21 research outputs found


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    Information system can not be separated with database. What is shown by system is the result of data processing in database. The needs of quick and flexible information make humanfind new things of data processing. They have been minimalizing paper use and change it with digital data saved in one computer as data centre. Now, most of system information already use Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). Compared with office application such as Microsoft Office Excel, RDBMS has spesial advantage, but itneeds maximum effort to implement it. The information generated by information system relies on existing data in the database, so that the quality of the data in the database is very influential.This research was conducted to test the quality of the data from the database Management Information System of Cokroaminoto Palopo University is the data of students and lecturers. This study uses data of students and lecturers taken from the student and lecturer tables inside database Management Information System of Cokroaminoto Palopo University. The test results indicate that the data quality of the students and lecturers data does not reach 100

    Comparison of Stored Procedures on Relational Database Management System

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    Store procedure is a group of query stored in database catalogue which allows it to be recalled. Insert, update and delete data could performed using store procedure. Stored procedure is an alternative to optimize query performance and also to reduce security gap at interface level of a system. This research provides an overview implementation of stored procedure insert, update and deleting in two DBMS, MariaDB and PostgreSQL. Software developers prefer MariaDB and PostgreSQL because it is open-source, which means free. This research is an experimental research and descriptive analysis. This research data uses student data with amount of data 25000, 15000 and 5000 data. Research result show PostgreSQL require less processing time than MariaDB. Results of this research can used as a reference to design application programs which sometimes choose a DBMS is not a concern of developer

    Systematic Literature Review: Current Products, Topic, and Implementation of Graph Database

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    Planning, developing, and updating software cannot be separated from the role of the database. From various types of databases, graph databases are considered to have various advantages over their predecessor, relational databases. Graph databases then become the latest trend in the software and data science industry, apart from the development of graph theory itself. The proliferation of research on GDB in the last decade raises questions about what topics are associated with GDB, what industries use GDB in its data processing, what the GDB models are, and what types of GDB have been used most frequently by users in the last few years. This article aims to answer these questions through a Literature Review, which is carried out by determining objectives, determining the limits of review coverage, determining inclusion and exclusion criteria for data retrieval, data extraction, and quality assessment. Based on a review of 60 studies, several research topics related to GDB are Semantic Web, Big Data, and Parallel computing. A total of 19 (30%) studies used Neo4j as their database. Apart from Social Networks, the industries that implement GDB the most are the Transportation sector, Scientific Article Networks, and general sectors such as Enterprise Data, Biological data, and History data. This Literature Review concludes that research on the topic of the Graph Database is still developing in the future. This is shown by the breadth of application and the variety of new derivatives of GDB products offered by researchers to address existing problems


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    Ada beberapa metode pengarasipan diantaranya adalah dengan menyimpan fisik dokumen dan beberapa juga disimpan dalam bentuk file. Metode pengarsipan penyimpanan dokumen fisik memang dianggap cukup mudah, karena prosesnya hanya mencatat dan menyimpan dokumen namun ada banyak masalah yang timbul dengan metode tersebut diantaranya adalah pencarian dokumen yang membutuhkan waktu lama. Metode tersebut kemudian digantikan dengan menyimpan dokumen dalam bentuk digital, proses pengarsipan dokumen secara digital ini dilakukan dengan mencatat kemudian dilakukan pemindaian (scan) dan disimpan dalam bentuk file dan dimasukkan kedalam hardrive komputer. Kelemahan dari metode ini adalah tidak adanya pembatasan akses terhadap dokumen, selain itu adanya kemungkinan media penyimpanan berupa harddrive bisa saja rusak atau terformat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development, penulis mengembangkan sebuah sistem pengarsipan kemudian menguji kulitas sistem tersebut dengan menggunakan metode System Usability Scale (SUS). Hasil pengujian menunjukkan nilai skor SUS yang didapatkan adalah sebesar 74 yang berarti sistem dapat diterima dengan baik

