230 research outputs found

    Modeling the mechanical response of polycrystals deforming by climb and glide

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    This paper presents a crystallographically-based constitutive model of a single crystal deforming by climb and glide. The proposed constitutive law is an extension of the rate-sensitivity approach for single crystal plasticity by dislocation glide. Based on this description at single crystal level, a homogenization-based polycrystal model for aggregates deforming in a climb-controlled thermal creep regime is developed. To illustrate the capabilities of the proposed model, we present calculations of effective behavior of olivine and texture evolution of aluminum at warm temperature and low strain rate. In both cases, the addition of climb as a complementary single-crystal deformation mechanism improves the polycrystal model predictions

    Highly potent HIV inhibition: engineering a key anti-HIV structure from PSC-RANTES into MIP-1β/CCL4

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    The HIV coreceptor CCR5 is a validated target for both the prevention and therapy of HIV infection. PSC-RANTES, an N-terminally modified analogue of one of the natural chemokine ligands of CCR5 (RANTES/CCL5), is a potent inhibitor of HIV entry into target cells. Here, we set out to engineer the anti-HIV activity of PSC-RANTES into another natural CCR5 ligand (MIP-1β/CCL4), by grafting into it the key N-terminal pharmacophore region from PSC-RANTES. We were able to identify MIP-1β/CCL4 analogues that retain the receptor binding profile of MIP-1β/CCL4, but acquire the very high anti-HIV potency and characteristic inhibitory mechanism of PSC-RANTES. Unexpectedly, we discovered that in addition to N-terminal structures from PSC-RANTES, the side chain of Lys33 is also necessary for full anti-HIV potenc

    The Generic Model of Computation

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    Over the past two decades, Yuri Gurevich and his colleagues have formulated axiomatic foundations for the notion of algorithm, be it classical, interactive, or parallel, and formalized them in the new generic framework of abstract state machines. This approach has recently been extended to suggest a formalization of the notion of effective computation over arbitrary countable domains. The central notions are summarized herein.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2011, arXiv:1207.682

    Differences in navigation performance and postpartal striatal volume associated with pregnancy in humans.

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    Pregnancy is accompanied by prolonged exposure to high estrogen levels. Animal studies have shown that estrogen influences navigation strategies and, hence, affects navigation performance. High estrogen levels are related to increased use of hippocampal-based allocentric strategies and decreased use of striatal-based egocentric strategies. In humans, associations between hormonal shifts and navigation strategies are less well studied. This study compared 30 peripartal women (mean age 28 years) to an age-matched control group on allocentric versus egocentric navigation performance (measured in the last month of pregnancy) and gray matter volume (measured within two months after delivery). None of the women had a previous pregnancy before study participation. Relative to controls, pregnant women performed less well in the egocentric condition of the navigation task, but not the allocentric condition. A whole-brain group comparison revealed smaller left striatal volume (putamen) in the peripartal women. Across the two groups, left striatal volume was associated with superior egocentric over allocentric performance. Limited by the cross-sectional study design, the findings are a first indication that human pregnancy might be accompanied by structural brain changes in navigation-related neural systems and concomitant changes in navigation strategy

    Human place and response learning: navigation strategy selection, pupil size and gaze behavior.

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    In this study, we examined the cognitive processes and ocular behavior associated with on-going navigation strategy choice using a route learning paradigm that distinguishes between three different wayfinding strategies: an allocentric place strategy, and the egocentric associative cue and beacon response strategies. Participants approached intersections of a known route from a variety of directions, and were asked to indicate the direction in which the original route continued. Their responses in a subset of these test trials allowed the assessment of strategy choice over the course of six experimental blocks. The behavioral data revealed an initial maladaptive bias for a beacon response strategy, with shifts in favor of the optimal configuration place strategy occurring over the course of the experiment. Response time analysis suggests that the configuration strategy relied on spatial transformations applied to a viewpoint-dependent spatial representation, rather than direct access to an allocentric representation. Furthermore, pupillary measures reflected the employment of place and response strategies throughout the experiment, with increasing use of the more cognitively demanding configuration strategy associated with increases in pupil dilation. During test trials in which known intersections were approached from different directions, visual attention was directed to the landmark encoded during learning as well as the intended movement direction. Interestingly, the encoded landmark did not differ between the three navigation strategies, which is discussed in the context of initial strategy choice and the parallel acquisition of place and response knowledge

