23 research outputs found

    University Administrators Retention: The Moderating roles of organisational justice and generational diversity

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    Despite its wide acceptance as a theoretically important element in an organisation, organisational justice and generational diversity are neglected research areas, especially within the higher learning institutions context. Thus, this study intends to fill the knowledge gap by investigating the moderating roles of both variables towards the Malaysian Private Universities HRM practices and the administrator's retention. Two hundred seventy-two university administrators took part in the study, and empirically, the results obtained indicated that training, performance appraisal, selection, justice - management practices and distributive justice – reward are influential determinants of university administrators' retention.   Keywords: Organisational Justice; Generational Diversity; HRM Practices; University Administrators Retention eISSN: 2398-4287 © 2022. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bs by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. This is an open access article under the CC BYNC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians/Africans/Arabians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies), Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia. DOI: https://doi.org/10.21834/ebpj.v7i20.345

    The Determinants of Customer Satisfaction towards Muslim-Friendly Healthcare Service Deliveries: A Conceptual Model

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    The global need for hospitals that adhere to Islamic principles and accommodate the specific needs of Muslim patients is increasing. Hence, in highly competitive landscape of the healthcare industry it’s imperative for hospitals to be profitable while delivering sufficient and excellent healthcare services to the community, management must exhibit prudence in addressing this evolving attitude. This study intends to identify the appropriate determinants of customer satisfaction pertaining to the service deliveries offered by healthcare providers that are desired by Muslim patients while adhering to Islamic medical ethics and Shariah requirements. A systematic literature review approach was utilized to examine the appropriate features of Muslim-friendly healthcare practices and their mechanisms. The thematic analysis of the reviewed papers revealed eight potential determinants of customer satisfaction which are Halal pharmaceuticals and medical equipment, Islamic facilities and amenities, proficient personnel, empathy and supportive staff, compliance and supportive hospital policy, welcoming Islamic settings, reasonable and suitable pricing, and Islamic work culture. The results are anticipated to stimulate policymakers in Malaysia and other nations with an interest in the matter, to implement the suggested practices through the enactment of favorable legislative measures. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by illuminating the antecedents of customer satisfaction model that can be used by Muslim-friendly healthcare providers to formulate strategies and policies to reduce the financial and business risk due to unsatisfied customers’ reactions. Subsequently, achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of good health and well-being (Goal 3) and peace, justice and strong institutions (Goal 16)

    Organizational Justice and Employee Retention: A Theoretical Framework for Malaysian and Indonesian Higher Learning Institutions

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    Employee retention has emerged as a pressing concern within knowledge-based organizations due to the non-substitutability of individual abilities and their substantial influence on organizational achievements. Therefore, the retention of proficient staff is a crucial strategic approach, particularly for Malaysian and Indonesian Higher Learning Institutions (HLIs). Thus, this study seeks to understand the antecedents that could influence HLIs’ workforce retention. To achieve the objective, a content analysis approach is used to discover potential antecedents of fairness that affect HLIs’ workforce retention. The Organizational Justice Theory is then employed as the theoretical foundation to examine and synthesize the antecedents. Three antecedents are addressed during the examination and discussion: distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice. Through this, three organizational justice propositions are offered, and the framework developed in this conceptual study highlights the retention practices and instigators. This study's conceptual nature provides preliminary insights into the employees’ retention experience in the Malaysian and Indonesian HLI context. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by illuminating the antecedents that promote employee retention, resulting in a practical framework that can be used by the HLIs to formulate strategies and policies to reduce the financial and business risk due to the high employee attrition rate. Subsequently, achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals of good health and well-being (Goal 3) and quality education (Goal 4)

    A Theoretical Framework on Customer Satisfaction in an Automotive Lubricant Market

