47 research outputs found

    Morphology and Genetic Diversity of Mitochondrial Dna D-loop Region Using Pcr-rflp Analysis in Magelang Duck and Other Native Duck

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the different of plumage colors on morphological diversityof Magelang duck and genetic diversity using PCR-RFLP mtDNA D-loop region analysis of Magelangduck and four others native duck population (Tegal, Mojosari, Bali and Alabio duck) in Indonesia. Bloodsample was taken from 50 Magelang ducks and 20 of each native ducks. Morphological characteristicsof body measurement, production ability and egg quality of Magelang duck were analyzed usingCompletely Randomized Design with 11 plumage colors as treatments. PCR technique was administeredto amplify fragments in mtDNA D-loop region and PCR products were digested with endonucleaserestriction enzyme AluI and HaeIII. The result showed that morphology diversity of Magelang duck wasstatistically affected by different plumage colors. PCR-RFLP analysis using AluI and HaeIII restrictionenzyme resulted in six combinations of restriction fragment pattern shown in six haplotypes (A, B, C, D,E and F). Haplotype difference showed genetic diversity in the population of Magelang duck and theother native ducks. In conclusion, the different plumage colors affected morphology diversity ofMagelang duck. Genetic diversity of Indonesian native duck population could be identified by usingPCR-RFLP analysis on mtDNA D-loop region

    Associations Between Polymorphism of Growth Hormone Gene with Milk Production, Fat and Protein Content in Friesian Holstein Cattle

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    The aim of the research was to determine the associations between polymorphism of the bovine growth hormone (GH) gene (Leu/Val) and milk production of Friesian Holstein Cattle. A total of 62 cows which consist of two Friesian Holstein cattle groups (from New Zealand=19 heads and Australia=43 heads) were used for the research. We performed the Polymerase Chain Reaction and followed by Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism using AluI restriction enzyme. The genotype was observed base on the target gene GH 211 bp in the part of intron 4 and exon 5 of growth hormone gene. The frequencies of genotypes LL were found higher than genotype LV in both groups. Friesian Holstein cattle from New Zealand showed the genotype LL and LV as 84% and 16%, respectively. Friesian Holstein cattle from Australia show the genotype LL and LV as 79% and 21%, respectively. The association between Leu/Val polymorphism on milk production, fat and protein content in both groups did not show the significant effect. Base on two groups of the origin of cattle, the result showed the significant different on fat and protein content of milk. Fat and protein contents of milk were higher in breed of FH imported from Australia compared to those in breed of FH imported from New Zailand

    Komponen Peragam dan Ragam Genetik Paternal pada Sifat Pertumbuhan Sapi Aceh

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (pe)ragam genetik paternal sifat pertumbuhan pada sapi Aceh. Sifat pertumbuhan terdiri atas berat lahir (BL), berat sapih (BS), berat setahunan/yearling (BY), berat akhir (BA), pertambahan berat badan harian (PBBH) dan weight/age (W/A). Komponen covariansi dan variansi yang diperoleh digunakan untuk mengestimasi heritabilitas (h2) dan korelasi genetik (rG). Penelitian ini dilakukan di Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul (BPTU) – Hijauan Pakan Ternak (HPT) Sapi Aceh Indrapuri dari bulan Maret sampai April tahun 2013. Materi penelitian ini berupa data catatan sifat produksi ternak dari tahun 2010 sampai tahun 2012. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa standard error (SE) heritabilitas terendah pada BL (0,15+0,13). Sebagian besar nilai korelasi genetik pada sifat pertumbuhan termasuk kategori positif dan tinggi (>0,50). Nilai SE terendah pada korelasi genetik terdapat pada korelasi antara BL dan PBBH prasapih (0,55+0,54), BL dan PBBH pascasapih (0,63+0,62), PBBH prasapih dan PBBH pascasapih (0,71+0,33), PBBH pascasapih dan W/A (0,72+0,33) dan BA dan W/A (0,94+0,69). Disimpulkan bahwa seleksi berdasarkan sifat pertumbuhan dapat menyebabkan performans sapi Aceh meningkat

    Identification of Melanocortin 1 Receptor (Mc1r) Gene Based on Coat Color of Bali Cows of Kupang by Usingthe Pcr-rflp Method

