58 research outputs found


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    A Robot Vision System (RVS) is an adaptive and dynamic system that caters to a wide range of jobs where each involves a set of operations required to be done at a predetermined workstation. This research is focused on the development of a vision system to be integrated with KUKA arm robot. Pyramid object is used as a complimentary of the windscreen car as a model. It developed using plain cardboard with dimension of 15cm x 15cm. 2D matching application introduced to identify the characteristic of the object used in the system using CCD camera. Object used must be trained in training phase to create object template and used again in recognition phase for object classification. Then, two CCD cameras are used; placed at the top and front of the object to extract object’s edge location using Harris Point. Data extracted from it are used to find 3D coordination of each edge. Equation of straight line mostly used in this method to identify x, y and z coordinates. Data obtained from the system then used to give instruction to KUKA arm robot for gluing purposes. Pixel coordinates must be converted to robot coordinates for easier understanding by the robot. Three types of defect are trained as model templates and save to the memory known as bumper, gap and bubble defect. Each defect has special characteristic. Inspection system developed to identify problems occurs in gluing process. Template matching method used to call model trained in training phase to identify the uncertainties. Each defect occurs comes with its coordinate’s information for correction. Correction of defect consists of two phase; 1st CoD where correction is completed in first time and 2nd CoD where correction still need to be completed after the first correction. Data for all the process are recorded to prove that this algorithm made improvement with the previous research

    Development of multi-input sensor algorithm for autonomous underwater vehicle (AUV) system stage 2

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    This project is to develop a multi-input algorithm of sensors for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) system for the stage two which is having high performance automated detection and monitoring on underwater application or for surveillances and defense application. The sensors implemented in AUV such as vision system, hydrophone system and sonar system successful develop in stage one. While in stage two we improved some multi-input sensor such as GPS system and compass module with pressure and temperature sensor system. In the stage one all multi-input sensor gives the best performances. The new design of vision system for AUV with the implementation of wireless camera, whereby, produce clearer image. The ultrasonic sensor is a main device to transmit and receive the signal from the obstacle.The ultrasonic sensor will be combined to the ultrasonic circuit. Hydrophone is an underwater microphone which with the help of pressure impulses of acoustic waves converts them into electrical signals which in further are used for communication. It was designed to be used underwater for recording or listening to underwater sound. In stage two GPS system uses to navigation the AUV which is using Smart GPS Receiver model EB-85A and GPS Engine Board EB-230. This design could easily be expended and made portable for use in AUV. In this project also aims to obtain data on pressure and temperature in the water around AUV and shows the relationship between pressure and water depth and pressure with temperature. The entire sensor produced the good result and all result analyzed stated in this paper

    Shape-Based Matching: Application of Defect Detection

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    This research is regarding to the application of a vision algorithm sensor to monitor the operation of a system in order to control the concerning jobs and work pieces recognition that are to be made during system operation in real time. This paper stresses more on the vision algorithm that mainly focus on shape-based matching application. The algorithm consists of two parts; training phase and recognition phase. The main focus of this paper is to create a region of interest at which they are able to adapt to a variety of applications and purposes depending on the needs of users. The system will be tested using several images that have a variety of characteristic and properties in developing a better system for industrial application. There are three types of glue defect; gap, bumper and bubble are trained through the systems in order to store their own characteristics and properties in the system for matching purposes. The matching process will take place for determine the results occur in recognizing the defects after gluing process being done

    Shape-Based Matching: Application of Edge Detection using Harris Point

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    This paper presents a sequence of object recognition algorithm using shape-based matching that mainly focused on image recognition, image segmentation, and flexible Region of Interest. The image of pyramid is used as a medium to locate each corner of the object and specified the location in details. First, the image reference is used as a training image and the template is created. Then, the process image will be compared with the reference image by using template matching to calculate the score of the successful matching. Each correspond image will be rotated around 60 degree to see whether the system able to recognize the object. All score for matching are recorded. After that, Harris point generates the specific corner of the pyramid and the location of each point is located and clarified with number starting from one. Distance between one point to another is calculated using mathematics’ equation to generate a new point between those points. The location of all generate points are displayed using Graphical User Interface (GUI). This method is proposed to develop an additional new system of the glue process in automation industry that provides input data from vision sensor to reduce possibilities of failure

