Effects of higher speed explosives in drift rounds


There is much still to be learned of what takes place in the actual explosive zone of a rock blast. Many factors, both known and unknown, have individual and collective effects. A program is now in progress by the Mining Department of Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy for developing and preserving information about some of the factors affecting the use of explosives. Some work has been done. More is now being completed by Messrs. R. J. Jones and J. B. H. Fitz-William. Present plans call for continuing the research and gathering data on this subject which is so important to the mining industry. The study made and the report given herein were made possible through a contract between Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the Department of the Army for the purpose of ascertaining some of the properties of military and commercial explosives. Much information and data which should be of value to the School’s program of explosive experimentation has been taken from the reports made to the Engineer Research and Development Laboratories. No important conclusions can be draw from the data in this report. It is presented as a contribution to the assembled data of the overall project. Explosives with very high rates of detonation are rarely used in underground work. As the velocity of detonation is probably the most important factor in blasting, it is considered a major factor in affecting the results of the tests. According to Bebie, the effectiveness of an explosive is primarily dependent upon the rate at which its energy is liberated; the rate of detonation of a high explosive is a measure of its brisance. The importance of this characteristic was also brought out by some of the earlier writers such as Brunswig and Bichel. The latter as quoted by Brunswig, proposed the use of the product of one-half the mass of the products of explosion times the square of the velocity of detonation as an explosives\u27 unit. Meyer states that given the possession of the other properties requisite for explosion, probably the most determining factor of total behavior is velocity of detonation --Introduction, pages 1-2

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