12 research outputs found

    Pemetaan Objek Wisata Dalam Pengembangan Sektor Pariwisata Di Dlingo, Bantul

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    The development of tourism sector is one of the efforts to excavate the revenue of Bantul regency. Dlingo subdistrict, Bantul has a potential for a high tourism sector. The tourism sector is very varied, even some local people who do not know about the potential tourism objects including tourist villages offered by Dlingo sub-district, such as Tourism village and nature tourism objects. If tourism in a region is mapped, it can know the types and potential of other natural tourism both in the stage of development and not yet developed, so that by the existence of tourism mapping can set the points Tourist attractions and make it easy for local and foreign tourists to choose the tourist attractions that they want to visit. The results of tourism mapping can determine the points of tourist attractions and make it easier for local and foreign tourists to choose the tourist attractions that they want to visit. Besides, the development of tourism potential will increase the income and income of the Community

    Digital Marketing to Competitive Advantages of MSMEs in Kasongan, Kajigelem, Bantul, Yogyakarta

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    This study discusses how to use digital marketing in marketing Micro, Small Medium Enterprise (MSMEs) products in Kasongan, Bantul. Digital marketing is an alternative for small and medium-sized businesses with limited promotional budgets. The use of social media such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, Website and Tiktok is an alternative that can be used to create brand awareness, engagement, sales and even loyalty. The purpose of this study is to determine the use of digital marketing strategies in 115 MSMEs spread across Kajigelem, which consists of four villages namely Kasongan, Jipangan, Gendeng, Lemahdadi villages which have digitalized and the implications for the competitive advantage of these MSMEs based on consumer perceptions. The research method used is a quantitative method with research samples from consumers from MSMEs in Kajigelem, which consists of Kasongan villages. The sampling technique used purposive sampling on 200 respondents with multiple regression analysis. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that digital marketing has implications for the competitive advantage of MSMEs in marketing their products by 61% while the remaining 39% is explained by other variables not examined in the stud

    The Effect of Leadership and Work Environment on Employee Performance Mediated by Work Motivation in Class III Airport Management Unit Employees (UPBU) Okaba, Merauke District

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of leadership and the work environment, which have a positive and significant effect on employee performance. Work motivation mediates positively and significantly the influence of leadership and the work environment on employee performance. The phenomenon that is the main focus of this research is the insufficient performance condition of class III Okaba UPBU employees, Merauke Regency, based on Passenger and Baggage Inspection, Check-In Services, and Departure Waiting Room Services. Methods of data processing and data analysis in this study using descriptive and quantitative analysis. The population in this study was 35 class III Okaba UPBU employees, Merauke Regency. The sampling technique uses a census technique that takes all employees as samples. Data analysis techniques in this study use path analysis. Collecting data in this study using a questionnaire. The results of the analysis in this study show that: 1). Leadership has a positive (28.8%) and significant (0.009 t-table of 2.039) effect of leadership on employee performance, and 4). Work motivation mediates a positive (20.1%) and significant (t-count of 2.610 > t-table of 2.039) effect of the work environment on the performance of Class III Okaba Airport Operations Unit (UPBU) employees, Merauke Regency


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    This study investigated the impact of mediation effect of empowerment to relation among locus of control,organization tenure, education, leadership, and team’s strength of team, belief of team, organizational culture,and Leader Member Exchange to employee performance. The Participants were employees (n=134) from someprivate banks in Jogjakarta with purpossive sampling.We used SEM to test hypotheses. Findings showed that:(1) empowerment had direct effect to employee performance (H1) supported), and (2) empowerment becamepartially mediated variable among locus of control, organization tenure, education, leadership, strength ofteam, belief of team, organizational culture, and Leader Member Exchange (LMX) to employee performance(H2) supported. Locus of control, organization tenure, education, leadership, strength of team, belief of team,organizational culture, and Leader Member Exchange had direct effect to employee performance

    PENGARUH BEBAN KERJA DAN KOMPETENSI TERHADAP KINERJA PEGAWAI YANG DIMEDIASI OLEH STRES KERJA (Studi Pada Pegawai Negeri Sipil Dinas Koperasi Usaha Kecil Dan Menengah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta)

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    This research aims to analyze the direct influence of workload on performance and competence of employees as well as the indirect influence of workload on performance and competence of employees are mediated by workstress. The Independent variables used in this study workload and competence, whereas the depedent variable was employee performance and the mediating variable is. The population in this study are employees of Dinas Koperasi Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta-totalling 41 people, while the research method used is the sampling of saturated. The analysis in this study is the path analysis. Hypothesis test results in this study is there is direct a influence of workload on performance of employees, there is a direct influence on performance of competence of employees, there is a direct influence of workload on performance employees with workstress as an mediating variable, and there is the influence of indirect competence on performance of employees with workstress as an mediating variable

    Are there relationship among stressor, behavior, and employee performance? : a case of civil servants in Bantul, DIY, Indonesia

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    High stressors can be experienced by employees, both by civil servants and private sector employees. This could have an impact on the positive and negative behaviors of employees and could eventually affect employee performance. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the effect of stressors on deviant behavior (negative and positive) and work performance of civil servants in Bantul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This research is a survey research using questionnaires given in private to civil servants as respondents, with a purposive sampling technique. Research results concluded that; (1) stressor of individual and task demands has a significant positive effect on negative behavior, (2) stressor of role demand has no significant effect on negative behavior, (3) stressor of individual demand has a significant negative effect on positive behavior, (5) stressor of task demand has no significant effect on positive behavior, (6) stressor of role demand has no significant effect on positive behavior, (7) negative attitudes have a significant negative effect on employee performance, and (8) positive behaviors have a significant positive effect on employee performance.peer-reviewe

