418 research outputs found


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    Riset ini meneliti efek gabungan antara kejutan-kejutan dividen dan laba. Dengan menggunakan belief-adjustment theory yang dikenalkan oleh Hogarth and Einhorn’s (1992), riset ini menguji perilaku dari reaksi investor terhadap waktu (timing) dari pengumuman-pengumuman dividen dan laba. Teori ini memprediksi bahwa untuk kejutan-kejutan konsisten yang terjadi pada waktu bersamaan, mereka mempunyai pengaruh yang lebih kecil di return saham dibandingkan dengan kejutan-kejutan konsisten yang terjadi secara berurutan (hipotesis ini disebut dengan hipotesis efek dilusi atau the dilution effect hypothesis).Hipotesis-hipotesis efek dilusi ini didukung di satu dari empat skenario yaitu terjadi pada waktu kejutan-kejutan laba positip. Hipotesis-hipotesis ini tidak didukung untuk kejutan-kejutan dividen negatip, kejutan-kejutan dividen positip dan kejutan-kejutan laba negatip.Key words: the dilution effect, belief adjustment theory, belief revision, Hogarth and Einhorn, behavioral finance, behavioral accounting, behavioral market research, contemporaneous announcements, simultaneous announcements, joint announcements, noncontemporaneous announcements, sequential announcements, mixed evidence, consistent evidence


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    This paper describes the influence of tenure, auditor reputation, disclosure, and the size of the client company on a going concern opinion. Audit opinion issued by the auditor is expected by users of the quality of information, because as the basis for investment decisions. Going-concern audit opinion is an opinio!, issued by auditors to ascertain whether the company can maintain its existence. Studies on thefactors that affect the audit opinion have been carried out both overseas and in Indonesia. Thefactors used are vary and the results are not conclusive. This study uses 89 samplefirms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2003-2008. Logit regression analysis shows that thi tenure, auditor reputation, disclosure has a significant on going-concern opinion while the client company size has no effect on going-concern opinion. Keywords: tenure, auditor reputation, disclosure, size, going-concern opinio

    The Dilution Effect of Accounting Information1

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    Riset ini meneliti efek gabungan antara kejutan-kejutan dividen dan laba. Dengan menggunakan belief-adjustment theory yang dikenalkan oleh Hogarth and Einhorn's (1992), riset ini menguji perilaku dari reaksi investor terhadap waktu (timing) dari pengumuman-pengumuman dividen dan laba. Teori ini memprediksi bahwa untuk kejutan-kejutan konsisten yang terjadi pada waktu bersamaan, mereka mempunyai pengaruh yang lebih kecil di return saham dibandingkan dengan kejutan-kejutan konsisten yang terjadi secara berurutan (hipotesis ini disebut dengan hipotesis efek dilusi atau the dilution effect hypothesis).Hipotesis-hipotesis efek dilusi ini didukung di satu dari empat skenario yaitu terjadi pada waktu kejutan-kejutan laba positip. Hipotesis-hipotesis ini tidak didukung untuk kejutan-kejutan dividen negatip, kejutan-kejutan dividen positip dan kejutan-kejutan laba negatip.Key words: the dilution effect, belief adjustment theory, belief revision, Hogarth and Einhorn, behavioral finance, behavioral accounting, behavioral market research, contemporaneous announcements, simultaneous announcements, joint announcements, noncontemporaneous announcements, sequential announcements, mixed evidence, consistent evidence


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    This study hypothesizes that the conflict of interest problem exists in themanagement-controlled firms. The problem does not exist in the owner-controlled firms.This study supports these hypotheses.The conflict of interest problem occurs in the management-controlled firmsbecause managers tend to emphasize their wealth by increasing sales or profit but stockreturns at the expense of shareholders’ wealth. Shareholders are more concerned withthe increase of stock returns, which is related directly to their wealth. On the otherhand, in the owner-controlled firms, since the managers are also the owners of thefirms, the conflict of interest problem does not exist.The conflict of interest problem still persists even though CEOs have beencompensated well. The problem cannot be solved by how much CEOs are paid, but byhow they are paid. The problem can be reduced by designing compensation scheme thatincreases the ownership of the CEOs. This situation had already been recognized by theU.S. firms, that of the 374 firms in the sample, 80% or 300 firms are the ownercontrolledfirms.Keywords: Compensation, conflict of interest, agency relationship


