104 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Prestasi Siswa Tentang Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan Tematik Kelas V Semester II SDN Purwokerto 2 Kecamatan Ngadiluwih Kabupaten Kediri Tahun Pelajaran 2017/2018

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    Tematik adalah mata pelajaran yang memuat materi pengetahuan sosial dan kewarganegaraan. Melalui mata pelajaran Tematik, siswa diarahkan, dibimbing, dan dibantu untuk menjadi warga Negara Indonesia dan dan warga dunia yang efektif dan demokratis. Menjadi warga Negara Indonesia dan warga dunia yang efektif merupakan tantangan berat karena masyarakat global selalu mengalami perubahan setiap saat. Untuk itulah, Tematik  dirancang agar dapat membangun dan merefleksikan kemampuan siswa dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat yang selalu berubah dan berkembang secara terus menerus. Tematik berfungsi untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan, nilai, sikap, dan ketrampilan siswa tentang masyarakat, bangsa dan Negara Indonesia. Melalui pengajaran Tematik  Indikator Masyarakat Peduli Lingkungan dengan menggunakan metode Kerja kelompok, prestasi siswa pada pembelajaran Tematik ini mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil penelitian sebagai berikut : hasil penelitian siklus I: 4 siswa mendapat nilai 60; 4 siswa mendapat nilai 70; 7 siswa mendapat nilai 80; 4 siswa mendapat nilai 90; 1 siswa mendapat nilai 100. Nilai rata-rata 77. Siswa tuntas 16 (80%). Siswa tidak tuntas 4 (20%). Persentase ketuntasan belajar 80%. Ketuntasan klasikal : Belum Tuntas. Hasil penelitian siklus II : 2 siswa mendapat nilai 70; 5 siswa mendapat nilai 80; 6 siswa mendapat nilai 90; dan 7 siswa mendapat nilai 100. Nilai rata-rata 89. Siswa tuntas 20 (100%). Siswa tidak tuntas 0 (0%). Persentase ketuntasan belajar 100%. Ketuntasan klasikal : Tuntas


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    Bendahara sub-district, to be precise, Teupah mature village is a location that is the target place for the community service eam to make a product that is beneficial to the community. As we know that in a mature village, the majority of the population are farmers. So that the business opportunity that we provide to the community is to make Libuai Soap (Anti-Irritation Aloe Vera) products. The Libuai bath soap making training targets the local community, especially mothers and young women. This soap is used to clean the skin from dirt, dust, and bacteria that stick to the skin. The objectives of community service activities are: (1) providing training to the local community on how to make anti-irritant aloe vera soap products that are not yet known to the wider community; (2) providing knowledge to the public regarding the prospects and competitiveness of anti-irritant aloe vera soap products compared to other soaps; (3) provide knowledge to the public about the methods that can be used to market anti-irritant aloe vera soap products. Implementation methods in community service activities are planning, process, marketing and evaluation. The results of this activity are in accordance with the predetermined plan and the activities run well and smoothly starting from the planning, marketing, and evaluation processes. It is hoped that with the implementation of this activity the local community can process their own soap with other variations so that they can foster entrepreneurial opportunities.Bendahara sub-district, to be precise, Teupah mature village is a location that is the target place for the community service eam to make a product that is beneficial to the community. As we know that in a mature village, the majority of the population are farmers. So that the business opportunity that we provide to the community is to make Libuai Soap (Anti-Irritation Aloe Vera) products. The Libuai bath soap making training targets the local community, especially mothers and young women. This soap is used to clean the skin from dirt, dust, and bacteria that stick to the skin. The objectives of community service activities are: (1) providing training to the local community on how to make anti-irritant aloe vera soap products that are not yet known to the wider community; (2) providing knowledge to the public regarding the prospects and competitiveness of anti-irritant aloe vera soap products compared to other soaps; (3) provide knowledge to the public about the methods that can be used to market anti-irritant aloe vera soap products. Implementation methods in community service activities are planning, process, marketing and evaluation. The results of this activity are in accordance with the predetermined plan and the activities run well and smoothly starting from the planning, marketing, and evaluation processes. It is hoped that with the implementation of this activity the local community can process their own soap with other variations so that they can foster entrepreneurial opportunities


