743 research outputs found

    Angles in Fuzzy Disc and Angular Noncommutative Solitons

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    The fuzzy disc, introduced by the authors of Ref.[1], is a disc-shaped region in a noncommutative plane, and is a fuzzy approximation of a commutative disc. In this paper we show that one can introduce a concept of angles to the fuzzy disc, by using the phase operator and phase states known in quantum optics. We gave a description of a fuzzy disc in terms of operators and their commutation relations, and studied properties of angular projection operators. A similar construction for a fuzzy annulus is also given. As an application, we constructed fan-shaped soliton solutions of a scalar field theory on a fuzzy disc, which corresponds to a fan-shaped D-brane. We also applied this concept to the theory of noncommutative gravity that we proposed in Ref.[2]. In addition, possible connections to black hole microstates, holography and an experimental test of noncommutativity by laser physics are suggested.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures; v2: minor mistake corrected in Eq.(3.21), and discussion adapted accordingly; v3: a further discussion on the algebra of the fuzzy disc added in subsection 3.2; v4: discussions improved and typos correcte

    Did tool-use evolve with enhanced physical cognitive abilities?

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    The use and manufacture of tools have been considered to be cognitively demanding and thus a possible driving factor in the evolution of intelligence. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that enhanced physical cognitive abilities evolved in conjunction with the use of tools, by comparing the performance of naturally tool-using and non-tool-using species in a suite of physical and general learning tasks. We predicted that the habitually tool-using species, New Caledonian crows and Galápagos woodpecker finches, should outperform their non-tool-using relatives, the small tree finches and the carrion crows in a physical problem but not in general learning tasks. We only found a divergence in the predicted direction for corvids. That only one of our comparisons supports the predictions under this hypothesis might be attributable to different complexities of tool-use in the two tool-using species. A critical evaluation is offered of the conceptual and methodological problems inherent in comparative studies on tool-related cognitive abilities

    The Bulk Channel in Thermal Gauge Theories

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    We investigate the thermal correlator of the trace of the energy-momentum tensor in the SU(3) Yang-Mills theory. Our goal is to constrain the spectral function in that channel, whose low-frequency part determines the bulk viscosity. We focus on the thermal modification of the spectral function, ρ(ω,T)ρ(ω,0)\rho(\omega,T)-\rho(\omega,0). Using the operator-product expansion we give the high-frequency behavior of this difference in terms of thermodynamic potentials. We take into account the presence of an exact delta function located at the origin, which had been missed in previous analyses. We then combine the bulk sum rule and a Monte-Carlo evaluation of the Euclidean correlator to determine the intervals of frequency where the spectral density is enhanced or depleted by thermal effects. We find evidence that the thermal spectral density is non-zero for frequencies below the scalar glueball mass mm and is significantly depleted for mω3mm\lesssim\omega\lesssim 3m.Comment: (1+25) pages, 6 figure

    Getting “Just Deserts” or Seeing the “Silver Lining”: The Relation between Judgments of Immanent and Ultimate Justice

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    People can perceive misfortunes as caused by previous bad deeds (immanent justice reasoning) or resulting in ultimate compensation (ultimate justice reasoning). Across two studies, we investigated the relation between these types of justice reasoning and identified the processes (perceptions of deservingness) that underlie them for both others (Study 1) and the self (Study 2). Study 1 demonstrated that observers engaged in more ultimate (vs. immanent) justice reasoning for a "good" victim and greater immanent (vs. ultimate) justice reasoning for a "bad" victim. In Study 2, participants' construals of their bad breaks varied as a function of their self-worth, with greater ultimate (immanent) justice reasoning for participants with higher (lower) self-esteem. Across both studies, perceived deservingness of bad breaks or perceived deservingness of ultimate compensation mediated immanent and ultimate justice reasoning respectively. © 2014 Harvey and Callan