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    Malaysia was reported to have the highest car ownership ratio in the ASEAN region, with 3.3 people per vehicle. As a result of this rapidly growing automotive sector, Malaysia experienced a rise in the demand for premium lubricants. Recognizing the fact that most automobile users would rather pay a mechanic or workshop to perform an oil change rather than do it themselves, hence, this study seeks to understand the antecedents that influence automotive lubricant consumer satisfaction. A content analysis approach is used in this study to discover potential antecedents of consumers' quality-of-service experiences. The SERVQUAL model is then employed as the theoretical foundation for investigating and synthesizing the antecedents. Five antecedents are addressed during the examination and discussion: tangibility, dependability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. In addition, five quality-of-service experience propositions are offered, and the framework developed in this conceptual study highlights the quality-of-service experience instigators. This study's conceptual nature provides preliminary insights into the quality-of-service experience in the automotive lubricant market. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by illuminating the antecedents that promote service quality, resulting in satisfied customers who will in turn stimulate the Malaysian automotive lubricant market, which can lead to a significant increase in the industry's contribution to Malaysia's gross domestic product (GDP) rate. The developed theoretical framework serves as a foundation for future empirical studies of quality-of-service experience


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    International travelers had to quarantine upon arrival at a designated hotel in Indonesia during the pandemic to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. This study aims to investigate the hotel quarantine program in Indonesia from management perspectives in crisis circumstances. A qualitative methodology was applied with data triangulation collected from 11 top-level managers, operations, and management from official quarantine hotels in the second quarter of 2022. In-depth interviews were conducted to explore the antecedents behind hotel management and evaluate the repatriation quarantine program through the crisis management lens framework. The findings enhance the concept of crisis management framework in a particular program employed during a pandemic. Three related phases emerged from data analysis in crisis prevention and planning, strategic implementation, and evaluation were discussed. This study reveals the suggestions for hotel managers and the government for a future sustainable strategy. This study is the first paper to address the hotel quarantine program evaluation in Indonesia. This study contributes to enriching the hotel industry's crisis management framework. Pertinent recommendations for hotel management and government are provided to cope with this crisis

    CO2 Removal via an environmental green solvent, K2CO3-Glycine (PCGLY ) : Investigative analysis of a dynamic and control study

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    Promoted potassium carbonate with glycine has been actively investigated as a chemical solvent for the removal of CO2. Though a vast number of studies have been reported for potassium carbonate, dynamic studies regarding this promoted solvent are not yet extensively reported in the literature. In this work, a steady-state simulation has been performed via an equilibrium stage model in Aspen Plus V10 using the experimental data of an absorber from the bench scale pilot plant (MINI CHAS) located in Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. In this study, 15 wt % K2CO3 + 3 wt % glycine is utilized as the medium for absorption, and the operating pressure is set at 40 bar to imitate the natural gas treatment process. The removal observed from the pilot plant is about 75% and the steady-state simulation with a tuned vaporization efficiency managed to replicate a similar result. The transient analysis is performed via activating a flow-driven method, and the simulation is transferred into Aspen Dynamic. A simple control strategy using a proportional-integral (PI) controller is installed at the gas outlet to monitor the CO2 composition, and further disturbances are introduced at the inlet gas flow rate using a step test and ramp test. The controller is tuned using a trial-and-error method and a satisfactory response is achieved under varying changes in the inlet gas flow rate. Further investigation is carried out using the model predictive controller (MPC), in which 5000 data points are generated through pseudorandom binary sequence (PRBS) analysis for state-space model system identification. The state-space model identified as the best is then used to design the MPC controller. A disturbance rejection test on the MPC controller is conducted via changing the gas flow rate at 5% and a quick response is observed. In conclusion, both MPC and PI controllers managed to produce a good response once the disturbance was introduced within the CO2-potassium carbonate-glycine (PCGLY) system

