204 research outputs found

    A review of the potential local mechanisms by which exercise improves functional outcomes in intermittent claudication

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    © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Background Intermittent claudication (IC) is a common condition which is associated with significant quality of life limitation. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines recommend a group-based supervised exercise program as the primary treatment option for claudication, based on clinical and cost effectiveness. This review aims to assess the mechanisms by which exercise improves outcomes in patients with IC. Methods MEDLINE, EMBASE, and PubMed were searched using the search strategy "claudication" [AND] "exercise" [AND] "mechanisms." Searches were limited from 1947 to October 2014. Only full-text articles published in the English language in adults (over 18 years of age) were eligible for the review. Any trial involving a nonsupervised exercise program was excluded. Abstracts identified by the database search were interrogated for relevance and citations from the shortlisted papers were hand searched for relevant references. Results The search yielded a total of 112 studies, of which 42 were duplicates. Forty-seven of the remaining 70 were deemed appropriate for inclusion in the review. Exercise is the first-line treatment for IC. Supervised exercise programs improve walking distances, endothelial and mitochondrial function, muscle strength, and endurance. Furthermore, it leads to a generalized improvement in cardiovascular fitness and overall quality of life. Conclusions The mechanism by which exercise improves outcome in claudicants is complicated and multifactorial. Further research is required in this area to fully elucidate the precise and predominant mechanisms and to assess whether targeted exercise program modification maximizes mechanism efficacy and patient outcome

    Extracorporeal shockwave therapy for the treatment of lower limb intermittent claudication: Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial (the SHOCKWAVE 1 trial)

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    © 2017 The Author(s). Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) has a population prevalence of 4.6% with intermittent claudication (IC) presenting as one of the earliest and most common symptoms. PAD has detrimental effects on patients' walking ability in terms of maximum walking distance (MWD) and pain-free walking distance (PFWD). Research has suggested extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) may induce angiogenesis in treated tissue; therefore, our objective is to assess the tolerability and efficacy of ESWT as a novel treatment of intermittent claudication. Methods/design: Patients with unilateral claudication will be randomised to receive either ESWT (PiezoWave 2 shockwave system) or sham treatment to the calf muscle bulk three times per week for 3 weeks. All patients are blinded to treatment group, and all assessments will be performed by a masked assessor. Treatment tolerability using a visual analogue scale, ankle-brachial pressure index, MWD, PFWD and safety will all be formally assessed as outcome measures at baseline and at 4, 8 and 12 weeks follow-up. Discussion: This trial will be the first of its kind in terms of methodology in relation to ESWT for intermittent claudication. A double-masked randomised controlled trial will provide useful information about the potential for the use of ESWT as a non-invasive treatment option and the need for further robust research. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT02652078. Registered on 17 October 2014

    A Systematic Review of the Uptake and Adherence Rates to Supervised Exercise Programs in Patients with Intermittent Claudication

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    Background Intermittent claudication (IC) is a common and debilitating symptom of peripheral arterial disease and is associated with a significant reduction in a sufferer's quality of life. Guidelines recommend a supervised exercise program (SEP) as the primary treatment option; however, anecdotally there is a low participation rate for exercise in this group of patients. We undertook a systematic review of the uptake and adherence rates to SEPs for individuals with IC. Methods The MEDLINE, Embase, and PubMed databases were searched up to January 2015 for terms related to supervised exercise in peripheral arterial disease. The review had 3 aims: first, to establish the rates of uptake to SEPs, second, the rates of adherence to programs, and finally to determine the reasons reported for poor uptake and adherence. Separate inclusion and/or exclusion criteria were applied in selecting reports for each aim of the review. Results Only 23 of the 53 potentially eligible articles for uptake analysis identified on literature searches reported any details of screened patients (n = 7,517) with only 24.2% of patients subsequently recruited to SEPs. Forty-five percent of screen failures had no reason for exclusion reported. Sixty-seven articles with 4,012 patients were included for analysis of SEP adherence. Overall, 75.1% of patients reportedly completed an SEP; however, only one article defined a minimal attendance required for SEP completion. Overall, 54.1% of incomplete adherence was due to patient withdrawal and no reason for incomplete adherence was reported for 16% of cases. Conclusions Reporting of SEP trials was poor with regard to the numbers of subjects screened and reasons for exclusions. Only approximately 1 in 3 screened IC patients was suitable for and willing to undertake SEP. Levels of adherence to SEPs and definitions of satisfactory adherence were also lacking in most the current literature. Current clinical guidelines based on this evidence base may not be applicable to most IC patients and changes to SEPs may be needed to encourage and/or retain participants

