65 research outputs found

    Perspektif Kinerja Perusahaan Berdasarkan Intellectual Capital

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    The purpose of this study was to examine and analize: (1) The influence of Human Capital Efficiency (HCE) to firm’s performance. (2) The influence of Structural Capital Efficiency (SCE) to firm’s performance. (3) The influence of Capital Employed Efficiency (CEE) to firm’s performance. This study is the quantitative research with the population some listed companies at Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) for the year 2009 until 2011. Data collection based on the financial statement of the listed company at IDX, and using the purposive sampling methods. The analize used regression and t-test. The findings shown that, HCE (human capital efficiency) was not influence to ROA (return on assets), SCE (structural capital efficiency) positively influence to ROA, and CEE (capital employed efficiency) positively influence to ROA. HCE was not influence to ROE (return on equity), SCE positively influence to ROE, and CEE positively influence to ROE. HCE positively influence to RG (revenue growth), SCE positively influence to RG, CEE positively influence to RG

    Hubungan Hukum yang Menimbulkan Hak dan Kewajiban dalam Kontrak Bisnis

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    All commercial activities that consist of production, distribution and trading of goods and services to gain the profit should be declared in a contract to give guarantee and assurance to all sides. In the case that there is a conflict, this contract will help them to solve the problem

    Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Hutan Bersama Masyarakat Dalam Sistem Agroforestry

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    Cooperative forest management is a social forestry strategy to improve community prosperity. Cooperative forest management not only produce timber but also use all the forest resources. Forest management has been change not only for company profits, it's also for advantages of local community inside and around the forest

    The Impact of Marketing Expenditure on Firm Performance

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    This study aimed to examine whether marketing expenditure affected firm performance. Previous research has mentioned that there was an influence between marketing expenditure to profitability and firm value. However, some stakeholders and practitioners perceived that the budget for marketing expenditure has already overspent, which means it was assumed that marketing expenditure is very high cost and difficult to measure. In this research, the contribution of marketing expenditure to firm performance of the big four of the telecommunication companies in Indonesia (PT. Telkom, Tbk (including PT. Telkomsel), PT. Indosat Ooredoo, Tbk, PT. XL Axiata, Tbk, and PT. Smartfren Telecom, Tbk) would be analyzed. Firm performance was proxied as the profit margin on sales (PM on Sales), return on assets (ROA), return on investment (ROI), and return on equity (ROE). The methodology of the research used the quantitative model, and the analysis applied the simple regression. The results showed that the marketing expenditure had a significant effect on PM on Sales, ROI, and ROE, partially. On the contrary, the marketing expenditure had no impact on the return on assets (ROA)


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    The purpose of this study is to obtain empirical evidence of the role of Competitive Advantage in mediating the relationship between Intellectual Capital and Good Corporate Governance and Financial Performance. The population of this study is the banking sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) 2016-2019. The method of determining the sample using a purposive sampling technique. The number of samples obtained was 31 companies with a total of 124 observations. Based on the research results, it was found that the variable that had a direct influence on the Competitive Advantage was the Good Corporate Governance variable, while the Intellectual Capital variable did not have a direct effect. Meanwhile, the variables that have a direct influence on financial performance are the variables of Good Corporate Governance and Competitive Advantage. Based on the results of the analysis, it was also found that Competitive Advantage was not able to mediate the relationship between Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance but was able to mediate the relationship between Good Corporate Governance and Financial Performance. Keywords: Intellectual Capital, Good Corporate Governance, Competitive Advantage, Financial Performanc