    Nisab of Zakat and Zakat Contribution: A Conceptual Model

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    Zakat distribution has a positive correlation with its collection. Thus, a higher collection of zakat will positively impact the distribution amount and reach a bigger pool of zakat recipients. However, some external constraints in its collection could likely have an adverse impact on its collection, especially the effect of the macroeconomic factors. It becomes crucial when the increase in the price of gold (one of the primary commodities used as a nisab benchmark for zakat in Islam) is claimed to negatively influence the collection and allocation of zakat to the respective recipients. Therefore, this study aims to investigate whether the high and low value of nisab due to the fluctuating price of gold in the world market could negatively influence the zakat collection and indirectly affect all the recipients, especially the poor and needy. In achieving this aim, this study will utilize a structured self-administered questionnaire to study the awareness of Muslims on the nisab of zakat and its influence on their zakat payments. It is still relatively rare to find any research on the awareness of the nisab of zakat and its relation to the zakat contribution. One past econometric study concluded that a higher nisab leads to a lower zakat collection. The findings of this proposed study could complement that previous study and hence be justifiable due to its significant impact on the recipients of zakat (asnaf) as the main stakeholders

    IIUM Entrepreneurship Educators Module 1.0

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    IUM Entrepreneurship Educators Module 1.0 is a precise and comprehensive module created and intended to guide and accelerate the IIUM Entrepreneurship Educators professional knowledge and skills development. This module provides an extensive curriculum toward development of entrepreneurs' holistic skills and knowledge from basic level of entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, digital entrepreneurship to business tools such as Value Proposition Canvas