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    In Magetan Regency, East Java Province, there is a home industry of leather crafts, precisely at Jalan Sawo, Selosari Village. The leather crafts is a form of physical culture which is currently being developed and preserved. Operationally the production process is carried out there and marketing is also carried out outside the region. The production process involves employees from the local community while marketing is not only carried out in shops on Jalan Sawo, but also sent to various regions in Indonesia. The products produced are shoes, slippers, bags, wallets, belts, and jackets. This study aims to describe the leather crafts home industry in Magetan Regency when viewed from a functional theory. This study combines field research with library research. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observation, and documentation. Meanwhile, data analysis used the interactive model of Milles and Huberman's. Based on the research results, it can be seen that there is a relationship between functional theory and the leather crafts home industry. If viewed from the point of functional theory, that is when it is said that basically everything (objects, animals) has the principle of function, use or benefit. In this case there is also a functional link between cultural elements in the social system of the local community. So it can be concluded that functional theory can be used as a knife of analysis in examining the existence home industry of the leather crafts. The implication of this research is that it can be used as a reference for further researchers to develop other objects of study when it is linked to elements of local wisdom

    Management Model for Integrating Character Education Training in School Learning with the Spiral System

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    The implementation of the integration of character education in learning in schools in general has not shown the results of changes in student behavior as expected. This study aims to obtain a training management model for teachers in integrating character education in subjects with a spiral system. The design of the spiral system training model activities with the stages of planning, implementing and evaluating and reflecting the deepening of the concept. Likewise, repeated in depth like a spiral shape. The scope of this research and development research is teachers in the city of Semarang by sampling 20 teachers of various levels. The focus of research is the ability of teachers to integrate character education in subjects. Data was taken by observation, interviews and questionnaires and processed descriptively. Preliminary observation results obtained from factual models, where the teacher only attaches the character items to the syllabus and the learning design and evaluates the character evaluationaftercompletingthelearningbyfillinginthecharacterlist.Hypotheticmodel is obtained by planning which starts with needs analysis, setting goals, preparing learning tools by integrating each one of the Basic Competencies in learning 3 to 4 times face to face with the integration of focused one character value. Final evaluation is done by observing the implementation of learning that focuses on one character value. In this process reflection is done to improve and deepen the material such as a spiral system. The model test results are an example of a learning device that is valid (score 4.4 of the maximum score of 5), and the feasibility test in terms of the teacher’s ability test before and after the training has increased (Gain score 1). Thus, before teaching the concept material, the teacher really needs to integrate one character value from the fc ocus and evaluate and reflect.     Keywords: Training model, spiral system, character integratio


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    This study aims to find out how the influence of each of the motivational variables, teaching and learning facilities, and discipline on the performance of teachers in SMA N 1 Julok, East Aceh Regency. This research uses quantitative methods using statistical data analysis. Data collection techniques in this study used a questionnaireaire. The results showed: (1) Because tcount (X1) = 4.648 while ttable = 1.684 then tcount> ttable, the hypothesis was accepted and the Sign value was 0,000 <0.05 and a regression equation model Y = 11.388 + 0.594 X1 + 0.128 was obtained. So, there is a significant influence between motivation on teacher performance in Julok State 1 High School, East Aceh Regency. (2). Because the value of tcount (X2) = 0.250 while ttable = 1.684 then tcount <ttable, the hypothesis is accepted and the Sign value is 0.804> 0.05 and a regression equation model Y = 11.338 + 0.032X2 + 0.127 is obtained. Therefore, there is no significant influence between the teaching and learning process facilities on the performance of teachers in the State High School 1 Julok, East Aceh Regency. (3). Because the value of tcount (X3) = 0.417 while ttable = 1.684 then tcount <ttable, the hypothesis is accepted and the Sign value is 0.679> 0.05 and a regression equation model Y = 11.388 + 0.64X3 + 0.154 is obtained. Thus, there is no significant influence between discipline on the performance of teachers in the State High School 1 Julok, East Aceh Regency. (4). Because the value of Fthitung = 19.530 while Ftable = 2.84 then Fcount> Ftable, the hypothesis is accepted and the value of Sig. 0,000 <0.05 and the regression equation model Y = 11.389 + 0.594 X1 + 0.032 X2 + 0.064 X3 + 4.496 is obtained. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a significant influence between motivation, teaching and learning process facilities, and discipline on teacher performance in the Julok State High School 1 East Aceh Regency. Keywords: Motivation, Teaching and Learning Process Facilities, Discipline, Teacher Work, SMAN 1 Julok, East Aceh Regency

