19 research outputs found
Geodynamics development of the Losenice valley, Šumava Mts.
Topic and aims of the thesis Presented PhD thesis summarizes broadly conceived research of the relief development in the valley of the Losenice, a minor stream descending the steep outer slopes of the Šumava(Bohemian Forest) Mts. The thesis presents an overyiew of the knowledge' gathered throughout ,"u..uí years ofintensive research in the target area, as well as in řts surroundings in the Šumavaand Pošumavíregions. The conception of the thesis is based on a set of reviewed scientific publications, *hi"h were published during the almost six years and which were supported bý several consequent research grants and projects' systemátically almed at th9 research of geodynamics and curient processes in selected parts of the Sumava Mts' The chief aim of the work was to establish a valid hypothesis on the development of the outer s1ope of the ŠumavaMts., particularly in the catchment of the Losenice River' To fulfil this aim' following partial goals were set: ' - t; perform a complete, systematic uld ^ detailed geomorphological mapping of tire target area, analyse the forrns and i.o""'."' wiň particular aim at current and recent dynamics Based on ihe character, intensity and spatial relationships between the processes formulate hypotheses on the development of the area' - to design, build and run a monitoring...Témaa cílepráce Předkládaná doktorská disertačnípráce shrnuje široce pojaý výzkum vývoje reliéfu v povodí Losenice, kterése nachází na okrajovém svahu Šumavy. Tato práceje uceleným souborem poznatků, které se autorovi podařilo shromáždit v průběhu něko|ik let trvajícího soustavného v'ýzkumu v povodí Losenice, ovšem některé metody byly aplikovány i v širšímokolí zájmového území'tedy v přileh|ých částech Šumalya Pošumaví. Práce je koncipována jako soubor recenzovaných vědeckých publikací' které vznik|y v průběhu téměř šesti let za podpory několika výzkumných projektů,přičemžnejvětšíčást obsahu této práce vznikla v rámci tří po sobě následujícíchprojektů, kterébyly systematicky zaměřeny na geodynamiku vybraných částíŠumalrya Pošumaví. Hlavním cílem této práce je objasnit vývoj okrajového svahu pohoří Šumava,zejménav oblasti povodí Losenice. K tomu byly stanoveny nás|edující dílčící|e: - provést uce|ené' systematické a podrobné geomorfologické mapování v záj movém uzemí, analyzov at jednotlivé tvary a procesy' kteréjeutvářely, s důrazem na současnéa recentní. Na zák|adě jejich intenzity, charakteru a prostoroqich vztahů odvodit podklady pro formulaci hypotéz o ryvoji zájmového území. - navrhnout' vybudovat a provozovat monitorovací síť ke sledování současnýchpomalých svahových pohybů a vyhodnocení naměřených...Department of Physical Geography and GeoecologyKatedra fyzické geografie a geoekologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult
Geodynamics development of the Losenice valley, Šumava Mts.
Topic and aims of the thesis Presented PhD thesis summarizes broadly conceived research of the relief development in the valley of the Losenice, a minor stream descending the steep outer slopes of the Šumava(Bohemian Forest) Mts. The thesis presents an overyiew of the knowledge' gathered throughout ,"u..uí years ofintensive research in the target area, as well as in řts surroundings in the Šumavaand Pošumavíregions. The conception of the thesis is based on a set of reviewed scientific publications, *hi"h were published during the almost six years and which were supported bý several consequent research grants and projects' systemátically almed at th9 research of geodynamics and curient processes in selected parts of the Sumava Mts' The chief aim of the work was to establish a valid hypothesis on the development of the outer s1ope of the ŠumavaMts., particularly in the catchment of the Losenice River' To fulfil this aim' following partial goals were set: ' - t; perform a complete, systematic uld ^ detailed geomorphological mapping of tire target area, analyse the forrns and i.o""'."' wiň particular aim at current and recent dynamics Based on ihe character, intensity and spatial relationships between the processes formulate hypotheses on the development of the area' - to design, build and run a monitoring..
Vybrané metody sledování současných geomorfologických procesů
The current geomorphological processes actively change the shape of the relief.
In this article, the most active processes in the environment of central European midmountains
are described on the example of the Šumava Mts. The factors, influencing the
activity of the current processes are described, as well as the means of their influence.