    Mama food: produk tradisional citarasa nasional

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    Pembentukan masyarakat Malaysia yang memiliki pemikiran keusahawanan merupakan antara faktor pemangkin yang berupaya untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara keusahawanan yang unggul menjelang tahun 2030, seperti yang dihasratkan oleh Dasar Keusahawanan Nasional (DKN) 2030. Peranan besar dan penting ini merupakan sebahagian daripada tanggungjawab Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi (KPT) dan Institusi Pendidikan Tinggi (IPT) selaku entiti yang bertanggungjawab untuk menghasilkan bakat terutamanya dalam bidang-bidang berkemahiran tinggi. Dalam konteks sektor pengajian tinggi, Pelan Pembangunan Pendidikan Malaysia 2015 – 2025 (Pendidikan Tinggi) menekankan kepentingan untuk melahirkan graduan yang holistik, berciri keusahawanan dan seimbang menerusi lonjakan pertama daripada 10 lonjakan yang digariskan oleh Pelan tersebut. Selain itu, Dasar Keusahawanan IPT yang diperkenalkan sejak tahun 2010, juga meletakkan usaha untuk menganjak minda para pelajar IPT daripada hanya berfikiran untuk bekerja dengan majikan selepas menamatkan pengajian kepada graduan yang berkecimpung dalam arena keusahawanan dan menjadi pencipta pekerjaan atau ‘job creator’ dengan menawarkan peluang pekerjaan kepada individu lain setelah perniagaan mereka berjaya.Namun begitu, terdapat segelintir graduan menganggap keusahawanan sebagai kerjaya pilihan terakhir mereka sedangkan sebaliknya, harus ada jalan alternatif lain yang perlu diambil, lebih-lebih lagi dalam melengkapkan diri berdepan dengan situasi semasa yang penuh cabaran, pesaing yang ramai, peluang penempatan perkerjaan yang terhad, dan isu pengangguran yang tidak berkesudahan. Bahkan, ada antara graduan terlepas pandang yang mereka sebenarnya berpotensi dan berkemahiran untuk mencipta kejayaan melalui bidang keusahawanan. Proaktif terhadap perkara ini dan dalam mendokong hasrat untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai negara keusahawanan yang unggul, KPT telah melaksanakan pelbagai inisiatif demi menggalakkan lebih ramai lagi pelajar IPT terlibat secara langsung dalam bidang keusahawanan semasa pengajian. Pelan Tindakan Keusahawanan yang diperkenalkan pada tahun 2013, telah melakar pencapaian yang menyaksikan peningkatan sebanyak lebih 30 peratus penyertaan pelajar dalam program dan aktiviti keusahawanan di IPT. Kejayaan ini menunjukkan komitmen tinggi KPT dalam menyediakan dasar yang berupaya mengubah minda pelajar ke arah erpemikiran keusahawanan. Di bawah Pelan Tindakan Keusahawanan ini juga, kesemua 20 buah universiti awam termasuk politeknik dan kolej komuniti telah menubuhkan Pusat Keusahawanan. Pusat ini bertanggungjawab untuk merancang, menilai dan memantau pelaksanaan program keusahawanan di institusi masing-masing. Penetapan aspek pembangunan dan pendidikan keusahawanan sebagai satu daripada bidang keutamaan dan petunjuk prestasi utama institusi merupakan manifestasi komitmen pengurusan tertinggi IPT terhadap agenda keusahawanan.Kecemerlangan pelaksanaan Pelan Tindakan Keusahawanan IPT ini kemudiannya diteruskan dengan penambahbaikan strategi dan inisiatif untuk tempoh 2016 hingga 2020. Pada tahun 2020 sahaja, lebih 68,000 pelajar direkodkan telah menjalankan perniagaan. Daripada jumlah tersebut, hampir 8,000 orang pelajar meneruskan aktiviti perniagaan selepas mereka menamatkan pengajian. Ini jelas membuktikan impak positif daripada pelaksanaan pelan tindakan yang telah dilaksanakan oleh Pusat-pusat Keusahawanan di IPT khususnya dalam meningkatkan kesediaan pelajar untuk menceburi dan memilih bidang keusahawanan sebagai satu kerjaya pilihan. Sebagai kesinambungan, pelan tindakan bagi tempoh lima (5) tahun seterusnya (iaitu 2021 – 2025) juga telah dibangunkan. Pelan yang dilancarkan oleh YB Datuk Seri Dr. Noraini Ahmad, Menteri Pengajian Tinggi pada 19 Februari 2021 menggariskan tiga (3) teras, iaitu Ekosistem Keusahawanan Bersinergi; Kolaborasi Berimpak Tinggi; dan Inovasi dan Teknologi Dalam Keusahawanan. Di bawah teras-teras ini, terdapat tujuh (7) strategi dan 28 inisiatif keseluruhannya yang disenaraikan. Modus operandinya adalah untuk meningkatkan lagi penglibatan pelajar dalam bidang keusahawanan. Entrepreneurship Integrated Education yang memfokuskan kepada lima (5) strategi dan 33 inisiatif sebagai panduan utama IPT dalam membangunkan kurikulum keusahawanan. Kedua-dua naskhah strategik ini menjadi rujukan induk IPT dalam memperkukuh lagi ekosistem keusahawanan, seterusnya menjadi satu daripada pemangkin untuk menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara keusahawanan. Menerusi strategi dan inisiatif pembangunan usahawan yang dilaksanakan oleh KPT dan IPT sejak lebih satu dekad yang lalu, sejumlah besar usahawan pelajar dan graduan dalam pelbagai bidang telah berjaya dilahirkan. Variasi bidang ini termasuklah makanan dan minuman; perkhidmatan; kosmetik dan kesihatan; teknologi, fotografi dan audiografi; peruncitan; serta bidang kreatif dan tekstil. Pengetahuan “tacit” yang diperoleh oleh usahawan pelajar dan graduan ini sepanjang upaya untuk mengecapi apa yang mereka ada pada hari ini merupakan aset berharga yang perlu didendang kepada khalayak, terutamanya para pelajar yang ingin berkecimpung dalam arena ini. Justeru, bagi menyebar luas kepentingan dan manfaat bidang keusahawanan dalam membantu pelajar menjana pendapatan, seterusnya menjadikan mereka sebagai pencipta pekerjaan, buku “Usahawan Siswa: Memeta Haluan, Melakar Jaya” ini diterbitkan oleh KPT dengan kerjasama Universiti Malaysia Kelantan. Naskhah yang mengiktiraf kejayaan usahawan pelajar dan graduan ini turut meraikan semangat dan kekuatan mereka dalam menghadapi liku-liku dunia perniagaan. Karya ini mengangkat 39 kisah perjalanan perniagaan usahawan pelajar dari 19 buah IPT terpilih sehingga mereka berjaya menempa kejayaan semasa dan selepas pengajian. Naratif eksklusif perjalanan perniagaan figura-figura ini dihimpunkan mengikut bidang keusahawanan yang diceburi, iaitu 11 lakaran kejayaan dalam bidang makanan dan minuman; enam (6) lembaran gemilang dalam bidang perkhidmatan; empat (4) citra niaga dalam bidang kosmetik dan kesihatan; tujuh (7) kanvas sukses dalam bidang teknologi, fotografi dan audiografi; enam (6) ceritera unggul dalam bidang peruncitan; dan lima (5) jejak gemilang dalam bidang kreatif dan tekstil. Hasrat penghasilan wacana ini adalah bagi memberikan motivasi dan inspirasi kepada pelajar dan khalayak pembaca yang berkeinginan untuk menceburi bidang keusahawanan dengan mengangkat catatan perjalanan sebenar usahawan pelajar ke dalam bentuk yang mudah untuk difahami dan dihayati. Satu demi satu lipatan pengalaman digarap agar dapat memberikan pengalaman pembacaan yang lebih nyata dan segar dengan kisah sebenar yang seolah-olah diceritakan sendiri oleh usahawan pelajar tersebut. Semoga dengan penerbitan naskhah ini juga akan mendorong IPT untuk lebih giat lagi melahirkan lebih ramai usahawan muda dalam kalangan pelajar yang mempunyai kualiti daya saing tinggi di samping bersedia menghadapi realiti dunia perniagaan

