171 research outputs found

    Model Eutrofikasi 2-Dimensi Berlapis Untuk Optimalisasi Lokasi Zona Budidaya Ikan Karamba Jaring Apung (KJA) Di Waduk Jatiluhur

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    The development of floating net aquaculture in Jatiluhur reservoir that reach up 21000 to 26 717 plot have been resulted in eutrophication that interfere of water treatmen raw water, tourism and water sports, so the reduction and redeployment zones floating net in the reservoir needs to be done. The purpose of this study looking for zone of floating net aquaculture in Jatiluhur reservoir. The zone is obtained from the optimization by maximizing the density plots floating net per segment in alternate zones with constraints status trophic allowed in the area of water treatment raw water in take, tourism and water sports in the downstream Jatiluhur reservoir through simulation of the chlorophyll-a concentration distribution from the 2 -dimensional layered eutrophication model for scenarios increase every 10 plots floating net in segments of alternative zones 1, 2, 3 in the downstream reservoirs and alternate zone 4 in the middle of the reservoir. The results of the eutrophication 2-dimensional layered model calculation been obtained segment length and width of 100 m. The optimization results show, the carriying capacity of water due to zoning plots Jatiluhur reservoir floating net per segment in the middle of the reservoir is greater than the downstream of the reservoir, and to get water Jatiluhur reservoir in oligotrophic status that does not interfere with other uses of the reservoir water, and to get water Jatiluhur reservoir in oligotrophic status that does not interfere with other uses of the reservoir water, the highest density of a plot floating net per segment is the alternative zone 4 of 10 plot floating net per segment or 4,420 plot floating net. For the the aquaculture fish in floating net in the area are currently recommended to be moved to alternative zone 4 which is located in the central part Jatiluhur reservoir

    Model Pembatasan Beban Pencemar Untuk Pengelolaan Kualitas Sungai Citarum

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    Daerah tangkapan (DAS) Citarum hulu mempunyai luas sekitar 177.100 ha, meli-puti kota Bandung dan kabupaten Bandung yang terletak di danau tua. Sungai Ci-tarum selain kegunaannya sebagai buangan limbah pabrik dan penduduk disekitar sungai, juga berfungsi sebagai penggerak listrik dan perikanan (jarring apung) di waduk Saguling dihilinya. Oleh karena kompleksnya pemanfaatan sungai ini, maka diperlukan suatu pendekatan pengelolaan di DAS Citarum tersebut. Penelitian ini tujuannya adalah untuk memperbaiki kualitas sungai Citarum dengan pendekatan simulasi model, yaitu simulasi-simulasi pengelolaan DAS Citarum. Penetapan model dengan tiga sub-model yaitu, hidrograf aliran, debit beban (COD, BOD, T-N, T-P, and NH3), dan polutegraf aliran dengan model tangki. Model dikalibrasi dari debit serta kualitas air harian sungai Citarum yang terukur di stasion Nanjung .Dari model kelihatan hidrograf dan polutograf aliran, cendrung sama antara model den-gan pengukuran, sehingga model layak untuk pendugaan pemasukan beban yang kualitas sungai masih baik pada debit minumum. Dari hasil simulasi agar kualitas-nya tetap terjaga, maka beban masukan dari industri terutama tekstil dan pemuki-man sebaiknya dikurangi (treatment) sekitar 85 % untuk COD, BOD dan T-P dan 45 % untuk NH3 dan T-N untuk pemukiman pada kejadian debit minumu

    The deuterium fractionation of water on solar-system scales in deeply-embedded low-mass protostars

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    (Abridged) The water deuterium fractionation (HDO/H2_2O abundance ratio) has traditionally been used to infer the amount of water brought to Earth by comets. Measuring this ratio in deeply-embedded low-mass protostars makes it possible to probe the critical stage when water is transported from clouds to disks in which icy bodies are formed. We present sub-arcsecond resolution observations of HDO in combination with H218_2^{18}O from the PdBI toward the three low-mass protostars NGC 1333-IRAS 2A, IRAS 4A-NW, and IRAS 4B. The resulting HDO/H2_2O ratio is 7.4±2.1×1047.4\pm2.1\times10^{-4} for IRAS 2A, 19.1±5.4×10419.1\pm5.4\times10^{-4} for IRAS 4A-NW, and 5.9±1.7×1045.9\pm1.7\times10^{-4} for IRAS 4B. Derived ratios agree with radiative transfer models within a factor of 2-4 depending on the source. Our HDO/H2_2O ratios for the inner regions (where T>100T>100 K) of four young protostars are only a factor of 2 higher than those found for pristine, solar system comets. These small differences suggest that little processing of water occurs between the deeply embedded stage and the formation of planetesimals and comets.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Pengembangan Permainan Domat Card pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linier Satu Variabel

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    Aspek pedagogik menuntut guru untuk dapat memfasilitasi siswa dengan kegiatan pembelajaran yang menarik, salah satatunya dengan penggunaan media. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu media berbentuk domat card yang valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk proses latihan soal pada materi PSLV. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE yang terdiri dari langkah Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, dan Evaluation. Media ini telah diujicobakan terhadap 30 siswa kelas VII A SMP Negeri 2 Tuntang. Instrumen pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari instrumen penilaian validasi aspek materi dan media, instrumen penilaian kepraktisan, instrumen pendapat siswa dan instrumen pretest posttest. Media permainan domat card telah dinyatakan valid dari aspek ahli materi dengan skor85,7%, dan valid dari ahli media dengan skor 86,4 %, keduanya termasuk kategori sangat baik. Hasil dari penilaian kepraktisan memperoleh skor 86,8% masuk kategori sangat praktis. Uji pair t-test dengan taraf signifikan α = 0,05 menghasilkan signifikan mendekati nol yang kurang dari 0,05 dengan rata-rata post test lebih tinggi daripada pre test. Berdasarkan ketiga hasil uji tersebut maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa media domat card valid, praktis, dan efektif

