544 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pq4r Berbantuan Komik terhadap Minat Baca dan Hasil Belajar Minyak Bumi pada Siswa SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan ada tidaknya perbedaan hasil belajar dan minat baca serta besarnya pengaruh penggunaan metode PQ4R (Preview,Question,Read, Recite, Reflect dan Review) berbantuan komik terhadap hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMA PGRI 1 Pontianak pada materi minyak bumi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen semu dengan rancangan penelitian Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X A sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X B sebagai kelas kontrol. Alat pengumpul data adalah tes hasil belajar dan angket minat baca. Berdasarkan hasil olahan data, rata-rata nilai skor posttest kelas kontrol yaitu 44,28 dan rata-rata nilai skor posttest kelas eksperimen yaitu 56,06. Dengan menggunakan Uji T, diperoleh Asymp.Sig(2-tailed) sebesar 0,029 < 0,05 (kurang dari 0,05) untuk tes hasil belajar dan diperoleh Asymp.Sig(2-tailed) sebesar 0,000 < 0,05 (kurang dari 0,05) sehingga Ho ditolak, menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar dan minat baca siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol pada materi minyak bumi. Hasil dari perhitungan Effect Size (ES) diperoleh nilai sebesar 0,57 yang menunjukkan penggunaan metode PQ4R memberikan pengaruh sebesar 21,57% terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa. Kata Kunci : PQ4R, minyak bumi, hasil belajar, minat baca Abstrack : This study aims to determine the difference of learning outcomes and reading interest and the effect of using PQ4R methods with media comics toward learning outcomes in ten grade of students SMA PGRI 1 Pontianak on petroleum materials. Research was used quasi-experimental with the study Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The samples of this research were students of ten grade A as experimental class and ten grade B as control class. Data collectors were the achievement test and questionnaire reading interest. Based on the results of data processing, the average score of posttest control class is 44.28, and the average score of posttest experimental classes, was namely 56.06. By using the T test, obtained Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) of 0.029 < 0,05 (less than 0.05) to test learning outcomes and obtained Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) of 0.000 < 0.05 (less than 0.05) as the result Ho refused, it shows there were differences in learning outcomes and students reading interest between the experimental class and control class on petroleum materials. The calculation result of Effect Size (ES) obtained a value was 0.57 that showed the using of PQ4R methods influenced by 21.57% toward increasing student learning outcomes

    Penyediaan Refutation Text untuk Meremediasi Kesalahan Konsep Siswa Materi Kelarutan dan Hasil Kali Kelarutan

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    : The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a difference in student learning outcomes and decrease misconceptions students once remediated with refutation text and how much effectiveness refutation text remediate students' misconceptions on the material solubility and solubility product in class XI MIA SMAN 7 Pontianak. The type of this research is a quasi experimental research form nonequivalent control group. The sample in this study are collected by saturated sample with a sample size of 65 students. The research instrument in the form of an essay in the form of tests consist of 5 questions. Based on the results, there are differences in learning outcomes of students between classes and grade control experiments where the experimental class average of study result is 72,22 while the control class is 50,58. Effectiveness refutation text to remediate student's misconceptions of matter solubility and solubility product is classified as moderate 0.70 which means the provision of remediation with text giving effect Refutation of 25.80%

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Question Student Have (Qsh) terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Siswa

