11 research outputs found

    Local Topographic Model using Position Index for Analyzing the Characteristics of Unserpentinized Lateritic Zones in Sorowako Nickeliferous Laterite Deposit, Indonesia

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    An investigation of the relationship between slope position classification and nickeliferous laterite zones over serpentinized ultramafic terrain in Sorowako, South Sulawesi has been conducted using topographic position index from Light Detection and Ranging data for digital elevation model as references with detail resolution of 5m. The index is calculated by comparing the elevation of each cell in the elevation model to the mean of a specified neighborhood around that cell. The classification has six classes, i.e., valleys, lower slopes, gentle slopes, middle slopes, upper slopes and the local ridges. Chemical properties data from 413 drill holes were used for analysis to confirm the laterite zones –limonite and saprolite. By topographic model, slope position class of local ridges, upper slopes and lower slopes with the slope average of 9.82°, 16.05°, and 14.61° respectively, generally indicated the distribution of thick limonite zones, while saprolite zones were in significantly different pattern due to less or no correlation. 2D semivariogram model for spatial thickness distribution also confirmed the corresponding factor between the significant direction of landform reliefs and limonite thickness. Based on the geochemistry profile of limonite zone, the rate of weathering process in laterite formation is longer than the physical process of removal top profile by erosion or accumulation by transported top materials


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    Penambangan timah hasil intrusi granit tipe-S di Pulau Bangka yang dimulai sejak periode kolonial Belanda menghasilkan produk samping. Presisi, akurasi, dan reproduktivitas dibutuhkan untuk memverifikasi hasil pengukuran perangkat analisis yang memang diperlukan dalam perkembangan ilmu kebumian. Perangkat X-ray fluorescence pada umumnya diaplikasikan untuk mengukur kandungan oksida utama dan beberapa unsur jejak yang memiliki kelimpahan tinggi. Presisi pengukuran oksida utama, unsur jejak, berikut logam tanah jarang pada percontoh produk samping penambangan timah milik PT Timah di Nudur, Pulau Bangka, menggunakan XRF adalah tujuan penelitian ini. Informasi mengenai manfaat ekonomis material sisa penambangan tersebut juga dapat diketahui melalui studi ini sehingga dapat menjadi landasan kebijakan bagi pemerintah maupun PT Timah. Seluruh analit terbukti presisi berdasarkan prinsip RSD <2/3 kali RSDHorwitz, kecuali MgO, CaO, Mo, Cr, dan Zn. Bahan sisa penambangan ini masih cukup ekonomis. Terdapat indikasi awal bahwa titanit dan malayait hadir bersama pada granit pembawa timah di Nudur berdasarkan komposisi geokimia percontoh yang dipelajari

    Contribution of Resistivity Properties in Estimating Hydraulic Conductivity in Ciremai Volcanic Deposits

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    The hydraulic parameters of porous media, such as porosity (φ) and hydraulic conductivity (K), are the most important factors for planning and managing water exploitation from aquifers. This study aims to estimate the hydraulic conductivity parameters using the geoelectric method on volcanic deposits on the northern slope of Mount Ciremai. For this purpose, four data types were used to estimate K and φ, including lithological profiles, water table, groundwater quality, pumping test data, and vertical electrical sounding (VES). Based on Archie's law and Kozeny's equation, we get the alpha (α) values and cementation factor (m) from which the median values of α = 1.01 and m = 1.36 represent the studied aquifer.  The porosity (φ) of the aquifer varies from 0.097 to 0.187 with an average of 0.141 and is spatially related to the hydraulic conductivity (kgm), which varies from 4.97 × 10-6 to 6.75 × 10-5 m/s after the application of Kozeny's equation. The hydraulic conductivity (Kp) calculated from the pumping tests varies from 9.07 × 10-6 to 1.06 × 10-4 m/s and is strongly correlated (r = 0.87). Furthermore, a relation between resistivity and hydraulic conductivity was established for the studied aquifer to estimate these parameters in sites lacking data

    Imobilitas Unsur Tanah Jarang (UTJ) selama Mineralisasi Cu pada Granitoid Sulit Air, Provinsi Sumatra Barat