    Physical and chemical fingerprint of protostellar disc formation

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    (Abridged) The purpose of this paper is to explore and compare the physical and chemical structure of Class I low-mass protostellar sources on protoplanetary disc scales. We present a study of the dust and gas emission towards a representative sample of 12 Class I protostars from the Ophiuchus molecular cloud with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA). The continuum at 0.87 mm and molecular transitions from C17O, C34S, H13CO+, CH3OH, SO2 , and C2H were observed at high angular resolution (0.4", ~60 au diameter) towards each source. Disc and stellar masses are estimated from the continuum flux and position-velocity diagrams, and six of the sources show disc-like structures. Towards the more luminous sources, compact emission and large line widths are seen for transitions of SO2 that probe warm gas (Eu ~200 K). In contrast, C17O emission is detected towards the least evolved and less luminous systems. No emission of CH3OH is detected towards any of the continuum peaks, indicating an absence of warm CH3OH gas towards these sources. A power-law relation is seen between the stellar mass and the bolometric luminosity, corresponding to a mass accretion rate of (2.4 +/- 0.6) x 10^-7 Msun/year for the Class I sources. This mass accretion rate is lower than the expected value if the accretion is constant in time and rather points to a scenario of accretion occurring in bursts. The differentiation between C17O and SO2 suggests that they trace different physical components: C17O traces the densest and colder regions of the disc-envelope system, while SO2 may be associated with regions of higher temperature, such as accretion shocks. The lack of warm CH3OH emission suggests that there is no hot-core-like region around any of the sources and that the CH3OH column density averaged over the disc is low.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, 8 table

    Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berbicara pada Anak Usia Dini melalui Metode Sosiodrama

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena adanya permasalahan yang ditemukan di PAUD Tunas Unggulan yaitu kemampuan keterampilan berbicara yang kurang baik. Selain itu juga pembelajaran yang masih konvensional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode sosiodrama, bagaimana aktivitas belajar anak pada pembelajaran berbicara dengan menggunakan metode sosiodrama, dan bagaimana hasil keterampilan berbicara pada anak dengan menggunakan metode sosiodrama di Paud Tunas Unggulan Kelompok B2. Penelitian ini merupakan bentuk Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) model Jhon Elliot. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pada siklus I proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan anak masih kurang aktif, anak tidak berani tampil didepan karena malu. Pada siklus II anak sudah mulai memahami pembelajaran yang dilakukan dan berani untuk tampil didepan. Pada siklus III anak mengikuti pembelajaran dari awal sampai akhir dan anak juga mulai memahami pembelajaran, sudah tidak merasa malu lagi untuk tampil didepan. Dari proses pembelajaran dari masing-masing siklus menunjukan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode sosiodrama keterampilan berbicara anak mengalami perkembangan. Hal ini juga didukung oleh presentase peningkatan jumlah yang dikategorikan berkembang sangat baik. Perkembangan keterampilan berbicara anak pada siklus I tindakan I yang mendapatkan bintang 3 sebanyak 0%, pada tindakan II 0%, tetapi ada perkembangan pada tindakan III sebesar 13,33%. Pada siklus II tindakan I yang mendapatkan bintang 3 sebanyak 17,65%, pada tindakan II menjadi 23,53%, sedangkan pada tindakan 3 sebanyak 29,41%. Dan pada siklus III tindakan 1 yang mendapatkan bintang 3 sebanyak 35,29%, meningkat pada tindakan II sebanyak 47,06%, kemudian meningkat lagi pada tindakan 3 menjadi 76,47%, jumlah nilai keseluruhan siklus 80.91%. Dari hasil penelitian ini, hasil yang didapat dari setiap siklusnya mengalami peningkatan dari setiap siklus tindakannya. Peningkatan ini mencerminkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode sosiodrama dapat mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara anak

    Chemistry of a newly detected circumbinary disk in Ophiuchus

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    (Abridged) Astronomers recently started discovering exoplanets around binary systems. Therefore, understanding the formation and evolution of circumbinary disks is crucial for a complete scenario of planet formation. The aim of this paper is to present the detection of a circumbinary disk around Oph-IRS67 and analyse its structure. We present high-angular-resolution (0.4", 60 AU) observations of C17O, H13CO+ , C34S, SO2, C2H and c-C3H2 molecular transitions with ALMA at 0.8 mm. The spectrally and spatially resolved maps reveal the kinematics of the circumbinary disk as well as its chemistry. Molecular abundances are estimated using RADEX. The continuum emission reveals the presence of a circumbinary disk around the two sources. This disk has a diameter of ~620 AU and is well traced by C17O and H13CO+ emission. C2H and c-C3H2 trace a higher-density region which is spatially offset from the sources (~430 AU). Finally, SO2 shows compact emission around one of the sources, Oph-IRS67 B. The molecular transitions which trace the circumbinary disk are consistent with a Keplerian profile on disk scales (< 200 AU) and an infalling profile for envelope scales (> 200 AU). The Keplerian fit leads to a mass of 2.2 Msun. Inferred CO abundances w.r.t. H2 are comparable to the canonical ISM value of 2.7e-4. This study proves the first detection of the circumbinary disk associated with Oph-IRS67. The disk is chemically differentiated from the nearby high-density region. The lack of methanol emission suggests the extended disk dominates the mass budget in the inner- most regions of the protostellar envelope, generating a flat density profile where less material is exposed to high temperatures. Thus, complex organic molecules would be associated with lower column densities. Finally, Oph-IRS67 is a promising candidate for the detection of both circumstellar disks with higher-angular-resolution observations.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 6 table