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan motivasi dan hasil belajar siswa yang diajar menggunakan metode Question Student Have (QSH) dengan siswa yang diajar menggunakan metode konvensional. Bentuk penelitian yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen dengan model “quasy experiment design” dengan rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Teknik pemilihan dengan purposive sampling.Berdasarkan analisis data posttest dengan menggunakan uji U Mann Whitney (α = 5%) diperoleh nilai Asymp.Sig(2-tailed) sebesar 0,010. Analisis data angket motivasi belajar siswa dengan menggunakan uji U Mann Whitney (α = 5%) diperoleh nilai Asymp.Sig(2-tailed) sebesar 0,000. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan motivasi dan hasil belajar antara siswa yang diajar metode Question Student Have (QSH) dengan siswa yang diajar tanpa menggunakan metode Question Student Have (QSH) pada materi hidrokarbon kelas X SMAN 1 Sungai Raya. Perhitungan Effect Size dengan metode Question Student Have (QSH)memberikan pengaruh sebesar 27,04% terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada materi hidrokarbon kelas X SMAN 1 Sungai Raya. Kata kunci : Question Student Have (QSH),motivasi, hasil belajar Abstact: This research aims to know the difference of motivations and learning outcomes between the students who are taught using method of Question Student Have (QSH) and the students who are taught using conventional method. Type of this research is experiment research using “quasy experiment design” approach and design of this research is Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The selection technique using Purposive Sampling. Based on analysis of posttest data using test of U Mann Whitney(α = 5%)and produced Asymp.Sig(2-tailed)value of 0,010.Poll data analysis ofstudent learning motivation learning by using test of U Mann Whitney(α = 5%) produced Asymp.Sig(2-tailed) value of 0,000. This showed that there were differences of motivation and learning outcomes between the students who are taught using Question Student Have ( QSH )method and the students who are not taught using Question Student Have ( QSH ) method upon hydrocarbon lesson in class X of SMAN 1 Sungai Raya. The calculation of effect size using Question Student Have (QSH) method affect 27,04% for the improvement of student learning outcome upon hydrocarbon lesson in class X SMAN 1 Sungai Raya

    Time-averaged heat transfer and vortex shedding of a singular and twin heated bluff bodies in cross flow

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    Flow characteristics in the onset of vortex shedding and heat transfer pattern over a single and two same-sized square prisms placed in tandem are studied numerically. All simulations are carried out for Reynolds numbers range varying from 1 to 200 and spacing between the prisms in the order of five widths of prism for in tandem configuration. The calculations are done employing a finite volume in-house computer program according to semi-implicit method for pressure linked equations-consistent (SIMPLEC) numerical procedure and nonstaggered mesh in 2-dimensional, steady/unsteady and incompressible flow regimes. The instantaneous and time-averaged streamlines as well as iso-therm pattern for different Reynolds numbers are analysed. Furthermore, the influence of Reynolds number and the onset of vortex shedding on the flow pattern are studied in detail. Three distinct patterns namely fully-attached, trailing-edge separation and leading-edge separation were observed

    Matrix Factorizations, Minimal Models and Massey Products

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    We present a method to compute the full non-linear deformations of matrix factorizations for ADE minimal models. This method is based on the calculation of higher products in the cohomology, called Massey products. The algorithm yields a polynomial ring whose vanishing relations encode the obstructions of the deformations of the D-branes characterized by these matrix factorizations. This coincides with the critical locus of the effective superpotential which can be computed by integrating these relations. Our results for the effective superpotential are in agreement with those obtained from solving the A-infinity relations. We point out a relation to the superpotentials of Kazama-Suzuki models. We will illustrate our findings by various examples, putting emphasis on the E_6 minimal model.Comment: 32 pages, v2: typos corrected, v3: additional comments concerning the bulk-boundary crossing constraint, some small clarifications, typo

    Matrix Factorizations and Homological Mirror Symmetry on the Torus

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    We consider matrix factorizations and homological mirror symmetry on the torus T^2 using a Landau-Ginzburg description. We identify the basic matrix factorizations of the Landau-Ginzburg superpotential and compute the full spectrum, taking into account the explicit dependence on bulk and boundary moduli. We verify homological mirror symmetry by comparing three-point functions in the A-model and the B-model.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figures, v2: reference added, minor corrections and clarifications, version published in JHE

    A simple load sensor based on a bent single-mode–multimode–single-mode fiber structure

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    A load sensor is demonstrated using a single-mode-multimode-single-mode (SMS) fiber structure, which is sandwiched between two CR-39 plastic polymer plates. A larger effective transverse strain can be achieved when the distance, D2, between the stage and the edge of the multimode fiber is larger. A higher sensitivity is obtained when D2 = 7 cm with a value of −0.0102 nm/mN, as compared to −0.0027 nm/mN when D2 = 3 cm. In contrast, an FBG integrated in a similar manner has shown an indiscernible change in the wavelength shift as compared to that produced by the SMS device. The result indicates that the proposed SMS device is suitable for sensing a small load or transverse strain with a reasonably high sensitivity