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    Studi ini meneliti tentang manajemen earnings perusahaan yang memasukkan tuntutan atas kerugian karena pelanggaran undang-undang anti-monopoli dan antitrust oleh perusahaan lain. Earnings merupakan informasi yang penting dan menjadi salah satu pertimbangan dalam keputusan pengadilan (atau di luar pengadilan) mengenai jumlah ganti rugi yang harus diterima oleh perusahaan penuntut dan denda yang harus dibayar oleh perusaan yang dituntut (yang dituduh melanggar undang-undang anti-monopoli). Perusahaan melakukan manajemen earnings melalui pemilihan metode akrual dalam proses penentuan earnings. Kami memprediksi bahwa perusahaan penuntut akan menggunakan akrual untuk menurunkan earnings selama periode tuntutan. Hipotesis kami uji dengan membandingkan tingkav akrual perusahaan penuntut selama periode proses pengadilan dibanding dengan tingkat akrual selama periode di luar prosespengadilan.Informasi earnings dan keuangan 118 perusahaan tahun, terdiri dari 13 perusahaan selama tahun 1984 - 1992 yang digali dari harian Wall Street Journal digunakan sebagai sampel. Data finansial perusahaan sampel kami ambil dari COMPUSTAT industrial atau Research Tapes. Model akrual Jones (1991) digunakan untuk menghitung tingkat discretionary accruals. Penelitian ini menunjukkan tidak menunjukkan bukti bahwa perusahaan penuntut memanipulasi akrual untuk menurunkan laba pada saat investigasi dan proses pengadilan. Beberapa penjelasan yang mungkin dapat kami berikan adalah udanya informasi lain yang lebih bermanfaat bagi penuntut dalam memenangkan tuntutan, misalnya mengenai penentuan harga, strategi pengembangan produk dan diversiftkasi usaha. Faktor hasil proses pengadilan mungkin juga merupakan variabel penting yang perlu dilihat dalam penelitian seperti ini

    Strategic Alignment Impacts on Organizational Performance in Indonesian Banking IndustrY

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    Strategic alignment has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners for the last 15 years. This paper reports findings from a survey on the impacts of strategic alignment on organizational performance in the Indonesian banking industry. The survey was conducted through internet-based and postal questionnaires sent to selected companies.Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is utilized to apprehend the strategic alignment concept as an emergent variable derived from the co-variation of  level of business strategy and level of IS/IT strategy. Hence, we explore the role of this emergent concept as a determinant of organizational performance. Analysis of the data reveals a generally positive impact towards the organizational performance


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    This paper describes the influence of tenure, auditor reputation, disclosure, and the size of the client company on a going concern opinion. Audit opinion issued by the auditoris expected by users of the quality of information, because as the basis for investment decisions. Going-concern audit opinion is an opinion issued by auditors to ascertainwhether the company can maintain its existence. Studies on the factors that affect the audit opinion have been carried out both overseas and in Indonesia. The factors used are vary and the results are not conclusive. This study uses 89 sample firms listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2003-2008. Logit regression analysis shows that the tenure, auditor reputation, disclosure has a significant on going-concern opinion while the client company size has no effect on going-concern opinion.Keywords: tenure, auditor reputation, disclosure, size, going-concern opinio


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    Strategic alignment has attracted the attention of researchers and practitioners for the last 15 years. This paper reports findings from a survey on the impacts of strategic alignment on organizational performance in the Indonesian banking industry. The survey was conducted through internet-based and postal questionnaires sent to selected companies. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is utilized to apprehend the strategic alignment concept as an emergent variable derived from the co-variation of level of business strategy and level of IS/IT strategy. Hence, we explore the role of this emergent concept as a determinant of organizational performance. Analysis of the data reveals a generally positive impact towards the organizational performance


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    This study examines whether technical analysis signals can detect price reactions before and after earnings announcement dates in Indonesian stock market. Earnings announcements produce reactions, both before and after the announcements. Informed investors may use private information before earnings announcements (Christophe, Ferri and Angel, 2004; Porter, 1992). Using technical analysis signals, this study expects that retail investors (uninformed investors) can detect preannouncements reaction. Technical analysis is selected because it is a powerful strategy, especially in developing stock market (Fifield, Power, and Sinclair.2005; Ahmed, Beck, and Goldreyer, 2000), including Indonesia (McKenzie, 2007). This study also examines technical analysis signals after earnings announcements. Using the idea that preannouncements reaction absorb post announcements reactions, this study expect that technical analysis signals difficult to detect price reaction after earnings announcements. Using Indonesian data over 2007-2011, the results show that technical analysis signal before earnings announcements can produce profit, but signals after earnings announcements do not produce same results. Using several different measures of return, the results are statistically robust. Based on those results, this study concludes that technical analysis signal can detect reaction before announcements, but the signals don’t work after earnings announcements. These findings contribute to accounting and technical analysis literatures

    The Market Quality to Technical Analysis Performance: Intercountry Analysis

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    The main objective of this research is to discuss the impact of market quality on technical analysis profitability using inter-country analysis. Market quality is proxied by market capitalization. Technical analysis performance (profitability) is calculated using technical analysis return for MA5 indicator and short transaction strategy. This study uses the OSIRIS and Yahoo Finance databases. Using 21 countries with 50 companies for each country, this study finds that market quality affects technical analysis performance. Robustness tests are conducted for longer moving average indicators that are MA10 and MA15. To make sure that the results are not sensitive toward the strategy used, other robustness tests are conducted by using short and long-short transaction strategies. All robustness tests confirm the findings
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