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    The objective of this study was to identify the Melanocortin 1 Receptor (MC1R) gene in sorrel-,black- and white-Bali cows originated from Kupang-East Nusa Tenggara. Blood samples were takenfrom 46 cows consisted of of 17, 18 and 8 of sorrel, black and 8 heads, respectively, and 3 heads of bull.The PCR-RFLP method was performed to identify the gene. Amplification of PCR gene MC1R ofKupang's Bali Cattle (KBC) was 296 bp. The digestion by using MspI enzyme showed that there wereEE genotype (169, 136 bp) in Bali bull, sorrel and white cows. Two 2 genotypes, those were EE (169,136 bp) and Ee (296, 169, 136 bp) were found in black Bali cow. The frequency of E alele of KBC was0.99 (99%) and e alele was 0.01 (1%). MC1R gene in KBC was monomorphic and the it can be used asthe marker of the coat color in the population

    Estimasi Output Sapi Potong di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi produktivitas sapi potong di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan Provinsi Sumatera Barat dalam menghasilkan bibit sapi potong dan kelayakan daerah tersebut sebagai sumber sapi potong di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara sensus dengan alat bantu kuesioner dengan metode Quota sampling digunakan untuk memilih tiga kecamatan yang memiliki populasi tinggi, sedang, dan rendah. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini adalah identitas peternak dan ternak. Data sekunder dari instansi terkait juga digunakan sebagai pendukung dalam penelitian ini. Perkembangan populasi ternak dianalisis dengan pendekatan teori pemuliabiakan ternak. Rata-rata kenaikan populasi ternak dianalisis menggunakan analisis time series (analisis runtut waktu). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan nilai efisiensi reproduksi (ER) sebesar 89,95% dan nilai natural increase (NI) sebesar 29,46% yang menunjukkan bahwa pertambahan populasi sapi tergolong sedang. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa secara umum populasi sapi potong di Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan masih cukup memenuhi kebutuhan daerah tersebut namun kekurangan ternak pejantan sebesar 12,32% dan populasi ternak betina melebihi kebutuhan sebesar 21,03% dengan nilai net replacement rate (NRR) jantan sebesar 87,68% dan NRR betina sebesar 121,03%. Secara rata-rata output sapi potong pada semua bangsa untuk sapi afkir jantan adalah sebesar 5,93%, betina sebesar 11,12% , sapi muda jantan sebesar 2,19%, dan sapi muda betina sebesar 1,01% dari total populasi sapi

    Identification of Gene Diversity of Melanocortin-4 Receptor and its Relationship with the Birth and Body Size of Beef Cattle

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    Melanocortin-4 Receptor (MC4R) expressed in hypothalamus which is part of the brain that are involved in regulation of appetite, metabolism and bodyweight. This study aimed to identify the MC4R gene diversity in the second cross generation of Belgian Blue, Wagyu, and Brahman crossbred and its relationship with the body weight and size birth. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and DNA sequencing were used to identify Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP). The result of this study showed that MC4R genes was polymorphic with one SNP at 1133 C>G and included missense mutation. SNP 1133 C>G has two of allels C and G with three genotypes. Test of Hardy Weinberg equilibrium showed that the population of cattle was in equilibrium. The heterozigosity values showed that the population of cattle had a low diversity of genetics. The result of association showed that SNP 1133 C>G in MC4R Genes was not able to indicate the difference between the weight, body length, heart girth and wither’s height at birth. Based on this study, it can be concluded that the polymorphism of MC4R genes can only be used to distinguish cattle genotypes but cannot be used as the selection tools for body weight and size birth. Keywords: Crossbreed beef cattle, Diversity, Heterozigosity, MC4R gene, SNP

    Analysis of Newborn Calves Measurement for Early Selection Analysis in Aceh Bulls at The Breeding Station