    Maksimalisasi Constraint pada Sistem Manajemen Basisdata Relasional

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    Basisdata adalah komponen penting dari sebuah aplikasi, basisdata menjadi wadah untuk menyimpan data transaksi pengguna dengan sistem, yang berarti basisdata merupakan sumber informasi. Basisdata yang baik tentu akan mempengaruhi sistem, terutama dalam menyajikan informasi bagi pengguna. Sistem informasi yang baik adalah sistem informasi yang memberikan informasi yang berkualitas. Informasi yang berkualitas tentu ditunjang dengan data data yang berkualitas. Data data yang berkualitas dihasilkan dari struktur basisdata yang berkualitas. Basisdata dapat dirancang sedemikian rupa agar memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna, termasuk dalam hal penginputan data. Pembatasan penginputan data bisa saja dilakukan pada level bahasa pemrograman, namun dalam penelitian ini yang dilakukan adalah melakukan pembatasan penginputan pada level basisdata. Constraint merupakan aturan yang ditetapkan saat mendesain basisdata, sehingga pengguna akan dipaksa memasukkan data yang benar yang sesuai dengan aturan bisnis yang ditetapkan. Pada penelitian ini yang dilakukan adalah membuat sekenario pembatasan penginputan data dengan menetapkan aturan data pada setiap kolom. Setelah itu dilakukan penambahan data yang tidak sesuai dengan aturan data untuk mengetahui apakah constraint pada kolom tersebut telah sesuai dengan aturan data. Pada penelitian ini digunakan 2 tabel yaitu tabel mahasiswa yang memiliki 6 kolom dan tabel matakuliah yang memiliki 3 kolom, setiap kolom menggunakan constraint yang mengikuti aturan data. Hasil pengujian dari masing masing kolom menunjukkan bahwa setiap constraint yang digunakan telah sesuai dengan aturan data yang telah ditetapkan

    Implementation of Digital Pedagogy in E-Learning as a Strategic Information System of Learning in University

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    Strategic information systems is needed by each institution as a tool to winning the competition. The main services provided by universities to students is academic services. One form of strategic information systems at higher education institutions is e-learning. E-learning is a system capable of providing academic services to students. E-learning optimization function in providing academic services to students is needed.This study will try to assess a problem: how to optimize the function of e-learning by applying digital pedagogy and methods of effective learning in the form of e-learning. There are many methods that have been developed but these methods can only be practiced in the classroom should bring teachers and students in the learning process so that the outcome can be maximized. E-learning is designed to help teachers develop the skills, knowledge and capabilities needed to facilitate a blend of face-to-face and online learning experiences that engages the digital generation: today’s connected students. The expected outcome of this research is a strategic information system for internet-based learning system that is able to meet the needs of teachers in implementing digital learning pedagogic model of effective and efficient which can be accessed widely by the students

    Adopsi Stimuli-Organism-Response (S-O-R) Framework Untuk Pengembangan Model Pengaruh Trust Terhadap Purcahe Intention Pelanggan Facebook Live Marketing

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    E-commerce terus berkembang dan mengalami evolusi, salah satunya adalah dengan memanfaatkan data dan interaksi yang ada pada media sosoal sehingga menciptakan social commerce (s-commerce). Salah satu kendala yang umumnya dialami oleh seller online shop adalah masalah kepercayaan (trust) calon pelanggan. Makalah ini bertujuan mengajukan Stimuli-Organism-Response (S-O-R) framework dengan indikator dimensi trust yang diperluas (Trust in product dan Trust in seller) untuk membantu variabel organism dalam SOR framework memprediksi perilaku pengguna facebook live. Bagi para pelaku bisnis yang menggunakan facebook live sebagai media penjualan, faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh pada SOR framework ini dapat dijadikan target dalam membuat strategi pemasaran untuk meningkatkan penjualan. Dalam bidang akademik, makalah ini menyediakan model alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi dan menguji perilaku individu dalam penggunaan teknologi informasi