    A systematic review and meta-analysis of systemic intraoperative anticoagulation during arteriovenous access formation for dialysis

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    Purpose: Surgical arteriovenous fistula (AVF) or graft (AVG) is preferred to a central venous catheter for dialysis access. Surgical access may suffer thrombosis early after placement and systemic anticoagulation during surgical access formation may increase patency rates but would be expected to increase bleeding-related complications. A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials was conducted to examine the impact of systemic anticoagulation on access surgery perioperative bleeding and patency rates. Methods: We included randomised controlled trials testing systemic anticoagulation during access formation versus a control group without systemic anticoagulation reporting bleeding complications and access patency. Medline, Embase, CENTRAL and CINAHL were searched up to March 2015. Risk of bias was assessed using the Cochrane risk of bias tool and the Jadad score. Meta-analysis was performed using Cochrane Revman ® software. Results: Searches identified 445 reports of which four randomised studies involving 411 participants were included. Three studies pertained to AVF only and one included both AVF and AVG. Systemic anticoagulation led to increased bleeding events in all access [four trials; risk ratio (RR) 7.18; confidence interval (CI), 2.41 to 21.38; p < 0.001]. Patency was not improved for all access (four trials; RR, 0.64; CI, 0.37 to 1.09; p = 0.10) but was improved when AVF analysed alone (three trials; RR, 0.57; CI, 0.33 to 0.97; p = 0.04). Conclusions: The use of intraoperative systemic anticoagulation during access formation is associated with a highly significant increased risk of bleeding-related complications. A significant improvement in AVF patency was seen, though not when AVF and AVG were analysed together

    Barriers and enablers to walking in individuals with intermittent claudication: a systematic review to conceptualize a relevant and patient-centered program

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    Background: Walking limitation in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and intermittent claudication (IC) contributes to poorer disease outcomes. Identifying and examining barriers to walking may be an important step in developing a comprehensive patient-centered self-management intervention to promote walking in this population. Aim: To systematically review the literature regarding barriers and enablers to walking exercise in individuals with IC. Methods: A systematic review was conducted utilizing integrative review methodology. Five electronic databases and the reference lists of relevant studies were searched. Findings were categorized into personal, walking activity related, and environmental barriers and enablers using a social cognitive framework. Results: Eighteen studies including quantitative (n = 12), qualitative (n = 5), and mixed method (n = 1) designs, and reporting data from a total of 4376 patients with IC, were included in the review. The most frequently reported barriers to engaging in walking were comorbid health concerns, walking induced pain, lack of knowledge (e.g. about the disease pathology and walking recommendations), and poor walking capacity. The most frequently reported enablers were cognitive coping strategies, good support systems, and receiving specific instructions to walk. Findings suggest additionally that wider behavioral and environmental obstacles should be addressed in a patient-centered self-management intervention. Conclusions: This review has identified multidimensional factors influencing walking in patients with IC. Within the social cognitive framework, these factors fall within patient level factors (e.g. comorbid health concerns), walking related factors (e.g. claudication pain), and environmental factors (e.g. support systems). These factors are worth considering when developing self-management interventions to increase walking in patients with IC. Systematic review registration CRD42018070418

    Patient and Healthcare Professional Priorities for a Mobile Phone Application for Patients With Peripheral Arterial Disease

