498 research outputs found

    Formation of Small-Scale Condensations in the Molecular Clouds via Thermal Instability

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    A systematic study of the linear thermal instability of a self-gravitating magnetic molecular cloud is carried out for the case when the unperturbed background is subject to local expansion or contraction. We consider the ambipolar diffusion, or ion-neutral friction on the perturbed states. In this way, we obtain a non-dimensional characteristic equation that reduces to the prior characteristic equation in the non-gravitating stationary background. By parametric manipulation of this characteristic equation, we conclude that there are, not only oblate condensation forming solutions, but also prolate solutions according to local expansion or contraction of the background. We obtain the conditions for existence of the Field lengths that thermal instability in the molecular clouds can occur. If these conditions establish, small-scale condensations in the form of spherical, oblate, or prolate may be produced via thermal instability.Comment: 16 page, accepted by Ap&S

    Auxiliary particle theory of threshold singularities in photoemission and X-ray absorption spectra: Test of a conserving T-matrix approximation

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    We calculate the exponents of the threshold singularities in the photoemission spectrum of a deep core hole and its X-ray absorption spectrum in the framework of a systematic many-body theory of slave bosons and pseudofermions (for the empty and occupied core level). In this representation, photoemission and X-ray absorption can be understood on the same footing; no distinction between orthogonality catastrophe and excitonic effects is necessary. We apply the conserving slave particle T-matrix approximation (CTMA), recently developed to describe both Fermi and non-Fermi liquid behavior systems with strong local correlations, to the X-ray problem as a test case. The numerical results for both photoemission and X-ray absorption are found to be in agreement with the exact infrared powerlaw behavior in the weak as well as in the strong coupling regions. We point out a close relation of the CTMA with the parquet equation approach of Nozi{\`e}res et al.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, published versio

    Quantum impurity solvers using a slave rotor representation

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    We introduce a representation of electron operators as a product of a spin-carry ing fermion and of a phase variable dual to the total charge (slave quantum rotor). Based on this representation, a new method is proposed for solving multi-orbital Anderson quantum impurity models at finite interaction strength U. It consists in a set of coupled integral equations for the auxiliary field Green's functions, which can be derived from a controlled saddle-point in the limit of a large number of field components. In contrast to some finite-U extensions of the non-crossing approximation, the new method provides a smooth interpolation between the atomic limit and the weak-coupling limit, and does not display violation of causality at low-frequency. We demonstrate that this impurity solver can be applied in the context of Dynamical Mean-Field Theory, at or close to half-filling. Good agreement with established results on the Mott transition is found, and large values of the orbital degeneracy can be investigated at low computational cost.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figure

    Magnetic properties of the frustrated AFM spinel ZnCr_2O_4 and the spin-glass Zn_{1-x}Cd_xCr_2O_4 (x=0.05,0.10)

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    The TT-dependence (2- 400 K) of the electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), magnetic susceptibility, χ(T)\chi (T), and specific heat, Cv(T)C_{v}(T), of the normalnormal antiferromagnetic (AFM) spinel ZnCr2_{2}O4_{4} and the spin-glass (SG) Zn1x_{1-x}Cdx_{x}Cr2_{2}O4_{4} (x=0.05,0.10x=0.05,0.10) is reported. These systems behave as a strongly frustrated AFM and SG with % T_{N} TG12 \approx T_{G}\approx 12 K and -400 K ΘCW500\gtrsim \Theta_{CW}\gtrsim -500 K. At high-TT the EPR intensity follows the χ(T)\chi (T) and the gg-value is TT-independent. The linewidth broadens as the temperature is lowered, suggesting the existence of short range AFM correlations in the paramagnetic phase. For ZnCr2_{2}O4_{4} the EPR intensity and χ(T)\chi (T) decreases below 90 K and 50 K, respectively. These results are discussed in terms of nearest-neighbor Cr3+^{3+} (S =3/2=3/2%) spin-coupled pairs with an exchange coupling of J/k| J/k| \approx 50 K. The appearance of small resonance modes for T17T\lesssim 17 K, the observation of a sharp drop in χ(T)\chi (T) and a strong peak in Cv(T)C_{v}(T) at TN=12T_{N}=12 K confirms, as previously reported, the existence of long range AFM correlations in the low-TT phase. A comparison with recent neutron diffraction experiments that found a near dispersionless excitation at 4.5 meV for TTNT\lesssim T_{N} and a continuous gapless spectrum for TTNT\gtrsim T_{N}, is also given.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 1 Table. Submitted to Physical Review

    Region graph partition function expansion and approximate free energy landscapes: Theory and some numerical results

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    Graphical models for finite-dimensional spin glasses and real-world combinatorial optimization and satisfaction problems usually have an abundant number of short loops. The cluster variation method and its extension, the region graph method, are theoretical approaches for treating the complicated short-loop-induced local correlations. For graphical models represented by non-redundant or redundant region graphs, approximate free energy landscapes are constructed in this paper through the mathematical framework of region graph partition function expansion. Several free energy functionals are obtained, each of which use a set of probability distribution functions or functionals as order parameters. These probability distribution function/functionals are required to satisfy the region graph belief-propagation equation or the region graph survey-propagation equation to ensure vanishing correction contributions of region subgraphs with dangling edges. As a simple application of the general theory, we perform region graph belief-propagation simulations on the square-lattice ferromagnetic Ising model and the Edwards-Anderson model. Considerable improvements over the conventional Bethe-Peierls approximation are achieved. Collective domains of different sizes in the disordered and frustrated square lattice are identified by the message-passing procedure. Such collective domains and the frustrations among them are responsible for the low-temperature glass-like dynamical behaviors of the system.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures. More discussion on redundant region graphs. To be published by Journal of Statistical Physic