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    Transfer massa terkait perubahan komposisi geokimia batuan induk akibat alterasi hidrotermal, metasomatisme, maupun pelapukan menjadi topik untuk mempelajari proses geologi terkait. Perubahan massa tersebut dapat dijelaskan dan divisualisasikan melalui metode Isocon. Mineralisasi tembaga teridentifikasi pada salah satu bagian dari Granitoid Sulit Air di Kecamatan X Koto Diatas, Kabupaten Solok. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan transfer massa akibat mineralisasi Cu pada Granitoid Sulit Air dengan diagram Isocon. XRF dan ICP-MS di Laboratorium Pusat Survey Geologi, Kementerian ESDM (2015) digunakan sebagai perangkat pengukuran kadar oksida utama, unsur jejak, dan unsur tanah jarang. Berdasarkan korelasi antara kandidatnya, Al2O3 dianggap sebagai oksida immobile. K2O, Rb, Sr, dan Ba terkayakan sedangkan oksida utama lain maupun unsur jejak diketahui terkurangkan akibat mineralisasi Cu. UTJ  terdeteksi immobile akibat mineralisasi Cu dengan karakter yang relatif sama antara batuan segar dan teralterasi. Meski demikian, sebagian Ce teroksidasi akibat proses mineralisasi sehingga menurunkan anomali positif Ce. Penurunan nilai anomali negatif Eu pada sampel teralterasi dapat mengakibatkan plagioklas semakin terkurangkan. Karakter tipe-I Granitoid Sulit Air diperjelas melalui nilai perbandingan A/CNK, perbandingan N2O terhadap K2O, perbandingan Rb/Sr, dan perbandingan Rb/Ba. Afinitas granitoid busur kepulauan menunjukkan bahwa pembentukan Granitoid Sulit Air terkait dengan vulkanisme di bagian barat Sumatra.Mass transfer related changes in the geochemical composition of the host rock due to hydrothermal alteration, metamorphism, and weathering is an interesting topic for studying related geological processes. The transfer can be explained and visualized through the Isocon method. Copper mineralization was identified in an area of Sulit Air Suite at X Koto Diatas District, Solok Regency. This paper aims to explain mass transfer due to Cu mineralization on Sulit Air Suite with Isocon diagrams. XRF and ICP-MS of the Center for Geological Survey Laboratory were applied to measure the major oxides, trace elements, and rare earth elements contents of the samples. Based on the correlation between candidates, Al2O3 is considered as the immobile species. K2O, Rb, Sr, and Ba appear to be enriched while other major oxides and rare elements are reduced due to Cu mineralization. REEs are immobile due to Cu mineralization with relatively the same character between fresh and altered rocks. However, some Ce was probably oxidized due to the mineralization process thus reducing the positive anomaly Ce. Moreover, the more negative Eu anomaly means that plagioclase might have been replaced by K-feldspar due to this alteration. The I-type characters of Sulit Air Suite are clarified by  A/CNK value, N2O to K2O comparison, Rb/Sr ratio, and Rb/Ba ratio. The affinity to the volcanic arc granitoid implies that the Sulit Air Suite is related to volcanism in the western part of Sumatra.


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    Mineral yang berpotensi di bidang pertanian sebagai sumber unsur hara (pupuk) yang dibutuhkan tanaman adalah dolomit, batuan fosfat, dan mineral silikat seperti leusit, muskovit dan ortoklas. Leusit mengandung kalium dan aluminium tektosilikat K(AlSi2O6). Mineral ini dijumpai di Kabupaten Jepara, Pati dan Kudus. Di Medani, Jepara potensinya sebanyak 190.400.000 ton, kandungan K2O antara 1,92-8,77 %. Mineral leusit untuk penelitian ini mempunyai kadar K20 antara 7,68-7,98 %; Al2O3 19,62-20,73 % dan SiO2 48,62-49,93 %. Hasil analisis petrografi menunjukkan adanya fenokris yang terdiri dari leusit, sanidin dan mineral opak. Unsur kalium di dalam leusit sulit larut, sehingga perlu diupayakan peningkatan kelarutannya dengan cara memanaskan batuan mengandung leusit tersebut pada suhu 600-1000 °C dan penghalusan ukuran butiran dari -70 sampai -200 mesh. Sebagai pembanding digunakan percontoh tanpa pemanasan. Dari hasil uji coba, kelarutan tanpa pemanasan relatif rendah antara 0,22-0,49 %; semakin halus butiran kelarutan leusit cenderung semakin meningkat, tetapi pada suhu 600 °C terjadi peningkatan cukup signifikan antara 1,55-2,30 %, pada suhu 700 °C kelarutan relatif tetap yaitu antara 1,44-2,40 %, sedangkan pada suhu 850 °C mulai terjadi penurunan kelarutan menjadi 1,20-1,95 % dan pada suhu lebih tinggi 1000 °C, kelarutan menurun menjadi 0,31-0,45 %. Percobaan peningkatan kelarutan kalium cukup signifikan sampai 10 kali, diharapkan kegunaan untuk pupuk lebih baik