    The Role of Life Skills Training on Self-Efficacy, Self Esteem, Life Interest, and Role Behavior for Unemployed Youth

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    Abstract- The impact of global crisis has a big effect on unemployed rate and poverty in Indonesia generally and in Lamongan Regency particularly. This research investigates the role of life skills training in influencing self efficacy, self esteem, life interest and role behavior for unemployed youth in Paciran sub district. It is a survey research by experiment research type. The respondents are participants from youth drop of school particularly unemployed youth in Paciran sub district, Lamongan regency, East Java. The technique of sampling utilizes purposive sampling. The amount of sample, which required the criteria to be examining, is 73 respondents. The technique of statistics applied in this research is paired samples t test. The result of hypothesis examining explains that there is differences of self efficacy, self esteem, life interest and role behavior before and after training. Keywords- life skills, self-esteem, self-efficacy, life interest, role behavior


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    Koperasi sebagai organisasi ekonomi yang berwatak sosial harus berjalan seimbang jangan sampai kegiatan ekonomi diisi dan hanya dilandasi nilai-nilai kemasyarakatan saja. Untuk mempertahankan kelangsungan hidupnya, koperasi harus mendasari diri sebagai organisasi ekonomi. hal ini karena koperasi merupakan bagian penting pembangunan ekonomi dalam rangka meningkatkan tarif hidup masyarakat, dengan harapan dapat merubah kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang lemah serta memberikan pelayanan pada anggota dan sekitar


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    Krebet Tourism Village in Pajangan District, Bantul has a wooden batik industry center that has tourism potential both in terms of culture and nature. There are 57 wooden batik studios registered in the village cooperative, 40 are active, and only 10 are producing during this pandemic, so it can be seen that the decline in productivity is very significant. There are already several studios that sell their products online, these studios are still able to maintain productivity during this pandemic, most of them are unable to produce because there is no demand from consumers. Most of the craftsmen are not able to keep up with the market, the readiness of the craftsmen in the use of information technology is still limited, and product innovation is still monotonous. Based on this, the servant feels it is important to provide online product assistance, both sales and marketing. This empowerment service is implemented by using a Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) approach. This method is aimed at outsiders, showing how outsiders should help people to develop themselves, by placing outsiders in the midst of society. These outsiders can be government employees, academics, NGO workers, etc. The service team has carried out socialization providing motivation for craftsmen, providing assistance on financial management, discussing the importance of branding/brand awareness for MSMEs and providing online product assistance by holding training with media zoom meetings, so that artisans are expected to realize a minimal contact economy. less contact economy) which can support the economy to remain productive during the Covid-19 pandemic by prioritizing information technology


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    Seorang wanita pekerja yang sudah memiliki keluarga adalah seorang wanita yang berperansebagai ibu rumah tangga dan juga bekerja di luar rumah sebagai wanita karir. Bagi wanitayang sudah berkeluarga dan bekerja tidaklah mudah untuk menjalani kedua perannya. Dalammenjalankan tugas sehari-harinya, ibu rumah tangga seringkali menghadapi tuntutan-tuntutanyang dirasakan tidak seimbang dengan kemampuan yang dimilikinya, tuntutan-tuntutanseperti itu biasa membuat seorang wanita pekerja mengalami stres dalam bekerja. Jikaseorang wanita bekerja dalam jangka waktu yang relatif lama, maka ia memiliki kontrakpsikologi terhadap perusahan atau dengan kata lain wanita yang bekerja akan memilikikomitmen terhadap perusahan tempat ia bekerja.Ketika wanita yang bekerja memiliki komitmen terhadap perusahan pastinya ia selaludituntut untuk melakukan kewajibannya sebagai seorang karyawan akan tetapi di sisi lain iamemiliki tanggung jawab terhadap keluarga sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Apabila tanggungjawab terhadap pekerjaan dan keluarga tidak diimbangi maka pastinya akan terjadi konflikperan ganda dalam kehidupan wanita yang bekerja. Stres kerja dipengaruhi oleh konflikperan ganda. Hal tersebut terjadi karena adanya ketidakseimbangan antara kedua perantersebut, pada saat yang bersamaan seorang wanita dituntut untuk bekerja semaksimalmungkin dan di sisi lain wanita yang berperan sebagai seorang ibu dituntut selalumemperhatikan keluarga, sehingga wanita berperan ganda diharapkan dapat membagi waktudalam bekerja maupun dalam mengurus rumah tangga.Dalam hal ini wanita yang bekerja dapat memiliki kinerja yang berbeda. Bentuk lainnyaberupa adanya perasaan tertekan, merasa pelaksanaan peran yang satu akan mempengaruhihasil pelaksanaan peran lain yang muncul karena adanya pertentangan antara nilai-nilai hidupdengan peran yang dimiliki. Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahuigambaran secara deskriptif tentang konflik peran ganda wanita terhadap kinerja denganmediasi stres.Kata Kunci: Konflik Peran Ganda Wanita, Kinerja dan Stre