    Cek Silang Mikroskopis Sediaan Darah Malaria pada Monitoring Pengobatan Dihidroartemisinin-piperakuin di Kalimantan dan Sulawesi

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    Quality assurance of malaria microscopy is an important issue in health service and health research for a better case management. In monitoring Dyhydroartemisinin-Piperaquine, quality assurance was a part of this research activities at sentinel sites in Kalimantan and Sulawesi. This activity was carried out to confirmed diagnosis of malaria cases that could be analysed, and to evaluate the skill of microscopists to be improved in the future. Quality assurance was assessed based on the results of cross-checking malaria smears which done blindly by certified microscopist from Laboratory of Parasitology ,National Institute of Health Research and Development, The quality of smears were mostly good, however the error rate was still high (10.9%). Therefore, a better and continuing planning and strategiy is needed to improve and mantain the quality of skill microscopists. Keywords: malaria; microscopic, Dyhydroartemisinin-Piperaquine Abstrak Pemantapan kualitas mikroskopis malaria merupakan isue penting dalam pelayanan dan penelitian kesehatan untuk penanganan kasus yang lebih baik. Pada monitoring pengobatan Dihidroartemisinin-Piperakuin, pemantapan kualitas merupakan bagian dari kegiatan penelitian tersebut di lokasi sentinel (Kalimantan dan Sulawesi). Pemantapan dilakukan untuk mendapatkan kepastian diagnosis kasus malaria yang dapat dianalisis, dan sebagai evaluasi ketrampilan mikroskopis untuk perbaikan dan peningkatan di masa datang. Pemantapan kualitas dinilai berdasarkan hasil cek silang sediaan darah malaria secara blinded yang dilakukan oleh mikroskopis tersertifikasi dari Laboratorium Parasitologi Badan Litbang Kesehatan. Hasil cek silang menunjukkan kualitas sediaan darah sebagian besar sudah baik meskipun untuk error rate masih tinggi mencapai 10,9%. Oleh sebab itu dibutuhkan rencana dan strategi yang baik dan berkelanjutan untuk memperbaiki dan mempertahankan kualitas tenaga mikroskopis malaria yang handal. Keywords: malaria; mikroskopis; Dihidroartemisinin-Piperakui

    Semantic-Functional Communications in Cyber-Physical Systems

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    This paper explores the use of semantic knowledge inherent in the cyber-physical system (CPS) under study in order to minimize the use of explicit communication, which refers to the use of physical radio resources to transmit potentially informative data. It is assumed that the acquired data have a function in the system, usually related to its state estimation, which may trigger control actions. We propose that a semantic-functional approach can leverage the semantic-enabled implicit communication while guaranteeing that the system maintains functionality under the required performance. We illustrate the potential of this proposal through simulations of a swarm of drones jointly performing remote sensing in a given area. Our numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method offers the best design option regarding the ability to accomplish a previously established task -- remote sensing in the addressed case -- while minimising the use of radio resources by controlling the trade-offs that jointly determine the CPS performance and its effectiveness in the use of resources. In this sense, we establish a fundamental relationship between energy, communication, and functionality considering a given end application

    Effective Field Theories and Inflation

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    We investigate the possible influence of very-high-energy physics on inflationary predictions focussing on whether effective field theories can allow effects which are parametrically larger than order H^2/M^2, where M is the scale of heavy physics and H is the Hubble scale at horizon exit. By investigating supersymmetric hybrid inflation models, we show that decoupling does not preclude heavy-physics having effects for the CMB with observable size even if H^2/M^2 << O(1%), although their presence can only be inferred from observations given some a priori assumptions about the inflationary mechanism. Our analysis differs from the results of hep-th/0210233, in which other kinds of heavy-physics effects were found which could alter inflationary predictions for CMB fluctuations, inasmuch as the heavy-physics can be integrated out here to produce an effective field theory description of low-energy physics. We argue, as in hep-th/0210233, that the potential presence of heavy-physics effects in the CMB does not alter the predictions of inflation for generic models, but does make the search for deviations from standard predictions worthwhile.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, no figures, uses JHEP