Major part concerns and describes selected methods, used for the research of the current
processes, particularly various possibilites and techniques of mapping, sediment analyses
and monitoring
Structure of the slopes in the middle catchment of the Losenice R
According to results of the state-of-the-art research, the present shape of the slopes is a result of collaboration of several influences, particulary the structural and tectonical pre-disposition, which interacts with the surfacial geomorphological processes
Methodics of delineation of the floodplain in GIS
The article deals with a proposal of an automatic delineation of the floodplain, its, developement, evaluation and verifcation
Morphometrical techniques using the subenvelope lines on the example of central Šumava Mts
This article deals with construction of the subenvelope lines in the GIS and discusses the possibilities of the technique, using the digital data on central Šumava Mts in Southern Bohemia
Progressive increase of inputs in floodplain delineation based on the DEM :application and evaluation of the model in the catchment of the Opava river
This contribution concerns the current stage of development of a practically applicable model for automatized delineation of the floodplain. The chief principle, which was added in the present model development stage, was application of the progressive change of model input parameters. The motivation of embedding of this principle was to converge the modeled floodplain to the situation and real properties of the floodplain. In particular, the progressively changing parameters were downstream increasing maximal relative height of the floodplain above the river level and downstream widening buffer zones of maximal floodplain width. The increase of the parameters is defined by a mathematical function. Partial automatization of the process in the MudelBuilder extension in the ArcGIS environment allows its application on the whole catchment at once, therefore it is suitable for íloodplain delineation in vast areas, where the complete field mapping would be expensive or time-demanding, or where only partial field data are available. The model was applied in the catchment of the Opava River, and its results were compared to those of the previous stage model and also field-controlled on several localities. The conclusion from the verification is that the progressive change of parameters is a suitable technique that improves the model performance in previously problematic areas. There are, however, still some problems, particularly in setting of the model parameters187210
Progressive increase of inputs in floodplain delineation based on the DEM: application and evaluation of the model in the catchment of the Opava river
This contribution concerns the current stage of development of a practically applicable model for automatized delineation of the floodplain. The chief principle, which was added in the present model development stage, was application of the progressive change of model input parameters. The motivation of embedding of this principle was to converge the modelled floodplain to the situation and real properties of the floodplain. In particular, the progressively changing parameters were downstream increasing maximal relative height of the floodplain above the river level and downstream widening buffer zones of maximal floodplain width. The increase of the parameters is defined by a mathematical function. Partial automatization of the process in the ModelBuilder extension in the ArcGIS environment allows its application on the whole catchment at once, therefore it is suitable for floodplain delineation in vast areas, where the complete field mapping would be expensive or time-demanding, or where only partial field data are available. The model was applied in the catchment of the Opava River, and its results were compared to those of the previous stage model and also field-controlled on several localities. The conclusion from the verification is that the progressive change of parameters is a suitable technique that improves the model performance in previously problematic areas. There are, however, still some problems, particularly in setting of the model parameters.
Progresivní nárůst vstupních parametrů při vymezování údolní nivy na základě DMR – aplikace a hodnocení modelu na příkladu povodí Opavy
Pro vymezení říční nivy byla vyvinuta procedura, která na základě morfometrických dat (vzdálenosti od říčního koryta, relativní výšky nad hladinou řeky a sklonitosti svahů) umožňuje připravit výstupy pro určení rozsahu a polohy údolní nivy. Výhodou tohoto přístupu je malé množství požadovaných vstupních dat. V této publikaci jsou porovnávány výsledky dvou vývojových fází modelu, se stálými a s proměnnými vstupními parametry šířky bufferu vzdálenosti od koryta a relativní výšky nivy. Model je implementován v prostředí ArcGIS jako sada skriptů v jazyce python. Tyto skripty umožňují automatizaci jednotlivých dílčích úkonů nutných pro vymezení říční nivy. Jako vstupní data jsou požadovány pouze liniová vrstva říční sítě a digitální model terénu ve formě rastru. Jediným vstupem, který je nutné nakalibrovat, je parametr, určující rychlost progresivního růstu relativní výšky/vzdálenosti v závislosti na vzdálenosti podél toku. Výsledným rastrům progresivního bufferu, relativní výšky nivy a sklonitosti svahů je přiřazena relativní hodnota, určující pravděpodobnost výskytu nivy. Součtem těchto rastrů vznikne kvantitativní vyjádření pravděpodobnosti výskytu nivy. Díky automatizaci celého procesu do několika skriptů však může řešitel opakovaně určit oblasti pravděpodobného výskytu nivy s různými vstupním parametry progresivního nárůstu šířky / relativní výšky, a následně zvolit variantu nejlépe odpovídající realitě, ověřené například na vybraných profilech v terénu
Investigating the Potential of Infrared Thermography to Inform on Physical and Mechanical Properties of Soils for Geotechnical Engineering
Knowledge of physical and mechanical properties of geomaterials is fundamental to characterise their response to external forcings (mechanical, climatic) at various scales. This is true, for instance, in slope stability assessments, civil engineering works, and agriculture. The direct evaluation of these properties in situ can be difficult, especially in inaccessible or vast areas, and so can be the sampling and subsequent testing in the laboratory—where ensuring the representativeness of the acquired data at the scale of analysis poses an additional challenge. Thus, empirical correlations with more readily determinable quantities remain a powerful and practical tool. Recently, several sensors, able to inform on various geomaterial properties, have been developed. However, applications have typically targeted rocks, while studies on uncemented geomaterials (soils, geotechnically speaking) are lacking. Here, we propose a simple method to evaluate the porosity and critical state friction angle of soils via infrared thermography, consisting of periodic acquisitions of images in infrared wavelengths. To demonstrate the method’s capability, we analysed the cooling behaviour of samples of bentonite, kaolin, and sand (for which an extensive characterisation exists in the literature), after compaction to different porosities and pre-heating in an oven. We interpreted the results by seeking the optimal time interval for which a cooling rate index (CRI) could be defined, which is best linked with the target property. We found that the CRI correlates very well with the critical state friction angle (R2 > 0.85) and that different materials show unique and strong (R2 = 0.86–0.99) relationships between their porosity and the CRI, which also varies in a material-specific fashion according to the explored time interval. Although a systematic investigation on a wide range of natural soils is warranted, we argue that our method can be highly informative and could be used to calibrate remote sensing-based full-scale implementations in situ for various purposes