4,728 research outputs found

    Galactic conformity and central/satellite quenching, from the satellite profiles of M* galaxies at 0.4 < z < 1.9 in the UKIDSS UDS

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    We explore the redshift evolution of a curious correlation between the star formation properties of central galaxies and their satellites (‘galactic conformity') at intermediate to high redshift (0.4 9.7, around central galaxies at the characteristic Schechter function mass, M ∼ M*. We fit the radial profiles of satellite number densities with simple power laws, finding slopes in the range −1.1 to −1.4 for mass-selected satellites, and −1.3 to −1.6 for passive satellites. We confirm the tendency for passive satellites to be preferentially located around passive central galaxies at 3σ significance and show that it exists to at least z ∼ 2. Meanwhile, the quenched fraction of satellites around star-forming galaxies is consistent with field galaxies of equal stellar masses. We find no convincing evidence for a redshift-dependent evolution of these trends. One simple interpretation of these results is that only passive central galaxies occupy an environment that is capable of independently shutting off star formation in satellite galaxies. By examining the satellites of higher stellar mass star-forming galaxies (log(M*/M⊙) > 11), we conclude that the origin of galactic conformity is unlikely to be exclusively due to the host dark matter halo mass. A halo-mass-independent correlation could be established by either formation bias or a more physical connection between central and satellite star formation histories. For the latter, we argue that a star formation (or active galactic nucleus) related outburst event from the central galaxy could establish a hot halo environment which is then capable of quenching both central and satellite galaxie

    Oxic and anoxic conditions affect arsenic (As) accumulation and arsenite transporter expression in rice

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    Arsenic (As) exposure from rice consumption has now become a global health issue. This study aimed to investigate the effects of rice rhizosphere oxic conditions on silicate transporter (responsible for arsenite transportation) expressions, and on As accumulation and speciation in four rice genotypes, including two hybrid genotypes (Xiangfengyou9, Shenyou9586) and two indica subspecies (Xiangwanxian17, Xiangwanxian12). Oxic and anoxic treatments have different effects on root length (p < 0.001) and weight (p < 0.05). Total As concentrations in roots were dramatically lower in oxic treatments (88.8–218 mg/kg), compared to anoxic treatments (147–243 mg/kg) (p < 0.001). Moreover, root and shoot arsenite concentrations in oxic treatments were lower than that in anoxic treatments in arsenite treatments. The relative abundance of silicate transporter expressions displayed a trend of down-regulation in oxic treatments compared to anoxic treatments, especially significantly different for Xiangwanxian17, Xiangwanxian12 in Lsi1 expressions (p < 0.05), Xiangfengyou9, Shenyou9586, Xiangwanxian17 in Lsi2 expressions (p < 0.05). However, there were no significant differences of transporter expressions in different As treatments and genotypes. It may be a possible reason for low As accumulation in rice growing aerobically compared to flooded condition and a potential route to reduce the health risk of As in rice

    Effect of arsenic on spatial pattern of radial oxygen loss and iron plaque formation in rice

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    The effects of different arsenic (As) treatments on spatial pattern of radial oxygen loss (ROL), iron (Fe) plaque formation and As accumulation in rice were investigated using three rice genotypes, planted under greenhouse conditions. Arsenic was applied to soil at 50 and 100 mg/kg, with untreated soil used as a control having an average As concentration of 8.5 mg/kg. It was demonstrated that the ratio of ROL in root tips to that at the root base slightly decreased with increasing As concentration, suggesting that the spatial ROL patterns in these groups may be shifted from the “tight” barrier towards the “partial” barrier form. Furthermore, increasing As concentration led to a increase in Fe plaque formation on root surfaces. In addition, root As concentrations of genotypes in 50 and 100 mg/kg As treatments were significantly higher than that of control treatment (P<0.05). Grain As concentration of genotype Nanyangzhan (with lower ROL) was significantly higher (P<0.05) than that of genotype CNT87059-3 with higher ROL

    Do aeration conditions affect arsenic and phosphate accumulation and phosphate transporter expression in rice (Oryza sativa L.)?