    Development of E-Modules to Improve Motivation and Learning Outcomes of Catholic Religious Education for Public Elementary School Students

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    This study aims to determine the feasibility of electronic modules developed, to determine the effect of using e-modules on increasing learning motivation and to determine the impact of using e-modules on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students of Palangka Raya City Public Elementary School. This research approach uses an R&D approach. From student learning motivation and showed an increase of 72%. E-modules also affect student learning outcomes. This research resulted in developing a new and feasible e-module for grade V elementary school students that utilizes information and communication technology in the learning process. This means that there is an effect of using e-modules on student learning outcomes in Catholic religious education. This research contributes to the field of education by developing innovative learning tools, increasing student learning motivation, and proving the effectiveness of using E-modules in improving student learning outcomes in Catholic Religious Education subjects

    Edukasi Hibiscus Sabdariffa (Bunga Rosella) Sebagai Peluang Berwirausaha

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    Mayoritas masyarakat gampong Asam Peutik yang berada di Kota Langsa bermata pencaharian dari sektor pertanian. Permasalahan ekonomi di gampong ini pada umumnya belum terdapat sarana prasarana yang memadai untuk meningkatkan sumber pendapatan masyarakat dan fasilitas pelayanan umum untuk menunjang perekonomian yang bertumpu pada ekonomi kerakyatan dengan memanfaatkan potensi lahan atau pekarangan masing-masing. Tujuan pengabdian untuk memberikan edukasi penanaman bunga rosella dan peluang berwirausaha warga gampong Asam Peutik Kota Langsa. Metode yang digunakan sosialisasi kepada kader PKK dan warga sejumlah 35 orang. Evaluasi yang dilakukan dengan mengundang geuchik, kader PPK, dan warga pasca penyuluhan untuk rencana penanaman massal. Hasil yang dicapai warga mengetahui teknik penanaman dengan tujuan agar dapat memberdayakan sendiri bunga rosella dari bibit yang diberikan oleh tim pengabdi serta dapat mengolah menjadi teh rosella sebagai peluang berwirausaha. Selain itu dari pengabdian ini dihasilkan produk teh bunga rosella dan meningkatnya pemahaman peserta pengabdian dari aspek; budidaya bunga rosella sebesar 90%,  pembuatan teh rosella dan packing produk sebesar 85%, dan peluang berwirausaha teh bunga Rosella sebesar 90%. Warga juga berhasil membudidayakan tanaman rosella sendiri.&nbsp

    Design of Management Model for Facilitating Practice of Schooling Field Introduction

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    This study explores the enhancement of teacher quality and its impact on learning outcomes. It emphasizes the significance of professional competency development among educators. The study focuses on pre-service training as a means to improve the quality of prospective teachers. The study introduces a four-stage experiential learning cycle—real experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experience—tailored for prospective teachers. The study's primary objective is to elucidate the management model of mentoring and the implementation of schooling introduction within the context of Santo Fransiskus Assisi Semarang Pastoral and Catechetical College. Employing a qualitative research approach, the researchers investigate the experiences of practice assistants involved in Introduction to Schooling Fields (PLP) through interviews and observations. Informants are selected through purposive sampling. Data collection encompasses interviews, observations, and documentation methods guided by predefined interview guidelines. Concurrently, the activities of accompanying lecturers are observed to ensure effective PLP preparation for students. The collected data undergoes content analysis, leading to the identification of themes for subsequent focus group discussions (FGD). The FGD deliberates on pertinent methods for assisting the PLP practice of prospective Catholic religious education teachers. The study culminates in the design of a mentoring model for future PLP practices. Notably, the research emphasizes qualitative interpretation over quantitative frequency in data analysis. Ultimately, the study advocates for the practical application of acquired knowledge in real teaching scenarios under the guidance of adept mentors, enabling students to refine their skills and enrich their understanding through experiential teaching