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    Ketahanan pangan nasional terbangun dari ketahanan pangan desa sebagai unit pemerintahan terdekat dengan masyarakat. Ketahanan pangan masyarakat desa diupayakan melalui penguatan teknologi budidaya yang berkelanjutan dan intervensi varietas unggul padi berprotein tinggi yang dihasilkan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Penguasaan teknologi budidaya Inpago Unsoed Protani yang berwawasan lingkungan bagi mitra, yaitu Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo Desa Bojanegara Kecamatan Padamara Kabupaten Purbalingga menjadi tujuan dari program PPM Berbasis Riset ini. Program dilaksanakan dalam bentuk diseminasi ipteks, pendampingan teknologi budidaya padi protein tinggi berwawasan lingkungan dan Farm Field Day/sarasehan. Peningkatan kompetensi mitra selama 7 (tujuh) bulan pelaksanaan program (Maret-September 2023) diukur kemajuannya menggunakan kuisioner dan pengamatan kondisi pertanaman di lapang. Berdasarkan pengukuran penguasaan teknologi, Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo mengalami peningkatan 77,55% dalam pengenalan profil inovasi teknologi berupa varietas unggul baru Inpago Unsoed Protani. Peningkatan penguasaan teknologi budidaya berwawasan lingkungan meningkat 87,50%. Gangguan kesehatan yang dialami petani akibat budidaya padi yang belum berwawasan ekologis 42,50% sehingga meningkatkan motivasi petani untuk memperbaiki praktik budidaya yang lebih sehat. Peningkatan penguasaan teknologi berdasarkan kuisioner serta hasil panen dengan produktivitas padi lebih tinggi dibanding rerata produktivitas lahan sekitar menjadi indikasi keberhasilan transfer teknologi kepada Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo Desa Bojanegara Kecamatan Padamara Kabupaten Purbalingga. Sinergi akademisi dan kelompok sasaran dengan berbagai pihak, di antaranya Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD)  dan pemerintah desa Bojanegara, BPP Kecamatan Padamara, Pengamat Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (POPT) serta Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Kabupaten Purbalingga serta industri dan media menjadi kunci keberlanjutan program pengembangan budidaya  Inpago Unsoed Protani berwawasan lingkungan dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani.National food security is built from village food security as the government unit closest to the community. Food security for village communities is being pursued through strengthening sustainable cultivation technology and intervention with superior high-protein rice varieties produced by Jenderal Soedirman University. Mastery of Inpago Unsoed Protani cultivation technology which is environmentally friendly for partners, namely the Tirto Margo Mulyo Farmers Group, Bojanegara Village, Padamara District, Purbalingga Regency is the goal of this Research-Based PPM program. The program is implemented in the form of dissemination of science and technology, assistance with high protein rice cultivation technology with an environmental perspective and Farm Field Day / workshop. The progress of increasing partner competency during the 7 (seven) months of program implementation (March-September 2023) is measured using questionnaires and observations of planting conditions on the land. Based on measurements of technological mastery, the Tirto Margo Mulyo Farmers Group experienced an increase of 77.55% in the introduction of technological innovation profiles in the form of the new superior variety Inpago Unsoed Protani. Increased mastery of environmentally sound cultivation technology increased by 87.50%. Health problems experienced by farmers due to rice cultivation that does not have an ecological perspective is 42.50%, thus increasing farmers' motivation to improve healthier cultivation practices. Increased mastery of technology based on questionnaires and crop yields with higher rice productivity compared to the average productivity of the surrounding land are indications of the success of technology transfer to the Tirto Margo Mulyo Farmers Group, Bojanegara Village, Padamara District, Purbalingga Regency. Synergy between academics and target groups with various parties, including the Village Consultative Body (BPD) and the Bojanegara village government, Padamara District BPP, Plant Pest Organism Observers (POPT) and the Purbalingga Regency Agriculture and Forestry Service as well as industry and media is the key to the desire for the Inpago Unsoed Protani ecological cultivation development program because it was perspective in supporting food security while improving the welfare of farmers