    Active Amplification of the Terrestrial Albedo to Mitigate Climate Change: An Exploratory Study

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    This study explores the potential to enhance the reflectance of solar insolation by the human settlement and grassland components of the Earth's terrestrial surface as a climate change mitigation measure. Preliminary estimates derived using a static radiative transfer model indicate that such efforts could amplify the planetary albedo enough to offset the current global annual average level of radiative forcing caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases by as much as 30 percent or 0.76 W/m2. Terrestrial albedo amplification may thus extend, by about 25 years, the time available to advance the development and use of low-emission energy conversion technologies which ultimately remain essential to mitigate long-term climate change. However, additional study is needed to confirm the estimates reported here and to assess the economic and environmental impacts of active land-surface albedo amplification as a climate change mitigation measure.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures. In press with Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, Springer, N

    Transport properties of strongly correlated metals:a dynamical mean-field approach

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    The temperature dependence of the transport properties of the metallic phase of a frustrated Hubbard model on the hypercubic lattice at half-filling are calculated. Dynamical mean-field theory, which maps the Hubbard model onto a single impurity Anderson model that is solved self-consistently, and becomes exact in the limit of large dimensionality, is used. As the temperature increases there is a smooth crossover from coherent Fermi liquid excitations at low temperatures to incoherent excitations at high temperatures. This crossover leads to a non-monotonic temperature dependence for the resistance, thermopower, and Hall coefficient, unlike in conventional metals. The resistance smoothly increases from a quadratic temperature dependence at low temperatures to large values which can exceed the Mott-Ioffe-Regel value, hbar a/e^2 (where "a" is a lattice constant) associated with mean-free paths less than a lattice constant. Further signatures of the thermal destruction of quasiparticle excitations are a peak in the thermopower and the absence of a Drude peak in the optical conductivity. The results presented here are relevant to a wide range of strongly correlated metals, including transition metal oxides, strontium ruthenates, and organic metals.Comment: 19 pages, 9 eps figure

    The Initial Conditions to Star Formation: Low Mass Stars at Low Metallicity

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    We have measured the present accretion rate of roughly 800 low-mass (~1-1.4 Mo) pre-Main Sequence stars in the field of SN 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The stars with statistically significant Balmer continuum and Halpha excesses are measured to have accretion rates larger than about 1.5x10^{-8} Mo/yr at an age of 12-16 Myrs. For comparison, the time scale for disk dissipation observed in the Galaxy is of the order of 6 Myrs.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, to appear in IMF@50, ed. by E. Corbelli, F. Palla, H. Zinnecker (Dordrecht: Kluwer

    Correlated electrons in the presence of disorder

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    Several new aspects of the subtle interplay between electronic correlations and disorder are reviewed. First, the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT)together with the geometrically averaged ("typical") local density of states is employed to compute the ground state phase diagram of the Anderson-Hubbard model at half-filling. This non-perturbative approach is sensitive to Anderson localization on the one-particle level and hence can detect correlated metallic, Mott insulating and Anderson insulating phases and can also describe the competition between Anderson localization and antiferromagnetism. Second, we investigate the effect of binary alloy disorder on ferromagnetism in materials with ff-electrons described by the periodic Anderson model. A drastic enhancement of the Curie temperature TcT_c caused by an increase of the local ff-moments in the presence of disordered conduction electrons is discovered and explained.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, final version, typos corrected, references updated, submitted to Eur. Phys. J. for publication in the Special Topics volume "Cooperative Phenomena in Solids: Metal-Insulator Transitions and Ordering of Microscopic Degrees of Freedom

    Recent Developments and Applications of the HYDRUS Computer Software Packages

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    The HYDRUS-1D and HYDRUS (2D/3D) computer software packages are widely used finite-element models for simulating the one- and two- or three-dimensional movement of water, heat, and multiple solutes in variably saturated media, respectively. In 2008, Šimůnek et al. (2008b) described the entire history of the development of the various HYDRUS programs and related models and tools such as STANMOD, RETC, ROSETTA, UNSODA, UNSATCHEM, HP1, and others. The objective of this manuscript is to review selected capabilities of HYDRUS that have been implemented since 2008. Our review is not limited to listing additional processes that were implemented in the standard computational modules, but also describes many new standard and nonstandard specialized add-on modules that significantly expanded the capabilities of the two software packages. We also review additional capabilities that have been incorporated into the graphical user interface (GUI) that supports the use of HYDRUS (2D/3D). Another objective of this manuscript is to review selected applications of the HYDRUS models such as evaluation of various irrigation schemes, evaluation of the effects of plant water uptake on groundwater recharge, assessing the transport of particle-like substances in the subsurface, and using the models in conjunction with various geophysical methods