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    Abstract. Aceh cattle is one of Indonesian germplasms with many advantages for development in the tropics. The purpose of the study was to select Aceh bulls based on newborn calves measurements. Data comprised 294 calves from nine bulls. The variance components of heritability (h2) and repeatability (r) estimation were obtained from data analysis using SPSS 16.0 software. Breeding value was estimated on the newborn calves measurement namely birth weight (BW), thoracic girth (TG), withers height (WH) and body length (BL). The genetic parameter values of newborn measurements were moderate category (0.100.30) for repetability (r). The average of newborn calves measurements was 13.99+1.96 kg (BW), 54.50+3.24 cm (TG), 56.37+3.41 cm (WH) and 45.13+2.86 cm (BL). Bull A (ID: P.075) was the best bull with cumulative breeding value 5.05. Key words: Aceh cattle, newborn measurements, genetic parameters, breeding value Abstrak. Sapi Aceh merupakan salah satu plasma nutfah Indonesia. Sapi ini memiliki banyak kelebihan untuk dikembangkan di daerah tropis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menyeleksi pejantan sapi Aceh berdasarkan ukuran lahir pada pedet. Data yang digunakan terdiri dari 294 ekor pedet dari sembilan pejantan. Estimasi komponen ragam heritabilitas dan estimasi ripitabilitas dianalisis menggunakan perangkat lunak SPSS 16.0. Estimasi nilai pemuliaan dihitung berdasarkan ukuran lahir pedet: berat badan (BB), lingkar dada (LD), tinggi gumba (TG) dan panjang badan (PB). Nilai parameter genetik pada ukuran lahir termasuk kategori sedang (0,100,30) untuk ripitabilitas (r). Rata-rata ukuran lahir pedet adalah 13,99+1,96 kg (BB), 54,50+3,24 cm (LD), 56,37+3,41 cm (TG) and 45,13+2,86 cm (PB). Pejantan A (ID: P.075) merupakan pejantan terbaik dengan nilai pemuliaan kumulatif sebesar 5,05. Kata kunci: Sapi Aceh, ukuran lahir, parameter genetik, nilai pemuliaa

    Genetic Relatedness Between Batur, Merino and Local Sheep Based on Random Amplyfied Polymorphism DNA Marker

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    RAPD analysis to determine the diversity, status and genetic close relatioship Batur with Merino, Garut, Thin Tail and Fat Tail sheep genomic DNA was used in 27 Batur, 15 Merino, 17 Garut, 15 Thin Tails and Fat Tails animals. The process of RAPD-PCR used five primers of 10 nucleotides. PCR results were electrophoresed with 2% agarose gel. Identified similarities and differences between individual RAPD bands one and cross-sample of the population, genetic distance and closeness of genetic relationship. The process 89 sample sheep RAPD-PCR generated of 4189 band from 100 to 1500 bp which consisted of 91 type. Batur sheep samples produced bands at most (1666 tape) and the lowest Fat Tails (493 bands). The number monomorfism of bands most of the Batur (891 bands) and the lowest Garut (170 bands), but the polymorphism band\u27s highest of the Batur (775 bands) and the lowest Fat Tails (262 bands). Between individuals within populations have similar genetic Merino highest and the lowest Thin Tail. Cross-population genetic similarity is highest individuals in the population Batur and Merino, while the lowest Merino and Thin Tail. The closest genetic distance was Batur with Merino population and the most apart distant Merino with Thin Tail or Merino and Fat Tails. Batur sheep population has the closest genetic relationship with the Merino and the most apart distant is with Fat Tail. (Animal Production 13(1):30-38 (2011

    Analysis of Newborn Calves Measurement for Early Selection Analysis in Aceh Bulls at the Breeding Station

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    . Aceh cattle is one of Indonesian germplasms with many advantages for development in the tropics. The purpose of the study was to select Aceh bulls based on newborn calves measurements. Data comprised 294 calves from nine bulls. The variance components of heritability (h2) and repeatability (r) estimation were obtained from data analysis using SPSS 16.0 software. Breeding value was estimated on the newborn calves measurement namely birth weight (BW), thoracic girth (TG), withers height (WH) and body length (BL). The genetic parameter values of newborn measurements were moderate category (0.100.30) for repetability (r). The average of newborn calves measurements was 13.99+1.96 kg (BW), 54.50+3.24 cm (TG), 56.37+3.41 cm (WH) and 45.13+2.86 cm (BL). Bull A (ID: P.075) was the best bull with cumulative breeding value 5.05