    Dendara métropole

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    Le chantier « Dendara métropole » vise à étudier les divers aspects du temple d’Hathor dans son environnement, en portant les investigations sur l’étude architecturale des monuments ainsi que sur l’exploration archéologique des quartiers d’habitations et des cimetières. Outre la poursuite des travaux sur l’architecture monumentale, sur les secteurs associés aux fondations de Montouhotep II et sur la nécropole de l’Ancien Empire, la campagne 2019 a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives de recherche..

    Effects of the protein kinase inhibitors wortmannin and KN62 on cellular radiosensitivity and radiation-activated S phase and G1/S checkpoints in normal human fibroblasts

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    Wortmannin is a potent inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase and PI 3-kinase-related proteins (e.g. ATM), but it does not inhibit the activity of purified calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII). In the present study, we compared the effects of wortmannin and the CaMKII inhibitor KN62 on the response of normal human dermal fibroblast cultures to γ radiation. We demonstrate that wortmannin confers a phenotype on normal fibroblasts remarkably similar to that characteristic of cells homozygous for the ATM mutation. Thus wortmannin-treated normal fibroblasts exhibit increased sensitivity to radiation-induced cell killing, lack of temporary block in transition from G1 to S phase following irradiation (i.e. impaired G1/S checkpoint), and radioresistant DNA synthesis (i.e. impaired S phase checkpoint). Wortmannin-treated cultures display a diminished capacity for radiation-induced up-regulation of p53 protein and expression of p21WAF1, a p53-regulated gene involved in cell cycle arrest at the G1/S border; the treated cultures also exhibit decreased capacity for enhancement of CaMKII activity post-irradiation, known to be necessary for triggering the S phase checkpoint. We further demonstrate that KN62 confers a radioresistant DNA synthesis phenotype on normal fibroblasts and moderately potentiates their sensitivity to killing by γ rays, without modulating G1/S checkpoint, p53 up-regulation and p21WAF1 expression following radiation exposure. We conclude that CaMKII is involved in the radiation responsive signalling pathway mediating S phase checkpoint but not in the p53-dependent pathway controlling G1/S checkpoint, and that a wortmannin-sensitive kinase functions upstream in both pathways. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Clinical outcome of prophylactic oophorectomy in BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation carriers and events during follow-up

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    A retrospective study was performed to assess the histopathologic findings in high-risk women undergoing bilateral prophylactic (salpingo)-oophorectomy. The medical files of BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation carriers and members of a hereditary breast/ovarian cancer (HBOC) family, who had undergone prophylactic surgery, were reviewed. In all, 38 women underwent a bilateral oophorectomy (26 BRCA1, three BRCA2 and nine HBOC, respectively). A total of 90 women underwent bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (58 BRCA1, six BRCA2, one BRCA1 and 2, 25 HBOC, respectively). At the time of salpingo-oophorectomy, five of 58 BRCA1 carriers (8.6%) were diagnosed with an occult carcinoma: two fallopian tube carcinomas, two ovarian carcinomas and one case was defined as a fallopian tube/ovarian carcinoma. No occult carcinomas were found in the other groups. Of the 38 patients, who underwent a bilateral oophorectomy (mean follow-up 45 months), three of 26 BRCA1 mutation carriers (3.4 in 100 women-years) developed peritoneal papillary serous carcinoma (PPSC) during follow-up. So far, no PPSC have occurred in the 90 women, who underwent a salpingo-oophorectomy (mean follow-up 12 months), including 58 BRCA1 carriers (0 in 60 in women-years). These results contribute to the thesis that BRCA1 germline mutation carriers are not only at risk for ovarian cancer, but also for fallopian tube carcinoma and peritoneal papillary serous carcinoma. Our data suggest that PPSC risk among BRCA2 carriers is lower than among BRCA1 carrier
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