5,895 research outputs found

    The Law of the Organization and Operation of Cooperatives by Israel Packel

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    Review of "The Law of the Organization and Operation of Cooperatives by Israel Packel" by Harvey Walke

    Results of a UK industrial tribological survey

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    During the summer of 2012, the National Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton (nCATS) undertook a UK-wide industrial tribological survey in order to assess the explicit need for tribological testing within the UK. The survey was designed and implemented by a summer intern student, Mr Simon King, under the supervision of Drs John Walker and Terry Harvey and supported by the director of nCATS, Professor Robert Wood. The survey built upon on two previous tribological surveys conducted through the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) during the 1990’s. The aim was to capture a snapshot of the current use of tribological testing within UK industry and its perceived reliability in terms of the test data generated. The survey also invited participants to speculate about how UK tribology could improve its approach to testing. The survey was distributed through the nCATS industrial contact list, which comprises of over 400 contacts from a broad spectrum of commercial industries. The Institute of Physics (IOP) tribology group also assisted by distributing the survey to its membership list. A total of 60 responses were received for the survey, out of which 39 had fully completed the questionnaire. Participants came from a broad spread of industrial backgrounds, with the energy sector having the highest representation. Only 40% of respondents were dedicated tribologists/surface engineers, again reflecting the multi-disciplinary nature of the field. It was found that the companies that had the highest annual turnover also appeared to expend the most on tribology. The majority of respondents indicated that as a percentage of turnover tribology accounted for less than 1%, however the lack of hard figures only for tribology make this a conservative estimate. The greatest concern in relation to tribology of those who responded was the cost; however the influence of legislation and product reliability were also driving factors. Abrasive wear was still considered the number one tribological wear mechanism, with sliding contacts ranking as the most common type of wear interface. Metallic and hard coated surfaces were the most commonly encountered type of material suffering from tribological wear phenomena. Laboratory scale testing was a significant part of introducing a new tribological component, however component specific testing was considered the most reliable form of testing a new component over standardised test geometries. Overall there appeared to be much potential for improving the reliability of tribological test data, with most respondents indicating that simply more testing was not the best perceived approach to improving tribological data but rather more reliable, representative tests with improved knowledge capture. Most companies possessed an internal database to assist them with tribological information; however, many also expressed a strong desire for the use of a commercial or national database, although the format this might take was less clear. Opinions appeared split as to whether there would be a collective willingness to contribute to a centralised database, presumably on the grounds on the sensitivity of data

    Administrative Settlement of Claims Under The Federal Tort Claims Act

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    Testing the effectiveness of an instructional regimen for group technology classification

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an instructional regimen designed to reduce misclassification errors of production drawings in a group technology (GT) system currently being used by a manufacturer in both domestic and foreign operations. Analyzing the number of correctly classified drawings by class-sized units of test subjects from Iowa State University provided the means to evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional regimen. During the study, test subjects classified 16 production drawings from eight GT categories;The study used a 2 x 3 factorial design coupled with an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) procedure. Experimental units (blocks) were classes from the Colleges of Business, Engineering, and Education. Treatments were the presence or absence of an instructional regimen. The covariates were test subjects\u27 college, number of semester hours of collegiate-level credit, number of months worked for a manufacturer in a production assignment, number of secondary or post-secondary technical drafting courses specifically related to manufacturing, number of secondary or post-secondary drawing or illustration courses not specifically related to manufacturing, and number of secondary or post-secondary manufacturing courses;It was found that main effects of the test subjects\u27 college and the instructional regimen were statistically significant at an alpha level of 0.05. Interaction between the test subjects\u27 college and the instructional regimen, and covariate effects were not statistically significant at an alpha level of 0.05. A post-hoc ANCOVA analysis was conducted with the main effects and interaction eliminated. The post-hoc test results revealed that the number of secondary or post-secondary manufacturing courses was statistically significant at an alpha level of 0.05;The study revealed that test subjects receiving a technical education (Industrial Engineering and Industrial Technology) correctly classified significantly more production drawings than test subjects receiving a non-technical education (business) when tested at an alpha level of 0.05. The study also revealed that test subjects receiving Industrial Technology-based rather than Industrial Engineering-based educations correctly classified significantly more production drawings when tested at an alpha level of 0.05

    Cotton Burs for Soil Improvement.

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    O treinamento dos funcionários públicos

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    É difícil, senão impossível, imaginar um cargo público para o qual o treinamento não seja necessário nem desejável. No caso de trabalhos rudimentares, como o do operário, o do porteiro ou o do carteiro, o treinamento a ser ministrado é mínimo; o contrário sucede com os cargos compreendidos nos departamentos de um governo moderno, pois que os mesmos não podem ser desempenhados, satisfatoriamente, senão por pessoas dotadas de um considerável grau de educação geral e especializada. Seria inconcebível confiar a pessoas sem um curso regular feito em uma escola idônea de direito, de medicina ou de engenharia, a decisão de questões referentes a leis, à saúde dos indivíduos, ou à inspeção de grandes edifícios e importantes obras públicas. Saber se a educação geral e especializada, requerida por um determinado cargo, deverá ser ministrada dentro ou fora do serviço, é assunto que depende de uma série de fato­ res, entre os quais se destaca o sistema educacional adotado no país, O governo não pode, razoavelmente, esperar que os estabelecimentos de ensino lhe forneçam pessoas completamente qualificadas como técnicos de pessoal, desde que não existam cursos de formação de pessoal para esta especialidade. Em tal caso, se precisar de técnicos de pessoal, deverá ele recrutar pessoas que sejam capazes de realizar o trabalho em vista e providenciar para que as mesmas, uma vez em serviço, sejam submetidas ao necessário treinamento.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, ano 7, v.1, n. 1, 44-51 p.Estratégia e PlanejamentoGestão de PessoasGestão PúblicaISSN Impresso: 0034-9240ISSN Eletrônico: 2357-801

    Hot Jupiters and stellar magnetic activity

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    Recent observations suggest that stellar magnetic activity may be influenced by the presence of a close-by giant planet. Specifically, chromospheric hot spots rotating in phase with the planet orbital motion have been observed during some seasons in a few stars harbouring hot Jupiters. The spot leads the subplanetary point by a typical amount of about 60-70 degrees, with the extreme case of upsilon And where the angle is about 170 degrees. The interaction between the star and the planet is described considering the reconnection between the stellar coronal field and the magnetic field of the planet. Reconnection events produce energetic particles that moving along magnetic field lines impact onto the stellar chromosphere giving rise to a localized hot spot. A simple magnetohydrostatic model is introduced to describe the coronal magnetic field of the star connecting its surface to the orbiting planet. The field is assumed to be axisymmetric around the rotation axis of the star and its configuration is more general than a linear force-free field. With a suitable choice of the free parameters, the model can explain the phase differences between the hot spots and the planets observed in HD 179949, upsilon And, HD 189733, and tau Bootis, as well as their visibility modulation on the orbital period and seasonal time scales. The possible presence of cool spots associated with the planets in tau Boo and HD 192263 cannot be explained by the present model. However, we speculate about the possibility that reconnection events in the corona may influence subphotospheric dynamo action in those stars producing localized photospheric (and chromospheric) activity migrating in phase with their planets.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, 2 appendixes, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic
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