12 research outputs found

    Development of Language Learning Based on Multimedia Devices for Autistic Student

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    The purpose of this study to develop a learning device of Indonesian language based on multimedia for autistic students. This research was conducted at SD Islam Alam dan Sains Al- Jannah. The students involved in the research were 20 students. The developed learning device uses the instructional model approach by Dick Carey and Carey (2009). Subjects of the research were 20 students. The developed learning device consists on applications, videos and manual book for both student and teachers. The developed products have been reviewed by a subject matter expert, an instructional design expert, a language expert, a media expert and an information technology expert. A series of formative evaluations through try-out examination has been conducted. The improvement of the learning device has been developed based on the previous formative evaluations. The results of this study shows developed learning device could improve the student learning outcomes effectively. Based on this result, the learning device could be recommended to be used as an alternative learning resource. Keywords: development of learning devices, autistic student, Indonesian language, multimedi


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    This research aims to improve speaking skills through watching videos kids children stories of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Islam Al-Fattah, Wanasari Village, Bekasi regency.The methodology uses a classroom action research which conduct through two cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Subjects are 10 children in group B who have problems with aspects of speech. Data collection techniques use non-test consists of observation, interview, and documentation. The analysis techniques use two paradigms that is mean, medium, modus, proportion study with a minimum percentage increase to 71% for quantitative paradigm, and data reduction, data display, conclusion/verification for qualitative paradigm

    teori belajar dan pembelajaran

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    Teori belajar Dan PEmbelajaran

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    ilus, x, 190 hlm, 23 c

    teori belajar dan pembelajaran

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    Teori belajar dan pembelajaran

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    x, 190 hlm. ; 23 cm

    Teori belajar dan pembelajaran

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    x, 190 hlm.; 23 c


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bahasa reseptif yang ditunjukkan oleh peserta didik autis-tunarungu. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seorang peserta didik autis-tunarungu di SLB Kembar Karya Pembangunan II. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kasus dengan pendekatan penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara melakukan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi selanjutnya analisis data di lapangan dilakukan dengan model Miles and Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik autis-tunarungu menunjukkan beberapa bahasa reseptif yang dimiliki. Hasil yang ditunjukkan seperti mampu menyamakan gambar, mengetahui kata benda, mampu mengelempokkan warna dan dapat mengikuti intruksi. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik autis-tunarungu memiliki bahasa reseptif dan dapat mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa seperti bahasa reseptif dan ekspresif. Oleh sebab itu, orang tua dan guru perlu mengetahui kebutuhan dan kemampuan peserta didik autis-tunarungu sehingga dapat merancang kegiatan yang tepat dan memberikan pengajaran dan kegiatan yang sesuai agar peserta didik autis-tunarungu dapat mengembangkan kemampuan bahasa reseptif.This study aims to determine the receptive language shown by autism-deaf students. The subject in this study was an autism-deaf student at SLB Kembar Karya Pembangunan II. The research method used in this research is a case study with a qualitative research approach. The data was collected by observing, interviewing and documenting further data analysis in the field using the Miles and Huberman model. The results showed that the autistic-deaf students showed several receptive languages ​​that they had. The results shown are being able to match pictures, knowing nouns, being able to group colors and being able to follow instructions. These results indicate that autism-deaf students have receptive language and can develop language skills such as receptive and expressive language. Therefore, parents and teachers need to know the needs and abilities of autism-deaf students so that they can design appropriate activities and provide appropriate teaching and activities so that autistic-deaf students can develop receptive language skills

    Teori belajar dan pembelajaran

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    ix, 190 hlm.: 23 cm

    Teori Belajar dan Pemlelajaran

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