dispersion of the nanotubes. Results: Compared with those of the control group (0.0 wt.% TiO2 nanotubes), the average flexural, impact, and hardness values of the 1.0 and 1.5 wt.% TiO2 nanotube reinforcement groups increased significantly. Both nanocomposite groups showed significant color changes compared to that of the pure resin, and there was a considerable reduction in the surface roughness of the nanocomposites compared to that of the control group. Conclusion: Adding TiO2 nanotubes to 3D-printed denture base materials at 1.0 and 1.5 wt.% could enhance the mechanical and physical properties of the material, leading to better clinical performance. Clinical Significance: In terms of clinical applications, 3D-printed denture base material has been shown to be a viable substitute for traditional heat-cured materials. By combining this with nanotechnology, existing dentures could be significantly enhanced, promoting extended service life and patient satisfaction while addressing the shortcomings of the current standard materials

    Effect of Chemical Treatment on Thermal Properties of Jute Fiber Used in Polymer Composites

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    In recent years, natural fibers, such as jute has gained significant research interest in order to fabricate fiber reinforced polymer composites. Chemical treatments are generally carried out on the raw fibers for making composites with improved properties. From a composite manufacturing point of view, it is important to understand how the treatments can affect the thermal properties of the jute fiber. In the present research, the effects of rot-retardant, fire-retardant and water-retardant treatments on thermal properties of the jute fiber were investigated. Fiber samples were collected from the middle portion of whole jute fiber. Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetric (DSC) analysis were subsequently conducted on the jute fiber for thermal characterization. The results demonstrated a lower thermal decomposition temperature in the case of fire-retardant treated jute fiber but higher residue at above 400 °C, as compared to the raw and other treated fibers. In general, it was found that chemically treated fibers absorbed less heat, in contrast to the raw jute fiber and heat flow became negative in all cases of the treated fibers. This study provides important information about the thermal properties of the treated jute fibers for manufacturing polymer-based composite materials

    The English torts of defamation and (false) privacy: analysing the impact of the overlap on defences, interim injunctions and damages

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    Following the enactment of the Human Rights Act 1998, the English law recognised direct protection of the right to privacy under the tort of misuse of private information (MOPI) by virtue of the House of Lords’ judgment in the landmark case of Campbell v MGN 2004. The development of this emergent tort led it to acutely overlap with the subject matter of defamation law for two major reasons. Firstly, according to the Strasbourg jurisprudence, the interest of reputation, traditionally protected under defamation law, has been subsumed within the protective remit of the private life rights guaranteed by the Article 8 ECHR. Secondly, the false information, initially protected under the defamation law once it is defamatory, may also fall within the scope of the MOPI once it is private according to the authority of McKennitt v Ash 2006. Within this thesis, it is argued that any potential overlap would be practically unavoidable in the event of information being false, private and defamatory. The overall contribution to knowledge made by this thesis is to analytically address the implications of the overlap on the defences, interim injunction and damages, using a multi-perspectival approach. In doing this, it seeks out to fulfil three objectives. Firstly, it examines the applicability of the defences of defamation in privacy law and the potential harmonisation between defences to achieve a coherent protection to the freedom of expression. Secondly, it demonstrates the effectiveness of the likelihood test based on Article 12 (3) Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) over the Bonnard v Perryman test concerning the application of interim injunction. Thirdly and finally, it analyses the impact of the damages awarded in order to address the reputational harms on the damages awarded in privacy

    The Prevalence of Low Birth Weight and Its Correlation with Antenatal Care and Parental Smoking in Babylon Province

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    مقدمة: يعتبر انخفاض الوزن عند الولادة  مصدر قلق خطير للصحة العامة في البلدان المنخفضة ومتوسطة الدخل. في العراق وجدت دراسة أن 276 (51.8 في المائة) من الأطفال حديثي الولادة ولدوا بوزن منخفض عند الولادة. على الصعيد العالمي ، وُلد 20 مليون طفل ، أي ما يقدر بنحو 15٪ إلى 20٪ من الأطفال بوزن منخفض عند الولادة ، و 13٪ منهم في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الكبرى. على الرغم من أن منضمة الصحة العالمية توجهت الى  تقليل انخفاض الوزن عند الولادة بنسبة 30٪ بحلول نهاية عام 2025 ، إلا أنه ما تم العمل به كان ضعيفا من اجل تقليل نسبة انخفاض الوزن عند الولادة. طرق العمل: تم تطبيق الدراسة المقطعية في مستشفى بابل التعليمي للولادة والأطفال على مدى ستة أشهر من أبريل 2020 إلى سبتمبر 2020 ، وأجريت الدراسة على 754 مولود حي كامل المدة.  تم أخذ وزن الولادة ومدة الحمل لجميع الأطفال حديثي الولادة و تم ايضا حساب عمر الحمل حسب آخر دورة شهرية وفحص الموجات فوق الصوتية و درجة بالارد جديدة. يتم أخذ المدة الكاملة في الاعتبار عندما يكون عمر الحمل 37 أسبوعًا. الخدج والرضع الذين يعانون من عيوب خلقية تم استبعادهم من الدراسة. تم عمل استبيان للأم فيما اذا كانت تحضر رعاية ما قبل الولادة أو لا ، و كون الأم والأب مدخنين أم لا. تم تحليل البيانات باستخدام SPSS الإصدار 22.0. تم تطبيق نسبة الأرجحية المعدلة (AOR) بفاصل ثقة 95 ٪ (CI) في نماذج الانحدار اللوجستي متعدد المتغيرات ، واعتبرت قيمة p أقل من 0.05 ذات دلالة إحصائية. الاستنتاجات: - بلغ إجمالي وزن المواليد المنخفضي الوزن 69 من العدد الإجمالي للمدة الكاملة 754 بنسبة 9.2٪ وعدد كبر عمر الحمل 22 بنسبة 2.9٪. توجد علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين الرعاية السابقة للولادة وانخفاض الوزن عند الولادة بقيمة P <0.001 وأيضًا علاقة ذات دلالة إحصائية بين تدخين الأم أثناء الحمل وانخفاض الوزن عند الولادة بقيمة P <0.001. لكن لا علاقة له بتدخين الأب..Across sectional study was applied in Babylon teaching hospital for obstetric and children over six months period from April 2020 to September 2020 the study was done on 754 full term live birth neonate The birth wight and gestational age was taken for all newborn. The gestational age was calculated by last menstrual period and ultrasound examination and a new Ballard score. Full term is considered when the gestational age is ≥ 37 weeks Premature and infants with birth defects were excluded from the study Questionnaire was taken from mother whither attend ANC (antenatal care) or not and whither mother and father are smoker or not. The total number of low births weight was 69 from the total number full term which are 754 with a percentage of 9.2% and the number of large gestational age is 22 with a percentage of 2.9% . there is significant relationship between antenatal care and low birth weight with P-value <0.001 and also significant relationship between maternal smoking during pregnancy and low birth weight with P-value <0.001. but there is no relationship with paternal smoking