    Food consumption patterns: findings from the Malaysian Adult Nutrition Survey(MANS)

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    This study reports the food consumption patterns of adults aged 18 to 59 years in the Malaysian Adults Nutrition Survey (MANS) carried out between October 2002 and December 2003. A total of 6,742 subjects comprising 3,274 men and 3,468 women representing the northern, central , southern and east coast of Peninsular Malaysia as well as Sabah and Sarawak were interviewed. A semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) which consisted of 126 food items was used to evaluate the food consumption pattern (habitual food intake) of the respondents during the previous one-year period. The results demonstrate that nasi putih (cooked rice) was consumed by 97% of the population twice daily (average 2½ plates per day). Other food items consumed daily were marine fish, (one medium fish per day), green leafy vegetables (one cup per day) and sweetened condensed milk (three teaspoons per day. The mean frequencies for daily intake of rice, leafy vegetables, marine fish, local kuih, anchovy (ikan bilis) and biscuits were significantly higher among the rural compared to the urban adults. In contrast, more urban dwellers consumed chicken and eggs more frequently than their rural counterparts. More men than women consumed chicken and eggs more frequently. Malaysian adults showed a satisfactory habit of drinking plain water, with 99% drinking at least six glasses of plain water daily. Other beverages such as tea (47%), coffee (28%), chocolate-based drinks (23%) and cordial syrup (11%) were also consumed on daily basis, however, in a smaller proportion of the population. There were differences in the prevalence of daily consumption of foods when comparing urban and rural population, and also between men and women. The prevalence of daily consumption of marine fish among rural and urban adults was 51% and 34% respectively. For sweetened condensed milk, men and women consumed 43% and 28% respectively; however, more women drank full cream milk than men. Between the age groups, 21% of adults below 20 years old consumed chicken at least once a day, while this pattern of intake was not shown in the older age groups. Our findings show that adults, aged 50 to 59 years old, had the highest prevalence of daily consumption of full cream milk with 24% while those aged 18 to 19 years old had the lowest prevalence of daily consumption at 15%. The food consumption pattern of Malaysian adults appears to be satisfactory. However, some changes in food habits are recommended especially in substituting the less wholesome sweetened condensed milk with the more nutritious full cream or skimmed milk