203 research outputs found

    Effects of higher speed explosives in drift rounds

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    There is much still to be learned of what takes place in the actual explosive zone of a rock blast. Many factors, both known and unknown, have individual and collective effects. A program is now in progress by the Mining Department of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy for developing and preserving information about some of the factors affecting the use of explosives. Some work has been done. More is now being completed by Messrs. R. J. Jones and J. B. H. Fitz-William. Present plans call for continuing the research and gathering data on this subject which is so important to the mining industry. The study made and the report given herein were made possible through a contract between Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Department of the Army for the purpose of ascertaining some of the properties of military and commercial explosives. Much information and data which should be of value to the School’s program of explosive experimentation has been taken from the reports made to the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories. No important conclusions can be draw from the data in this report. It is presented as a contribution to the assembled data of the overall project. Explosives with very high rates of detonation are rarely used in underground work. As the velocity of detonation is probably the most important factor in blasting, it is considered a major factor in affecting the results of the tests. According to Bebie, the effectiveness of an explosive is primarily dependent upon the rate at which its energy is liberated; the rate of detonation of a high explosive is a measure of its brisance. The importance of this characteristic was also brought out by some of the earlier writers such as Brunswig and Bichel. The latter as quoted by Brunswig, proposed the use of the product of one-half the mass of the products of explosion times the square of the velocity of detonation as an explosives\u27 unit. Meyer states that given the possession of the other properties requisite for explosion, probably the most determining factor of total behavior is velocity of detonation --Introduction, pages 1-2

    Lay-person and public access defibrillation in the chain of survival in Finland

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    Sudden cardiac arrest (CA) is one of the leading causes of death in Europe. It has been estimated that about 40 % of CA victims have ventricular fibrillation (VF) at the time of the first heart rhythm analysis. The treatment for VF is immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and rapid defibrillation. The automated external defibrillator (AED) and the concept of public access defibrillation (PAD) may be a key to shortening defibrillation delays. Recent studies have shown that PAD programs are associated with high survival rates from VF when devices have been placed in certain risk sites and used by trained laypersons. Today many public places are equipped with AEDs. The purpose of this study was to find new ways of utilizing layperson defibrillation and promote the concept of public access defibrillation (PAD). The study explored the use of AEDs by non-medical first responders in Finland and cabin crew on board a commercial aircraft. A simulated study was performed to explore the role of dispatcher assistance in layperson CPR and defibrillation. A 15-year follow-up study of 59 one-year survivors after successful out-of-hospital resuscitation was performed to evaluate the long-term quality of life of the CA patients. Although there are many AEDs in use by non-medical first responders in Finland, the results of the study showed that there are large variations between individual first response units. This is considered to be caused by the lack of national standards and regulations that would define a full integration of first-responder programmes into the Emergency Medical Services system. The goal of rapid defibrillation in five minutes after the onset of CA is difficult to achieve in Finland due to sparse population and long distances. Local PAD programs may shorten the defibrillation delays. Dispatcher assistance in defibrillation by a layperson not trained to use an AED seems feasible and does not compromise the performance of CPR. In a simulated study, the quality of mouth-to-mouth ventilation performed by laypersons was found to be better after CPR training compared with performance with dispatcher assistance before training. Training was not found to have an influence on the quality of compressions or defibrillation compared with dispatcher assistance of untrained laypersons. The target groups for CPR and defibrillation training need further evaluation. The placements of the AEDs in public areas should be known by the emergency response center and the location should be marked with an international sign. The finding that once a good neurological outcome after CA is achieved, it can be maintained for more than 10 years, encourages further efforts to improve the survival of CA patients.Sepelvaltimotauti ja muut sydänsairaudet voivat aiheuttaa äkillisen sydämen pysäyttävän rytmihäiriön. Sydänpysähdys voi olla sydänsairauden ensimmäinen oire. Yleisin sydämen pysäyttävä rytmihäiriö on kammiovärinä. Kammiovärinässä ainoa sydämen käynnistävä hoito on tarkoitukseen suunnitellulla laitteella eli defibrillaattorilla annettava sähköisku eli defibrillaatio. Defibrillaatio tulisi suorittaa viiden minuutin sisällä sydänpysähdyksen alusta, jotta potilaan toipuminen olisi todennäköistä. Jos defibrillaatio viivästyy, lisää painelu-puhalluselvytys todennäköisyyttä, että defibrillaatio käynnistää sydämen. Vain harvoin painelu-puhalluselvytys itsessään käynnistää sydämen. Sydänpysähdyspotilaan ensimmäinen auttaja on yleensä maallikko. Nykyaikaisten neuvovien puoliautomaattisten defibrillaattoreiden avulla maallikko voi myös defibrilloida. Puoliautomaattiset defibrillaattorit tunnistavat kammiovärinän ja ohjaavat käyttäjäänsä defibrilloimaan ääni- ja kuvaohjeiden avulla. Laite ei anna sähköiskua, ellei potilaalla ole kammiovärinää. Väitöskirjatyön tarkoituksena on lisätä tietoisuutta puoliautomaattisista defibrillaattoreista ja maallikon suorittamasta defibrillaatiosta Suomessa. Väitöskirjatyössä selvitettiin puoliautomaattisten defibrillaattoreiden käyttöä sopimus- ja vakinaisten palokuntien yksiköissä sekä matkustajalentokoneissa. Simulaatiotutkimusten avulla tutkittiin hätäkeskuspäivystäjän mahdollisuuksia ohjata maallikkoa puoliautomaattisen defibrillaattorin käytössä puhelimitse. Lisäksi tutkittiin kammiovärinästä elvytettyjen potilaiden pitkäaikaisselviytymistä. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että maallikon suorittamalla defibrillaatiolla voitaisiin todennäköisesti lyhentää defibrillaatioviiveitä Suomessa. Harva asutus taajamien ulkopuolella sekä pitkät etäisyydet tekevät nopean defibrillaation toteuttamisen haastavaksi. Puoliautomaattisten defibrillaattoreiden määrä on viime vuosina lisääntynyt. Maallikon suorittamaa defibrillaatiota voitaisiin kuitenkin hyödyntää paremmin sydänpysähdyspotilaiden hoidossa. Defibrillaation liittäminen osaksi hätäkeskuksen antamia puhelinelvytysohjeita voisi tehostaa jo olemassa olevien puoliautomaattisten defibrillaattoreiden käyttöä. Julkisiin tiloihin sijoitetuista defibrillaattoreista tulisi laatia rekisteri ja niiden sijainnin tulisi olla hätäkeskuksen tiedossa. Ne tulisi myös merkitä näkyvästi. Kammiovärinästä onnistuneesti elvytettyjen potilaiden kuolleisuus elvytystä seuraavan vuoden sisällä on korkea. Pitkäaikaisselviytyjät vaikuttavat kuitenkin toipuvan hyvin ja palaavan jopa työelämään

