82 research outputs found

    Self-image Congruity: Role in the Formation of Consumer Attitudes

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    Lebih tepat citra diri konsumen dengan citra toko, sikap konsumen yang lebih positif terhadap pengecer, sehingga semakin tinggi komitmen dan loyalitas konsumen. Ada empat dimensi keselarasan citra diri aktual harmoni citra diri, ideal citra diri kesesuaian, citra diri sosial kesesuaian dan ideal citra diri sosial kongruensi . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan hubungan antara citra diri sikap konsumen congruence.dengan . Penelitian ini dilakukan di sebuah mal besar di Surabaya konsumen. Purposive sampling dengan sampling dan accidental sampling. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa hanya ada 2 gambar dimensi dari diri yang sebenarnya dan ideal citra diri yang menentukan sikap konsumen. Kata kunci : citra diri, citra toko diri citra keselarasan, sikap

    Pola Infestasi Parasit Arthropob Pada Tikus Di Kebun Raya Purwodadi, Jawa Timur

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    SRI HARTINI. 1985. The infestation pattern of arthropod parasites on rat at Purwodadi Botanical Garden. East Java. Berita Biologi 3(3) : 108-110. An investigation to find out the pattern of infestation of arthropod parasites on Rattus tiomanicus and Rattus rattus diardi was conducted in Purwodadi Botanical Garden, East Java. The parasites studied were Laelaps nutalli, Echinolaelaps echidninus (Acarina), Hoplopleura pacifica, Polyplax spinulosa (Anoplura) and Xenopsylla cheopis (Siphonaptera). It was concluded that parasite prevalence depends on habitat, age and sex of the host.The number of parasite infesting R. tiomanicus is greater than that of R.r. diardi, Adult rats have a higher prevalence rate than juveniles; likewise female adult rats are also higher than other sex and age group

    Pengembangan Model Tam : Expertice Dan Innovativeness Sebagai Variabel Moderator Studi Pada Penggunaan E Banking

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    This research has purpose to develop a model of TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). It tries to analyze the role of expertise and innovativeness of the consumers in shaping their attitude. It uses the technique of non random sampling that is accidental sampling. Based on such technique, it gains 105 respondents. It shows that the perceive-easy of use of the products bought by the customers has significant influence towards the customers attitude in e-banking industries. Also, when using the moderating variables, the variables of expertise and innovativeness do not have any role significantly in moderating the relationship between perceive easy of use and the customers attitude towards the transaction in e banking. Again, Perceive usefulness is found to have significant influence on the consumers attitude in using the technology. Besides that, the consumer innovativeness and expertise apply to this condition

    Perancangan Sistem Kanban Untuk Pelancaran Produksi Dan Mereduksi Keterlambatan

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    PT X Motor often experience minus production each month. Problems delay delivery of part of the production line to the warehouse for material supply system is not structured, resulting in the stop line. To meet the production target then performed additional overtime, so the cost to the company due to not exactly be high material supply system. This study tries to propose a delivery system parts to the production line using a kanban system are expected to anticipate the line stops due to lack of parts. This study succeeded in designing a kanban system, kanban cards and determine the number of kanban in circulation

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Visioner Kepala Sekolah Dan Iklim Sekolah Terhadap Efektivitas Sekolah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh kepemimpinan visioner kepala sekolah dan iklim sekolah terhadap efektivitas sekolah pada sekolah dasar negeri di Wilayah Ciomas Kabupaten Bogor,baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey deskripsi analisis dengan pendekatan kuantitatif.Pengambilan sampel dengan teknik simple random sampling dengan jumlah responden 34 kepala sekolah dan 199 guru.Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis deskriptif dan analisis inferensial. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa secara simultan, terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara kepemimpinan visioner kepala sekolah dan iklim sekolah terhadap efektivitas sekolah sebesar 44% dan sisanya sebesar 56% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain. . Dengan demikian, kepemimpinan visioner kepala sekolah dan iklim sekolah menjadi faktor penting yang harus dibangun secara bersama-sama dalam upaya pencapaian efektivitas sekolah, sehingga sinergisnya kepemimpinan visioner kepala sekolah, iklim sekolah diharapkan dapat meningkatkan efektivitas sekolah untuk menjadikan sekolah menjadi sekolah yang efektif.This research aims to understand how large the influence of visionary leadership school principals and school climate on the effectiveness of the school in public elementary school in the region of ciomas bogor districts , both a partial and simultaneously. This research using methods survey analysis with a description of a quantitative approach. The sample collection with simple techniques random sampling with the number of respondents 34 school principals and teachers 199. Technique analysis is use and analysis inferensial deskriptif analysis. The analysis data show that on simultaneous , there are significant influence between visionary leadership the school principal and school climate on the effectiveness of schools as much as 44 % and the rest as much as 56 % influenced by other factors . hus , visionary leadership school principals and school climate to be an important factor that must be built in together in achieving the effectiveness of schools , so that the school principal sinergisnya visionary leadership , school climate is expected to increase the effectiveness of schools to become effectiv

    Pengaruh Webrooming terhadap Confident, Smart Shopping Feeling, User-generated Content, dan Search Process Satisfaction

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    Recently, many people are switching from conventional shopping to digital shopping. even so, people feel that online shopping is less secure. Finally, many consumers search for information through the internet before shopping at brick and mortar stores. This study investigates how webrooming affects consumers’ experience and determines the effect of webrooming on consumer confidence, smart shopping feeling, user-generated content, and search process satisfaction in the beauty industry. The population in this study were all the beauty industry consumers who experience webrooming in the shopping process. The total sample used in this study was 166 people using purposive sampling. The result obtained from this study finds that webrooming has a significant and positive effect on confidence, smart shopping feeling, user-generated content. Both factors, confidence and smart shopping feeling subsequently significant and have a positive effect on search process satisfaction

    Rekonstruksi Hukum Atas Pola Penanganan Pelanggaran Asas Netralitas Pegawai Negeri Sipil

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    The rise of legal issues on the involvement of civil servants in practical political activities shows that the regulation on civil servants was still not strong enough to prevent violations of neutrality principle in local elections. Based on that condition, this paper analyzes the legal reconstruction regarding the violation of civil servant neutrality and create appropriate mechanism dealing with the violation of neutrality principle. The study concluded that it is an urgently need to strengthen the role of government to handling violation of neutrality principle among relevant institutions' which integrated.IntisariMaraknya persoalan hukum atas keterlibatan PNS dalam kegiatan politik praktis menunjukkan dengan jelas bahwa peraturan Perundang-undangan di bidang kepegawaian masih belum cukup kuat untuk mencegah pelanggaran asas netralitas dalam pelaksanaan Pemilihan Umum di daerah. Atas hal tersebut, tulisan ini mengkaji tentang rekonstruksi hukum terhadap pelanggaran netralitas PNS dan membuat mekanisme yang sesuai dalam penanganan pelanggaran asas netralitas PNS. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa diperlukannya penguatan peran pemerintah untuk mengantisipasi pelanggaran dengan pembentukan pola penanganan pelanggaran netralitas antar lembaga yang terintegrasi
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