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    Widespread contamination of rice with arsenic (As) has revealed a major exposure pathway to humans. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of oxygen in the rhizosphere on phosphate (P) transporter (for arsenate transportation) expressions, on As and P accumulation and As speciation in four rice genotypes. Oxygenation marginally increased root and shoot length. Total As concentrations in rice roots were dramatically reduced following aeration compared to stagnant treatments (p < 0.001). Aeration treatments significantly increased arsenate while reducing arsenite concentrations in roots (p < 0.001). Root arsenite concentrations were 1.5–2.5 times greater in stagnant than in aeration treatments. Total P concentrations in rice roots were dramatically increased following aeration compared to stagnant treatments. The relative abundance of phosphate transporter (inorganic phosphate transporter and phosphate/H+ symporter family protein) expressions showed downregulation in aeration treatments, particularly for SY-9586, XWX-17, and XWX-12 in inorganic phosphate transporter expressions and XWX-17 in phosphate/H+ symporter family protein expression (p < 0.05). The relative abundance of phosphate carrier protein expressions were relatively higher than the other phosphate transporters, showing upregulation in aeration treatments

    Development of alkaline electrochemical characteristics demonstrates soil formation in bauxite residue undergoing natural rehabilitation

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    Mining and mineral processing industries have generated a large amount of polymineral wastes, causing the destruction and degradation of huge areas of landscapes at extensive geographical locations. Rehabilitation of these mine waste landscapes is critical to social and economic sustainability of mining and metallurgy operations, such as alumina refineries. The Bayer process to refine alumina generates large amounts of highly alkaline bauxite residues which are hazardous to plant growth. Innovative methodologies are urgently needed to address this economic and environmental challenge, one of which is soil formation from bauxite residues. Mineral weathering appears the prerequisite to the initiation of soil formation and development of functional soil properties in BRDAs. The present study investigated natural changes of mineralogy, zeta potential, isoelectric point, surface protonation, active alkaline groups and associated implications for rehabilitation of the BRDA. Alkaline calcite, hydrogarnet and sodalite minerals were slowly transformed or dissolved with declining levels over weathering time. Amorphous and semi-amorphous minerals also decreased with a corresponding decrease in BET and sorption sites. Zeta potential curve of fresh residue had steeper slope, than those of aged residues. The IEP of fresh residue was significantly higher, but those of aged residues were significantly lower, with a significant decrease of IEP with increasing time. These attributes in mineralogy and electrochemical characteristics such as transformation of alkaline minerals, and decreases of surface protonation and active alkaline groups, may be used to help the assessment of soil formation status in the bauxite residues of different age and associated rehabilitation requirements

    Major mergers are not significant drivers of star formation or morphological transformation around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation

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    We investigate the contribution of major mergers (mass ratios > 1:5) to stellar mass growth and morphological transformations around the epoch of peak cosmic star formation (z ~ 2). We visually classify a complete sample of massive (M > 1010M_) galaxies at this epoch, drawn from the CANDELS survey, into late-type galaxies, major mergers, spheroids and disturbed spheroids which show morphological disturbances. Given recent simulation work, which indicates that recent (<0.3-0.4 Gyr) major-merger remnants exhibit clear tidal features in such images, we use the fraction of disturbed spheroids to probe the role of major mergers in driving morphological transformations. The percentage of blue spheroids (i.e. with ongoing star formation) that show morphological disturbances is only 21 +- 4 per cent, indicating that major mergers are not the dominant mechanism for spheroid creation at z ~ 2 - other processes, such as minor mergers or cold accretion are likely to be the main drivers of this process. We also use the rest-frame U-band luminosity as a proxy for star formation to show that only a small fraction of the star formation budget (~3 per cent) is triggered by major mergers. Taken together, our results show that major mergers are not significant drivers of galaxy evolution at z ~ 2

    Effect of silicate on arsenic fractionation in soils and its accumulation in rice plants

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    Four rice genotypes, two hybrid and two indica, were selected to investigate the effects of silicate (Si) application on arsenic (As) accumulation and speciation in rice and As fractionation in soil. There were significant differences in root, straw and grain biomass among genotypes (p < 0.05), and Si application significantly increased root (p < 0.05) and grain biomass (p < 0.001). Silicate addition reduced the proportion of As associated with well-crystallized hydrous oxides of Fe and Al and residual phases, whilst increasing the proportions of specifically-sorbed As and As associated with amorphous and poorly-crystalline Fe and Al hydrous oxides. Furthermore, the results indicated that the fraction proportions of non-specifically sorbed, specifically-sorbed, and associated with amorphous and poorly-crystalline hydrous oxides of Fe and Al in rhizosphere soils, were greater than non-rhizosphere soils. Silicate application had a significant effect decreasing total As concentrations in root (p < 0.005), straw (p < 0.05) and husk (p < 0.001) of rice plants. The effect of Si on reducing As accumulation in rice leaves was revealed by SXRF. Indica genotypes transported and accumulated less As than hybrid genotypes. Both percentage and concentration of iAs were lower in indica genotype XFY-9 than in hybrid genotype XWX-12. Silicate reduced iAs and DMA by 21% and 58% in grain (polished) respectively. DMA may have a greater translocation capacity from straw to grain (polished) than inorganic As. The study provides the potential for understanding As uptake mechanisms in rice and mitigating the health risks posed by As contamination in paddy fields