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    Introduction Supervised exercise therapy (SET) is the first-line treatment for the peripheral arterial disease (PAD), however, access and compliance are low. An alternative method of delivering this therapy is through mobile health applications, which can be more accessible and convenient for patients. The aim of this study is to evaluate patient, public and healthcare professional (HCP) priorities with regard to a dedicated mobile phone application to deliver remote SET. Methods Bespoke questionnaires were designed for patients and HCPs to assess app functionality and prioritisations for development. These were distributed through social media and the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital. Results Functionality questionnaires were completed by 62 patients and 44 HCPs. Eighty-four per cent of patients wanted their therapy to be monitored by their vascular team with the majority (78%) interested in measuring walking distances. Most patients (76%) were interested in watching exercise videos. These views were shared by HCPs. A communication platform was prioritised for messaging and pictures by the patient (74% and 68% respectively), but not so by HCPs (40%). Documenting other forms of physical activity and the use of wearable technology was less valuable to patients but favoured by HCPs (50%). The ability to interact with other users was not prioritised by either group. Conclusion Delivery of a mobile phone application to deliver health programmes for SET in patients with PAD is an acceptable method for patients and HCPs. This data will enable the next stages of mobile phone application development to be appropriately prioritised, focusing on building exercise videos, a communication platform and further walking tests

    Validating the Fitbit Charge 4© wearable activity monitor for use in physical activity interventions

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    OBJECTIVES: Commercially available wearable activity monitors can promote physical activity behaviour. Clinical trials typically quantify physical activity with research grade activity monitors prior to testing interventions utilising commercially available wearable activity monitors aimed at increasing step count. Therefore, it is important to test the agreement of these two types of activity monitors.OBJECTIVES: Observational.METHODS: Thirty adults (20-65 years, n = 19 females) were provided a Fitbit Charge 4©. To determine reliability using an intraclass correlation coefficient, two, one-minute bouts of treadmill walking were performed at a self-selected pace. Subsequently, participants wore both an ActiGraph wGT3X-BT and the Fitbit for seven days. To determine agreement, statistical equivalence and the mean absolute percentage error were calculated and represented graphically with a Bland-Altman plot. Ordinary least products regression was performed to identify fixed or proportional bias.RESULTS: The Fitbit showed 'good' step count reliability on the treadmill (intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.75, 95 % CI = 0.53-0.87, p &lt; 0.001). In free-living however, it overestimated step count when compared to the ActiGraph wGT3X-BT (mean absolute percentage error = 26.02 % ± 14.63). Measurements did not fall within the ± 10 % equivalence region and proportional bias was apparent (slope 95 % CI = 1.09-1.35).CONCLUSIONS: The Fitbit Charge 4© is reliable when measuring step count on a treadmill. However, there is an overestimation of daily steps in free-living environments which may falsely indicate compliance with physical activity recommendations.</p

    Effects of a 10-week integrated curriculum intervention on physical activity, resting blood pressure, motor skills and well-being in 6–7-year-olds

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    Background: Integrated curriculum interventions have been suggested as an effective means to increase physical activity (PA) and health. The feasibility of such approaches in children living in deprivation is unknown. This study sought to pilot an integrated curriculum pedometer intervention in children living in deprivation on school-based PA, body fatness, resting blood pressure, motor skills and well-being.Methods: Using a pilot cluster randomized intervention design, children (6-7-years-old, n=64) from two schools in central England undertook: (1) 10-week integrated curriculum intervention or (2) control (regular school-based activity). School-based PA, body fatness, resting blood pressure, motor skills and well-being was assessed pre and post intervention.Results: for the intervention group PA was higher on school days when children had PE lessons or there were physically active integrated curriculum activities. Body fatness significantly decreased, wellbeing and perceived physical competence increased, pre-post for the intervention group compared to the control group. Accelerometer derived PA, motor skills and resting blood pressure were not significantly different pre-post for intervention or control groups. Conclusions: A 10-week integrated curriculum PA intervention is feasible to conduct and can positively impact aspects of health in 6–7-year-old children in England.<br/
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