    Design and Construction of Liquid Level Measurement System

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    Industrial tank system play important role in industrial application such as in food processing, pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, water purification system and many more. Today we can see a lot of varieties in different level measurement technologies on the market like ultrasonic level sensor, capacitance level sensor, microwave sensor, and others. One of the frequent used industrial tank systems is couple tank system. The main interest of the use PID is to ensure the supply of liquid is at constant rate. This paper will discuss on the system based on microcontroller unit design to measure and control liquid level accurately to improve the efficiency of motor pumping unit. To developed this system, ATMEGA32 starter kit board is use to control pumping unit (motor), continuous fluid level sensor to measure the liquid level with LED display circuit, and temperature sensor is used to measure the current temperature of liquid inside tank. The system software is written in C language, interrupt routines are used to record and deal with the time data to count the liquid level accurately. This system supposedly can measure the water level up to 25cm and work at 5V supply voltage range

    Monitoring Grid Frequency

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    The grid frequency of a 50 Hz system varies from 49.8 Hz to 50.2 Hz. Every 0.01 Hz of change in grid frequency correspond to approximately 6% to 8% of power supply dropped in the grid (S. Pourmousavi et al. 2009). Hence high resolution of measurement device is a must to monitor the grid frequency. Most frequency measurement devices such as oscilloscope usually caters high frequency measurement range. Even though some oscilloscope able to measure low frequency signal, its accuracy and resolution is not up to the challenge of measuring grid frequency. Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) uses by most power system company is not economical to be used by small scale power generation company or for research purpose. In this paper, a simple zero crossing method will be employ to measure the grid frequency with a resolution of 0.003 Hz using Arduino Uno controller. The test and validation of the frequency data took place in Europe specifically at University of Applied Science Rosenheim

    Motorcycle Security System using GSM and RFID

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    This paper is designed to create a model of motorcycle safety system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Global System of Communication (GSM) for controllable and improve safety on motorcycles. According to the latest crime rate index, motorcycle theft crime record were high compared with the criminal cases of other types of vehicles such as cars. RFID is a new method in a very efficient security system for smaller areas and limited to a certain distance communication. Basically this system will be detected by an identification tag that was created specifically to these tools while with added some mobile phones and GSM as an intermediate device that connects to a device microcontroller. This system provides the best possible level of safety for motorcycle users from hackers or thieves. It has the sound of the alarm system each time the system is compromised or the occurrence of robbery. Noise will be generated automatically once the user motorcycles will be notified via text message alert messages (SMS) when the events that occurred during the invasion or burglary. This research uses Passive RFID as a second key to turn on the motorcycle and also using microcontroller as a medium to control the function of the whole system. As a prototype, push button also needed in this type of security to show that if any movement interrupted happen to motorcycl

    Synchronization of Compass Module with Pressure and Temperature Sensor System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

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    This paper describes the synchronization of compass module with pressure and temperature sensor system for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). In general this project is the result of a combination of existing technology for underwater sensory to produce a complete system that aims to identify the position of the AUVs based on AUV degree of freedom. This can be done with the help of compass module that can find and order the AUV is moving at a fixed angle. This created a system that aims to obtain data on pressure and temperature in the AUV. Not only that, the project also aims to prove that the relationship between pressure and depth of the water and the relationship between pressure and temperature. All data gathered is capable of helping in the preparation of an AUV that can accommodate high pressure according to the depth to destination

    Synchronization of Compass Module with Pressure and Temperature Sensor System for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV)

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    This paper describes the synchronization of compass module with pressure and temperature sensor system for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). In general this project is the result of a combination of existing technology for underwater sensory to produce a complete system that aims to identify the position of the AUVs based on AUV degree of freedom. This can be done with the help of compass module that can find and order the AUV is moving at a fixed angle. This created a system that aims to obtain data on pressure and temperature in the AUV. Not only that, the project also aims to prove that the relationship between pressure and depth of the water and the relationship between pressure and temperature. All data gathered is capable of helping in the preparation of an AUV that can accommodate high pressure according to the depth to destination

    Measurement Of Low Frequency Signal Of Power Grid Using Arduino

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    The range of the frequency to be measured by a measurement device depends on the purpose of performing the measurement. The frequency measurement device is built specifically according to its range while the price of the device is proportional to its functions. In this paper, a low frequency measurement device to monitor grid frequency is designed using Arduino technology. All aspects of the design from the software to hardware is explained. This device costs less than 100 US Dollar and it is capable to perform data logging for data analysis. The frequency range for the device is between 45 Hz to 60 Hz with 0.003 Hz resolution. This paper also discuss the standard commercial measurement device in power system and Arduino capabilities. The measurement data from the device is analyze for its accuracy and reliability
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