    Effects of Verbal Pretraining on Star Discrimeter Performance with Unique Random Shapes as Stimuli

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    With two unique sets of random shapes as stimuli, one set for relevant, the other for irrelevant verbal pretraining, and with specially scaled concrete nouns as verbal responses, an experiment was designed as a possible check on Gibson\u27s hypothesis concerning generalization among stimuli in paired-associates learning. Performance on the Star Discrimeter followed verbal pretraining. The errors made on the Star by one of the experimental groups, compared with the errors made by its control, lent some support for the hypothesis; but additional experimentation is needed

    Understanding how the crowded interior of cells stabilizes DNA/DNA and DNA/RNA hybrids–in silico predictions and in vitro evidence

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    Amplification of DNA in vivo occurs in intracellular environments characterized by macromolecular crowding (MMC). In vitro Polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR), however, is non-crowded, requires thermal cycling for melting of DNA strands, primer-template hybridization and enzymatic primer-extension. The temperature-optima for primer-annealing and extension are strikingly disparate which predicts primers to dissociate from template during extension thereby compromising PCR efficiency. We hypothesized that MMC is not only important for the extension phase in vivo but also during PCR by stabilizing nucleotide hybrids. Novel atomistic Molecular Dynamics simulations elucidated that MMC stabilizes hydrogen-bonding between complementary nucleotides. Real-time PCR under MMC confirmed that melting-temperatures of complementary DNA–DNA and DNA–RNA hybrids increased by up to 8°C with high specificity and high duplex-preservation after extension (71% versus 37% non-crowded). MMC enhanced DNA hybrid-helicity, and drove specificity of duplex formation preferring matching versus mismatched sequences, including hair-pin-forming DNA- single-strands

    La ciencia social y la búsqueda de una sociedad justa

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    Se arguye que la ciencia social debe ser vista como un discurso cívico orientado hacia el desarrollo de sociedades más humanas y democráticas. En contra de la tendencia a hacer más científicas las ciencias sociales, a la manera de la física o la ingeniería, el autor aboga por la elaboración de un discurso de las ciencias sociales que sea más abierto y plural en sus esfuerzos por comprender y explicar lo social. Esto requiere que la metáfora que se utiliza para acercarse a lo social sea la del texto, y que nuestra investigación se dedique a la elaboración de las maneras en que los grupos lo escriben y se inscriben en él.It is argued here that social science should be seen as a civic discourse oriented towards the development of more humane and democratic societies. Against the overall tendency to make social science discourse more scientific, in the way physics or engineering is scientific, and thus less intelligible to citizens, the author argues for the elaboration of a social science discourse that is more open and plural in its attempts to understand and explain the social. This requires that the metaphor used to approach the social be that of the text, and that our investigation be devoted to the elaboration of the different ways groups write it and themselves in it

    Bases intelectuales de un programa en estudios socioculturales

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    Este artículo esboza los antecedentes y el potencial del campo de los Estudios Socioculturales y su interrelación con el lenguaje. Su origen se da en la convergencia de diversas disciplinas que tienen como objeto de reflexión el mismo lenguaje y que ponen en tela de juicio los tratamientos tradicionales de la Lingüística y las Ciencias Sociales y Humanas en general. Las innovaciones que este enfoque representa permiten nuevas concepciones del sentido y de la experiencia, entendidos en su más amplio alcance como cultura.This article outlines the background and the potential of the new field of language–oriented socio–cultural studies. The field develops out of convergent tendencies to focus on culture, linguistics, the humanities and the social sciences. It can bring useful innovation to the study of social meaning and experience, understood in the broadest sense as culture


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    A partir de algunos ejemplos sobre el papel que han cumplido los medios de comunicación en el desarrollo de la Guerra de Vietnam, la Guerra del Golfo y las invasiones militares a Granada y Panamá, este artículo presenta, desde una postura posmoderna, una reflexión sobre la manera como los medios de comunicación han convertido la guerra, más allá de su eficacia política o militar, en un espectáculo teatral.Using some examples on the paper that mass media have fulfilled in the military course of the war of Vietnam, Gulf War and invasions to Grenada and Panama, this article presents, from a postmodern position, a reflection on the way in which mass media have turned the war, beyond its political or military effectiveness, in a theatre show

    Siirtokuljetukset : "ei kenenkään maa" vai kaikkien yhteinen asia?

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    Teema : potilaan kuljettamine