    Building cooperation through health initiatives: an Arab and Israeli case study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ongoing conflict in the Middle East poses a major threat to health and security. A project screening Arab and Israeli newborns for hearing loss provided an opportunity to evaluate ways for building cooperation. The aims of this study were to: a) examine what attracted Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian participants to the project, b) describe challenges they faced, and c) draw lessons learned for guiding cross-border health initiatives.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A case study method was used involving 12 key informants stratified by country (3 Israeli, 3 Jordanian, 3 Palestinian, 3 Canadian). In-depth interviews were tape-recorded, transcribed and analyzed using an inductive qualitative approach to derive key themes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Major reasons for getting involved included: concern over an important health problem, curiosity about neighbors and opportunities for professional advancement. Participants were attracted to prospects for opening the dialogue, building relationships and facilitating cooperation in the region. The political situation was a major challenge that delayed implementation of the project and placed participants under social pressure. Among lessons learned, fostering personal relationships was viewed as critical for success of this initiative.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Arab and Israeli health professionals were prepared to get involved for two types of reasons: a) Project Level: opportunity to address a significant health issue (e.g. congenital hearing loss) while enhancing their professional careers, and b) Meta Level: concern about taking positive steps for building cooperation in the region. We invite discussion about roles that health professionals can play in building "cooperation networks" for underpinning health security, conflict resolution and global health promotion.</p

    Effects of Thyroxine Exposure on Osteogenesis in Mouse Calvarial Pre-Osteoblasts

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    The incidence of craniosynostosis is one in every 1,800-2500 births. The gene-environment model proposes that if a genetic predisposition is coupled with environmental exposures, the effects can be multiplicative resulting in severely abnormal phenotypes. At present, very little is known about the role of gene-environment interactions in modulating craniosynostosis phenotypes, but prior evidence suggests a role for endocrine factors. Here we provide a report of the effects of thyroid hormone exposure on murine calvaria cells. Murine derived calvaria cells were exposed to critical doses of pharmaceutical thyroxine and analyzed after 3 and 7 days of treatment. Endpoint assays were designed to determine the effects of the hormone exposure on markers of osteogenesis and included, proliferation assay, quantitative ALP activity assay, targeted qPCR for mRNA expression of Runx2, Alp, Ocn, and Twist1, genechip array for 28,853 targets, and targeted osteogenic microarray with qPCR confirmations. Exposure to thyroxine stimulated the cells to express ALP in a dose dependent manner. There were no patterns of difference observed for proliferation. Targeted RNA expression data confirmed expression increases for Alp and Ocn at 7 days in culture. The genechip array suggests substantive expression differences for 46 gene targets and the targeted osteogenesis microarray indicated 23 targets with substantive differences. 11 gene targets were chosen for qPCR confirmation because of their known association with bone or craniosynostosis (Col2a1, Dmp1, Fgf1, 2, Igf1, Mmp9, Phex, Tnf, Htra1, Por, and Dcn). We confirmed substantive increases in mRNA for Phex, FGF1, 2, Tnf, Dmp1, Htra1, Por, Igf1 and Mmp9, and substantive decreases for Dcn. It appears thyroid hormone may exert its effects through increasing osteogenesis. Targets isolated suggest a possible interaction for those gene products associated with calvarial suture growth and homeostasis as well as craniosynostosis. © 2013 Cray et al

    Stringy effects in black hole decay

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    We compute the low energy decay rates of near-extremal three(four) charge black holes in five(four) dimensional N=4 string theory to sub-leading order in the large charge approximation. This involves studying stringy corrections to scattering amplitudes of a scalar field off a black hole. We adapt and use recently developed techniques to compute such amplitudes as near-horizon quantities. We then compare this with the corresponding calculation in the microscopic configuration carrying the same charges as the black hole. We find perfect agreement between the microscopic and macroscopic calculations; in the cases we study, the zero energy limit of the scattering cross section is equal to four times the Wald entropy of the black hole.Comment: 32 page