    Dampak Keterampilan Menggunakan Komputer Terhadap Hasil Uji Kompetensi Guru Sekolah Menengah di Kota Palopo dan Kabupaten Luwu

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    Model uji kompetensi guru dalam jabatan yang telah disiapkan oleh pemerintah berlaku untuk seluruh guru pada jenis dan jenjang persekolahan, yaitu dengan Portofolio. Portofolio yang dinilai meliputi: kualifikasi akademik; pendidikan dan pelatihan; pengalaman mengajar; perencanaan dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran; penilaian dari atasan pengawas; prestasi akademik; karya pengembangan profesi; keikutsertaan dalam forum ilmiah; pengalaman menjadi pegrus dalam organisasi; penghargaan yang relevan dengan bidang pendidikan; Model uji kompetensi dengan portofolio mendapat respon yang positif dari semua responden, walapun berdasarkan analisis, uji kompetensi dengan portofolio tersebut dipandang belum dapat meningkatkan kompetensi guru dalam jabatan .Ujian Kompetensi Guru tahun 2012 berbasis Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi dengan sistem online, merupakan salah satu program untuk mengukur kemampuan kompetensi guru. Penelitian ini dilaksankan selama empat bulan yang bertempat di Sekolah Menengah Pertama se Kota Palopo dan se Kabupaten Luwu. Penelitian ini bertujuan. 1. Mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh pemahaman Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) dasar guru terhadap hasil Uji Kompetensi Guru. 2. Mengukur tingkat pemahaman Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIK) guru khususnya guru Sekolah Menengah Pertama

    Optimizing transaction data performance in database management systems

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    One indicator of the quality of an information system is the speed of data processing. A database's most common data processing operations are adding, displaying, changing, and deleting data. The amount of data stored in the database significantly impacts the performance of data processing and, therefore, the performance of information systems. The update command changes some or all of the data in a table. The update command works by retrieving the data in the table to be changed, entering the new data in a form, and then sending it back to the database. The update command is often combined with a condition specifying which data rows must be changed. This research is an experimental study that compares the use of the update command with a stored procedure to the use of the update command without a stored procedure. The results showed that the average processing time for the update command with the stored procedure was 348.896 milliseconds for the minimum data category, 266.462 milliseconds for the medium data category, and 279.543 milliseconds for the maximum data category. The average processing time for the update command without a stored procedure was 297.132 milliseconds for the minimum data category, 747.670 milliseconds for the medium data category, and 1256.273 milliseconds for the maximum data category. These results suggest that the update command with a stored procedure is more efficient than the one without a stored procedure. This is because the stored procedure can pre-compile the SQL statement, which reduces the time it takes to execute the statement

    The Using of SMS Gateway to Optimize Parents's Function for Watching The Level of Presence and Students's Score in Junior High School 4 and 6 Palopo South Sulawesi

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    The role of technology in education is to convey information to students or parents. The current method to giving information still used the old ways, for example is using students reports cards. Other than that, for students who have problems in school, the teacher uses a way to send a letter to parents or in other way, teachers visited directly to the parents houses, so that information about the students in the school are not monitored properly. The utilization of SMS Gateway at school is the the way for the dissemination of information by using SMS. SMS Gateway connected directly to the database so it can spread the message quickly and automatically to hundreds of numbers. The solution proposed to partner is to build a system that can create a database of personal school especially database learners to a presence that can calculate (recap) Presence student attendance and grades are integrated with the device monitoring attendance and grades of students in school-based SMS, where the monitoring is the parents themselves through information delivered from the school by using SMS gateway. Overall this system helps the running of the educational system, by utilizing information technology and communication as a media liaison between parents and the school, which will greatly help keep the students to remain always guided toward positive activities and away from things that are destructive and direct them to become potential Human Resources for nation building