115 research outputs found

    On the periodicity of irreducible elements in arithmetical congruence monoids

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    Arithmetical congruence monoids, which arise in non-unique factorization theory, are multiplicative monoids Ma,bM_{a,b} consisting of all positive integers nn satsfying namodbn \equiv a \bmod b. In this paper, we examine the asymptotic behavior of the set of irreducible elements of Ma,bM_{a,b}, and characterize in terms of aa and bb when this set forms an eventually periodic sequence

    Purification and properties of porcine cardiac desmin and vascular smooth muscle vimentin

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    The purposes of this study were to purify the intermediate (10-nm) filament proteins desmin from porcine myocardium and vimentin from porcine aorta, and to examine selected properties of both proteins. Desmin was prepared from the residue remaining after extraction of actomyosin from cardiac myofibrils. The desmin was solubilized with 8 M urea, and purified by batch chromatography in 6 M urea-containing solutions on DEAE cellulose and hydroxyapatite, followed by column chromatography on DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. Vimentin was prepared from the tunica media of porcine aorta adjacent to the heart. The vimentin was solubilized with 8 M urea from the residue remaining after extraction of actomyosin from smooth muscle myofibrils. Final purification was achieved in 6 M urea-containing solutions by batch chromatography on DEAE cellulose, followed by column chromatography on hydroxyapatite and DEAE-Sepharose CL-6B. Circular dichroic spectra of both proteins indicated an alpha-helical content of about 41%. Both proteins existed as a major, and a slightly more acidic, minor isovariant. Amino acid analysis showed that cardiac desmin was similar in composition to other mammalian desmins. Aorta vimentin is similar in composition to vimentin isolated from other sources, but differs significantly from desmin. Desmin was localized at the Z-line and intercalated disc region of cardiac myofibrils by indirect immunofluorescence. Vimentin was localized in a filamentous pattern in vascular smooth muscle cells. At physiological pH and ionic strength, both proteins assembled into filaments similar in morphology to native 10-nm filaments, but there were significant differences in the solubility properties of the two proteins. At subphysiological ionic strength, vimentin was more soluble than desmin. Both proteins were more soluble at low ionic strength in the presence of a reducing agent. At physiological ionic strength, a reducing agent had little effect. At the same ionic strength, divalent cations were more effective than monovalent cations in promoting filament elongation. Mixtures of desmin and vimentin copolymerize to form heteropolymers with solubility properties and filament lengths intermediate between desmin and vimentin homopolymers. Decoration of the heteropolymers with desmin or vimentin antibodies showed that both proteins were distributed uniformly in the filaments

    Online Multi Camera-IMU Calibration

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    Visual-inertial navigation systems are powerful in their ability to accurately estimate localization of mobile systems within complex environments that preclude the use of global navigation satellite systems. However, these navigation systems are reliant on accurate and up-to-date temporospatial calibrations of the sensors being used. As such, online estimators for these parameters are useful in resilient systems. This paper presents an extension to existing Kalman Filter based frameworks for estimating and calibrating the extrinsic parameters of multi-camera IMU systems. In addition to extending the filter framework to include multiple camera sensors, the measurement model was reformulated to make use of measurement data that is typically made available in fiducial detection software. A secondary filter layer was used to estimate time translation parameters without closed-loop feedback of sensor data. Experimental calibration results, including the use of cameras with non-overlapping fields of view, were used to validate the stability and accuracy of the filter formulation when compared to offline methods. Finally the generalized filter code has been open-sourced and is available online

    Vehicular Teamwork: Collaborative localization of Autonomous Vehicles

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    This paper develops a distributed collaborative localization algorithm based on an extended kalman filter. This algorithm incorporates Ultra-Wideband (UWB) measurements for vehicle to vehicle ranging, and shows improvements in localization accuracy where GPS typically falls short. The algorithm was first tested in a newly created open-source simulation environment that emulates various numbers of vehicles and sensors while simultaneously testing multiple localization algorithms. Predicted error distributions for various algorithms are quickly producible using the Monte-Carlo method and optimization techniques within MatLab. The simulation results were validated experimentally in an outdoor, urban environment. Improvements of localization accuracy over a typical extended kalman filter ranged from 2.9% to 9.3% over 180 meter test runs. When GPS was denied, these improvements increased up to 83.3% over a standard kalman filter. In both simulation and experimentally, the DCL algorithm was shown to be a good approximation of a full state filter, while reducing required communication between vehicles. These results are promising in showing the efficacy of adding UWB ranging sensors to cars for collaborative and landmark localization, especially in GPS-denied environments. In the future, additional moving vehicles with additional tags will be tested in other challenging GPS denied environments

    AutoCone: An OmniDirectional Robot for Lane-Level Cone Placement

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    This paper summarizes the progress in developing a rugged, low-cost, automated ground cone robot network capable of traffic delineation at lane-level precision. A holonomic omnidirectional base with a traffic delineator was developed to allow flexibility in initialization. RTK GPS was utilized to reduce minimum position error to 2 centimeters. Due to recent developments, the cost of the platform is now less than $1,600. To minimize the effects of GPS-denied environments, wheel encoders and an Extended Kalman Filter were implemented to maintain lane-level accuracy during operation and a maximum error of 1.97 meters through 50 meters with little to no GPS signal. Future work includes increasing the operational speed of the platforms, incorporating lanelet information for path planning, and cross-platform estimation

    Immune Reactions in the Gingiva of the Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Human Female

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    Decentralized Collaborative Localization Using Ultra-Wideband Ranging

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    This thesis summarizes the development of a collaborative localization algorithm simulation environment and the implementation of collaborative localization using Ultra-Wideband ranging in autonomous vehicles. In the developed simulation environment, multi-vehicle scenarios are testable with various sensor combinations and configurations. The simulation emulates the networking required for collaborative localization and serves as a platform for evaluating algorithm performance using Monte Carlo analysis. Monte-Carlo simulations were run using a number of situations and vehicles to test the efficacy of UWB sensors in decentralized collaborative localization as well as landmark measurements within an extended Kalman filter. Improvements from adding Ultra-Wideband ranging were shown in all simulated environments, with landmarks offering additional improvements to collaborative localization, and with the most significant accuracy improvements seen in GNSS-denied environments. Physical experiments were run using a by-wire GEM e6 from Autonomous Stuff in an urban environment in both collaborative and landmark setups. Due to higher than expected INS certainty, adding UWB measurements showed smaller improvements than simulations. Improvements of 9.2 to 12.1% were shown through the introduction of Ultra-Wideband ranging measurements in a decentralized collaborative localization algorithm. Improvements of 30.6 to 83.3% were shown in using UWB ranging measurements to landmarks in an Extended Kalman Filter for street crossing and tunnel environments respectively. These results are similar to the simulated data, and are promising in showing the efficacy of adding UWB ranging sensors to cars for collaborative and landmark localization, especially in GNSS-denied environments. In the future, additional moving vehicles with additional tags will be tested and further evaluations of the UWB ranging modules will be performed