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    Ketahanan pangan nasional terbangun dari ketahanan pangan desa sebagai unit pemerintahan terdekat dengan masyarakat. Ketahanan pangan masyarakat desa diupayakan melalui penguatan teknologi budidaya yang berkelanjutan dan intervensi varietas unggul padi berprotein tinggi yang dihasilkan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Penguasaan teknologi budidaya Inpago Unsoed Protani yang berwawasan lingkungan bagi mitra, yaitu Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo Desa Bojanegara Kecamatan Padamara Kabupaten Purbalingga menjadi tujuan dari program PPM Berbasis Riset ini. Program dilaksanakan dalam bentuk diseminasi ipteks, pendampingan teknologi budidaya padi protein tinggi berwawasan lingkungan dan Farm Field Day/sarasehan. Peningkatan kompetensi mitra selama 7 (tujuh) bulan pelaksanaan program (Maret-September 2023) diukur kemajuannya menggunakan kuisioner dan pengamatan kondisi pertanaman di lapang. Berdasarkan pengukuran penguasaan teknologi, Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo mengalami peningkatan 77,55% dalam pengenalan profil inovasi teknologi berupa varietas unggul baru Inpago Unsoed Protani. Peningkatan penguasaan teknologi budidaya berwawasan lingkungan meningkat 87,50%. Gangguan kesehatan yang dialami petani akibat budidaya padi yang belum berwawasan ekologis 42,50% sehingga meningkatkan motivasi petani untuk memperbaiki praktik budidaya yang lebih sehat. Peningkatan penguasaan teknologi berdasarkan kuisioner serta hasil panen dengan produktivitas padi lebih tinggi dibanding rerata produktivitas lahan sekitar menjadi indikasi keberhasilan transfer teknologi kepada Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo Desa Bojanegara Kecamatan Padamara Kabupaten Purbalingga. Sinergi akademisi dan kelompok sasaran dengan berbagai pihak, di antaranya Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD)  dan pemerintah desa Bojanegara, BPP Kecamatan Padamara, Pengamat Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (POPT) serta Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Kabupaten Purbalingga serta industri dan media menjadi kunci keberlanjutan program pengembangan budidaya  Inpago Unsoed Protani berwawasan lingkungan dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani.Ketahanan pangan nasional terbangun dari ketahanan pangan desa sebagai unit pemerintahan terdekat dengan masyarakat. Ketahanan pangan masyarakat desa diupayakan melalui penguatan teknologi budidaya yang berkelanjutan dan intervensi varietas unggul padi berprotein tinggi yang dihasilkan Universitas Jenderal Soedirman. Penguasaan teknologi budidaya Inpago Unsoed Protani yang berwawasan lingkungan bagi mitra, yaitu Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo Desa Bojanegara Kecamatan Padamara Kabupaten Purbalingga menjadi tujuan dari program PPM Berbasis Riset ini. Program dilaksanakan dalam bentuk diseminasi ipteks, pendampingan teknologi budidaya padi protein tinggi berwawasan lingkungan dan Farm Field Day/sarasehan. Peningkatan kompetensi mitra selama 7 (tujuh) bulan pelaksanaan program (Maret-September 2023) diukur kemajuannya menggunakan kuisioner dan pengamatan kondisi pertanaman di lapang. Berdasarkan pengukuran penguasaan teknologi, Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo mengalami peningkatan 77,55% dalam pengenalan profil inovasi teknologi berupa varietas unggul baru Inpago Unsoed Protani. Peningkatan penguasaan teknologi budidaya berwawasan lingkungan meningkat 87,50%. Gangguan kesehatan yang dialami petani akibat budidaya padi yang belum berwawasan ekologis 42,50% sehingga meningkatkan motivasi petani untuk memperbaiki praktik budidaya yang lebih sehat. Peningkatan penguasaan teknologi berdasarkan kuisioner serta hasil panen dengan produktivitas padi lebih tinggi dibanding rerata produktivitas lahan sekitar menjadi indikasi keberhasilan transfer teknologi kepada Kelompok Tani Tirto Margo Mulyo Desa Bojanegara Kecamatan Padamara Kabupaten Purbalingga. Sinergi akademisi dan kelompok sasaran dengan berbagai pihak, di antaranya Badan Permusyawaratan Desa (BPD)  dan pemerintah desa Bojanegara, BPP Kecamatan Padamara, Pengamat Organisme Pengganggu Tanaman (POPT) serta Dinas Pertanian dan Kehutanan Kabupaten Purbalingga serta industri dan media menjadi kunci keberlanjutan program pengembangan budidaya  Inpago Unsoed Protani berwawasan lingkungan dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan sekaligus meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani
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